• Breaking News

    Sunday, June 30, 2019

    From sketches to final render - here's how we designed Nolan North's character in Freedom Finger.

    From sketches to final render - here's how we designed Nolan North's character in Freedom Finger.

    From sketches to final render - here's how we designed Nolan North's character in Freedom Finger.

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 11:03 AM PDT

    A character selection screen, decided to create a peaceful atmosphere before the incoming dangers of this world

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 01:14 PM PDT

    Two weeks left to submit your unfinished games to Fragment Jam!

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 03:03 AM PDT

    Which game engine has the smallest output for a "blank" project in terms of file size?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 08:54 AM PDT

    Looking into this out of interest.

    Unity and Godot seems to be around 30MB

    GameMaker won't seem to let me build a runnable .exe unless I pay but I would guess it was a contender.

    Looking for something that's around 10mb as a max on output but the smaller the better.

    Yes this IS for a meme but that doesn't make me any less interested.

    submitted by /u/Chincoming
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    Wrote an article about writing a simple code generator, from a custom language parsing to C++. Need feedback, corrections and improvements! Thank you!

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 10:14 AM PDT

    Hello everyone!
    I am diving into code generation, and wrote an article about it.
    Still learning but I love this topic.
    I am searching for any feedback or improvements.
    Hope it will spark some ideas for you!


    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/JorenJoestar
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    Which engine are currently the best for making games like Odin sphere or Muramasa: The Demon Blade??

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 11:13 AM PDT

    I love Odin sphere and Muramasa: The Demon Blade, mostly of their art. They inspired me to make similar game that has similar gameplay (and art if possible). I also want to put RPG and visual novel features into that (because I love them).
    I think of starting with an engine that could create 2D sidescroller gameplay, but which should I use?


    submitted by /u/daodinhkien
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    Marketing Suggestions

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 07:42 AM PDT

    Hi, i am about to publish my new game on both App Store and Google Play Store. I published my first game few months ago and it got barely 1000 downloads. I don't want to rush this one because I am more hopeful about this one rather thane the last one. I want to get some marketing techniques from you guys.

    submitted by /u/gurbuzer16
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    How to correctly implement systems in an Entity Component System?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 09:51 AM PDT

    I could copy taste this exact post, because I think I'm stuck at pretty much the same place.

    I feel like I have gone through every article on the topic and have to be missing something. I am trying to implement a entity component system. However I get stuck when it comes to understanding how it actually runs.

    I couldn't have said it better. How does it actually run?


    What I get

    Components are data and data only. No method, no behavior defined. Just data.

    Entities are just ids. I can be a string or a number, but it's just an id.

    Systems act on the components somehow.


    What I don't get

    1. How do the systems know which entities to update the components of?

    Do you store a list of components used on the entity? Do the systems keep a list of all entities that have the correct components? Do the systems iterate through all the entities, check if it has all the correct component, and if so run the correct behavior every time there's a game update? I suppose this last option would allow to completely change the behaviors of entities in real-time

    1. If I need behavior trees or finite state machines, how can I implement that in an entity component system? Isn't it supposed to be stateless?
    submitted by /u/SamSibbens
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    yet another open source alternative to fraps

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 11:44 AM PDT

    Game Inspector

    Github Link

    It's an open source tool to measure FPS, FlipRate and other metrics, take screenshots, record video and draw overlay.

    This application is based on:

    These python libraries could be used for automation and to develop other applications

    fps_inspector_sdk and screen_recorder_sdk are API agnostic and dont hook inside game process and can be used without game_overlay_sdk which hooks inside game process, so without overlay it works with all games on all hardware. To use them without overlay you need to choose PID mode in configuration window.

    Game overlay is an experimental feature, for now it should work with x32 and x64 games which are based on:

    • DX11
    • DX12
    • Vulkan

    There are usage guide and installation instructions on project page

    How does it look?

