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    Sunday, July 14, 2019

    Dungeon Generation in Diablo 1

    Dungeon Generation in Diablo 1

    Dungeon Generation in Diablo 1

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 06:22 AM PDT

    Material editing in my voxel engine:

    Posted: 13 Jul 2019 09:15 PM PDT

    What MacBook config to get for 2d unity development

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 10:32 AM PDT

    First off I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask but I need advice on what MacBook Pro config to buy (I haven't been able to find this answered anywhere)

    I will be using my laptop for online university classes( CS major) and to build 2d games in unity ( with the end goal of launching one on the App Store)

    What I want to know is if the base 13in 2019 mbp will do all this or if I should upgrade the ram from 8 to 16 GB.

    Also if I want to get into 3D development will the MBP with an eGPU work?

    submitted by /u/baymaxums
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    I've got you in my sights - A devlog about spending a crapton of time on an aiming crosshair.

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 09:10 AM PDT

    I think I speak for everyone here when I say that nailing how a game "feels" is an insurmountably satisfying experience, and yet it's also one of the hardest to pull off. Case in point, my foray into crosshairs for my flight action game, Fury's Sky. From the first time I implemented one, I was absolutely unsatisfied with the crosshair, because it simply did not "feel" right. My first and second crosshairs were circular sights with a dot in the middle and lines surrounding them, much like a normal crosshair would look. But I quickly ran into problems with it, for it did not account for the projectile's position on screen at various ranges. As a result, the player would have to aim below the crosshair to hit a close-range enemy.

    I tried multiple ways to attack the problem, from alternative crosshair graphics, to making the crosshair pull back when the enemy was close. Nothing really "felt right." Until recently, the best solution I was able to come up with was having three broken line graphics drawn at different ranges, showing where the projectile would land at a given range. I was getting closer, but it still wasn't quite right.

    So I turned to Google to see how actual pilots would aim the guns on their plane. A search result turned up a promising model for aiming projectiles: funnel sights. In WWI, French pilots would have funnel-like graphics etched into the gunsights of their plane. Pilots would line the edges of the funnel with the tips of their target's wings, and be able to consistently land shots. The funnel model is still used on certain targeting systems today, such as the A-10 Thunderbolt's sight, albeit with fancy computerized radar tracking to account for ballistics.

    It was at this moment that I found a winner. The only issue I could see with using a standard funnel sight was that the pilots aimed their shots from an angle level to the plane. My shots needed to be aimed from a slight downward angle. So I came up with the brilliant idea of flipping the funnel upside-down, because longer range silhouettes in my game would appear smaller. The end result was this:

    My reverse-funnel gunsight

    The funnel, along with the three dots, would allow players to easily target enemies at various ranges. The upper dot was for faraway targets, and the lower dots were used for enemies that moved closer. The graphics were roughly sized according to the measurement units employed by GZDoom, my game's engine (in this case, I used the scale of 1 px = 1 unit), and I placed the gunsight at exactly the same distance as the camera, just in front of the plane instead of behind. I also toyed with the height numbers until I found that positioning the sight half the camera's height yielded the best results. Finally, I had a decent sight that could account for range, as shown here


    After toying with this since the beginning, I think I can safely check off this task. Now to move on to the 75 billion other things that need improving. :P

    submitted by /u/VenomousWoe
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    App Revenue Report

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 10:00 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    I've been helping a friend build a mobile revenue reporting app for mobile games (www.appreport.io). He asked me to help get him some early users as he needs more feedback before going live.

    The iOS app aggregates developer earnings from stores and ad networks into a single graph. You can filter by country, app, source of revenue and see metrics such as earnings, CPMs, impressions etc.

    As a user and a mobile game studio owner, I find it useful to check my earnings on the go and I do (genuinely) use it everyday. The app is clean, fast and simple. They currently support importing revenue from Google Play and App Store, plus all major ad networks.

    Will anyone be interested to help with feedback and be an free early user? If so, please ping them at [hello@appreport.io](mailto:hello@appreport.io), so they can get you started.


    submitted by /u/pwest13
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    Where to Find Open-Source Music and Sound Effects?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 10:57 AM PDT

    Hey all,

    Where can I find open source libraries for music and sounds effects? I'm developing a game, and would like to know if I can find these thing royalty free.

    submitted by /u/totallynotbrendan
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    Renting a server to launch my desktop game server app from.

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 09:14 AM PDT

    I'm currently working with Qt to develop a desktop app which manages a very experimental game server. Assuming my game goes live, are there companies that offer a, let's say, Windows server which I can launch my app on and basically use it like any other PC? If so, are there any significant difference in terms of average pricing between this kind of service and a Linux server that is being operated through a shell?

