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    Friday, June 21, 2019

    Can you code a full project without internet? Ask Programming

    Can you code a full project without internet? Ask Programming

    Can you code a full project without internet?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2019 02:34 PM PDT

    So here is the thing:

    I got a job as a web app developer at a new international company. They said that the job was to be secret, and that I can only work from their office, and aren't allowed to get the code. Not what I am used to being a freelancer but whatever, no big deal.

    The interviewing process was nasty. They accepted around 30 guys for interviews. They only needed one however. So they continued to trim us down till 2 were left, me and another guy. After some tests, they chose me.

    Then they told me that I won't be allowed to use the internet while working on the project. This wasn't discussed before. Sure, I am very good at what I do, but I don't think I can do this. I use the internet a lot. I never really cared about memorizing stuff, since if you know how to look, everything is one google away. I told them at least whitelist some specific websites (stackoverflow, documentation for the frameworks I will be using), and they refused. So I told them I won't be able to do the job, so they went over to the second guy (the one that reached the "finals" with me) and he also refused. They told they will get back to me, but not to get my hopes up.

    What is more bizarre is that I will be working with third party APIs. That mean I can't even test the damn thing, even if I managed to program it properly.

    So is the problem with me? Can you guys do a full project without looking at the internet?

    submitted by /u/MarcellusDrum
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    What makes numpy arrays faster than python lists and why can't python make their native lists operate as quickly as numpy arrays?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2019 10:01 PM PDT

    AITA for having a different coding "style" from our senior?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2019 05:16 AM PDT

    Our team: two junior (me and my mate), one senior engineer.

    Project is a backend in java for a web application in a IT company of 20 people. We are based in a medium size city, so not a big tech place.

    My mate loves clean code rules, he avoids creating long methods and instead breaks down the code in smaller methods with suggestive names. I became a fan because its easier to understand.

    I like to use lambdas instead of passing an anonymous class as a parameter to a method.

    Our senior hates our approach because, in his opinion, breaks code consistency.

    We are designing new endpoints and usually the senior's handler only has a single method of 200+ lines. He also doesn't use lambdas.

    We feel that we aren't breaking code consistency and that he is being to uptight and protective of his code but since we have little work experience, we aren't sure if we are reading the situation correctly.

    Are we assholes for not wanting to comply with his rules?

    Edit: to the people down voting - please also leave a comment, I'm eager to read your reasoning and learn from it.

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    Good ARM dev board for hobby kernel development

    Posted: 21 Jun 2019 05:46 PM PDT

    Hello Reddit, about a year ago I wrote an x86 (yes, the 32-bit one) operating system from scratch and it was a lot of fun.

    Now, I am thinking of repeating the exercise, but for an ARM device. I have mostly worked on the Intel side, so I have very limited expertise on even the lingo of ARM, but from what little I understand, the space is much less standardized, and I am going to have to pick a target and code specifically against its hardware.

    So, the question I come here for is: what's a good board that I could pick as my target device?

    In no specific order, things that would make a device "good":

    • decent documentation/datasheet on how to program the hardware;
    • not sure if this is comes standard on ARM processors, but support for memory protection, virtual memory, and some form of user/supervisor mode;
    • support for flashing via USB from a development host;
    • tools and compilers usable from Linux (if I could get a decently modern GCC or clang, it would be awesome);
    • I don't really need a screen, nor do I care about being able to plug a keyboard via USB, interacting with the system via UART is plenty fine;
    • I don't care about having a "disk" either, but I would definitely like for tasks to be able to save/load data from some kind of storage, even if it's just a small area of non-volatile storage on-board;
    • I would like to be able to schedule tasks for a quantum and preempt, and am not sure if all ARM boards come with a clock built-in, so thought I would mention a clock capable of raising an interrupt is strongly desirable;
    • I don't really care for floating-point, it would be cute but I can live with integer only;
    • in a similar vein, if the board came with a few sensors (e.g. accel, gyro) that would be cute, but I see enough sensors in my day job, so I can do without programming yet another BMI160;

    Does anyone have any recommendations in this space? Thanks in advance for helping!

    submitted by /u/wantarmdb
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    Why JavaScript?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2019 08:21 PM PDT

    JavaScript is a language that became extremely popular and I've been using it for years in web development and for NodeJS (I do full-stack). After years of using JavaScript, I decided to switch to C#. Why not? C# has strict types while JavaScript has no types. Everything is just var. I wish I can say this `var` is a string or an int, but it doesn't. Maybe my problem is that JS is a scripting language and C# is a programming language. Idk the difference.


    Let me just say that I freakin LOVED TypeScript. Data Types, classes, OOP, perfect! But there's one problem... debugging. I use a debugger, like in the web browser or in VS Code, and I try to evaluate this but it's JS compiled variable is _this. Even other variables I use get renamed a lot. And I swear, I turned on JS Mapping but many times, the lines don't match with each other. This was in an Angular project.

    That's when I realized JS isn't worth it. I switched to JS because it's great to use one language in front and back end, and coding is really fast. But it's not worth losing data types and debugging benefits. From a developer perspective, I think JS is not worth it... yet it's one of the most popular languages ever. So I switched to C# and I've been a bit happer. (I only say "a bit" because Microsoft is annoying sometimes.)

