• Breaking News

    Sunday, July 28, 2019

    If you’re interested in learning Python there’s just 35 keywords you _must_ know. The problem is like all programming jargon they can be a bit opaque, especially for anyone whose first language isn’t English. learn programming

    If you’re interested in learning Python there’s just 35 keywords you _must_ know. The problem is like all programming jargon they can be a bit opaque, especially for anyone whose first language isn’t English. learn programming

    If you’re interested in learning Python there’s just 35 keywords you _must_ know. The problem is like all programming jargon they can be a bit opaque, especially for anyone whose first language isn’t English.

    Posted: 28 Jul 2019 03:54 PM PDT

    I've just published an epic length post that covers them all, and I'd love to have some feedback.

    submitted by /u/yawpitch
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    Learning Python? I will mentor 3 beginners/post-beginners from this sub.

    Posted: 28 Jul 2019 03:42 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    I recently started an Intermediate Python channel, Live Python. I am developing a fast-paced one-on-one mentoring program to take people who consider themselves to be novices in Python to a level where they can understand the code base of an open source project of their choice and are able to contribute to the project.

    I currently have capacity to take on 3 individuals free of charge. We will agree on a timetable that fits both of our schedules (I'm thinking minimum of 2 hours per week) and have the sessions over audio skype/remote viewing of the Python interpreter. It will be for a period of a several months in the first instance but we can keep it flexible as need be. Obviously you will be under no obligation and can drop out at any point for any reason or none.

    I'm really excited about this and hope you will be too. I will be keeping applications open for one week from now until Sunday 4th August. To apply, just send me a DM with your current level of programming experience and what you'd ideally like to get out of the program.

    Looking forward to hearing from you. If you want to check out my channel, it's at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRwRIpYnYiiXbwE7wChJ6SQ make sure you don't find my accent too annoying and subscribe if you like the content!

    submitted by /u/BecomingIt
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    where can i find SQL mini projects

    Posted: 28 Jul 2019 05:37 AM PDT

    hello im looking for a place where i can find real life application projects. basically to train my self and admire other people codes. would be awsome if it had the solution aswell!

    please link me bellow to website or resources.

    submitted by /u/xcrazycowx
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    A piece of my life and coding

    Posted: 28 Jul 2019 12:11 PM PDT

    Hello to all. I am 20 years old and am deaf.

    I have struggled at trying to find the right programming language that is easy to learn and will benefit myself. I have tried doing Javascript and Typescript, those two programming language is easy for me.. But I prefer more of visual programming coding (I think it's Typescript but i am not sure what type of programming language it is) similar to this website TouchDevelop (It's been already shutdown)

    I currently use a editor named as VS code. I am wondering what is the point of Github and VS Code and what is the difference between them both? (Sorry if this is a stupid question.) But honestly I have no clue of what is the difference.

    My goal was to create a project that has American Sign Language (ASL in short) dictionary in alphabetical order including computer programming terms, computer internet terms, computer technician terms.

    Any tips or advices, any kind of help, and any old or unused projects given out will be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Lord_Coder
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    Will lack of computer science knowledge hinder my programming?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2019 11:49 AM PDT

    I have recently began learning a programming language and I am getting concerned that computer science, which I have not learned, will majorly affect me as I have been learning a language but still do not know much about computer science. I honestly know next to nothing about computer science apart from some data structures/ algorithms from my course. Would it be recommendable to learn computer science concepts first? Where will this knowledge gap hinder me? Further more all computer science courses I have found online are introductory courses or one section, they will cover data structures but not computer networks etc. Is there any place that holds a course on computer science or a list on the topics that I then will have to find courses for independently? Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/TopShagger1678
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    BootCamp vs Codecademy

    Posted: 28 Jul 2019 08:20 AM PDT

    I'm currently learning on Codecademy, but I'm losing momentum and drive because I can't hold myself accountable. I've been thinking about going to a boot camp so I'm practically forced to learn. Anybody have experience with a boot camp or suggestions for a new approach? I really want a good job and I'm tired of being stuck in retail. Help!

    submitted by /u/wonderaboutwandering
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    Losing my mind because I cannot understand Outer Joins (FULL, LEFT, RIGHT) and Subqueries within SQL

    Posted: 28 Jul 2019 02:24 PM PDT

    I am going to fail this homework and honeslty, its causing me to go mentally insane. I don't understand this at all , what the difference between LEFT RIGHT and FULL joins are, or what IS and IS NOT mean. I don't even know how to think about it at this point. Im making an 87 in the class but if I cant do this, then it will significantly impact my grade.

