Blender 2.8 released! |
- Blender 2.8 released!
- 2D Light System from scratch
- Dump of things we had to do to get started as a gamedev a few years ago!
- When you finally publish your game
- How would you show the horizon in a top-down (3/4) perspective game?
- Mastodon is Perfect for Art
- TOP 5 TRENDS in Hyper Casual Games
- Lumberyard 1.20 Released
- Break Apart and Explode 2D Game Objects in Unity!
- Idea for a Resource Management Game
- Need Help With Narrative Design, Lore, or a Background Story Writer?
- What is an author of video game for you ? And who are they ?
- That feeling you get when you're game starts looking like a game.
- Help understanding Steam sales, wishlist and view data. Are we performing badly?
- Mixing game view perspectives?
- Can't verify information on Steam Direct?
- A silly question for a serious community
- Copyright questions
- Is there a programming equivalent to Masterclass/CGMA?
- Accomplished game designers of Reddit, what is the fastest way to becoming a lead game designer at a big company, without taking shortcuts?
- GMTK Game jam streams?
- Programmer Needed for 3D Clicker/Idle Game - Unreal Engine
- Yahtzee's Dev diaries
Posted: 30 Jul 2019 09:23 AM PDT |
Posted: 30 Jul 2019 02:43 AM PDT |
Dump of things we had to do to get started as a gamedev a few years ago! Posted: 29 Jul 2019 09:36 PM PDT I'm stuck on a boring bug, so I thought I may as well procrastinate in an effective way -- here's a small dump of high level tasks we had to do to get started as an indie dev, for those that don't know where to start or those about to launch: Disclaimer: My experience/opinions may not match yours! Google anything you feel weird about (just like you should do with any info you learn, anyway). Start with minor marketing:
Business Time:
It's Go-Time:
Hope that helps those with the basics. I surely missed a ton of things, but it's a start. TL;DR: Claim all your web/social sites names 1st, make a Discord funnel, keep scope small, Google everything. [link] [comments] |
When you finally publish your game Posted: 30 Jul 2019 10:49 AM PDT |
How would you show the horizon in a top-down (3/4) perspective game? Posted: 30 Jul 2019 07:53 AM PDT I'm creating a game in top-down perspective (3/4 perspective). This is not from the side and not from the top, but in between. You see both the side and the top from an angle.An example of this: Stardew Valley, Crossing Souls, the older Zelda games etc. So imagine the player is at the top of a cliff on an island. I should only be able to see objects under the camera level (the cliff) and at a slight angle in front of the camera (a little bit of the water). So I can only see the water below the cliff, and not the horizon itself. If I understand it correctly, from a top-down perspective, the horizon is never visible. Some games break the rules by having the horizon/skybox/background as a 2D side-view. This breaks the perspective a little, but it allows you to show the background/horizon/sky.Examples: In the last example, you can see both the sky and the top of the bus, which should be impossible unless the bus is on a much higher vertical level. Another option to fix this, would be to switch to a non-orthographic camera at that specific location, and gradually tilt the camera, to show the change in perspective. But this might look weird, as the rest of the game is played from a fixed angle. So my question is, what solution do you prefer? It might be a nice solution to break the perspective rules and allow a nicer background for the scene instead of tilting the camera at specific locations. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 30 Jul 2019 10:03 AM PDT |
TOP 5 TRENDS in Hyper Casual Games Posted: 30 Jul 2019 11:32 AM PDT |
Posted: 30 Jul 2019 08:43 AM PDT |
Break Apart and Explode 2D Game Objects in Unity! Posted: 30 Jul 2019 05:14 AM PDT |
Idea for a Resource Management Game Posted: 30 Jul 2019 11:50 AM PDT Yesterday night, I dreamed about an inexistent Space Service Station Chain resource managing game, and I really liked the idea so I'm going to post it here in case someone wants to go for it. I would like to develop this game myself, but I'm still a newbie in programming and it's more like a hobby to me right now, and I already have another game in mind for when I'm able to develop something. So here it is. This is a game in wich you have a company dedicated to space stations. Your goal is to make it grow and extend your domains across the galaxy. Basically you will end up having several space stations that offer different types of services to your customers, space travelers. At first you will only have a small station with 2 slots for fueling and a hangar with enought space for 3 small ships, you can charge your customers and to let them park their ships there. As in any fueling station, people can buy snacks and drinks in the station. Later on, if your business goes well, you will be able to add a lot of modules to your station, and even open new stations, either in other planets, or on different points of