    I'm actually pretty unfamiliar with the world of cloud hosting so any additional information or personal experiences you guys had with your own games will be very helpful.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/idoplayr
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    What is the best digital audio workstation for game dev?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 08:00 AM PDT

    I downloaded Reaper a couple of years ago but the trial has now expired so I am considering buy a license. But before I do I first want to know what your thoughts are on what to get. I am a total noob to audio work and don't know which options are the best for an indie dev. My primary motivation is to create sound effects more so than music but that isn't to say that I don't like the idea of being able to create music digitally .

    Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/hardcore_gamer1
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    I've been working with Unity/C#. Which non-gamedev careers use similar skills?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 10:10 AM PDT

    So I've been working on small games/projects in unity for a while now whilst bartending to make a living. I've realized that I love making games and would like to (some day in the distant future) make money doing so.

    However, I know that day is a long way off at best, so I'm wondering if there is another career track I could work towards in the development field that will benefit from the knowledge I already have in c#/unity, as well as hopefully strengthen those skills along the way. As much as I love bartending, I'd really prefer a software job so that I feel like my work is helping me grow as a developer. Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/dephunkius
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    The Backrooms: Story Mode DEMO RELEASED!!!

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 11:21 AM PDT

    [July 5, 19]Various bis sim/tycoon sales data compared

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 11:16 AM PDT

    Announcing a game?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 02:49 AM PDT

    My question here relates to announcing a game before it is ready for downloading. I use Itch.io to publish my projects, and was wondering, can I announce a project while it is still in development? This is because when you go to create a new project on Itch it says that you must upload the game files, however I don't want to do this is the game won't be ready. Am I getting stuck on a very simple issue or not? I'd love to know. Thank you for your time.


    submitted by /u/LebbyFoxxDev
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    I am trying to go from a simple idea to a set of levels/characters/etc, any advice?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 10:38 AM PDT

    TL:DR People who came up with ideas for levels, characters, etc. how did you do it from the initial idea? I am not sure what to do (try to write it out as a story, come up with ideas for cutscenes, etc). I have tried both of those with not too much success.

    For example, the idea for Alien: Isolation might have been "survival horror game with Xenomorph". From here they decided on stuff like:

    1. Game is set almost exclusively on the ship with the Xenomorph and indoors (the finale and the intro/finale cutscenes are set outside)
    2. The protagonist character is Ellen Ripley's daughter Amanda
    3. The character can be one-shot killed by the Xenomorph
    4. Procedural music based on player's danger
    5. Player finds flamethrower roughly halfway through the game
    6. Working Joes (hostile enemy robots) are a significant threat to the player

    I came up with a very simple idea (Jurassic Park meets Alien Isolation but without using Jurassic Park IP: music, characters, the fictional dinosaurs, etc). I have found a couple dozen reddit posts of people saying they would be interested in a game like this.

    I have been learning Unreal Engine. I think I know the very basics of everything now. However I am having a hard time coming up with ideas for levels, setting it in the future or present time, etc.

    All I have decided is I want it set on Earth in something near the present time (maybe a little in the future) and that a deinychus or dilphosaurus would be the best primary dinosaur, and that I want to keep the scope small rather than it turning into a AAA game pitch which would take me 50 years to make. Also I don't want there to be any humans other than the player character, and no dialogue.

    Maybe indoors or set on the water would work but I am not too sure. I thought about setting it on a boat so that it would have a very closed, survival horror style and drastically reduce the amount of environments I would have to make. There are some aquatic dinosaurs I could use. Maybe the player has to get the boat to a certain point, they are on a river and have to escape. There could be occasional forced detours (the player needs to get a gun from a building, the boat gets beached and has to be fixed even though there are hostile dinosaurs in the region, etc).

    From here I guess I could try making a user-navigable boat in a river and add in a mechanic (perhaps a storm?) and a dino (dilphosaurus?) and some basic environments to fit them around. And since it would be on a river, I would already have a pre-set path for the player to follow.


    submitted by /u/FrenchBB
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    Help with PlayerPrefs keybinds coding. I'm new to coding and really messy coding

