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    Saturday, June 1, 2019

    FARPROC temp_value_#1859 could be '0': this does not adhere to the specification for the function GetProcAddress Ask Programming

    FARPROC temp_value_#1859 could be '0': this does not adhere to the specification for the function GetProcAddress Ask Programming

    FARPROC temp_value_#1859 could be '0': this does not adhere to the specification for the function GetProcAddress

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 04:47 AM PDT

    FARPROC loadLibraryAddress{ GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle(L"kernel32.dll"), "LoadLibraryW") }; 

    I upgraded from Visual Studio 2017 to 2019, and this code statement above didn't get any underline by the IDE in VS 2017, only in 2019 version. I've been researching what this means, but it's tough to understand. I've been having problems with my my program, I don't think it's because this code though. Because right below it, I check if the returned value is NULL, and throw an exception if it is. Btw, this is a c++ project.

    submitted by /u/Menzoberranyr
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    Anything to read about the overall planning of a project?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 08:51 AM PDT

    I'm not talking about the pseudo code either. Currently, I'm using a word doc that breaks it down. For example I'm building an equation solver so I broke it down into the UI, linear equations, and non linear equations. So far I've been working out the linear equation and broke it down to a Matrix class, with a bunch of different things in it and a 1d array to hold the variables and 2d array to hold the numbers, an RREF method to solve it which I broke down what you do into a list. I feel like this works for something small like this, but I'd enjoy a more visual representation of a project that could be easily interpreted. Is there anything I can learn to see it drawn out?

    submitted by /u/_Spanish_Inquistion
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    How do I disable radio specific radio buttons after another one has been clicked?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 04:52 AM PDT

    Hi! I'm brand new to JavaScript and I have a question:

    I have 8 radio buttons in total. 4 radio buttons for a "favorite appointment" and 4 radio buttons for an alternative appointment. Both groups of radio buttons have the same four days (Monday-Thursday).
    Now if I pick Monday in the "favorite appointment" group, I want Monday in the "alternative appointment" group to be disabled and vice versa if I pick something in the alternative appointment group.

    How do I accomplish that?

    I found a script, which makes it work, when these 4 buttons are in a select (dropdown menu), but that one is structured diffently than what I have right now.

    Any advice is greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Voidsentry
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    Get Javascript variable from website

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 04:25 AM PDT

    I want to get a variable from a website I don't own. After hours of searching i still don't know how to. Does anyone have a solution, preferably not using jquery?

    submitted by /u/atttacc
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    Constraint satisfaction vs symbolic execution

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 07:56 AM PDT

    Within the scope of Formal Verification, what's the difference between CSP and symbolic execution? Both seem to be trying to find a set of actions that lead to desirable/undesirable states. Is symbolic execution a subset of constraint satisfaction or just something that overlaps in some areas?

    submitted by /u/is_a_act
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    Which programming language for my program idea?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 01:48 AM PDT

    So i know a bits and pieces of programming and get the whole idea. And i can google my way through anything. I want to build a program that will be a bit more complex than anything i done before. Figured i could ask this group what language they think i should try it with.

    The idea of the program will be to have a user be able take an image, a schematic. Then create boxes around valves and switches and defines them into a table. Then a logic filter created by the user and saved. Later on the user can select created logic filters and display it over the schematic.

    An example would be is....

    User uploads a picture. Highlights a section around a switch and labels it as S1; highlights valve 1, valve 2, etc... and calls them V1, V2, etc.....

    Then can create another table for various groupings... IF SW2 is on; then V4 is ON and V2 is OFF. And make several more of these

    Based on the table selected and the output, the diagram would highlight the boxes on the image with a color coding system. Like the SW could be yellow, ON valves would be green, and OFF valves would be red or something.

    Hope this makes sense.

    I have done a bit of programming with c++, HTML and SQL. And a tiny bit with python and java. So with that mix i was thinking a JAVA type GUI and SQL DB to hold the logic tables was my first idea. But i am sure someone here may have a better solution for the noobie who is just screwing around.

    What would be the best language to try and stumble my way through this with? This is just a fun hobby project that i want to try and do.

    submitted by /u/MoonLiteNite
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    C++ Placing Vectors for Randomized Class Objects

    Posted: 31 May 2019 04:48 PM PDT

    Hey, I have a quick question.

    Say I have a program that is creating a "Player" object. Within "Player", there is a variable: string name, where I have the object that sets name to a random string within: vector<string> names, like:

    Player::Player() : name(rand() % names.size()) { } 

    Assuming that I am using separate header compilation, where would be the best place to place: vector<string> names? Is it best to declare these vectors that I'm using for randomized object values within the class, or perhaps a separate .h file that loads these values in from .txt and then creates a vector within the new .h class? I am not sure what the standard is here.

    Thank you for any help.

    submitted by /u/ruralchinesefarmer
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    code doesnt work? i dont know why

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 04:53 AM PDT

    hello im a pretty new programmer and i have a problem with a c# code i wrote, can someone help me?


