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    Monday, June 24, 2019

    Whenever I code in html/css I feel like I have to see my changes live, is this normal or should I practice working away from sandboxes? Ask Programming

    Whenever I code in html/css I feel like I have to see my changes live, is this normal or should I practice working away from sandboxes? Ask Programming

    Whenever I code in html/css I feel like I have to see my changes live, is this normal or should I practice working away from sandboxes?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2019 07:02 AM PDT

    I'm using codepen.io and I've used a few others in the past week while I toy around with html and css. I feel like I HAVE to use a site like this so I can actually see my work in action. If I do it all in sublime I feel like I can't see if it would work or not. There's a difference between seeing "font-size: 20px" and the actual font size in action. I can visualize it while I write but I wouldn't catch any errors or see any design flaws.

    Is this normal, or just something beginners do?

    submitted by /u/DingleMomMcGee13
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    Need help storing a subreddit's /top posts for the day.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2019 06:53 PM PDT

    I'm trying to create a website that'll project on my desktop using wallpaper engine, that'll show the top posts of the last 24 hours to TodayILearned, with the title, a preview image, and the link to the source (which is usually a wikipedia citation). I found this on GitHub, but it would be too redundant for my picky task. Any help appreciated!

    submitted by /u/hazeust
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    Processing queries inside double brackets

    Posted: 24 Jun 2019 10:02 PM PDT

    I have a program that takes in a URL string or a JSON. Inside a URL string/JSON, there may be a query that is located inside double brackets, {{some_query}}. I need to get all instances of text inside the double brackets. For ex:




    This example JSON:

    { "foo":{{query1}}, "bar":"baz" } 



    Currently, I have this regex: String(url).match(/{{(.+?)}}/g);.

    However, the problem with this is that it captures the braces too. For ex:

    myurl.com/{{foo}} returns ['{{foo}}'] when I just want ['foo'].

    Does anyone know of a change to the regex that will capture will not capture the braces as well?

    Edit: This is Javascript with Node

    submitted by /u/oreosfly
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    Beginner-level programmer here. I've already taken classes in Python and Java, but now I'm tackling C# on my own. Can I program things like GUI with just creating a Console App project in Visual Studio?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2019 07:49 PM PDT

    Forgive me for the dumb question(s), I'm just a beginner-level programmer who's a bit frustrated. Perhaps it has to do with the fact that I don't fully understand what .NET Framework is. Hopefully some classes I'm viewing online will soon touch upon that, as I've searched online about .NET Framework and I'm still confused.

    In any case, when I choose to create a project for C# in Visual Studio, a list of options opens before me. The option for regular programming to me looks like "Console App (.NET Framework)". And I've done so for the first few things I've been taught. In the past, I was able to output graphics and unique windows in Java, but how exactly do I do that in just a Console App in C#? Basically, I just don't want to feel restricted while I barely just started viewing my first few online classes on C#, but I end up feeling restricted anyway.

    submitted by /u/GiototheVanni
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    Why are functions in lowercase but uppercase

    Posted: 24 Jun 2019 06:41 PM PDT

    For example: Why is getArea(); not Getarea (); Sorry I'm a bit new to programming.

    submitted by /u/Hantr
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    What graphics package to use for program output?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2019 02:03 PM PDT

    I'm working in C++ on a path planning algorithm and need a way to see the path that algorithm has come up with. I need a graphics package that can simply just create rectangles, squares, circles, and line segments.

    SDL has come up in my search, will that work well?

    submitted by /u/wxyn
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    Cases for an n > 1 semaphore

    Posted: 24 Jun 2019 05:15 PM PDT

    I just started getting into OS this summer as I've needed to spin up some multithreaded applications at my internship this summer and I'll be taking my school's OS course this fall. I understand the practicality of a Mutex, and have found use for them all over my multithreaded applications. I, however, cannot seem to think of a case where a n > 1 semaphore would be needed. What are some cases?

    submitted by /u/FuqNick
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    What type of software and/or language should I use to help me with this project?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2019 12:47 PM PDT

    I'm not sure what software or programming language can do the job that I need to do.

    The goal is to create a software package that creates bars of light on a black screen that move across the screen at varying speeds. The bars of light will have varying column sizes as well.

    Looks like this: https://i.imgur.com/DBCtKX0.png

    but should be horizontal bars (moving horizontally) instead of vertically.

    Any idea of which software or programming language to use? Thank you!

    submitted by /u/DoubIeIift
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    VBA / Browser question

    Posted: 24 Jun 2019 02:43 PM PDT

    I am using VBA to interact with a webpage that uses jquery/ajax (not sure what the difference is here) to load a popup window with dynamically generated info. When the popup window loads, the background screen greys out. I can click on the popup to get the source code, but don't know how to access that source code within VBA. Has anyone done something like this before?

