• Breaking News

    Wednesday, June 12, 2019

    Can we all collectively agree that email modal signups that constantly appear on websites are the worst and we should stop doing it? web developers

    Can we all collectively agree that email modal signups that constantly appear on websites are the worst and we should stop doing it? web developers

    Can we all collectively agree that email modal signups that constantly appear on websites are the worst and we should stop doing it?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2019 08:15 PM PDT

    I know that devs have little say in this stuff but it's depressing really how widespread this is.

    submitted by /u/hurst_
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    Do you keep your front and backend together or do you separate them out? Having a hard time figuring out project structure

    Posted: 12 Jun 2019 10:57 AM PDT

    hi all,

    i'm starting a solo project and was wondering how everyone structures their web applications. I know it's small enough that I can probably just serve everything together but I wanted to see how it would be to separate everything out into it's own server.

    I've just been working on the APIs and I'm almost done that and now I'm looking into building the UIs for the application. This is what I was thinking of structuring it out:


    I want to be able to scale the API server during loads which is why I initially had it in it's own server. I don't want to have to serve the client and admin at the same time.

    Now when building the client and admin applications, should they each run their own node server and just proxy the requests to the server? Should I make the requests directly from the browser and enable CORS on the server?

    I'll eventually have a load balancer between the clients and the api server.

    Would love some feedback as I'm still learning some more advanced concepts .

    submitted by /u/p0chimari
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    Netlify-CMS and Gatsby.js hosted on Netlify for client?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2019 02:29 PM PDT

    Hello, I am wanting to start out as a freelancer, and the Netlify-CMS (to allow the client to later edit their website easily), Gatsby.js (as I know react, and seems like the best site generator) stack, hosted on Netlify seems like the best idea for clients.

    My question would be whether this is a good idea to start out with? I would most likely be building brochure type websites that need to be edited, or maybe have a blog on them. And even if I want to later on move on to making an e-commerce website, I could use something like Stripe to manage payments (though I haven't looked too deep into this).

    I am also wanting to offer the clients help with maintaining the website/code, though I see some technical problems I am not sure how to manage:

    • Should they have their own GitHub account to store the code on and add me as a developer, or should it be on mine?
    • Should they have their own Netlify account or is there a way for me to let them log in and manage the content from my own account? (like how you can add developers to GitHub projects)

    I'm pretty set on making something with React so it would be appreciated if any alternative suggestions were along the lines of it. Thank you very much in advance!!

    submitted by /u/keveszm
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    What do I learn next and what I can build with it?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2019 02:11 PM PDT

    I have built a few websites and know a decent amount of HTML, CSS and JS. I want to learn more and build more advanced stuff, not just static websites. I'm just overwhelmed with everything online. There are so many tools, frameworks, libraries and whatever. I don't have a clue what any of those things mean for me and which projects I can create with them. So I'm looking for advice on where to look and how to learn that. I would really appreciate if you could share any links to useful resources, like courses or books. I'm willing to try anything, but I'd prefer it was project-oriented so I can get a clear idea of how everything's used.

    submitted by /u/missusunce
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    Beginner here - What is the easiest /best manageable way of setting up CDN with multiple projects hosted in a droplet in Digital Ocean?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2019 10:09 AM PDT

    I have 3 websites which are 3 separate projects. They all use one CSS sheet (bootstrap modified) which I would like to deploy via CDN and ideally using our droplet. Ideally some JS libraries as well - datatables.net, jquery, bootstrap.js, moment.js, popper.js.


    What is the easiest way to implement a CDN for that without too much maintenance and good results?


    I don't want my IT guy having to manage this because he is usually not available onsite when we have problems. My team is super small (4 people including me).


    Note: if there is a better way than digital ocean I'm open to it.


    Note2: my website will not have huge traffic (max one hundred at the same time) but it is going to be accessed in weird locations, like remote rural around the world (like Africa, Brazil) areas which only mobile 4G connection is available so we need speed.