    Application screen with results:

    • left upper corner - buttons to control
    • left bottom corner - video, you will need to press play after recording
    • right upper corner - fps/fliprate plot(in stored csv files there are much more useful metrics!)
    • right bottom corner - screenshot


    submitted by /u/Altmetr
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    Learn how to make a low poly tree in Blender 2.8!

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 11:41 PM PDT

    Hi guys looking for some advice about starting from scratch on a 3d game. Thank you.

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 10:25 AM PDT

    Hi guys. I've worked on game design before as a graphic designer but never really worked with programming. I've looked around the wiki and it suggests unreal and unity for 3d game engines and wanted to check how much programming/coding expirience is needed. I don't have any experience with it and unsure if I should practice programming or jump straight into trying to make it.

    I've already wrote up most of the game idea along with the story and how you will progress through the game. Obviously just thinking about a game or having an idea is very different from making one. The game would be first person, 3d and the playable area would be a single house with two floors and a garage. You won't be able to see the outside or leave the house. Could someone please give me some advice on where I should start with this?, Thank you.

    submitted by /u/BethSquiggles
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    Rewinding and Replaying back time (in Unity)?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 06:37 AM PDT

    I'm an intermediate programmer looking to put some real time into developing a game this summer.

    Over the last few weeks I started learning how to use Unity after I found it being pretty intuitive to use.

    Now I came up with this concept where you're facing this one enemy, but instead of playing in real-time, you get 5 seconds to plan your moves ahead of time. So you're walking around and shooting, whilst your enemy is still frozen. Your enemy does the same, you don't get to see each other's actions, and then you both get reset to where you originally started your moves play out. So you're basically just taking a gamble on where to go / shoot etc.

    So here I am, asking for help on how to start off development on such a title.

    My current idea is to have a gameobject keep count of every gametick (1/64 second (ballpark number, i doubt the game would need more precision than 16 tick). Then have a class check for player inputs every frame. Every fixed update, move or shoot according to those inputs. Every time we move or shoot in FixedUpdate, store what action was performed, with what parameters, in a Queue, along with the current game tick.

    If the 5 second round timer is over, reset the players to their original positions, then dequeue the first action from the queue. Once the appropriate amount of ticks since the end of those 5 seconds is reached, play the action, then take out the next one and execute it again when it's reached it's tick-checkpoint.

    Am I over complicating things here? Are there any more clear-headed suggestions out there on how to tackle this?
    Also, if you're willing to help me start off on this project, please PM me and i'll add you on discord.

    submitted by /u/ARROGANT-CYBORG
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    Question about endless terrain generation

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 05:30 AM PDT

    I'm currently studying A Level CS and am making a 2d endless side-scrolling platformer using C# in Unity. I was wondering how to recursively generate platforms, in my head it seems quite easy - have a standard starting area and then as the player moves across the world spawn another platform at the previous platform's Y co-ordinate (after randomly generating a number between 5 to -5, as an example) added onto the previous platform's Y co-ordinate. In theory this would result in platforms being generated at random heights within a range in order to make them reachable, although I'm unsure about how I'd go about turning this from a thought into some code. I've researched heightmaps although I don't think I know the right words for it, and therefore can't find a way to carry out my idea.

    Any ideas? Thanks for replies in advance

    submitted by /u/zoogly123
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    Game engine vs library

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 09:12 AM PDT

    Hello, I would like to get started in game development but I'm very unsure of what engine to use. I'm thinkimg about doing a game like project zomboid, or like rimworld, factorio, prison architect... But it seems that every time I check which engine these games use, it's a different one, and that's when it's not a custom one.

    I've started with unity because everybody advise to use it, but of the games I mentioned (and other similar games) none of them use unity.

    I already know some c++ and java. I've seen that there are also libraries like allegro and libgdx.

    I find it all very confusing. What is the difference between using a game engine and a library. Which one would be more adapted for the type of game I mentioned? Or does it even matter which one I pick?

