• Breaking News

    Friday, June 28, 2019

    I've created a Chrome extension that loads your saved posts from reddit, and lets you organize them in folders web developers

    I've created a Chrome extension that loads your saved posts from reddit, and lets you organize them in folders web developers

    I've created a Chrome extension that loads your saved posts from reddit, and lets you organize them in folders

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 11:36 AM PDT

    The most stupid autocompletion in the entire world.

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 01:41 PM PDT

    Opinion: What's your take on the consequences of most webdevs having no idea what's occurring 'under the hood'?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 05:45 AM PDT

    This includes myself!

    i.e. the JS engine processing logic, event loop & system calls, memory management, networking.

    Is this fine a long as one rigorously tests their code?

    Is it simply not worth remembering often-arbitrary JS nuance that may not persist long term?

    submitted by /u/waterloo304
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    What's new in PHP 7.4

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 05:26 AM PDT

    I made a Chrome extension that lets you control Netflix with a gamepad or controller. Feedback appreciated!

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 03:16 PM PDT

    UX vs Back-end, what should we know about each other?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 08:10 AM PDT

    I´m starting a new job over the summer as a UX designer in a company full of mostly programmers. I have background in front-end programming and some back-end (php and Javascript for the most part). I´m going to be working on a team where I´m the only one with design experience, so I want to understand my developers more, to make better projects. So I want to dive deeper into what programmers think about UX, what challenges they face when coding the ideas of UX and UI designers and what makes things easier.

    Programmers: What do you wish your UX and UI designers should know about? Any problems you run into frequently?

    UX designers: What do you do to help your back-end programmers have an easier time building your applications or websites? What kind of complaints have you gotten from programmers about your work?

    If this has been asked before, you can send me the link and take down this post.

    submitted by /u/Fritzoe
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    What more do I learn in Angular to get to advanced level?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 03:02 AM PDT

    Hi, I've been working on Angular for a few months now, having worked on the first AngularJS version for 2+ years.

    I would like to know what more advanced topics I must fully grasp and utilize in my projects going further. I'll state what all I use and know right now. Of course there is Angular Documentation that is vast but it doesn't state which are more advanced or important concepts.

    Right now I'm fully aware of and utilize the following:

    1. Routing fundamentals
    2. Component interaction and parent-child components
    3. Local storage using external npm modules like ngx/pwa for token management
    4. Services (all kinds), HTTP Interceptors (for handling loading, token insertion), Interfaces
    5. Reactive and Template-driven forms, a bit of form validation, and all kinds of HTML Templating tricks, pipes (date, currency etc.)
    6. Angular Material (buttons and various other elements, snack bars, popups etc.)
    7. Ng Bootstrap and other Angular-related dependency packages
    8. HttpClient and Observables (very confusing but can handle them for API calls and other basic things), RxJS (very basic)
    9. Didn't touch Animations yet, not sure about Bootstrapping

    This is what I know, and I've been working on a couple of web apps, been learning more and more as the applications progress, but I need to ensure I know enough so as to deliver good enough production-ready apps at market level.

    If it's possible, please do give me your suggestions.

    submitted by /u/imPwP
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    PDO prepared statements help?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 01:14 PM PDT

    I've used MYSQL through both the old mysql functions and the mysqli functions in PHP for a while now. But I have had a few people tell me I should look into using PDO, and everything was working as expected, right up until I tried doing a prepared statement.

    $sql = "SELECT * FROM example"; $query = $pdo->prepare($sql); $query->execute(); $results = $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); /* Returns: [ [ 'id' => 1. 'name' => 'Test' 'example' => 'Example' ]. [ 'id' => 2. 'name' => 'Example' 'example' => 'Test' ] ] */ $sql = "SELECT ? , ? FROM example"; $query = $pdo->prepare($sql); $query->execute(['id', 'name']); $results = $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); /* Returns: [ [ '?' => 'name' ], [ '?' => 'name' ] ] */ 

    I'm not really all that sure what's going on with this, and not even sure what to Google to get the correct explanation as to what's going on.

    submitted by /u/jordsta95
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    Is the inspector in Firefox broken for anyone else?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 04:51 AM PDT

    Every time I inspect something in Firefox, I have to close the inspector as it doesn't load the DOM. I then re-open it, and it loads everything fine?

    submitted by /u/Asoxus
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    List of useful web development techs I had used and still use until now - to make a living

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 07:26 AM PDT

    UI/UX Opinions Wanted: Displaying both standard navigation and hamburger menu on desktop views

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 03:53 PM PDT

    I'm a developer and have recently been getting a lot of mocks for sites coming my way that include desktop navigations where the normal nav menu links are displayed with a CTA button, then to the far left is a hamburger menu for a slideout navigation that will display on all viewports. The slideout navigation is a duplicate of the main navigation that's displayed on desktop view.

