A Programmer’s Regret: Neglecting Math at University learn programming |
- A Programmer’s Regret: Neglecting Math at University
- Failed many times to learn programming. Need advice on where and how to start again.
- Would it be helpful to learn math as well?
- How do I explain to my coworkers that commit messages matter.
- Regarding Tim Buchalka Java course on Udemy?
- How can I accurately calculate total visible area of 3 or more overlapping octagons?
- Data Analysis & Machine Learning Book Humble Bundle by O'Reilly Press
- How to learn to code for free at Stanford and make six figures in under 1 year
- Is Data Science For Me At My Age?
- Creating a simple webapp with Java backend
- Since I don't have enough clout (karma) to post in r/robotics
- How much merit would a trivia/fun fact website have in a portfolio?
- Best way to learn c# for web site backend work and game development
- If I want to generate a number between 1-10, why does the following modulus operation work: (random number) % 10 + 1?
- How are calculators like this built?
- [homework][C++] What exactly is happening when I create an object of one class in the constructor of another?
- PHP uploading local file to itself?
- What do I actually need to run an automated process at work?
- What would be a good language to implement a Tinder like program?
- Good Design/UI/UX Courses?
- not sure whats next
- Trying to call an API in C# but I'm not getting anything back, what am I doing wrong?
- Hi one of my classes for the fall semester canceled due to low attendance for that class. The class that was canceled was Intro to Server Side Programming.
- [C++] Are there good resources for explaining serialization and deserialization for class objects?
A Programmer’s Regret: Neglecting Math at University Posted: 29 Jul 2019 12:40 PM PDT https://awalterschulze.github.io/blog/post/neglecting-math-at-university/ Math is not only a box of very useful tools for solving problems it is also deeply intertwined with programming. Taking time to study math, will make you a better programmer in the long term. Now that I am a senior programmer, I regret not paying attention to math while I was at University. I hope that, with this blog post, I can stop someone from repeating my mistake. [link] [comments] |
Failed many times to learn programming. Need advice on where and how to start again. Posted: 29 Jul 2019 05:43 PM PDT Throughout the past couple of years of my life, I've tried multiple times to learn programming, probably over a dozen times. I really want to learn programming, but for some reason I just give up when I find something too complicated, or lack motivation. That sounds really stupid, but I'll give you an example. I tried this one C# course, I think it was by Bob Tabor, and I felt good about it up until the LINQ episode. I felt that he had explained nothing, and it absolutely killed my motivation (still sounds really stupid, but bear with me). So, now, I'm in this really confusing spot, with some general knowledge of things, and don't know how to start again, where to start, or really what to do. [link] [comments] |
Would it be helpful to learn math as well? Posted: 29 Jul 2019 09:24 PM PDT I know that in many CS programs at university math courses are required. I only took up to Calculus II during my undergrad in business. Now I'm attempting to self-learn programming on my own. Would it be helpful to learn programming-related math courses? Like from free PDFs online for example? Thanks for any insight. [link] [comments] |
How do I explain to my coworkers that commit messages matter. Posted: 29 Jul 2019 11:15 PM PDT There are 3 people maintaining the codebase including me. I'm the only one writing commit messages. The coworkers just write '...'. It's very frustrating to try to figure out what they added/changed. I've been working in this company for couple of months now. Despite my efforts to explain, nothing has changed. How do I convince them to write messages. [link] [comments] |
Regarding Tim Buchalka Java course on Udemy? Posted: 29 Jul 2019 10:31 PM PDT I am currently learning Java through Tim Buchalka Udemy course. But actually I am in a bit hurry because I am going to join company in next 3 weeks and need to learn Java before joining. So can anyone suggest some of the this I can keep on hold from the course as there are so many things in the course. Some of the things like JavaFx, Lambda, Regular Expression can be put on hold ? [link] [comments] |
How can I accurately calculate total visible area of 3 or more overlapping octagons? Posted: 29 Jul 2019 09:50 PM PDT Greetings. I have 3 octagons. I know their center coordinates. All 3 octagons are identical and have same orientation - 2 sides always parallel to X axis, 2 sides always parallel to Y axis, 2 inclined with 45 degrees to x axis and other 2 -45 degrees. I have started learning programming in VBA just few weeks ago. I had learnt the concepts of loops and if conditions back in my high-school. Here is what I have tried so far in VBA: From the center coordinates and side length, I derive 8 equations of line that define the octagon. I assign a 2D array -> area(). I run for loop for x and y coordinates and if the x,y satisfies all the conditions, I assign the area(x,y)=1. Same I do for second and third octagon. the coordinates that don't overlap are assigned 1, and the coordinates that are overlapping are changed from 1 to 1, so basically no change. I plot this array on excel sheet to visualize. the sheet looks something like this. I count the number of and it gives me an approx area. I gradually multiplied all the variables with a multiplier to increase the accuracy(by increasing the resolution). Accuracy increased till 7, then dropped again. Accuracy was highest for odd multiples of 7, i.e., 7, 21, 35, 49, 63, 77, 91. I did not test it beyond 1000, but am sure the pattern follows. Anyway, apart from the method I've used, any other way to calculate the area? This program is actually calculating area of octagons placed in a m x n matrix. for example 3x2= 6 octagons or 3x3=9 octagons. Here, Look at this image for S and G Edit: Octagons won't stay in the same quadrant. I should have mentioned it before. But this is how they may vary [link] [comments] |