    ^ my code ^

    thank you to everyone that helps

    submitted by /u/ilayrev123
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    How to get best out of Hacker Earth's code monk?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 02:03 AM PDT

    I am a student. I want to spend 1-2 hours daily on programming for the next 50 days parallel to my internship. So I thought it is a good idea to do coding questions practice and code monk seems fine.

    Code monk has so many questions. I am doing this for placement preparation so I want to get the best result in this time period. Any Advice or suggestion?

    Edit:- For python

    submitted by /u/hungarywolf
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    Just wondering

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 01:52 AM PDT

    Guys which kind of music you listen while coding??

    submitted by /u/tiwari504
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    zero impressions

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 12:50 AM PDT

    hello guys, i just created a new app containing facebook ads, my problem is on the monetization manager page I am getting fill rate, ads requests, and I am getting ads my app but zero impressions and eCMP on monetization manager page, any help how to fix this for does anyone know what is the problem? btw the app is still new

    submitted by /u/TheMD208
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    Porting an open sourced program to another OS

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 12:27 AM PDT

    I'll preface this with: I can understand technical stuff, but i don't have the time to learn how to code. There's this program called PDW for windows that can decode pager messages and has some other functions that are useful to me. It's open sourced and I tried today to compile it on an RPI, thinking i could get it to work on one, but it's built for windowsand after 5 min of digging i figured it only compiles for windows.

    Because the RPI is ARM and the workaround using wine and an x86 emulator is not feasable for me, could anyone be able to point me in the right direction for converting it so that it can compile on linux? A linux version of this program would be very helpful for the SDR and radio community.

    submitted by /u/xxretartistxx
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    Inserting JS file into HTML file

    Posted: 31 May 2019 02:53 PM PDT


    I don't know what I'm doing wrong, this host file is in public_html and js/stopwatch.js is also in public_html. Yet, it is not getting inserted.

    submitted by /u/Yolobone
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    Best way to save input to JSON file?

    Posted: 31 May 2019 07:32 PM PDT

    I'm writing an application where you enter a name, the program searches for that name and if the name is not found then it asks for the person's birthday and then stores the name into the dictionary. How can I make this data persist through executions of the application?

    Here's my current code. Any advice welcome.

    #USE JSON TO TURN DICTIONARY INTO JSON FILE THAT WILL PERSIST THE SAVED DATA #IF NAME IS ALREADY IN DIC THEN ASK IF YOU WANT IT TO BE EDITED import json birthdays = {"ALICE": "Apr 1", "BOB": "Dec 12", "CAROL": "Mar 4"} data = birthdays def WriteToJsonFile(path,fileName,data): filePathNameWExt = './' + path + '/' + fileName + '.json' with open(filePathNameWExt, 'w') as fp: json.dump(data,fp) path = './' filename = "birthdays" while True: print("Enter a first and last name to find their birthday.") print("type ""delete"" to enter delete mode or type ""all"" to print all names and birthdays: ") name = input().upper() if name == "DELETE": print("What name would you like to delete? Type nothing to cancel") name = input().upper() if name == "": continue del birthdays[name] print("Okay",name,"has been deleted.") continue elif name == 'ALL': for names in birthdays: print(names + " " + birthdays[names]) elif name == '': break elif name in birthdays: print("Their birthday is ",birthdays[name]) print("Would you like to edit their name? Yes or no?") command = input().upper() if command == 'YES': del birthdays[name] print("Please enter their name:") name = input().upper() print("Please enter their birthday") bday = input() birthdays[name] = bday print("Okay,",name,"'s birthday is",birthdays[name]) continue else: print("I don't have their birthday in my information.") print("What is their birthday?") bday = input() birthdays[name] = bday print("Okay, their name is ",name,"and their birthday is",birthdays[name] ) WriteToJsonFile(path,filename,data) 
    submitted by /u/MyloParadox
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    [HTML/Js]Is it possible that when the user tries to highlight across multiple UI elements and copy, I change what does into the buffer (strip off extra spaces or add spaces between elements, or copy in a better format)?

    Posted: 31 May 2019 11:01 PM PDT

    I can vaguely recall seeing this somewhere. Also putting an invisible div on top isn't an option because the elements are clickable and have listeners.

    submitted by /u/debugeverything
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    [Visual Basic] Confused about .int32 being used with FileStream Object

    Posted: 31 May 2019 06:34 PM PDT

    Hey AP:

    I am working on rewriting some old VB and came across the following function/statements:

    Private Function GetEncryptStrLen&(LenEncryptionSeed&, hFile As FileStream) GetEncryptStrLen = hFile.int32 GetEncryptStrLen = GetEncryptStrLen Xor LenEncryptionSeed ... End Function 

    As I see it, hFile is passed in as a FileStream object, which has no int32 property, so my compiler throws up its hands.

    I am using VB6 in VS to compile, and this script is almost certainly from an earlier version, so I'm not totally surprised by the error, but up to now, I have been able to rewrite around most of the "gotchas". But not this one, and I am confused about what the intent of these few lines is.