    I was given this problem and cant even begin without crying. It seems so simple but I am losing my mind.

    1) Show all golfers for the most current event while showing those golfers that played in a previous event who is not golfing in the current event.

    Please help?

    submitted by /u/WhatIsDoth
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    five tips for beginners/intermediates

    Posted: 28 Jul 2019 02:50 AM PDT

    I started writing this in response to u/pathetic_millenial's post, but then I realized that this might be helpful to everyone so here you go:

    one thing I still haven't seen anyone say is don't be afraid of writing more.

    when you first start programming, your average program size (in line of code) might be around 50 to 150 lines.

    the better you become, the bigger the size of your programs will grow:

    you'll go from that to writing 300 lines of code a day to writing 100 lines of just pure documentation a day to writing 0 lines a day because you took your time to properly architect the program.

    this leads to my second piece of advice: you aim to be a (software) engineer, so act like one ;)

    this piece of advice might not make much sense when your projects are small, but once they get substantially big you'll have to do this. before you start a project, take a piece of paper and write down each and every thing your program needs to do. for example:

    basic calculator: - take input (by stdin). - parse input into an ast (abstract syntax tree). - calculate each node of the tree in the following fashion: - if the node represents an operation, evaluate it's operands. - if the node represents a number, return the number. - print the output. 

    The smaller the details you'll write about, the more time you'll save for yourself while writing the actual code.that's because while planing you have a good chance of finding at least one mistake in your design.

    my third piece of advice (and the simplest one): don't be afraid of daddy google.

    google is your friend. that's it. googling a question is not being a "weak" or "bad" programmer, it's doing your job in the most effective way possible. searching a question on google (providing you know what you need to search for) takes about ~4 seconds. if you don't know something, staring at it for hours wont solve your problem, will it? :P.

    my fourth piece of advice is: don't reinvent the wheel.

    have you ever taken a ride on a bike with a self made wheel? I did, and trust me, it's not an enjoyable experience.

    the same thing applies to software. if, for example, you are writing a reddit bot in python. please, for the love of the universe, don't use the built in web requests library that python comes with in order to send web requests to reddit. it'll just become annoying to you and will add a lot of extra things you'll need to code in order to even begin working on your own project. use praw instead. that said, there is a difference between using a library in order to make building a program easier, and just straight up stealing a piece of code. you don't (and when you're starting out, probably won't) need to understand understand how a library works. you just need to know that it works. on the contrary, if you copy paste a piece of someone's code (say, from stack overflow), you should at least be able to explain what it does, or even better, how it does. if you can't answer any of those questions, don't copy paste it.

    EDIT: that said, reinventing the wheel is the best way to learn how the wheel work; if you decide to "reinvent the wheel" do it as a separate project, and not as part of a bigger one.

    my fifth (and last) piece of advice is the most important one: you're not a piece of wood, so don't burn yourself out.

    a mistake I see a lot of novice programmers (including myself, when I started) do is making programming their sole hobby. being a software engineer is a job. people can barely work for 7-8 hours a day without getting tired.

    yet I still read about people who code for upwards of ten hours a day. don't do that. you'll begin to not only hate programming, but in some cases your life as well. be healthy. if programming is not your job, code for about four to five hours a day maximum. have a second hobby, like: drawing, painting, (board, or video) gaming, sculpting, sport, whatever. just don't let programming consume you.

    and those were my five tips. if you have any questions left, you can ask them in the comments below!

    submitted by /u/fireman212
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    Knowing Classes Python

    Posted: 28 Jul 2019 08:23 PM PDT

    Hello, I have been programming for a couple years now and I have noticed a concept in programming that I can't really wrap my head around which is, classes. What are they used mainly for? And do I need them in my code or I can run them without them? Thank You!

    submitted by /u/RecordingAGame
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    My online college instructor makes java videos

    Posted: 28 Jul 2019 04:30 PM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    I earned my bachelor's from Colorado Technical University online last Sept. I had one instructor that I really liked and felt that he actually taught me something. Unlike most of the others who just read from a PowerPoint an hour or two a week. He has made a YouTube channel for each of his lectures that are broken up into bite sized pieces so you don't get overwhelmed. Also after each one he typically does a demo video showing you how to apply the concept being learned. He doesn't provide direct answers though, which is nice.

