• Breaking News

    Saturday, July 27, 2019

    Finally got rope swinging in my game to work, but forgot to remove the extras and ended up with this web-shooting Stranger-Thingy monstrosity.

    Finally got rope swinging in my game to work, but forgot to remove the extras and ended up with this web-shooting Stranger-Thingy monstrosity.

    Finally got rope swinging in my game to work, but forgot to remove the extras and ended up with this web-shooting Stranger-Thingy monstrosity.

    Posted: 27 Jul 2019 06:12 AM PDT

    I recently updated my toilet flush sound effects library with 65 toilets recorded in hotels, restaurants, public toilets & airplanes all over the world so feel free to use them if needed!

    Posted: 26 Jul 2019 11:25 PM PDT

    New to this!

    Posted: 26 Jul 2019 02:00 PM PDT

    Hi guys,

    i've been lurking here for a while and you all motivated me to start my own game. This is my first post ever on reddit and my first attempt on making 3D game. I have no screenshot for you just yet I just wanted to share that your work is inspiring. I will update you on my progress.

    Well have a great and productive day!

    submitted by /u/sypDev
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    I have some questions...

    Posted: 27 Jul 2019 09:39 AM PDT

    So, I'm interested to start coding games (I'm currently learning C++) and I have 2 questions:

    1. Should I begin coding games with Unreal (I've never coded a game before except in Scratch) or should I use another engine?
    2. If I am to go the Unreal route, should I take this course or the courses supplied on the Unreal Engine website (you can recommend other good courses if you wish, even if they are of another engine)?
    3. If I go down this coding games route, would I become a game programmer/developer or game designer?
    4. Should I go down this game development path or not? I've been reading whether to take this path and lots of people say one shouldn't. Side note, I'm about to start my A Levels. What are your thoughts?

    I'd appreciate if people take time to answer these questions because I want to insight.


    submitted by /u/ForzBox7
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    I made a new video essay on the power of cuteness in video game design! Cute characters are memorable and there is a reason why. I explore cute aesthetic design in games and also talk about the elusive Uncanny Valley and how it can be used in your favour.

    Posted: 27 Jul 2019 11:34 AM PDT

    Brand new developers: Warcraft III is a good way to learn game development

    Posted: 26 Jul 2019 03:02 PM PDT

    With the new remastered release of Warcraft III (my favorite game) coming early next year, I wanted to remind game devs that the custom map editor in that game is phenomenal. Its essentially a little game making studio in itself, which is kind of amazing. That is how I learned how to code and what keeps me inspired.

    In the map editor, you can create any top-down game from tower defence games to RPGs, to MobAs, even to open RP games and anything else you could imagine. It uses only If/Then/Else triggers for programming which keeps it simple and easy to understand if you are new, but also help you better understand how to code games from a logical perspective. If you are just thinking about getting into gamedev or struggling at starting, try it out. Maybe other people will play your maps!

    submitted by /u/infernal_toast
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    Has anyone managed to get Win32 buffered raw input to work?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2019 09:07 AM PDT

    With a normal read using GetRawInputData it works perfectly, altho on Debug mode it hangs when I move the mouse around, because I keep reading the data in a while loop.

    I'm going by this https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/inputdev/using-raw-input#performing-a-buffered-read-of-raw-input and trying to get buffered reads working.

    I encountered 2 problems:

    • NEXTRAWINPUTBLOCK makes a reference to the QWORD type which doesn't exist, so I defined it myself like struct QWORD


    DWORD _1;

    DWORD _2;


    • The array that gets filled with raw input data from the buffer, pRawInput, seems to fill up with structures, however they have no useful data in them. I move the mouse around and the fields in the RAWMOUSE structure inside the RAWINPUT structure are all 0.
      It hits a breakpoint there when I move the mouse, so it properly detects that there is user input.
      I checked the RAWHID structure, however it's filled with junk data like dwSizeHid = 1040318464, dwCount = 0.
      bRawData is a BYTE array of size 1, I don't see how it can be used to store any meaningful input information.

    I searched for a while and couldn't find a working buffered Win32 Raw Input implementation on C++, so I wonder if anyone else has dealt with this issue.

    Unlike the normal Raw Input reads where I used to do them after getting a WM_INPUT message, for the buffered reads I call the routine once per frame in my Update function to read the input.
    I have commented out the non-buffered input handling and have left only the buffered version, so they don't interfere.

