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    Saturday, June 22, 2019

    Is JavaScript a must for web development? Ask Programming

    Is JavaScript a must for web development? Ask Programming

    Is JavaScript a must for web development?

    Posted: 22 Jun 2019 09:21 AM PDT

    Hello guys. I am fairly new to programming and I want to know if JavaScript is a must learn for coding website's?

    Edit:Thank you guys for all the useful answers

    submitted by /u/Marlihano
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    Direct2D - drawing on an existing bitmap (generic) in memory

    Posted: 22 Jun 2019 05:43 PM PDT

    I'm dabbling with Direct2D - possibly unwisely, since I never really got to grips with GDI/GDI+ - and after much Googling it's got to the point where I a) am going to give up and stick with GDI+ anyway, but b) still want to know the solution to the problem.

    I'm writing a plugin for AviSynth which needs to draw on an existing array of bytes as if it were a graphics context/render target. With GDI+ I can do this:

    Bitmap bitmap(width, height, pitch, PixelFormat24bppRGB, pointer_to_bytes); Graphics* g = Graphics::FromImage(&bitmap); 

    And from then on I can use GDI+ commands to paint on the bitmap.

    I'm trying to do the same thing with Direct2D, but I just can't get anywhere. The best I can find are pages that give examples of how to fulfil a WM_PAINT message using Direct2D, but then add a tiny note "Oh and you can also point to a bitmap, if you want," without going into any detail as to how.

    I can create my Direct2D resources without a problem - factory, render target, brush - and thought I could do this:

    const RECT a = { 0, 0, width, height }; hr = render_target->BindDC(g->GetHDC(), &a); 

    where g is the Graphics* from above. But BindDC returns a "The parameter is incorrect" error. I also tried:

    ID2D1Bitmap* d2d_bitmap; hr = render_target->CreateBitmap(D2D1_SIZE_U({ (UINT32)width, (UINT32)height }), pointer_to_bytes, (UINT32)pitch, D2D1_BITMAP_PROPERTIES({ D2D1_PIXEL_FORMAT({DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB, D2D1_ALPHA_MODE_UNKNOWN}), 90.0f, 90.f }), &d2d_bitmap); 

    But that gives an error result which ERRLOOK.EXE can't translate, unhelpfully.

    Can anyone give me any pointers as to where I'm going wrong?

    submitted by /u/wonkey_monkey
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    How to update the proto of a file? (Windows 10)

    Posted: 22 Jun 2019 02:09 PM PDT

    Basically we need to update the proto of a file from a TenserFlow Object Detection, Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Rexlin28
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    Are there any web frameworks that are as productive as Ruby on Rails?

    Posted: 22 Jun 2019 10:15 AM PDT

    The first web framework I learned was Ruby on Rails 4. I feel like Rails spoilt me because since then, I've tried many other frameworks in languages such as Javascript (ex. Express, Koa) and Go (ex. Buffalo, Echo), but none provided me the same level of productivity as Rails for building web apps.

    I'm not entirely sure why that as. I thought that maybe Ruby's meta-programming features might play a role in allowing developers to do more with less code. Most of the frameworks I've tried have required a ton of boilerplate to do the same things that Rails would allow me to do with ease.

    I just thought I'd ask, what web frameworks do you think provide a similar level of productivity? Say you wanted to start a new business and needed to build, let's say some kind of marketplace, and you had a very tight schedule. What languages or frameworks would you use for that task today, in 2019?

    I'm asking specifically because I'm hoping to find a more performant language than Ruby for a project, but might just stick with Rails if I have to give up the productivity for the extra performance.

    submitted by /u/portOdin
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    Starting point for building Unity/Hololens navigation.

    Posted: 22 Jun 2019 07:14 AM PDT

    I'm an university level student with not much experience and application within the field so this summer I am trying to get some experience at one of my school's labs. The lab is extremely independent so I haven't been able to get much help from the lab lead. I've been reading up on unity/hololens but I would appreciate some help on some starting points. The three objects of what I (the lab wants) want to achieve are:

    1) Navigation within a building. The lab lead explained that we would upload a virtual map into our hololens so that if we say "Take me Professor's ________ office" a virtual assistant will lead me there without clipping walls and such.