interest, like big asteroids with stable orbits or dwarf planets that serve as resting areas or mid points on trading routes. Those modules would be attached to your space station, and you can change the layout at anytime, to add something in between or just re-structure it, they are detachable modules, and you have 2 options: Pre built modules, with little to no room for customization, or custom built modules, those are usually more expensive and they take some time to build and get ready, but they are way more flexible and adapt better to your business. These are some examples of what you can add to your space stations. - Bar / Pubs - Restaurants - Spaceship module shop (Engines, and different ship parts) - Cleaning Stations (like those tunnels where you clean your car on a gas station) - Repair Stations - Engineering bay - Hotel / Accomodation services - Cinemas, Arcades... Social points of interest, you may get clients that doesn't even want to travel, but go to your station just because it's a nice place. And of course, expand your station, get more and larger docks, to be able to attend more and bigger ships at a time. Personal / fighter ships, passenger ships, cruises... Also, keep in mind that you are not the only Space Service Station company, there are many others out there, and you may compete against them or find partners. Maybe your space stations are the most famous on earth and you have expanded and settled down pretty well in the Solar system, but building another station in another stellar system, let's say in Alpha Centauri can cost quite a lot of money and it's inhabitants may already be pretty familiar and attached to their local stations, You could still build your own there, and offer services that can compete with that stations and get their clients or talk with the owners and build a module in their station, or viceversa, or both. After getting a few stations deployed and functioning (or having partners), you could also start your own transportation services, you could buy (or build!) your own cruisers or cargo ships and offer space trips, to and from your other stations / partners, this could be another module, you would have to build more docks for that specific prupose. Build not only space stations, but also ground stations linked to each other, and offer a lift, from the ground to the space station, customers that pay for a space trip usually don't have their own ships to get up there, and this can be used for cargo pruposes aswell, those big ass ships are a pain in the ass to land, so better keep them up there and use smaller transport ships to get the goods from the big ships to the ground and viceversa. Be aware of space pirates, you could hire some kind of space force / mercenaries, or, train your own, spoiler alert, this means another module, more docks for fighter ships and hey, sub-modules, in the engineering bay, to build your own fighers / big battleships instead of buying them. To add more to the game, instead of just picking what to build, there can also be an investigation feature, or a tech tree or whatever, you don't need to investigate a restaurant or a hotel, but you are not specialized in combat, so you might need and I+D module, that you will use to unlock those combat modules / ships and equip them with the lastest technology. In terms of gameplay, my idea is to have one station in the screen at a time, and you can move the camera arround to see what's going on, zoom in, zoom out, kinda like a sims game. And there would be a primary HUD for the station we are currently in, and a foldable / hidden one, that would show, with less detail, how are the other stations doing. The game would have either simple 3D graphics, like cities skylines, or 2D graphics with isometric view. Also, after getting new modules / stations you could need to hire bartenders, mechanics, pilots, or whatever, but that would be a rather simple feature, that doesn't need to be complicated, as the player will have his thoughts on other things, there's no point on making him worry about salaries and shit, the cost and mantenience of the statins / modules is enought, in fact, the salaries can just be included on those mantenience costs without even mentioning them. Just, build the module, and have it inoperative until you click on "hire personnel" Ofc you can also sell modules, and as they are detachable modules, you can not only restructure your station, but also move a (small) module from a station to another (close, no more than a planet away, if you want you can send it from planet to planet until you reach the one that you want, and no interstellar travel for modules) If someone gives it a try, please tell me, I'd like to follow the development. [link] [comments] |