    We are also using Gitlab pipelines, our front-end is being done separately from the back-end of these projects. We built a CI/CD pipeline integrated with Digital Ocean to make updates via git faster without having to upload files via FTP.

    submitted by /u/userexperienceguy
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    Unlimited Drive Storage using Google Docs

    Posted: 12 Jun 2019 03:20 AM PDT

    Why ['1', '7', '11'].map(parseInt) returns [1, NaN, 3] in Javascript

    Posted: 12 Jun 2019 06:39 AM PDT

    Why can't I get a job? /s

    Posted: 12 Jun 2019 01:59 PM PDT

    I learned html/css/javascript

    barely understand the basics

    here's my site

    quality worse than a free wordpress template

    I did a couple of projects

    copied tutorials

    here's my resume

    filled with bs and buzzwords

    why is so hard to get a 50K job?


    submitted by /u/baudelairepianist
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    Micro Frontends

    Posted: 12 Jun 2019 04:42 AM PDT

    Is it just me, or does Web Development in general have differing advice from people depending on their background?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2019 09:02 AM PDT

    It is a universal constant that Swift / Objective-C are the go-to's for Native iOS Mobile App Development and Kotlin / Java are the go-to's for Native Android Mobile Development.

    It is also known that C# and C++ are the best for Game Development and Python is the best for AI/ML/DS fields.

    However, when it comes to Web Development, there seems to be completely worlds apart advice over how to start depending on the person's background:

    • If the person came from a strong CS undergrad degree background and is living in a Tech Hub, they likely aspire to work at a Big N / Unicorn Tech Company, so their advice is JavaScript and Python are the best. Java / C# / PHP sucks.

    • If the person came from a strong CS undergrad degree background but lives in a smaller or non-Tech Hub, then they will likely be working at a more traditional company with a Tech Department. They will say learn Java / C#, and JavaScript and PHP sucks.

    • If the person is self-taught or bootcamp-grad, they will likely want to target startups/small companies in Tech Hubs, so their advice is sticking with Full-Stack JS or JS + Ruby.

    • If the person is a FREELANCER, they will likely throw shade on those with a CS degree and say that JS + PHP is the best, that Ruby is dead, and Python has no jobs in Web Development.

    Obviously, there are exceptions to each case, but these seem to be the most pervasive thoughts from each person's perspective.

    You might say: It doesn't matter. Just learn something. Okay, that's fine and all, but you need to FOCUS on learning something rather than learning a bunch of random things at once. So if we were creating a learning plan in 2019 for backend web frameworks to learn with JS, how would we even do that?

    Take YouTubers for instance:

    • Brad Traversy recommends Full-Stack JavaScript in React and Node/Express.
    • Stefan Mischook recommends sticking with PHP + Laravel.
    • Coding Phase recommends PHP and Ruby over Python or Node.
    • Tech Lead recommends PHP or Python.
    • Chris Hawkes recommends C# of all things and Python over PHP or Node.

    Is there some kind of standard that pervades through all these perspectives? Would learning Full-Stack JS cover everyone's needs? Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/OverMatch4
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    Making Tables Responsive With Minimal CSS

    Posted: 12 Jun 2019 04:43 AM PDT

    How common is it for a group of web-developers to come together an form a small development agency?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2019 11:58 AM PDT

    Ignoring the logisitics of setting up the business, how common is it for web-developers to start their own firms, it's something that I have thought about eventually doing(eventually trying to do), and would like to know if this is common.

    submitted by /u/qna1
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    Upgrading subdomains without https://

    Posted: 12 Jun 2019 03:42 PM PDT

    This might be a bit simple, but I can't seem to find the solution. I currently have my front page upgrading from http to https without a problem with:

    RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(.*)$ [NC] RewriteRule ^ https://%1%{REQUEST_URI} [L,NE,R=301] 

    No problem there, going to website.com automatically redirects to https://website.com.

    My problem is coming up with my subdomains, which do not want to upgrade from subdomain.website.com to https://subdomain.website.com. Currently things look like:

    ServerAlias *.website.com SSLProxyEngine on ProxyPass / ProxyPassReverse / ... ServerAlias *.website.com SSLProxyEngine on ProxyPass / ProxyPassReverse / ... 

    Here I'm having to pass on the request to another server on a different port because my ISP is a pain in the ass. trying to navigate to subdomain.website.com gives me a "connecting to <ip address>..." and eventually a timeout.

    How can I go about doing this? Bonus points for having http still direct to http because I think my letsencrypt docker uses it to renew the cert.

    submitted by /u/7suki
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    Does headless makes sense for smaller to mid size ecommerce stores ?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2019 11:52 AM PDT

    Guys hi

    As the title says i wonder if headless makes sense for smaller to mid size ecommerce stores ?

    submitted by /u/1f1nas
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    Building a social media site.