    These courses are set for 5 weeks worth of work and give you one main project to work on that gets submitted at the end. Of course each week you have certain deliverables that they build during the five weeks.

    I always wanted to share it and I think I've finally stumbled upon the right place. Here is the link to his YouTube channel named "CTU - Java". Hopefully some of you find this useful.


    submitted by /u/LeorickOHD
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    I'm terrible at algorithms....

    Posted: 28 Jul 2019 05:46 PM PDT

    I work on LeetCode algorithms all the time but have a lot of trouble with them. I'm hoping if I keep at them I'll get better but I just can't get them. Has anyone any advice?

    submitted by /u/tmpphx
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    What are the best site/ sites to learn JavaScript?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2019 11:38 PM PDT

    P.S: I have beginner level knowledge on HTML and CSS. I want to learn Javascript and have stumbled upon many websites but all of them went over my head and TOP's JavaScript is dull and boring in my opinion. Any help will be highly appreciated 😄

    submitted by /u/cheeseburger_crater
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    ID Scanner Application

    Posted: 28 Jul 2019 11:32 PM PDT

    I'm looking for advice on creating a program that would allow someone with an ID scanner to scan someone's card which would add them to an accessible list of "people on location" then when they left they would scan out. This would record their time on location, for each person that comes in and out. I would want it to send a report everyday summarizing the number of people on location with total hours, etc. It would preferably be able to scan people using a card reader connected to a tablet. And the list of current people on location would be accessible at any time.

    I appreciate any help. Thanks

    submitted by /u/Callummcbeath
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    Your First Year in Code

    Posted: 28 Jul 2019 10:24 AM PDT

    Hi, today I found this book, you can get it for free and is too interesting for newcomers on programming, I hope you like it https://leanpub.com/firstyearincode is not mine, I just share with you.

    submitted by /u/PedroFumero
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    What are some entry-level/junior position that mainly incorporate SQL?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2019 10:24 PM PDT

    I've started to use SQL and recently rediscovered that I have a love for data and analysis. I recently finished a online front end developer boot camp and was looking to add more skills to my resume, but after some research and playing around with SQL, it seems like I may want to try and get a junior or entry level position within the realm of SQL, plus it looks like it would be the easiest way to get my foot in the door for someone with no prior experience. All the searches I do online, it seems like there is a an abundance of SQL positions out there.

    So, what exactly are some entry-level or junior positions for SQL developers? Junior DBA, junior database developer, junior SQL developer, data analysis, database report writer? What else is out there?

    submitted by /u/jester070993
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    Python - Pandas to ask for user input

    Posted: 28 Jul 2019 09:41 PM PDT

    I'm trying to make a car program in Python using the almighty Pandas by taking user input and searching through the csv file. I want to be able to select the make, and model of the car but it is not filtering the cars correctly when I get to the "model" question. It is still showing all the car models even when I want only Toyota cars.


    import pandas

    # reads in vehicle Data df = pandas.read_csv('sData.csv') pandas.set_option('display.max_columns', None) pandas.set_option('display.width', 400) def get_choice(data, column): #Gets user choice nums = [val for val in range(len(df[column].unique()))] choices = list(zip(nums, df[column].unique())) print("Select '%s' of the car\n" % column) for v in choices: print("%s. %s" % (v)) user_input = input("Answer: ") user_answer = [val[1] for val in choices if val[0]==int(user_input)][0] print("'%s' = %s\n" % (column, user_answer)) return user_answer def main(): make_input = get_choice(data=df, column="make") model_input = get_choice(data=df, column="model") year_input = get_choice(data=df, column="year") newdf = df.loc[(df["make"]==make_input)&(df["model"]==model_input)&(df["year"]==year_input)] print(newdf) if __name__ == "__main__": main() 