    For the RAWHID structure, Microsoft docs says "The size of the bRawData array is dwSizeHid \ dwCount.*"
    I don't know what that means when it has a hard-coded size of '1', but I assume that the structure just isn't initialized at all.
    So from the 15-16 structures I read per frame, none of them are initialized with any useful data.

    GetRawInputBuffer is basically giving me junk data each frame.

    What could I be missing?

    submitted by /u/get_to_the_choppahh
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    2d RPG Game Engine rendering system - is it needed?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2019 08:51 AM PDT

    Hello, i am planning to create a cRPG game engine that would allow to easily create games like Baldurs Gate. I already tried to do that once, but my knowledge was vastly insufficient at the time. I settled for C++, SFML and TGUI (a GUI library), as this is what i have most experience with. I've read an article on game engine architecture (LINK), and i have decided to follow the Systems architecture (event/message driven), because i know how much of a unworkable hairball my previous attempt was.

    I am mindmapping the concept and its architecture for the past few days now (something i didnt do at all previously); and i came up to the point of how i want to divide (or do i?) the gameplay and rendering. The rendering part is actually very simple, as SFML does bulk of the job. I concluded that i dont even know what i could place in the Rendering system apart from drawing sprites. I also cant seem to find more resources about game engine systems, because everytime i search for that i get system requirements for unity and unreal. Id be grateful if somebody links me a resource about that.

    If i decide to go with the Rendering system, what would be the best way to store and send sprites? I suppose that i need to make a sprite resource manager. If so, how is the best way to send them to the Render system without coupling things too much? Or perhaps the sprite resource manager should reside in the Render system itself?

    Thanks for the time spent reading this and thanks in advance for advice

    submitted by /u/waldemar_karp
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    Tips and advice for N64 level textures

    Posted: 27 Jul 2019 08:39 AM PDT

    I am currently experimenting in Unity to see if I can achieve N64 style textures and right now I am curious about what exact resolutions the N64 was capable of handling for textures. I do know that the maximum size was around 4KB as a reference but it would help if I knew the resolution as well.

    submitted by /u/Wolfgabe
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    Are there any easy 2d MMO engines like how Graal Online used to be?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2019 10:48 AM PDT

    Common wisdom on here is that building an MMO costs millions of dollars and lots of experience, and isn't something a beginner can do because of all of the networking and architecture knowledge required.

    If you're not familiar with what Graal Online was, basically you could build MMOs using a drag/drop level/animation editor, and a javascript-like language that handled all of the low level stuff like networking, rendering, etc. You would split up your code into a clientside and serverside section.

    The engine itself handled all of the common stuff like movement and hit detection, unless you wanted to override it with your own systems.

    This was super nice because the engine was versatile enough that you could make basically any type of game, but had so much functionality that made it super easy. I remember 10 years ago when I was 13, I was able to program AI for a NPC that made it fight like how a human would, even though I had basically no programming experience, that's how easy the scripting language was to learn.

    The downside is you were stuck hosting through them, and nowadays the software is basically abandonware, yet a subscription is required just to play the games people create.

    I'm wondering if something similar exists. Most of what I've found is either too locked down(forces you to use their movement/combat system, level system, etc) or is very minimalistic(provides some networking libraries but that's about it) Otherwise, I was thinking of making something similar that would run in a web browser. Level editor, animation editor, some form of interpreted server/client side language, etc.

    submitted by /u/skilliard7
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    Start developing a game

    Posted: 27 Jul 2019 08:32 AM PDT

    If you want to create a game and don't know where to start or you started it and left it unfinished, this article could help you solving these problems or at least finishing things! :)

    If you have any comment/suggestion please do!

    submitted by /u/Gamedevplace
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    How young were you when you decided to become a game developer?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2019 04:05 PM PDT

    I just feel old... Most people, say I look young, but in the inside, I feel old. I decided to become a game developer when I was 15 or 16 years old. But I only became a true game developer last night when I published my first game to production in Google Play Store.

    I'm 43 now and when I see other game developers doing all this fancy stuffs in 3D and physics, I feel like a dinosaur coz I just do 2D simple stuffs. I'm not really that good in math, but I like to sharing stories and seeing people have fun.