    Posted: 12 Jun 2019 03:24 PM PDT

    I recently graduated from cs and went through freecodecamp. I want to make a substantial project to put on my resume. I was thinking of something like a Twitter clone but I understand that I need some kind of backend. I'm comfortable with python and have been learning React. Would jumping right into Django+React to create a Twitter clone be too difficult or a reasonable challenge?

    submitted by /u/theguy494
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    How to dynamically create subdomains for each user

    Posted: 12 Jun 2019 11:24 AM PDT

    Hello! I'm currently creating a web app as a project where each user who signs up will have their own page. As it stands right now, if a user named John were to sign up, a page will be created for him which can be accessed through mywebsite.com/John, and if he were to want to edit the page, it'd be at mywebsite.com/John/edit.

    However instead what I want is to create a subdomain for each user so it would instead become John.mywebsite.com, and to edit it'd be at John.mywebsite.com/edit.

    If possible i'd also like to include SSL for each dynamically created subdomain.

    I did a bit of googling and I know it has to do something with wildcard certificates or something like that but I'm not so good on the whole networking/VPS/domain side of things.

    I plan on using Namecheap to buy the domain and Digital ocean/Vultr for hosting and I'm using NodeJS and Express to build the app. So if someone could explain how I could accomplish this with the tools I'm using I would be grateful, thank you!

    submitted by /u/iMakeBaadChoices
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    The Adult Swim Singles website is pretty cool. Real simple but kinda feels like a demo of the future.

    Posted: 12 Jun 2019 03:09 PM PDT

    How to retain copyright notices on modified code?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2019 02:56 PM PDT

    So I have a JS repository on GitHub licensed under MIT, say I want to take a file from another repository that is licensed under Apache 2.0 and modify it then add to my own repository, how would I retain copyright notices (as I think the Apache license says I must do) and then re-license that file under MIT (as I think the Apache license allows me to do)?

    Bearing in mind that the file I wish to take and modify has no actual license notice inside the file, the license is only noted in the repository license file. Also, what is the best way to give credit to the original owner?

    Any help is appreciated greatly, thanks.

    submitted by /u/RonanSmithDev
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    Freelancers, do some of you have agencies/people that find jobs for you?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2019 02:46 PM PDT

    I read somewhere that some freelancers tend to hire someone to find them jobs, and if they do, they get a percentage of the price. Where do you find such agencies/people and is it a good method?

    submitted by /u/jo0sip128
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    Is my friend getting screwed over?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2019 02:07 PM PDT

    My friend works for a small web development company that does custom wordpress sites.

    My friend recently found out that the company charges clients, hourly, 3 times what they are paying him.

    So, if my buddy was making $10/hr, the company charges clients $30/hr for his services. They also provide him no benefits.

    This is a small shop 3-4 people, but my friend already feels like he is being underpaid. How typical is this setup?

    Is my friend underpaid? Is the company over charging? Or is that about right?

    submitted by /u/Fractales
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    What are the key components of good teamwork?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2019 01:43 PM PDT

    I used to be a 'lone wolf' — an overly prideful label that actually masks my poor ability to work well with others. I realize today that the potential of human beings is cooperation and this is the only way to build something that is greater than us.

    With this said, I would like to learn more about how to sincerely and authentically work with a team so that we all can thrive and grow whilst delivering our objectives.

    What are the key components in good teamwork? I know that good communication is one. Also, what are some gotchas when it comes to working together that we should all be aware of?

    Thank you for reading :)

    submitted by /u/humanculture
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    Portfolio Website

    Posted: 12 Jun 2019 01:13 PM PDT

    Consider you are going into freelancing and want to have a website/landing page with

    - a link to your medium blog

    - Uploaded CV and contact information

    - list of projects

    What tools would you use if you don't want to spend money or time, eg more than a weekend on this? I heard Google AMP is the best for SEO (and you can use either a simple template from them directly or a bloated one from wordpress) but where would you deploy it?

    submitted by /u/karstadtt
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    Gaming experience

    Posted: 12 Jun 2019 01:10 PM PDT

    I'm trying to gain some real life web dev experience. I am working on my portfolio but also would like to work on projects in collaboration with experienced developers. I would like to assist in an way possible just to get my feet wet. Any suggestions as to how to meet developers/gain experience?

    submitted by /u/hillstoclimb
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