Data Analysis & Machine Learning Book Humble Bundle by O'Reilly Press Posted: 29 Jul 2019 12:28 PM PDT |
How to learn to code for free at Stanford and make six figures in under 1 year Posted: 29 Jul 2019 05:16 PM PDT Came across this on medium -- like Steve Ballmer would say pretty cool, pretty damn cool! ps: Steve Ballmer reference here [link] [comments] |
Is Data Science For Me At My Age? Posted: 29 Jul 2019 08:54 PM PDT I'm 14 and want to get into a field of development and programming. I hear data science is the hottest and most in demand tech job of the century. Am I too young to get into it? I know it is hard. That's a reason why there are so many open jobs for it. I am good with math and I like it, but should this be something I wait to learn until I'm older and more knowledgeable? Should I stick to something like mobile and web development for now? [link] [comments] |
Creating a simple webapp with Java backend Posted: 29 Jul 2019 08:42 PM PDT Hello, So me and a friend are wanting to create a simple webapp for the following: Our university course selection website is shit. It's really finicky and really ugly and we want to make a tool that makes it easier to figure things out. e.g. the user selects a couple courses they want to take and the website shows all the possible schedules, sections, etc. But before we even figure out how to get the information from the university website, I have not the slightest clue how to set any of our website up. All I have now is a reasonable understanding of Java (enough to set up the logic behind figuring out valid calendar schedules) and a rudimentary understanding of github. I heard about this spring thing before but I got discouraged by the home page of their website because I didn't understand any of it. I have eclipse as my IDE. Any directional stuff or tips is appreciated! [link] [comments] |
Since I don't have enough clout (karma) to post in r/robotics Posted: 29 Jul 2019 02:21 PM PDT If anyone on this subreddit could help me that would be great I just finished a 2 Year Computer Programming Degree and I am now looking to transfer into University to pursue a career in Robotics (my high school and college grades both meet the standards for my choice University) but I don,t know whether or not to apply for a computer science, hardware engineering or mechanical engineering program. [link] [comments] |
How much merit would a trivia/fun fact website have in a portfolio? Posted: 29 Jul 2019 11:09 PM PDT To say I'm unimaginative would be a massive understatement. But, I wanted to make a small trivia website on some of my favorite shows or movies. It seems like an incredibly simply task, so I'm wondering if it would be worth listing as a side project. I was also planning on making an HTML game, but doing something about my favorite show excites me more. [link] [comments] |
Best way to learn c# for web site backend work and game development Posted: 29 Jul 2019 12:15 PM PDT I am interested in learning c# for a job (so I can do grunt work) and for video game development personal projects (unity and godot primarily) how viable and useful and is c# in the working world (likeliness to get a job) and how useful would my background in self taught python (medium level skill set) and javascript (medium-lower end skill set) I have learned best in the past by watching videos and following along with beginner projects. I have also used code academy, but it doesn't seem to stick as much as jumping into a basic project. Are there any good sources for c# if I learn best through doing and have some experience previously. Thank you so much for helping! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 Jul 2019 10:40 PM PDT I feel extremely dumb for not being able to mathematically grasp this, but as far as I can figure out: % gives us the remainder. So if I have (random number) % 10, then I would get numbers 0-9. Because 0-9 are the possible remainders of when dividing by 10. So how come when I get (random number) % 10 + 1, I can receive numbers 1-10? What is happening here? Frustrated I can't grasp this easily Note: Never mind I got it. Because the "+1" shifts everything up from 0-9 to 1-10. I need to build number sense lol. [link] [comments] |
How are calculators like this built? Posted: 29 Jul 2019 10:02 PM PDT I would like to be able to build calculators like that in the link below. What should I look into to begin working on something like that? I know basic HTML/CSS/Javascript but eventually, want to be able to build online financial calculators. https://www.moneysmart.gov.au/tools-and-resources/calculators-and-apps/compound-interest-calculator [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 Jul 2019 09:54 PM PDT So I have 3 classes; Person, Node and BSTree. The node class is meant to store a Person object. The constructor for the node class currently looks like this: The insert function of the BST tree looks like this: If I do it this way what will the remove function have to look like in order avoid any memory leaks? Would it be better if the Node class instead stored a pointer to a Person object? [link] [comments] |
PHP uploading local file to itself? Posted: 29 Jul 2019 09:15 PM PDT Pretty much the scenario that I am in is, I have a part of my website that requires a file to be uploaded and a few other pages of information to be uploaded before the error takes place. Once the error does take place, it will delete all information and files I have uploaded. My website has security built in that will not allow you to jump to the end page unless all other pages have been successfully completed first. This gets tedious to constantly fill out information and upload files so I am making a script that uses curl to automatically fill out this information from all these pages at once so I can skip to debugging. Enter problem... How can I have curl upload a file if no file is submitted through a form? I have a file located on my server, lets say in the folder /superhiddenfolder/file.exe and just server to save my file to $_FILES and behave as if it was uploaded normally. I realize I can skip this step by simply copying the file over but I would like my script to use every function that would be normally required as to make sure those don't break as well. PHP only mind you. Any help is appreciated! [link] [comments] |
