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    Thursday, June 6, 2019

    Is it normal to love writing code but you absolutely hate your life when you're debugging? learn programming

    Is it normal to love writing code but you absolutely hate your life when you're debugging? learn programming

    Is it normal to love writing code but you absolutely hate your life when you're debugging?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 05:43 PM PDT

    I like writing code. But when there's some error inside the code and I'm working under a deadline to debug it, I lose my temper and the process becomes extremely unenjoyable.

    Anybody else feel the same or I can't claim I like coding if I hate this aspect of it?

    submitted by /u/lotyei
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    How do you actually use git ?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 03:54 PM PDT

    So i'm just learning git, i'm at the stage where i can clone or create a repo, miss with it a little bit, create and merge branches then finally push the update.

    My issue is, it's kinda complicated for me to open each file separately using the "code filename.js" for instance, instead of opening the whole folder in vsCode and working with all the files open at the same time!

    So my question is how can i open the whole container folder of the project using the git command, do all my changes with different files opened at the same time then commit and push the whole package ?


    PS: I'm using Ubuntu's terminal and the git commands if that helps.

    Edit: post wasn't clear enough!

    submitted by /u/imatworkpleasenonsfw
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    Having trouble starting and committing

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 05:01 PM PDT

    Hey all, I have been trying to move from what I would consider beginner to intermediate in programming and know that i need a project to really accomplish that. My problem is finding something that interests me and that i see value in, something i could really showcase to future employers. I have taken a java class, and understand OOP decently, i have also written small GUI's to understand event handling. I have also converted quite a few bash scripts into python at my job and have dabbled in plain C. I have been reading text books almost every night and doing small programs to help with my understanding of all three languages (java, python, and c) although I feel like I have a mental block every time I try and think of a decent project to start. Is this a common problem and do I just need to pick something and go? If so, what would be a decent project that would allow me to showcase my skills and grow?

    Any advice is very appreciated and thanks for your time.

    Edit: Noticing a number of down votes, could someone that is down voting elaborate on why so that I could learn? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/RisickWinters
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    Bob Ross of Programming

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 08:03 PM PDT

    I want to watch some youtube videos of people programming while I lay in bed. Is there a such a thing of just some mellow guy programming and explaining what he's doing as he goes?

    submitted by /u/18January1971
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    GWU's Coding Bootcamp

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 04:08 PM PDT

    I was wondering if anyone knows anything about or has had any experience with George Washington University's coding bootcamp? The bootcamp focuses on web development and seems promising and legitimate. I'm also wondering if anyone knows anything about the admission's process and how difficult it is to get in, tips on how to stand out, etc. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/ccsvp7
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    Current college student, I'm wondering what the next steps would be programming wise?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 04:01 PM PDT

    Just finished freshman year where I gained exposure to Java and now I'm planning on learning new languages. I'm debating between honing my Python or Web Dev skills, what would be more beneficial going forward and obtaining tech internships?

    submitted by /u/StarryEyedKid
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    Continuing Education - Training in the Microsoft Stack

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 04:48 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I'm a junior dev that was hired at a company that mainly does development with Microsoft tools.

    Next week I need to provide my manager with a course of training that I wish to do that somehow involves asp.net Core and C#. Could also include Azure development and SQL Server.

    A few people have mentioned that I should become MCSD certified - or at least get some of the certifications that lead toward that. Although, other people have told me that is a waste of time and the certs are not relevant to current skill sets.

    Whatever it is that I do, there are 2 requirements:

    1. It has to be done by December of this year,
    2. It has to be "measurable". In other words, there has to be something tangible that can be demonstrated by the end of it.

    My question is, would any of you be able to recommend some training that fits into this type of situation?

    Part of me thinks that I would be better off putting together a self-study course with Pluralsight videos, and other training materials. But I'm not sure how that can be measured.

    submitted by /u/c_sharp_training
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    HELP! career change into coding.

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 04:28 PM PDT

    So I'm 35 years old/m , I've been working at my current job for 9 years now, and its all night shifts, i think I'm getting too old for be working nights. Been thinking of a career change for years but nothing has jumped out at me in the jobs ads plus its super scary in this day and age to be unemployed esp when i have bills to pay etc...

    My friend suggested to me these coding bootcamps, (I'm from northwest UK) 12 weeks intense learning , with further help in landing a role as a junior develop by the end of it. I have the savings for the bootcamp, (£6k course fee) just need to save money for the 12 weeks i will be unemployed. My knowledge of coding is minimal but I did dabble in HTML when I younger and took an interest in it.