    What's people's opinion on this? To me, it feels excessive and messy from a users experience to display two separate versions of the same navigation at once. I get having the hamburger / slideout nav for mobile viewports, but showing both forms of the navigation at once? I don't understand the point.

    Am I missing something? Looking for others opinion on this.

    submitted by /u/TeaBagginton
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    Just because something can be done server side, should it be?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 03:48 PM PDT

    So my senior and I got into a debate. We have this two variable slider that filters content on a page for our site. For accessibility reasons, we pull all content at first, and expect the user to use the slide to find the range of content that they want. The page loads in .33 seconds while wired in. We currently use javascript to do the filtering for us. He wants to move that to the server side, so that theres minimal js loaded. I argued that would be a bad idea because then the page would have to be loaded an extra time every time the filter is changed (if you're on mobile this isnt ideal), where as it's instantaneous with JS because we already stored the content.

    I could care less if I'm right, but I'm wondering what your thoughts are on this; just because you can do something on the server, should you? [I'm just wondering in general. You don't need to give you opinion on this anecdote]

    submitted by /u/not-dan097
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    Is there a way in Netlify to set an environment variable's value depending on which branch I'm pushing to?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 03:41 PM PDT

    I have netlify set up to deploy every time my master branch updates, in addition to other branches and PRs.

    I have my static site configured with AWS Amplify and would like to switch configurations between staging and prod depending on which branch I'm deploying to.

    Is there a way to tell Netlify to set SITE_ENV=staging on branches and PRs, and SITE_ENV=prod on master?

    submitted by /u/fake_namest
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    What are some important questions to ask a client, to really understand what he wants and needs?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 01:18 AM PDT

    I think of going into webdev and want to work out a question sheet to answer in the beginning of the cooperation.

    Of course there are the standard questions (some examples):

    • What is your main way of acquiring new clients at the moment?
    • Please tell me about your company.
    • Tell me about your clients.
    • etc.

    What questions do you ask your clients, to better understand them or their industry?

    submitted by /u/NoahDoah
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    Bidding Setup - Whats the best way with a set close time?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 07:08 AM PDT

    Problem: A bidding system is in place where users submit a bid before a set closing time, PHP/AJAX/JS are used. The issue is some users have time remaining (1-3 seconds) when the auction closes in some cases.

    Solutions (that I personally don't want to use): Add a set time value to the auction after each bid. Sockets for 1 dedicated connect to each client? Unsure how helpful this would be.

    Question: What would you use for a bidding setup to ensure all clients get a fair and reasonable chance without error. Or lowest error margin possible. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Debaucus
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    Internship as Independent Contractor

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 02:34 PM PDT

    Hi! I recently got an internship offer at a small startup as a front-end developer. This is the first opportunity I've heard back from since I became a university grad two weeks ago. To give some background of the position I would be working with React and the majority of the work is remote but we would meet as a team once or twice a week at their office (which is an hour away for me). This is the first opportunity I have heard back from the tens of dozens of applications I sent out and have not heard back from. They offered me very little ($300/week) for the duration of the summer (2.5 months) at (20hr/wk) with some indication there might be an opportunity for full-time. Now, I understand because it is a small start-up I can't expect much but I wasn't very fond of the pay since I just graduated and the area I am living in has a large cost-of-living. But, I do have a part-time job so I can survive if I spend my money wisely.

    Recently, they sent me a contract to look over and I noticed they are labeling me as an independent contractor and mentioning things like "obtaining workers' comp for my services" but I am not hiring anyone to do this job for me (so I don't know if this is just standard just-in-case jargon). I started doing some research into what all this meant and found some helpful information but was not entirely relevant to my situation. I understand that I would have to figure out the taxes on my own and that I should play it safe and save 30% of what I make which makes my pay 210/week. But I'm confused as to how my part-time job plays in this (if at all) and the implications of that. Plus, having over 15k of loans and having to think of paying that off soon is not helpful.