Need Help With Narrative Design, Lore, or a Background Story Writer? Posted: 30 Jul 2019 11:14 AM PDT I'm looking to add some experience to my portfolio and meet some new developers by lending a hand! I can write character outlines, plot treatments, lore, backstory, and engaging dialogue. In addition, I currently freelance as a game journalist. I have a degree in film production with a focus on story development and would love to help you with your game. Writing is my life's passion, and as such, there is nothing I enjoy more than diving into a story and helping bring it to the next level. I'm not looking for any type of compensation other than experience and some quality collaboration. Shoot me a DM and let's talk! [link] [comments] |
What is an author of video game for you ? And who are they ? Posted: 30 Jul 2019 11:13 AM PDT I was thinking about this considering that there is really few author of video game's in the West considering that an author is someone who put his vision and his personality into his game and by thinking this I saw that this is typically a thing that we see in Japan for example with people like Kojima, Ueda, Taro, Miyazaki etc but not so much in the West industry at the moment except people like Ken Levine, Michel Ancel. And in a sense the project that are led by author are in my opinion more cohesive because they are the product of the vision of one man and not the result of many minds trying to build something together. Your thought ? [link] [comments] |
That feeling you get when you're game starts looking like a game. Posted: 30 Jul 2019 10:48 AM PDT When I started I didn't know how to code, I didn't know how to use unity. I didn't know how to sculpt and import assets. Gosh, it's quite a hill to climb. I'm impressed by everyone who's doing it or has done it. [link] [comments] |
Help understanding Steam sales, wishlist and view data. Are we performing badly? Posted: 30 Jul 2019 03:27 AM PDT Last week we published our first title to Steam, and I'm trying to assess how our Store page is doing. Yesterday we got onto the new and trending list for Strategy games which is pretty cool, and tremendously boosted our traffic, but we still didn't actually sell many copies. I'm wondering if this is normal. Yesterday:
Is it normal to have a 10-1 ratio of wishlists to purchases? Is a .0028 user to sale rate bad, basically one sale per 350 view? [link] [comments] |
Mixing game view perspectives? Posted: 30 Jul 2019 10:06 AM PDT TL;DR Can you mix the top down perspective for fighting with the side view for story, without it being out of place? Alright this is admittedly an odd one, I have here. I was thinking of making a little quaint 2D side view game, with some hack and slash elements(gameplay reminiscent of Castle Crashers), after my current project is done. But then I got to thinking that there won't be much variety to the gameplay. I was researching a lot, but except Metroidvenias and Castle Crashers, it seems like there isn't that big of a market for it.(correct me if I'm wrong) Where on the flip side, people seem to adore top down perspective games for hack and slash gameplay. And what I had in mind would have some rogue like elements which would suit that sort of perspective. Now, my personal bias says that games from the top down perspective have some trouble in making you care about the world and the story. And I would like to double dip a bit.(again, please correct me if I'm wrong) So my question is, is there any way to do both? Sort of like a few scenes used in Hyper Light Drifter or Transistor, where the top down perspective becomes a side one. But have the side view for story and town stuff, and have the top down for fighting gameplay. And if it would be plausible, how would you go about doing it, without it being too jarring? Or do you think I should just pick a lane and go one route I prefer? Im genuinely interested in your guys' opinion, since I've been thinking about this for a few weeks now, and can't get it out of my mind. [link] [comments] |
Can't verify information on Steam Direct? Posted: 30 Jul 2019 04:50 AM PDT I've been trying to get my company signed up on Steam Direct and so far I've been rejected 3 times, they've been saying "We've received notification that the taxpayer identification number included on the tax form you have submitted does not match US IRS records. If you do not provide a valid taxpayer identification number, per US IRS requirements, your tax form is invalid and you will be unable to distribute your product via Steam. " I've been giving them the right information as far as I know, but I did change my business name recently so this might be affecting things. Has anyone ever experienced something like this? Thanks [link] [comments] |