    I guess I just wanted to share my thoughts. I feel ecstatic to have a game in production! But at the same time, I feel like time past me by and I could have made more games, made lots of people happy and maybe rich by now (lol).

    P.S. my game only have +10 downloads so I don't expect anything hahaha.

    submitted by /u/nerd114
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    How do you go from a mechanic to a game?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2019 04:53 AM PDT

    Coming up with mechanics is often the easy part, but I often struggle to make a compelling game with these mechanics. The game I'm working on at the moment has a solid central mechanic - building road networks for a transport company, vaguely reminiscent of Pipe Dream.

    However, I'm not really sure how to introduce challenge and progression to this mechanic, or to mechanics in general. Part of this is also how to get a secondary and tertiary loop from a primary loop. Any advice.

    submitted by /u/swinefish
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    Releasing a free game on steam

    Posted: 27 Jul 2019 07:20 AM PDT

    I am thinking about developing a basic, free game and using steam to distribute it. Steam has several features that I need for the game(match making, cloud saves) and is available for the platforms I target(linux, mac, and windows).

    My question is, can I freely distribute free games through steam? Obviously I don't want to pay to distribute a free game and google play and the apple store(minus the annual $99 fee) allows developers to freely distribute their games.

    submitted by /u/wp_dev_63
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    A YouTuber wants to play my game, should I accept?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2019 07:00 AM PDT


    I released a small indie game on the App Store / Google Play and it has been noticed by a YouTuber (his channel is called Down to Top). He sent me a mail and offered me to play my game in one of his Top-10-mobile-games video for the price of 100 USD. These kind of videos have about 50k and 200k views.

    I didn't accepted the trade for the moment, just answered with some questions but in his 2nd mail, he sent me a direct link to his paypal. Do you think this is a scam for small developers or a real deal?

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/alubecki
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    Look for advice on whether I should have unique skill trees or the same skill tree for each class

    Posted: 27 Jul 2019 09:07 AM PDT

    Hi there. So recently I started working on a skill-tree system for my game. However, I've come to a dilemma that I'm genuinely finding hard to find a conclusive decision for.

    My game has 4 classes that the player can choose from. Now, I'm partially in the midst of implementing this skill-tree system. But it recently came to my realisation that I don't know whether I should create just one skill tree which would contain multiple different pathways that the player can take no matter the class chosen, or whether I should have four entirely separate skill-trees corresponding to their respective class.

    If you want a better idea of what I'm trying to say, just view the 2 amazingly created diagrams which may explain it better

    I know that if I decide to create 4 separate skill-trees, my game will have a much greater degree of variation and player control, but my code is already cluttered as is, and I can only begin to imagine how much more complex, intertwined and disorganised it is going to get if I decide to implement this version of the skill tree concept. On top of that, I don't know if I would even have enough ideas to fill 4 entire skill-trees (I'm not sure what the scope of each skill tree would be) without half-arsing it.

    However, if I decide to go down the route where I have a singular skill tree that all the classes use, I will have a much easier time coding it and making changes to it, since my code wont be nearly as cluttered as it would when directly compared to the other idea. However, the negative is that there wont be as much variation.

    So, what would your advice be? Thank you!

    submitted by /u/ClintosM
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    Unity Left Me Looking Confused And Making Weird Hand Symbols At My Computer In The Airport For An Hour Today.

    Posted: 26 Jul 2019 07:26 PM PDT

    So like most high schoolers that took basic physics, one of the first things I learned was the right hand rule for cross products. Basically, if you have two vectors and you point your pointer finger forward, and your middle forward out from your palm, your thumb is in the direction of the cross product. Handy.

    Now, I'm a camp counselor escorting campers that have to fly back home through the airport. We have to arrive 2 hours early, and I have to wait till their flight takes off to leave, . So I have some time to kill, and I'm working on a game that involves ants. My primary engine is Unity so that's what I'm using.

    Ants don't really move like most game characters - gravity doesn't matter, and they can only move along another object's surface. To do this I'm doing alot of stuff with meshes, and I have my own data structure containing the mesh geometry in a more convenient form - it stores the adjacent faces, and the normal's of each face that I'm calculating myself for consistency. One of the first problems I ran into though, was that the normals I was calculating were reversed relative to what I pictured in my head. My first instinct was just to patch it, slap a negative on the vector, and that worked. But now that I'm doing more, It became apparent that it wasn't just that I was missing some detail about the mesh - even basic cross products seemed to be going the opposite direction than I thought they should.