What do I actually need to run an automated process at work? Posted: 29 Jul 2019 05:27 PM PDT At work (small company), I have stumbled across a problem that I believe I know how to solve programmatically. In general it involves interacting with a GraphQL API to create a record based on an email action (information request through our WordPress-based website-> creates customer record in our sales tool). Right now a request comes in and someone manually creates a record... there are integrations that do this kind of thing but unfortunately none that fit our need. I have been learning Python in my spare time over the past year, with the objective of making a career change in the long run. But I've seen tons of opportunities to make my current work better by applying what I've been learning. I can understand the GraphQL documentation, and I feel like I could get a script up and running on my own machine with some modest effort that reliably does what I want. However, the question is: what do I need to learn to actually get a program running in a business setting? Like, something that runs continuously independently of my machine, and works when an action takes place (I don't even know what terms to use). Everything I have done up until now has been scripts which run on command on my local machine, or IDE's. I'm not interested in how [Big Software Company] does it, I just want to understand the minimum necessary thing I would need to get started. Do I need to get a server? Or can I buy cloud server space? Is it something I can do within WordPress? I feel like I've learned a lot about programming over the last year, but this concrete step to actually apply what I've learned is completely baffling me. Can anyone help?? [link] [comments] |
What would be a good language to implement a Tinder like program? Posted: 29 Jul 2019 01:39 PM PDT I'm trying to breach the infamous gap of going from completing a tutorial or two to actually creating a usable application, and I've always wanted to create something like Tinder. What would some optimal stacks to create something like it be? I am somewhat comfortable with Python/Flask, know a little Java, and some JS as well. Thanks! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 Jul 2019 05:22 PM PDT I'm a dev with a couple years of experience, but I primarily work with the back end or with business logic. I'd consider myself proficient with html and css/sass (or at least one Google search away from it), but I struggle with good design. Color pallets, wire framing, and other general design concepts just don't come naturally to me, but I think, like anything else, it can be learned. I did some searching for web design stuff on udemy, but much of it seemed like general how-to courses. I'm not against reviewing basics, but I want to make sure that I come out with the ability, or at least the tools, to be a better UI/UX designer. Does anyone have any recommendations? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 Jul 2019 08:51 PM PDT have this question i need answered. just want to know if im going in the right direction Based on the latest census, there are 1.6 million people living in Auckland. The average age of people living in Auckland is 35.1 years. Sydney, on the other hand, has 4.6 million people, with an average age of 34.2 years. Based on the above information. generate some data on people's age using numpy random number generator (np.random.normal()). Assume standard deviation of 3. Calculate the difference in mean, median, minimum and maximum age between auckland and sydney so far i've done this Auckland = np.round(np.random.normal(35.1, 3, 1600000), 2) Sydney = np.round(np.random.normal(34.2, 3, 4600000), 2) np_city =np.column_stack((Auckland,Sydney)) print(np_city) print(np.meadian(np_city[:,0])) print(np.mean(np_city[:,1]) [link] [comments] |
Trying to call an API in C# but I'm not getting anything back, what am I doing wrong? Posted: 29 Jul 2019 01:16 PM PDT So this is my first time working with APIs. I watched this video and tried to copy what that guy had done. I'm trying to make some kind of a quiz with winforms in c# (just cause the drag and drop GUI is easy to use) using this API https://opentdb.com/api_config.php An example of how the .json looks like: https://opentdb.com/api.php?amount=5&category=9&difficulty=medium&type=multiple What I have done so far: https://pastebin.com/gzTx9hEV Was trying to test if I had gotten the data by using a bunch of messageboxes but nothing happens when I click submit no error or anything. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 Jul 2019 10:10 AM PDT Can you guys recommend me any books for that class in the time being so I can learn to do this class in my free time. I'm only attending two classes this semester, so if by any chance next semester I can try to appeal for an advance class for Server Side Programming, since this is the second this has happened. Any recommendations for beginners and somewhat advance books are amazing suggestions. [link] [comments] |
[C++] Are there good resources for explaining serialization and deserialization for class objects? Posted: 29 Jul 2019 08:30 PM PDT I'm writing a text based application in c++ and I realized that I need to store class objects I made on my own into a file and read them later on as well. Are there any good website or resources to learn about serialization? I tried searching it up but most websites explanations leave me confused. [link] [comments] |
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