    I'm getting sick of my current job (i swear the long nights are making me sick mentally and physically) Do I take the plunge, quit my current job and sign up for this bootcamp? has anyone tried a coding bootcamp before? and how did it work out for you?

    any advice is welcome, sorry if all this has been answered before

    Edit: I've signed up for an open evening where I can meet the tutors and alumni's, I will try and get as much information as possible and report back.

    Apart from the obvious questions to pick their brain with, is there anything I should ask that would be important in becoming a programmer? and what they offer?

    submitted by /u/Gaara2
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    UML class diagram for Snake game

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 02:56 PM PDT

    Hey guys,

    I don't really know if this is the right place to ask but since I've read the posting guidelines I think it's not forbidden either.

    So I decided to start to work on a Snake game just to improve my programming and OOD skills. This is what I came up with. I'm sure there is some stuff missing but still, I'd like to get general review on the diagram.

    For a specific question I'd like to know how to implement the compositions. Normally, I'd pack the Board with it's Tiles in one package, the Snake with it's body parts in another and make the body parts and the tiles invisible by giving it package visiblity. Still, the body parts and the Tiles are supposed to know each other. This would mean that if i decided to destroy the snake, there would still be references to it's body parts. On the other hand, as they both only have package visiblity I can't even access them from outside.

    You can find the class diagram here (zoom in to see it in colour, the tool doesn't allow exporting it in another format): https://imgur.com/a/gvGXPHy

    Looking forward to your answers. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/PM_ME_YR_FAV_SONG
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    Java what is the difference between a property and a field?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 05:49 PM PDT

    I'm confused on the difference between the two.

    submitted by /u/stryami
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    Is there a subreddit for getting Feedback on my projects that I made?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 11:41 PM PDT

    I was wondering if there is a subreddit for posting own projects to help others and getting some feedback. I think it would great to see other projects and getting some inspiration from it. Because many of us are more or less self taught, they got bad coding habits that we could correct us.

    submitted by /u/Paddyhallek
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    Noob Q: How do I build a SQL database with a custom GUI program to manipulate it and report on it?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 08:54 PM PDT

    At work we currently have a 3 table database application built in Excel, with forms and reports built on VB code, but it is clunky and slow and really an unfinished project (I designed it but someone else wrote the code, as I have little programming experience).

    The three tables are essentially a hierarchy of Plant, Equipment, Defects and the programs purpose is to record inspect results and track condition statistics across our site, plus generate inspection reports as PDF's. Data is entered, changed, and removed via buttons and forms.

    My goal is to replace the Excel/VB program with a SQL database fronted by a user friendly GUI on desktop (ideally also mobile later on). I'd like it to look like a natural application rather than a command line database or excel spreadsheet. Once I've converted to that (or during) I can start making much needed improvements to the system.

    My question is: What software do I need to get to my end goal? And what does the path look like to get there?

    Based on my research I picture this:

    Software: 1. MariaDB for the backend SQL database 2. Python and Tkinter for the program and GUI. 3. SQL Workbench to help work on the database

    Pathway: 1. Build a database backend. 2. Develop SQL queries to be used in routines in the python program. 3. Write the python routines incorporating the SQL queries, assemble modules for the front end. 4. Build the GUI incorporating the aforementioned routines.

    How close am I?

    submitted by /u/Nexmo16
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    Is it just me that feels like I can’t ever commit to finish a side project?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 09:03 PM PDT

    Hi. So I've a really bad habit of committing to self projects. For example, I'll work on a project, and once I feel satisfied that I've done enough, I'll slowly start to lose interest because I feel like I already know the procedure and algorithm to solve the rest of my problems. But even though it's finished in my mind, I never get to actually finish it and publishing it to GitHub, leading to unfinished projects.

    Like I was writing a library for an API, and it's obviously very easy stuff, just some HTTP GET requests, promise based, and some caching, etc.. I got to learn more about things I've never used before, and I always try to take a different approach. But the thing is is that I get TOO bored too soon once I start realizing that everything is just repetitive work. Like after I was about 70% done, I realized it's just constant requests to the endpoint over and over again.

    I like learning new things too, but sometimes I also struggle to find new ideas and I've to force myself to just look hard or think hard. And then i get bored and feel overwhelmed and end up going for like 3-4 days without coding.

    submitted by /u/ansonplusc
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    What’s an easy way to work on a project on multiple computers.

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 01:03 PM PDT

    I have two computers that I use for working on my programming projects; my desktop computer and my laptop. I like to be able to work on both of them for various reasons, but it can some times be tedious to do this.