    Thank you for your help!

    submitted by /u/franchare
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    Some time ago I posted a showcase of a zombie morph feature used for the civilians in an indie game I am currently working on. I got well-deserved criticism that this is a place for dev-relevant topics and not for simple showcases, so I made a breakdown video for you:

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 12:17 PM PDT

    I have an idea for a game and wanted to hear some opinions

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 12:06 PM PDT

    The main gameplay mechanic is that the player is Just soul energy without a body. After killing someone or something they can inhabit that body and use that things power with the mana bar, they would also have that things hp And when the body dies the player is ejected from it. (The player themselves only has one heart of hp) I would say this would be a Metroidvania/ rougelike mix (Maybe when you kill a boss you get part of its power permanently or something), with a dark artstyle and a even darker story. I would also add a moralitry system in there somewhere. Like you can inhabit people To get things in town or something.

    That's the idea so far. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/kamking
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    Is there some sort of easy, fast way to increase the number of vertices of a mesh without changing its shape?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 07:45 AM PDT

    I have a mesh of a simple Cube that has 8 vertices.

    I was wondering if there was some fast way I could make it have 515 vertices, without changing its shape, for the sake of some function I'm trying to do for my game.


    submitted by /u/linkgamedev
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    Could deepfake technology be used to make easier and more realistic facial animations in video games?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 02:26 AM PDT

    Considering so many hyper realistic deepfake videos online are made using mostly machine learning tools I've been wondering if this technology could be used in videos games to make more realistic facial animations that'd be even easier to make?

    submitted by /u/kbg12ila
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    Game engine question

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 05:11 AM PDT

    If you create a game on one engine, let's say game maker, and then transfer it to an engine you made on your own. Would it even be possible and would it need any tweaking?

    submitted by /u/Dalmatilen
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    Software for Graphic Adventure Assets

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 11:01 AM PDT

    Hi all! In the early stages of designing a graphic adventure game. I'm planning to use twine, but looking for recommendations for making the in game graphics. My goal is to make graphics similar to those in games like Snatcher. I'd prefer something cheaper than photoshop, but can be swayed. Thanks!

    TL;DR What's a good sprite (?) editor for making a graphic adventure.

    submitted by /u/sredna14
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    Hi Gamedev! I recorded over 6 GB of new underwater sound effects with hydrophones. Feel free to use these "unworldly" sounds in any of your game productions. Greetings from currently Denver.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 03:04 PM PDT

    Conceiving my first game made me find out how to be more creative

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 03:12 AM PDT

    How to deal with hiring an artist and potential long term work?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 09:35 AM PDT

    Hey there,

    I'm currently in the middle of finishing my current game. Since I'm not even close to be an actual artist, I want to hire someone to replace my programmer art. (+12 j-rpg style action poses and 60 icons in a toon/maybe anime style)

    However, I'm unsure how I can protect myself, while also being fair to the artist. My budget is fairly limited and I'm afraid that if I found a decent artist, he might quit(or violate the contract by not delivering anymore), forcing me to hire a different one with a slightly different art style/character design. People usually say that consistency is important when it comes too art.. Honestly, I just can't afford to have the next artist redo the work(and possibly quitting too..). An contractual clause to make the leaving artist pay back my money for his work seems kinda unfair.(if such a clause would even be legally binding in the first place.).

    Is it even a reasonable fear? Are professional artists usually able to mimic existing styles? I have no clue about art, but the few I tried so far(paid tests), weren't really close to the ref art. Maybe I was just unlucky with them? It works for games with multiple artists, but they also have proper art guidelines/dedicated art directors who are far more skilled to see if a potential artist can mimic the style.


    Are professional artists generally chameleons when it comes to styles so that they can mimic it without issue if they have to replace a previous one?

    Best regards,

    Carmack vs Superpuma

    submitted by /u/Carmack_VS_SuperPuma
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