    Anyone savvier with VB have any insight?


    submitted by /u/0xFF0F
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    How do you insert tab as a keybinding in Understand by Scitools?

    Posted: 31 May 2019 09:18 AM PDT

    Somehow I accidentally deleted the "tab" keybinding in Understand (for the default keyboard scheme.) Now, whenever I tab, it just jumps around from button to button instead of indenting. I tried pressing the "restore defaults" button, but nothing happens.

    The problem is that pressing "tab" when I'm assigning the keybinding just jumps from primary sequence to alternate. I can't type "tab" either, it just trys to assign the keybinding as "T,A,B". I also tried right clicking the primary sequence field and selecting "insert special keys", but tab still doesn't work. I don't have access to the config file or anything (not on this machine, my sys admin does who isn't here.

    This is seriously driving me crazy and I can't really work without the tab button lol
    This is on linux if it matters

    submitted by /u/synchh
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    Float for Money

    Posted: 31 May 2019 11:14 AM PDT

    Hi All,

    Some background: We have an application which has a .NET Desktop Application front end with a SQL Database back end. One of the functions of our application is the ability to produce an Sales Invoice.

    Our developer decided to use the "float" datatype for almost every value that is involved in Invoice calculations (quantity, rate, tax, net amounts) and we are running into rounding issues that are highlighted when integrating to true accounting systems. My question is, is it possible to round correctly while using the float datatype or does everything need to be rebuilt using something like decimal?

    Our developer originally told us the rounding issues were due to .NET and SQL calculating values differently and this was as good as he could get it to match but now it looks like the float datatype is the cause of our issue (based on the fact we haven't seen any financial system use it).

    We made the suggestion to convert the float datatype to decimal (to match the various accounting systems) but we're told it would be a lot of work. Keeping in mind that this application is live in a few environments for a couple years already.

    TLDR: Does anyone use the float datatype to calculate money accurately?


    submitted by /u/RateOurDeveloper
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    Do people use kotlin instead of Java when making non android software?

    Posted: 31 May 2019 03:25 AM PDT

    How ambitious is my idea to automate reports with Python?

    Posted: 31 May 2019 01:52 PM PDT

    I am not a very experienced programmer but have an electrical engineering degree. At work I'm responsible for reporting but the DB we use is limited by license agreements and that kind of bullshit. Long story short we can't direct query because of money. Can't use a third party BI tool to connect with the DB because of money. I can basically export the excel files and sort the data. Sometimes the "procedure" can be very complex if i were to program it because I have to interpret the data using my brain to catch the "errors"

    I want to build an application that will produce different reports at the push of a button. The way it would work is the end user would check the box corresponding to the report they want and then attach the relevant Excel files. Is this too ambitious for merely one man? I know more about electronics than programming but think i can figure it out. This would help out staff a lot and save money

    I would use Python in theory but could you please give me your insight and advice? What am I missing?

    edit: ideally the output file would be either an excel document or pdf document. COuld I write this code in matlab and then convert it to another language such as C#?

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/ellsmirip25
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    Anyone help me with some logistics?

    Posted: 31 May 2019 06:42 AM PDT

    Hi r/AskProgramming, need your help and input on something I have in mind. So I would like to make a google chrome extension that provides the user with the definition and pronunciation of specifically Italian words on any webpages they visit (thinking that it would highlight recognized Italian words/phrases on the page and when hovered over with the mouse would return a pop-up box with the pronunciation and definition).

    I have a very very foundational understanding of software and was hoping to seek out some more information on what the cost would be if I hired someone to create this and how long it would take?

    Thanks for any and all inputs!!

    submitted by /u/Vaizarod
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    (Python) How to create a main menu?

    Posted: 31 May 2019 11:55 AM PDT

    Tabbing in same line with HTML?

    Posted: 31 May 2019 10:45 AM PDT


    I want to put a tab in-between Control # and Type, Type and Time Delivered, and Time Delivered and Time Received. Then a break point, I am not sure how to do that, I don't know anything about css so this is very difficult for me.


    submitted by /u/Yolobone
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    Physics PhD student looking for an alternate career path

    Posted: 31 May 2019 05:30 AM PDT

    Hi people,

    I'm currently a PhD student in a British Physics department, and I'm starting to seriously reconsider working in academia, and leaving my program. I'm an experimentalist, so while I have a good amount of coding experience, it's usually very hardware oriented, and in the typical style of researchers, good enough for it to work without spending too much time on it or ha e any concern for efficiency haha.

    I'm starting to think about possibly transitioning to a developping job, for which I could train myself. Would COBOL be a bad idea? I really enjoy the idea of maintaining code older than me, and have had basic training in a bunch of different languages (C, Fortran, Python, Matlab, Labview). I'd totally be happy to work on my own on a certification if it existed.

    Do you think that the volume of knowledge to learn is too great to do solo? Is Europe a bad place to be a cobol dev?

    Thanks a lot for any advice you could have, and please don't hesitate to be harsh and discourage me from this I can take it :)

    submitted by /u/GlbdS
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