    2) Reading a poster image/text and allowing further search. If I have a picture of a whale, could say "Let me see more" and see more images of whales.

    3) Navigation with Google maps. Same idea as one but with Google Maps (API?)

    What would be super helpful would be a broad overview of what I should be doing. For example, for 1, am I supposed to measure my computer science building by hand and input the measurement into unity? Or should I use spatial mapping in order to create the environment if possible? How should calibration work? I would also appreciate buzz words or the terms of what I am trying to accomplish so I can look up documentation and tutorials. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/jijoon
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    Help with database!

    Posted: 22 Jun 2019 12:53 PM PDT

    Hi, sorry if the question is trivial but I can't find solutions. I created a database that contains the school timetable, i created a table for the professors and assigned them a subject. the problem is: how do I assign two subjects to a professor? I created a table containing the subjects and the relative id and then in the professor table I entered the subject ID, but how can I do to assign more than one. Thanks a lot! I'm using Mysql(InnoDB)

    submitted by /u/goritaiz
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    What I should be able to do with Git when working in a team environment?

    Posted: 22 Jun 2019 07:38 AM PDT

    For now I just commit and push to my repository from within Netbeans.

    1. What else I need to know when working in a team environment?

    2. It's called version control, so how do you assign version numbers and where to you keep all these different versions or when you have a new version then the old one is gone?

    submitted by /u/notsporadic
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    Any website for sample data for testing

    Posted: 22 Jun 2019 03:10 AM PDT

    Hi i want to know if there is any website which provides big sample data in PDFs, videos and images formats (only) but in gbs or more than 100-200 mb

    submitted by /u/Jainal09
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    Xamarin vs. Android native

    Posted: 22 Jun 2019 06:00 AM PDT

    Hello there.

    I'm trying to make a hard choice, that's why I'm asking for help.

    For like 2 years i've been programming in Java, mainly webapps using Spring. (I should say i've been learning programming since i'm still at school). Recently, i've moved to .Net and i intend to develop an asp.net web app. (At least i'll try to). Also i'd like to try some mobile app for my device, that should be useful for me. Nothing so big.

    Thus comes my question -- what would be a better choice when developing a mobile app? I like Java quiet much, but since i've benn writing in c# that language appeals to me more. Also i have not so good memories with programming in android studio. A year ago i and my friends parcitipaded in a hackathon trying to create something interesting for mobiles, and the work with android studio was just a pain in the neck. There were a lot of bugs, the development process was so clumsy (Maybe we were just to inexperienced in this kind of work, but since then i got some kind of trauma connected to working in that IDE). But as i use c# more, Java is getting a little bit to heavy for me. (Though i still like that language). I've watched mosh video about Xamarin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93ZU6j59wL4

    And this is much faster to develop than my first lines of code using Java were.
    Though, having read some opinions on xamarin vs. native i'm uncertain, what i should choose.

    So, basically my question: What are pros and cons of programming with Xamarin and with native libraries? What would be better for a beginner?
    If you could, would you give me some advice on mobile development? And also, i'd appreciate recommending some tutorials (Whether they're free or not).

    Man, i hate that reddit text editor doesn't close parentheses for me.

    submitted by /u/yanitrix
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    Agile deployment for licensing options?

    Posted: 22 Jun 2019 04:48 AM PDT

    I don't understand the sentence in bold (from the story Life's a Game by Charles Stross):

    We had to design the look, script the game, plan the movie and machinima serial spin-outs, hire writers and musicians, built the 3-D models for the animators and the spinoff toy printers … And finally, we hope that our game catches fire. Then we use agile deployment for licensing options before the game times-out on us.

    What has agile deployment to do with licensing options? Is it an intentional oxymoron, or does it have a practical meaning?

    submitted by /u/Alabarna
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    API structure for serving bulky data.

    Posted: 22 Jun 2019 12:39 AM PDT

    I need to serve images and other large datafiles through a key protected API. Endpoints need to allow the user to query any length of dataframes from any dataset I have in the storage.

    Looking for suggestion for repo/tutorial for such an API in node.js.


    submitted by /u/mr_tylr
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