A silly question for a serious community Posted: 30 Jul 2019 09:08 AM PDT Hi all! I'll preface this by saying that I am not a game developer, nor do I plan to be one. My hobby is worldbuilding, using tools like World Anvil to plot out worlds for D&D campaigns and the like. Recently I've taken an interest to expanding the articles to more than just walls of text, and want to add illustrations to a lot of these places I'm writing about. A thumbnail here, a regional map there. Maybe an overview of a village. I tried dabbling in art, but I just don't have a digital green-thumb for it. Whether it's digital painting or photo-bashing, I just can't get a result I'm happy with. I was good at drawing in grade school, but that was a long time ago. What I am good at is level editors. I've accumulated a lot of RTS games over the years, and I always enjoy making maps and levels. Games like Stronghold 2, Command & Conquer Generals, etc. For that reason, I've decided to play to my strengths and pursue using a platform like Unreal Engine or Unity, rather than Photoshop or ArtRage, to make the pictures I want. Essentially, I only want to make scenes. I don't need any functionality or other tools beyond making a nice valley, picturesque mountain range, placid lake, etc. My initial idea is to use a program like TerraGen or World Machine for some nice procedural-generated terrain, then load it into Unity or Unreal Engine and slap some building assets on it and take a screenshot. Something like this. I've looked at the marketplace for both engines and they seem relatively comparable for what I'd be needing. Even if I had to put money into assets, they'd be reusable of course, and would still be cheaper in the long-run than paying an artist to make an indeterminate number of illustrations for me. I'm no stranger to most of the tools used in making maps, however I've only ever used map editors that come packaged with a particular game- I've never used a full-featured program like Unreal Engine or Unity. I'm confident in my ability to overcome any learning curves with either program. I have done some preliminary googling, but unfortunately I'm not familiar enough with either program to know exactly what to search for, and so I've come here. I'm hoping you all can point me in the right direction and give me some advice or recommendations for which program to begin investing time into. I just don't want to sink too much time into one, then discover some niche function exclusive to the other that would be useful, you know? Given my very general (albeit narrow) desired use, what would you recommend simply for setting up scenes and nothing more? Thanks in advance for your time![link] [comments] |
Posted: 30 Jul 2019 08:48 AM PDT I'm planning to make an RPG . However if I make a power system exclusively for it, can I copyright that power/hard magic system ? [link] [comments] |
Is there a programming equivalent to Masterclass/CGMA? Posted: 30 Jul 2019 08:39 AM PDT Looking for something preferably expecting a CS background or more advanced topics than "build your first game" [link] [comments] |
Posted: 30 Jul 2019 11:59 AM PDT I am not asking for an easy way to do it; if the fastest path is 20+ years then so be it. But in your experience, as an accomplished game designer; you have made mistakes and taken detours. I would like to learn from your mistakes and wisdom. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 30 Jul 2019 07:51 AM PDT (Sorry if this is a bad place to put this) Can anyone recommend any devs (even if it's yourself) that are participating and streaming in GMTK's GameJam this Friday? I'm interested in game development but I'm not skilled enough to do a jam (i.e. I've completed a few GameMaker tutorials, 1.7 RPG maker tutorials and Ican make a box in Unity), but I hope that watching others jam could help me understand the process more. [link] [comments] |
Programmer Needed for 3D Clicker/Idle Game - Unreal Engine Posted: 30 Jul 2019 11:10 AM PDT [Unreal Engine Programmer]Do you want to join a game with AAA graphics to complement your awesome code? We are at Titanforged Entertainment creating a 3D singleplayer clicker/idle/incremental game. You can think of it as Adventure Capitalists on Steam or Plantera on Steam. More info follows later. Role Required: Unreal Engine Programmer - Blueprint / Gameplay programmer Team Size: 3 Compensation: $15-20 hourly. A full calculated price for the whole project is preferred as it's fairly small. Responsibilities: - Know how to create an idle/incremental game. - Be able to create an automatic save system so the progress is saved when the player quits the game. - Be able to make the game still progressing while the player offline/not in game. - Be able to integrate the game with Steam as it will be released there. - Be able to integrate the game with Mobile devices as it will also be released there after PC. - Be able to work with micro transactions as there is a shop inside the game. - Be able to add in-game currency bought with real money. - Be able to write clean code.- Always having optimization in mind. - Be able to communicate and talk in voice chat to get things done more quickly and correct. Contact: Send me a PM or add me on Discord: Nafei#9413 More About Titanforged Entertainment: We are an indie game company that are working on our first title which is a 3D Multiplayer game containing all of your classic board games. The boards are actual environments and the pawns are animated and voiced characters. Here is an example of our work on the other game: [link] [comments] |
Posted: 30 Jul 2019 11:06 AM PDT |
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