    The source code of the window object that loaded the popup doesn't seem to change when the javascript to load the popup runs.

    I can't share the entire source code of the webpage I am scraping, but here is the 'onclick' attribute of the link that loads the popup:

    onclick = RichFaces.ajax(************) 

    EDIT: Looking closer at the popup source code, it looks like it is a 'Dom Element Attachment' of some kind.

    submitted by /u/graciousgroob
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    Is there an Image Uploader "module" that emails me the image?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2019 01:59 PM PDT

    My friend is opening a custom coffe mug store, and she wants to have people be able to upload images so she can print them, she'd prefer them to be sent to her via email, is there any kind of pre-built code that allows this? I'm trying to add this to a pre built website, I thought imgur would have something on the likes of it but I don't really know what I'm looking for.


    She got a subscription to a platform called Iluria where it has been mostly done, it's one of those pre-built online store services, so most of it is already done.

    submitted by /u/inimigor
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    What is a "barrier"?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2019 11:39 AM PDT

    I'm learning to write my first concurrency-aware program: a device driver. My textbook mentions something called a "memory barrier". What is a memory barrier and what would be an appropriate example to use one?

    submitted by /u/nanoman1
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    How screwed am I?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2019 11:29 AM PDT

    Hey guys, any advice you can give me here will be hugely appreciated!

    Context: I've been designing and figuring out how to implement a mentorship program (hopefully involving a few hundred people) for a group I'm interning with. Several hundred hours of my life have gone into this, and it's almost ready to implement...the key word being "almost."

    The problem: I need software to match mentors and mentees up using basically three criteria (branch of organization, type of job, geographical location), ranked in order of how important they are. There is software that does this automatically...but it all seems to cost around $12,000 per year- which just isn't going to happen. So, I'm trying to learn how to write a program that will use the data from an excel spreadsheet with those three criteria and match people up. I have three main questions:

    1. Am I screwed and should I just give up now?
    2. If I'm not screwed what programming language should I use for this? (I'm going to have to learn one regardless)
    3. Is what I'm describing even possible for a non-expert, or are those companies completely justified in charging through the nose for it?

    Any advice would be an enormous help for me, and I'm sorry to come here with such complete ignorance. Thanks for your time!

    submitted by /u/erikrthecruel
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    Can not import 3d modules w/ Pycharm Need help please!

    Posted: 24 Jun 2019 11:17 AM PDT

    I am relatively new to Python and coding in general. I think my issue probabaly stems from the location of my files, but please bare with me because this is all new to me.

    I tried to install 3rd party modules by inputting the following code into my terminal

    'pip install pandas'

    - after i run that code it outputs various lines most importantly:

    ---'requirement already satisfied pandas in /anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages (0.24.2)'

    I than opened pycharm and inputted 'import pandas as pd' and i get this error:

    ---------'/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/Resources/Python.app/Contents/MacOS/Python: can't open file '/Users/Sam/Desktop/PYTHONSCRIPTS/elif2.py'

    Could someone please tell me what I need to do to fix this? I am really at a loss

    submitted by /u/Phillip-Financial
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    Experience vs Education, Should I get a diploma?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2019 11:17 AM PDT

    Hello, From a young age I've had an interest in programming and I chose it over school grades.

    Today, 24yo I have a job as a software developer at a company with >5000 employees, where most of my colleagues have at least a bachelors degree.

    In a week from now, because of some team dynamics and the shortage of developers in Golang in europe I will take by myself the development of a microservice but without a change in position or salary.

    I love what I do, probably I would have loved any task that challenged me especially if it had a salary attached. My fear is that at some point I will get stuck because I don't have a bachelors+masters degree.

    An opportunity arose to study at a UK university for 3 years without having to worry about money (rent,food..) as I currently do.

    My question is if I should put a hold on my career and start studying fulltime or if I should just continue with gaining work experience and have something to show for the lack of education?

    Which of the two options would make me a better developer?

    *Cons to quiting job*:

    - I will let people down (management).