    Some things I've tried are:

    Git, but I don't like having to commit tiny things all the time, and a lot of times I forget to commit changes and then when I go to edit the project on another computer I'm met with outdated code.

    Atom's teletype, but it only lets you collaborate on a single file unless you manually share all of the files which is extremely tedious, and I can not always enable teletype on one of my computers, so this won't always work.

    File sharing using a usb stick, but this is super time consuming.

    I don't know what to do, I just want an easy way to have a mirror of my project folder on two different computers.

    submitted by /u/BridgetNichols
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    How would one define an extraction operator for this class?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 11:41 PM PDT

    class quant {


     quant(); quant(string x, string y); 


     string Author; string Title; 


    quant::quant(string x, string y) :Author{ x }, Title{ y } {}

    I need to extract a pair of Authors and Titles from a file which has a somewhat structured format. The data is represented like this:

    Crime and Punishment (Fyodor Dostoyevsky)

    - Your Highlight

    Here, the Title is Crime and Punishment, the Author is Fyodor Dostoyevsky. I was thinking of using "==========", " (" and "- Your Highlight" as markers of sort for my overloaded input operator. I can't figure out how it must be designed though. Since the file's structure contains a lot more stuff than just this chunks of well-defined text like this.

    submitted by /u/programming_student1
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    Is it possible to make a program like this?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 10:50 PM PDT

    I use android on my smart phone.And i use facebook messenger for video calls,im kind of new to java but i wonder if i could make a program that will count how many hours i video called total with one friend i chose for example,is it possible ? if not,how can i do it

    submitted by /u/Wulfharth_
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    How can I get the normal of a surface made using THREE.js?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 10:21 PM PDT

    If I have a plane created with PlaneGeometry, is there a way to access the surface's normal? I know the Face3 has a normal attribute and that planes are made of Face3s, but I don't know THREE.js well enough yet to figure out how to access those normals, or if it's even possible.

    submitted by /u/Danger_Squirrel_X
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    Connecting to Serial->Ethernet converter box via Telnet, Getting empty response.

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 02:09 PM PDT

    Hey guys! I'm trying to communicate with a device that has a Serial COM port that goes out (using RS232 Protocol), which I've hooked up to a converter box that converts the connection to Ethernet. I've successfully connected to the converter box (which has its own IP) and I've successfully communicated with the device by sending it commands over telnet by using PuTTY, to which it has responded with various data that I've been able to parse.

    Now, I'm trying to build a WPF app that uses C# to communicate with the device. I've established a connection by creating a socket, and I'm able to send strings to the device, but every time I get a response back, it's just all \0 null characters. I have absolutely no idea how to proceed, as I'm very new to network programming. I've provided my code below - I have basically just ripped code from other people online so I don't really know what I'm doing. Please tell me if there are any glaring things that are just plain wrong.

    public string TcpConnect(string cmd) { IPAddress address = IPAddress.Parse(""); IPEndPoint ep = new IPEndPoint(address, 23); Socket s = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); Console.WriteLine("Establishing Connection to {0}", address); s.Connect(ep); if (s.Connected) Console.WriteLine("CONNECTED"); //receive handshake byte[] buffer = new byte[4096]; int byteCount = s.Receive(buffer); Console.WriteLine(byteCount + " Bytes Found"); DumpBytes(buffer, byteCount); //send handshake var handshake1 = new byte[] { 0xFF, 0xFC, 0x18, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0x20, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0x23, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0x27, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0x24 }; s.Send(handshake1); ASCIIEncoding A = new ASCIIEncoding(); byte[] enable = A.GetBytes("enable\r\n"); byte[] connect = A.GetBytes("connect line 1\r\n"); byte[] command = A.GetBytes(cmd); //s.Send(enable); //s.Send(connect); s.Send(command); byte[] response = new byte[20]; byteCount = s.Receive(command); Console.WriteLine("Dumping Again"); DumpBytes(response, response.Length); var msg = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(response, 0, byteCount); return msg; } 