    Going by the right hand rule, if the normal is facing me, then for AxB A should be clockwise of B. But the opposite was the case. The math giving me the correct normal here is [see pic] (1-0) X (2-0). A is counterclockwise of B.

    I broke down and typed the vectors into an online cross product calculator, and it reinforced Unity's result - (0,1,0) x (-1,1,0) = (0,0,1) , facing towards the camera, the correct orientation. I ended up reading the whole wikipedia article on the right hand rule, and found out, Unity uses a "left handed" coordinate system. IE the coordinate system is the opposite of the one used in all my basic physics and math textbooks. All the math is the same, but the geometry has a different chirality - it's like a mirror image of the normal coordinate system I used in classes, and I never drew the distinction.


    Here's a screenshot to show what I'm talking about.

    submitted by /u/hyperchromatica
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    What's the official title for artists who create PBR textures for games?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2019 11:50 AM PDT

    I'm looking to commission some artists to create PBR textures for an upcoming game, but am having a terrible time searching for them without precise terminology.

    submitted by /u/DOOMReboot
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    We're a team of 2 ex-mobile game devs working on VR games - AMA! (AUA?)

    Posted: 27 Jul 2019 11:39 AM PDT

    Hey reddit!

    We're a studio LunaBeat made up of 2 devs, one of us is in Portland and the other is in the NYC area. We've been working together for 7 years, have 14 games published, and currently work in Unity.

    We're working on our 2nd VR game, "Paranormal Detective: Escape from the 80's" which is an escape room game where you're investigating what happened to a kid who went missing in the 80s, you have to go into his 80's game room and play with retro toys to solve the puzzles and escape.

    We've been doing a lot of puzzle setups and interactive assets and funny props for this game- it's been really fun fiddling with old tech assets and getting them "working" in VR, lol. We got a boombox, a keyboard, a robo speller, and a few other assets disassembled and reassembled to be interactive, and are working on a VCR + VHS tape intro (excited about this!!)

    Our first VR game is "Cinderella VR", it came out last year and we've had a pretty good response on it! You follow along with the classic fairy tale and jump in to help Cinderella with different minigames (steering a carriage, a dancing game, dodging apples, and more). We created storybook art & animation in 2D (took the whole summer of '18, easy) and got voices for all the characters, it was a huge project and I'm really happy with out it came out!

    We met in a Corona SDK facebook group (what's up Corona devs!!) back in 2012 and teamed up to make Mermaid Princess Puzzles for iOS & Android. We collaborated on apps for five years and then started on Cinderella VR, and it's been VR ever since, lol.

    OK so that's about us & our games! We're looking to get more involved with the game dev community (we can only pester our mobile dev friends with VR games for so long...), so we're hanging around the reddit game dev subs more... it's not goofing off, its /market research/ now! ;) And we wanted to do an AMA since we've been around for a while making games and might be able to help out some devs here and there.

    We'd love to hear from you if you have any questions about VR game dev, or mobile game dev, or working on a remote team, or whatever's on your mind! Hanging around all day, excited to chat :)

    submitted by /u/batdev
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    Kickstarter veterans on how to run a successful crowdfunding campaign

    Posted: 27 Jul 2019 11:34 AM PDT

    Best Game Engine for An Auto-Runner

    Posted: 27 Jul 2019 11:28 AM PDT

    So, I'd like to make a game as a hobby, and I was inspired by watching my 5 year old cousin "playing" Sonic The Hedgehog (it was actually just the demo on the opening screen) to make an autorunner he might enjoy. Anyone know the best engine to use to make it?

    submitted by /u/saint-somnia
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    Feedback on my latest project? TIMELAPSE: https://youtu.be/eCD4Kdq4sWo

    Posted: 27 Jul 2019 11:22 AM PDT

    Hey guys, after 8 months of hard work I'm finally starting social media for my game, check it out and let me know if you like it! Ask me anything in the comments. Links to follow the progress are in the video's description on yt

    Posted: 27 Jul 2019 11:18 AM PDT

    Dome Discover - Village - Blackparabyte

    Posted: 27 Jul 2019 11:06 AM PDT

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