    - My CV will include a 3year pause for studying (maybe contributing to open source could solve this)

    submitted by /u/sh4rk1z
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    Launch Batch file using link in HTML?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2019 10:06 AM PDT

    Which laptop is better for programming?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2019 09:24 AM PDT

    The two laptops I'm focusing on are the MacBook Air 2018 , 8 gb ram, 128 gb ssd, and the Surface Laptop 2 with 8 gb ram, 256 gb ssd. Both are 999.99 at my local tech shop. And for those of you who are going to say that the MacBook Air has too little storage, will an external ssd to store things like games, heavy programs I don't use much like xcode or vm be okay? I'm mainly going to be using the laptop for medium-level web dev, app dev(ios and android), and perhaps machine learning. Side note: also will be using it for school work, filing, very light gaming(minecraft, etc.), and other everyday tasks along with programming. Which one would be the better laptop?

    submitted by /u/jichu_pichu
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    Micromouse Simulator Using C++

    Posted: 24 Jun 2019 08:25 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I want to make a micromouse simulator similar to the video below. The person in the video used MATLAB to do this but I've got no idea how to even start learning.. I've learned basic python and C++ but it was mostly terminal stuff. Can this be done using C++ and GNU or anything like that to make it a .exe file?


    submitted by /u/NotADrooler
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    Why aren't graph databases more popular in web app stacks?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2019 08:05 AM PDT

    I have a project I'm working on now that's just painful in some areas, because the data model is very graph-oriented and it's using an active record-style ORM on PostgreSQL. I understand relational DB's, document stores, and key-value stores fairly well, also data normalization, how the internals of an ORM work, etc. I mention that because I hope to get a detailed response or two. I'm not greatly familiar with graph DB's, but I have read the documentation for and played with Neo4Js and ArangoDB a bit. I've also used triplestores with RDF and understand the ideas.

    It seems to me that no one in the web-app development world is using much of the feature-set of relational DB's anyway. They're used as simple dumb filing cabinets: no composite keys, often no referential integrity enforced, no making use of back-end tools working directly on the database, no use of PL, triggers, etc. Everything is done in app code in the frameworks / projects I've worked in.

    Since most web apps built on frameworks are just use the database as an excel spreadsheet with pivot tables anyway, why aren't graph databases popular instead of Hibernate, Active Record, and the like? My question is mostly that I want to try a project built on one (ArrangoDB), but it's a good sized project and I'm afraid of making a bad choice. Nothing I read on blogs has been much more than just intro material or vendor propaganda.

    submitted by /u/calligraphic-io
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    Buffers, binding them, indices, and matrix math (OpenGL/LWJGL)

    Posted: 24 Jun 2019 07:54 AM PDT

    I'm an early beginner with OpenGL/LWJGL, and these things I feel like I have just been told to write down, but I don't exactly know what's going on. I've connected some dots, but I want the whole picture.

    Just going off of the things I've seen through my tutorial viewings and readings:

    I know buffers are a space of memory that store data, but what is the reason for making vertex buffers, or index buffers? Also, 'binding' these buffers seem to be important, but why and what are we binding the buffers to?

    What is an index? How does it differ from a vertex?

    Matrices are everywhere in graphics programming. After a couple different readings, my take is that there are matrices that can represent a vertex (or index), and there are matrices that represent functions. In this case, the functions are for translating, scaling and rotating some object. These operations are done when a vertex matrix and function matrix are multiplied together. Is this a correct interpretation? What am I missing something if it's close?


    submitted by /u/Toscoes
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    Do you copy-paste code from GitHub?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2019 05:16 AM PDT

    I know some developers who do know their stuff but still copy paste code from github. Like a part of code if it exists on github.

    submitted by /u/pverma8172
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    How to deal with a slow workplace?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2019 11:16 PM PDT

    I work at a big tech company coming from start ups. The pace people work at is just horrendously slow. It irritates me that it takes four times the time to fix something and most of the time were left with no work as the tickets for the sprint are generously overestimated. Whats the best way to deal with this?

    submitted by /u/IAmWhoISayImNot
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    C# to C++: Interface / Abstract Class

    Posted: 24 Jun 2019 05:12 AM PDT

    In C# I can do this:

    namespace SensorApp { interface IBaseSensor { void GetStatus(); } class SensorA : IBaseSensor { public void GetStatus() { ... } } class SensorB : IBaseSensor { public void GetStatus() { ... } } class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { IBaseSensor mySensor; mySensor = new SensorA(); mySensor.GetStatus(); mySensor = new SensorB(); mySensor.GetStatus(); } } } 

    I can define IBaseSensor and assign any derived class to it. I am having trouble doing this in C++ since

    BaseSensor sensor; //object of abstract class type "BaseSensor" is not allowed 

    How can I declare a base class in C++ so I can assign either derived class to it and pass it via DI for example?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Vivida
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    Postman = Wannacry. How to get our collection back

    Posted: 24 Jun 2019 09:24 AM PDT

    I have never in my life had my data taken away from me and had a company demand money to get it back. It makes me wannacry.

    Does anybody have a way to get a Postman collection back after they archive it? Without paying.

    One of our engineers added some requests to our shared collection and how Postman has 'archived' all of our work and is demanding money to get it back. Yes they warned us that they would archive, but I didn't know that meant that our entire collection would be gone. I didn't think anybody would stoop so low.

    submitted by /u/_ohthepain_
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