    I have not signed the contract but it is due next week and just wanted to get some advice whether I should deal with this for the experience (since this would be my first "real" experience) or take my chances and keep applying to other positions and deny this one. If it helps I have just short of 2 yrs experience as both a developer and UI/UX designer working on projects with faculty and university partners with good recommendations but by the looks of it, I was wrong in assuming I was decently qualified as I thought. Any help is appreciated!

    also, this is the link to the other post that mentioned a similar situation: https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/9agdmt/im_starting_a_web_developer_internship_tomorrow/

    submitted by /u/webhead1144
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    Best JS Libraries for Seemless Page transitions?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 02:26 PM PDT

    Something I love about the web right now is animations. Animating elements back and forth with https://animejs.com is great. The only thing I am missing is how to animate through different pages without a page refresh. For example, https://git.blivesta.com/animsition/ has nice animations but does a page refresh after the initial animation starts. I am also a fan of the animations where it uses part of the page. For example, if I click on a blog thumbnail, it animates into the top banner of the page and the content of the blog post comes in underneath.

    What's the best direction moving forward with page transitions and loading content without page refreshes?

    submitted by /u/LewisTheScot
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    Dumb question, how do YOU typically get a client's information to put your website on their URL?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 01:41 PM PDT

    I understand a little bit about this but I'm still new so I want to start off on a good foot.

    Let's say your client wants you to update their old website that they haven't updated since 2012. Assuming they aren't good with computers, what's the best way to request their personal information here so you can actually upload a wordpress website to their URL? Also, what information do you even need to do this? Should you ask for who they're paying to keep the domain (Godaddy, Hostgator, Namecheap etc) and then look up instructions for how to get information from that specific website? Or is there an easier way than that? What if they've completely forgotten who they're even paying to keep the website for them, what's the easiest way to figure this out?


    submitted by /u/Turbopasta
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    Adding code into rich text editor vs Back end (Shopify) ?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 01:35 PM PDT

    What would be the downside of adding code directly onto a products rich text editor vs adding it onto the back end files. Example is that I'm adding CSS onto a product to change certain page aspects. I can get it to work this way but I dont have the experience to edit the back end files to get this specific product edit to work. So it looks like these changes over ride the css files on the back end. Is there anything that I should be aware of? Would this have any affect on page speed?

    Any help is appreciated :)

    submitted by /u/seo_tom
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    Salary in Vienna, Austria for a Mid-Level Frontend Developer

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 05:25 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    I will be moving to Vienna this October and slowly started doing a job research.

    I've got 4+ years of experience, done multiple projects in react, vue and angular and I am no stranger with Laravel either.

    Despite my fullstacky nature, I would love to get a frontend job (preferably react) as I am very visually/detail oriented guy and love making beautiful UIs.

    What I am not sure is what's the expected salary for a guy like me.

    I noticed, that most of the open job positions state salary "according to collective agreement" and is around ~40k and "happy to overpay according to your experience".

    What does this mean? Do majority of people get paid according to collective agreement or is that only a minimum dictated by law and it is expected to be more?

    What's the ballpark of what I should be aiming for when asked about my salary expectations?

    Ideally I would like to apply to english speaking company, as I am just learning german.

    submitted by /u/mminar
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    Push notifications in PWA

    Posted: 27 Jun 2019 10:54 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm currently making a PWA using Vue and I want to implement push notifications. I've read that it was possible on Android, but not on iOS. How should I go about doing this? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Lecurde
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    Looking for advice concerning software for creating a simple static website

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 08:58 AM PDT

    Are there any drag and drop type website builders or software which will create a html source code with little to no html knowledge for a simple static 3 page website that will just require hosting afterwards?

    I am aware of wix builder/WordPress but these seem to be an ongoing monthly payment for the service and seem to cater to site which will need to be updated.

    It is for a small business website which I am looking to have up for the smallest cost possible.

    Any advice appreciated, thanks.

    submitted by /u/WraithLighters
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    What to do when your last name is too long for your domain name (portfolio)?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 12:43 PM PDT

    So my last name is pretty long... And I don't know whether or not I should still include my last name on my domain name for my portfolio website. Is it really considered that bad to not have your last name on it or should I just use it? Any tips?

    submitted by /u/ThunderWaffe
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    Using Google Ads API with REST endpoints

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 06:41 AM PDT

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