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 10:24 AM PDT

    Most of the code was copied because I know nothing about code

    using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; using TMPro; public class Movement3 : MonoBehaviour { private Dictionary<string, KeyCode> keys = new Dictionary<string, KeyCode>(); public TextMeshProUGUI up, left, down, right, zjump; private GameObject currentKey; private Color32 normal = new Color32(39, 171, 249, 255); private Color32 selected = new Color32(239, 116, 36, 255); public CharacterController2D controller; bool crouch = false; public float moveSpeed; public float jumpForce; private Rigidbody2D myRigidbody; void Start () { keys.Add("Up", (KeyCode)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(KeyCode), PlayerPrefs.GetString("Up", "W"))); keys.Add("Down", (KeyCode)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(KeyCode), PlayerPrefs.GetString("Down", "S"))); keys.Add("Left", (KeyCode)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(KeyCode), PlayerPrefs.GetString("Left", "A"))); keys.Add("Right", (KeyCode)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(KeyCode), PlayerPrefs.GetString("Right", "D"))); keys.Add("Jump", (KeyCode)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(KeyCode), PlayerPrefs.GetString("Jump", "Space"))); up.text = keys["Up"].ToString(); down.text = keys["Down"].ToString(); left.text = keys["Left"].ToString(); right.text = keys["Right"].ToString(); zjump.text = keys["Jump"].ToString(); myRigidbody = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>(); } void Update () { Vector3 characterScale = transform.localScale; if (Input.GetKeyDown(keys["Up"])) { Debug.Log("Nothing ATM"); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(keys["Down"])) { crouch = true; }else if (Input.GetKeyUp(keys["Down"])) { crouch = false; } if (Input.GetKey(keys["Left"])) { transform.position = transform.position += transform.right * -moveSpeed * Time.deltaTime; characterScale.x = -0.15f; } if (Input.GetKey(keys["Right"])) { transform.position = transform.position += transform.right * moveSpeed * Time.deltaTime; characterScale.x = 0.15f; } if (Input.GetKeyDown(keys["Jump"])) { myRigidbody.velocity = new Vector2(myRigidbody.velocity.x, jumpForce); } transform.localScale = characterScale; } void OnGUI () { if (currentKey != null) { Event e = Event.current; if (e.isKey) { keys[currentKey.name] = e.keyCode; currentKey.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>().text = e.keyCode.ToString(); currentKey.GetComponent<Image>().color = normal; currentKey = null; } } } public void ChangeKey(GameObject clicked) { if (currentKey !=null) { currentKey.GetComponent<Image>().color = normal; } currentKey = clicked; currentKey.GetComponent<Image>().color = selected; } public void SaveKeys() { foreach(var key in keys) { PlayerPrefs.SetString(key.Key, key.Value.ToString()); } PlayerPrefs.Save(); } } 
    submitted by /u/RunninCVZ
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    I just started a photography project and thought I'd make my shots Public Domain for fellow game creators.

    Posted: 13 Jul 2019 08:51 PM PDT

    I bought a Nikon D3500 a couple months ago and I been doing photography as a hobby. I'm also a 3D artist so I been using my shots for textures and thought why not share my photos with fellow game creators?

    So I made this site to house the photos I take planarmaps.com they are public domain images do what you will with them.

    Just a disclaimer I don't really know anything about copyright with photography.. Please shed some light on that if you are a photographer or know the rules on that type of stuff.. Thanks :)

    submitted by /u/renderbydavid
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    need help on unreal engine 4 i closed the tool bar and cant find it

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 10:07 AM PDT

    Thanks to everyone who gave advice and feedback yesterday, here is my updated attempt trying to use as many tips and ideas that people gave about my upgraded goblin!

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 02:28 AM PDT

    Stand Still :D

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 04:18 AM PDT

    How to create "enveloping" effect upon entity collision

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 05:56 AM PDT

    I am working on a prototype for a 2D "agar.io" type growing game, and when the player collides with another entity (such as food or enemies) I want the player to envelop and "digest" said entity (for those of you familiar with high school level biology, think phagocytosis).

    I've been looking for information regarding effects like this, but I've had no luck finding anything useful. My first thought is to maybe create an animation that handles this, but I'm not much of an artist and haven't used many animations in the past.

    I would appreciate any pointers or tips as to how I should approach this and what I should use to achieve this, thank you!

    submitted by /u/moocowmaniak
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    My First Game Jam Summer 2019 - Day 9

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 05:41 AM PDT

    I dont get programing even tho I tried in like a year or more now. What to do?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 02:32 AM PDT

    For like a year ago or maybe even a bit more I downloaded the unity engine and tried to make my own game. I used some tutorials by Brackeys and for a few months ago I even purchased a udemy course. But I cant program anything yet except a bit HTML but its only websites, I cant even make a really simple movement script with addforce. But I can use the unity engine really good I know how to make ragdolls, particles, lighting ETC. I thought about maybe start all over again from the very beginning or try another program language than C# but I dont know. What do you think I should do?

    submitted by /u/FraXDK
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    help cant find my tool bar after closing it in unreal engine

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 10:33 AM PDT

    After a lot of sacrifice! I documented my Half a Year Progress In Unity Game Dev w/ my Tips and References.

    Posted: 13 Jul 2019 08:52 PM PDT

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