    I have also tried a method using a TcpClient and a NetworkStream, but the message I received was "??%??????'?? ??" Which I am confused about. I saw something online about that possibly being related to a bad BAUD rate setting, but I'm not sure. That method I used is here:

    public string TcpConnect(string cmd) { var client = new TcpClient(); Console.WriteLine("Connecting to server"); client.Connect("", 23); //22 = ssh, 23 = telnet, 80 = http Console.WriteLine("CONNECTED SUCCESSFULLY"); Stream tcpStream = client.GetStream(); ASCIIEncoding A = new ASCIIEncoding(); byte[] enable = A.GetBytes("enable" + Environment.NewLine); byte[] connect = A.GetBytes("connect line 1" + Environment.NewLine); byte[] ba = A.GetBytes(cmd); Console.WriteLine("Transmitting....."); tcpStream.Write(enable, 0, enable.Length); tcpStream.Write(connect, 0, connect.Length); tcpStream.Write(ba, 0, ba.Length); byte[] responseBytes = new byte[4096]; var handshake1 = new byte[] { 0xFF, 0xFC, 0x18, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0x20, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0x23, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0x27, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0x24 }; tcpStream.Send(handshake1); int numBytesRead = tcpStream.Read(responseBytes, 0, responseBytes.Length); var message = A.GetString(responseBytes, 0, numBytesRead); Console.WriteLine("\nServer Closed."); return message; } 
    submitted by /u/Dark_Tranquility
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    Editing text files in C?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 09:40 PM PDT

    I've posted on this subreddit a number of times, always got great help. I'm back again because I am unable to do my assignment no matter how hard I try, there's always a roadblock that I encounter. Here's where I currently am:

    - I have a reasonable understanding of structs.
    - I have a reasonable understanding of saving structures to text files(thanks Reddit + YouTube)

    Here's where I am stuck: the fscanf function and editing text files.
    I'm going to use a simple example to explain my issues:

    #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> int main() { struct StudentData { int studentID; char Name[25]; }; struct StudentData s[1]; printf("Please enter your ID.\n"); //("%d",&s[0].studentID); //The above line should allow the user to enter his ID, but for some reason it keeps giving an error "return value ignored." So for now I am just assigning a fixed number below. s[0].studentID = 222; printf("Please enter your name and press enter when you're done.\n"); gets(s[0].Name); FILE* filepointer; filepointer = fopen("StudentDataFile.txt", "w"); fwrite(s, sizeof(struct StudentData), 1, filepointer); fclose(filepointer); printf("Data stored successfully."); return 0; } 

    Now the text file that this produces, if you enter the name John, is something like this "Þ John ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌ"

    My questions:
    - Why does the file look like that when it should look something like "222 John"
    - Now let's assume my text file is created and I want to change the ID or name to something else? Let's assume the same ID is being used by a new person like "Jane" how do I use the fscanf function to isolate and replace "John" with "Jane"?
    - Lastly if my structure was larger. Let's say it was 5 IDs and names stored and someone asked me to delete the 3rd student because he left the school, how do I specifically get fscanf to delete the 3rd one? Does fscanf work line by line to find integers and characters?

    submitted by /u/SACHD
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    Is there a lightweight framework for developing static websites?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 10:10 AM PDT

    I am looking for a really minimal framework, that just requires these functionalities:

    • you can split up one big html file in many different sub-htmls
    • the website gets reloaded on changes
    • you just can code with html, js and scss syntax

    I have made many projects with Angular and it's a really nice framework. But sometimes it is just to much.

    submitted by /u/Paddyhallek
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    [JS] Removing an exact string in JS

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 09:22 PM PDT

    So this code I figured out is using an array to edit things, is there a way I can manipulate string in place instead of having to make an array out of it for easy manipulation.

    //return all permutation of a letter; function variation(str) { let container = [] permute(str.split(''), [], container) return container; } function permute(array, chosen, container) { if (array.length === 0) { container.push(chosen.join('')) } for (let i in array) { let temp = array.splice(i,1) chosen.push(temp); permute(array, chosen, container) array.unshift(chosen.pop()) } } const boe = 'boe'; variation(boe) // [ 'boe', 'beo', 'ebo', 'eob', 'beo', 'boe' ] 
    submitted by /u/TriLamSr
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    Any advice with Axure?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 09:21 PM PDT

    I just found out my job will require me to learn and use Axure to create prototypes. Does anyone have a good resource for learning? In addition, does anyone have recommendations for practicing on Axure? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/LewHL
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    Looking to hire a freelance coder for an app. Any tips or red flags I should look for when choosing?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 09:15 PM PDT

    Not sure if this is remotely the right place for this but here goes. I'm looking to hire a freelance coder for an app. And it's really hard to find any information about how to do that. Also the last "freelancer" i talked to about the app did not sign and nda (cuz i'm dumb) and is making a app thats similar. If any one here has any advice i'm pretty in the dark about what to do next.

    submitted by /u/Trill_f0x
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    This old C textbook is selling for $529. Why?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 01:30 PM PDT

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