    Why are people switching to JS?

    submitted by /u/AskYous
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    How should a recent high school graduate price an app designed for use a private company?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2019 07:44 PM PDT

    I might have the opportunity to make an app for a larger company. It is a rather simple app that needs to generate a couple outputs based on ~10 numerical inputs using some simple math. It's basically a glorified Excel spreadsheet. However, it will also need QR code scanning functionality that will be used to allow users to connect to the app. The app will also need to be able to switch the text between two different languages. There is very little text that will need to be translated and I know someone who can translate it for free. I will be using Adobe Phonegap to make the app so it can be used on iOS and Android devices. The thing is, I'm a recent high school graduate and I don't have any experience selling what I code. I realize the service I provide isn't of the same level as a professional, but I also don't want to be taken advantage of. How much would an app like this cost if it was made by a professional? And how much should I sell this for as an unprofessional?

    submitted by /u/skiboyec
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    Best way to abstract math functions?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2019 06:58 PM PDT

    I'm using C# Working on my non-linear equation solver and I got the part that does the actual math done, but say I wanted to input something for a Windows Form App I made and have it store the functions in a list where I can constantly get a value from them with different variable values put in.

    like say I put in y = sin(3x^2) and I say x= 1 and want the value of y, and then say x = 2 and want the value y to update

    submitted by /u/_Spanish_Inquistion
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    Difference between MVC and MVP?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2019 03:06 PM PDT

    My understanding of MVC, through the use of Swift, is that the user interacts with the Controller via the View, the Controllers updates the Model, the model notifies the Controller, then the Controller updates the view. If my understanding is correct, could someone explain the difference MVP provides? It seems like the Presenter is the exact same as a Controller.

    submitted by /u/OhAlrightMang
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    Can anyone recommend any public APIs I can use to play with to make a distributed system?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2019 06:12 AM PDT

    I'm reading up about message queues and distributed systems and I'd like to have a play around with a toy project but I need some big stream of data.

    Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/bustyLaserCannon
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    Would like to automate a price search, but have no idea where to start

    Posted: 21 Jun 2019 12:19 PM PDT


    As for as programming goes, I'm quite novice. I've only just finished my freshman year of my computer science degree, and I know java quite well but not much else, but I believe I could learn something fairly quickly if need be.

    My job that I am interning at has tasked me with finding the price of certain parts on amazon and ebay. I have been given an excel list of some 600 rows that contain name and part number and other info about the product. What would normally happen is that someone would search up the price for this part number on ebay AND amazon for each part. Which totals up to about 1200 searches, and TONS of time.

    I know enough about programming to know that searching each product number up on ebay and amazon is foolish, and that there has to be some sort of way to automate it.

    If anyone has nay tips that could point me in the right direction as for how to go about this, that would be amazing. Any links that might be able to help me out would be awesome!

    submitted by /u/Mickers247
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    [Question][C] Is the number greater, less or equal to zero?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2019 11:17 AM PDT

    I'm trying to program something simple, as in the title, and the program works with the exception of the number Zero.

    The output is:

    x is bigger than 0! x is 0 

    I've read that the issue might be that zero is not exactly zero but rather 0.000001 or something like that but I could not find a workaround for that while using argv.

    Here's my code:

    #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main (int argc, char * * argv) { if (argc != 2) { printf ("Enter ONE number."); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (argv[1] > 0) { printf("x is bigger than 0!\n"); } else if (argv[1] < 0) { printf("x is less or equal to 0!\n"); } else { printf("x is 0!"); } printf("x is %s\n", argv[1]); return 0; } 
    submitted by /u/TahPenguin
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    How Many Code Languages are there for Public?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2019 09:18 AM PDT

    Just curious about to know how many programing languages are there which are open source that are in use and historical ones?

    submitted by /u/KabeerJunejo
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    Qt for mobile development resources

    Posted: 21 Jun 2019 05:59 AM PDT

    Is it possible to create mobile apps with C++ only with the help of the Qt framework? What are some good state of the art resources for someone who never did any mobile projects before?

    submitted by /u/ruAds
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    Is it wise to create a website with pure javascript?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2019 11:23 PM PDT

    Im talking about no CSS and no html here, just pure javascript, the whole page is made of JavaScript canvas, i feel like performance wouldn't be problem here. Im not creating a really huge website like amazon copy, just a simple, small, online store.. what do you all think?

    submitted by /u/AccountToView4Chan
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    How long does it take to get a programming job in US?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2019 09:59 PM PDT

    I am from Poland and most programming jobs I've had were based in Poland. Need for programmers, especially good ones, is so big in Poland, that it usually took me only up to a 5-10 days to sign a new job.

    Now I'm living in Mexico and have a bit unexpectedly quit my job. I want to work remotely for US, as I've heard the job culture is better than in Mexican companies, and so are the salaries.

    Would like to get some approximations of how much time it can take. I'm without a job and so in a hurry and would like to be prepared for all possible problems.

    EDIT: As for my skill set, I have around 5 years of web development experience, mostly on front end, but now I'd prefer to work on full stack to improve also my back end skills. I consider myself to have expert knowledge of: JavaScript (vanilla), frameworks Vue and Angular 2+, CSS (including CSS architecture), Sass, HTML, Webpack, functional programming, responsive web design. I also know better or worse a lot of other languages, with being intermediate at: Python, Haskell, TypeScript, R, C, C++, LaTeX, object oriented programming. I write very clean code.

    I already have a US tourist visa.

    submitted by /u/no-cheating
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