    When I run the code, I get

    0. Kia 1. Jaguar 2. Toyota 3. Hyundai 4. Chevrolet Answer: 2 

    When I type 2, I get all the models of the cars but I just want Toyota cars

    0. Soul Electric 1. I-Pace 2. Prius Prime 3. Corolla Hybrid 4. Optima Hybrid 5. Optima Plug-in Hybrid 6. Accent 7. Elantra 8. Forte FE 9. Elantra SE 10. Corolla XSE 11. Corolla 12. Spark 13. Forte 
    submitted by /u/kokojambo7
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    I learned Assembly by making a Computer in Minecraft and understanding how the Control Unit processes Machine Code with logic gates :] ����

    Posted: 28 Jul 2019 05:33 PM PDT

    After having learned how modules like the ALU, Control Unit, RAM, and other hardware worked, I jumped into making a complete CPU in Minecraft to then be able to run a small script of Assembly:

    This is all being done to be able to have a solid grasp over a decently wide net of related concepts in Software and how it works with the hardware. One easy to notice benefit of this is seeing how concepts like Overflow actually work (both to your advantage and to your disadvantage), and also how sometimes hackers find weird and unexpected ways to leverage exploits in hardware through tricky software.


    • What would you guys recommend I do next to progress further in understanding the fundamentals?
    submitted by /u/markthemap
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    What is docker? What is kubernetes?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2019 01:10 AM PDT

    I've asked people about them before and gotten vague answers like 'orchestration tool' or 'consistent environment'. The problem is--it doesn't look like they actually do anything. So: what do they do? What are they good for?

    submitted by /u/Elronnd
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    First Post for introduction

    Posted: 28 Jul 2019 01:19 PM PDT

    Hi everyone, my name is Noah. I have just created an account here. And, want to make friends.

    My purpose for joining Reddit is to learn and share the programming ideas.

    I have started with learning C language. Any help advises and friend requests are welcomed.

    submitted by /u/noahasuten2001
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    should i finish 6.00.1x?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2019 08:45 PM PDT

    hey all, im currently taking mits 6.00.1x and im about halfway thru (auditing). i wanted to start with python i guess, but now i think i want to do some app development so its probably better to use java. should i dip 6.00.1x and find another place to start with java anew? or is there benefit in finishing the course? also a side note question, for somoene who has just the basics for programming, how long would it take to learn enough java to work on projects/ build decent sized stuff? any help appreciated, thanks!

    submitted by /u/shitpowosting
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    What is the best journey to keep improving C++ and Game/App Development

    Posted: 28 Jul 2019 12:49 PM PDT

    Hello, I've been focusing on C++ only and I've been thinking of funny personal projects to keep challenging myself. I love games so I downloaded SDL and shortly made my first game (a version of Game of Life). This was pretty fun but now I've been thinking if SDL graphics is a strong/popular option to make games with C++. Apparently it can be 100% combined with OpenGL. What are your thoughts? Should I be sticking to these libraries? Is making my own engine a good option? Are there better options for Game Development that I should consider?

    Obviously I want to write all the code from scratch, so I dont want to use any engine/software to make things more easy.

    submitted by /u/Jack1eto
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    Help With Subscription API (PayPal)

    Posted: 28 Jul 2019 08:05 PM PDT

    If anyone here is in Stack Overflow and is interested on a 100 reputation bounty, I need some help.


    It's about setting up a Paypal Subscription.

    submitted by /u/Kurogoto
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    Design/architectures for applications written using a functional paradigm?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2019 07:56 PM PDT

    I'm trying to build a new app. I'm getting really into functional programming so I want to write the backend in Scala and in a functional paradigm. The problem is that all my design/architecture experience and resources (such as Design Patterns/Philosophy of Software Design etc) are very object-oriented. Every time I try to design I basically end up making a bunch of interfaces.

    I feel like my understanding of functional programming is very tactical, i.e., "code without for loops". That's a slight exaggeration but what I'm trying to say is that I can't wrap my head around how to create an architecture for an app that's designed around functional programming. Does anyone have a good resource or have any tips for how programs that are implemented functionally look different than OOP systems?

    submitted by /u/The-_Captain
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