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    Monday, June 10, 2019

    1 year ago I didn't know how to code, last week I released my first project, here's what advice I have for everyone learning to program learn programming

    1 year ago I didn't know how to code, last week I released my first project, here's what advice I have for everyone learning to program learn programming

    1 year ago I didn't know how to code, last week I released my first project, here's what advice I have for everyone learning to program

    Posted: 09 Jun 2019 05:32 PM PDT

    Hello everyone, Kyle here.

    My friend and I have been working on Hypevertise | Free Instagram Auditor, our first big side project, for the past couple of months and we just launched it last week. The craziest part is that we didn't even know how to write code 1 year ago. While we're definitely not experts, I think there are a few pieces of advice I can pass down to everyone on their learning journey, hopefully you can find some motivation out of this post as well.

    Quick Background

    My friend and I are fortunate enough to go to school to learn programming, but there was still a lot of self-learning required to complete this project, about 90% of the technologies used in our project weren't even mentioned in school. I think anyone learning to program, whether in school or alone, will find the following advice useful. So, here are the main pieces of advice I'd like to give someone hoping to launch their own side project some day:


    Persistence. It sounds corny but there's a reason I put it first, without persistence you'll never finish any task you set out to do. In the world of programming, persistence is key, you need to be absolutely relentless on breaking through any barrier that gets in your way when it comes to writing code. When you run into a problem, be sure to exhaust all of your resources, I'm certain someone will be able to help you. Here are some good places to look for help when you feel stuck:

    • Reddit
    • Slack/Discord channels for that specific technology
    • YouTube
    • Forums
    • Meetups (good for networking too)

    There are far too many barriers when programming, so if you're not persistent you will never see a task through to the end. Break big problems into smaller sub problems, research the sub problems and piece together the puzzle, by using this approach you will not only be able to solve your problem, but you'll also leave with an in depth understanding of the problem so when it happens again you know what to do.

    Limiting Mindset

    Stop putting a mental ceiling on yourself, a lot of people stop before they even start. When you have an idea for a side project, instead of convincing yourself that the idea is above your skillset, approach the problem systematically and just worry about one feature at a time. By focusing on one small feature at a time you will be able to actually begin your project and slowly build on top of your code feature-by-feature. Just because your teacher at school didn't teach a specific concept or technology does not mean you cannot use it. When working with a new technology a good approach would be to google, copy code, study the code, modify the code and move on to the next feature, eventually all the moving parts will make sense. Limiting yourself to what was taught in the curriculum will only leave you being just as good as the next guy.

    Organization/Planning a Project

    This seems like a big deal, but it's really not. Don't spend months planning your project, how it's going to make you money, etc… Just figure out what you want as a minimum viable product (MVP) and roadmap the rest of the features for future implementation. This will allow you to start building right away, because no matter how much planning you end up doing, you're still going to run into roadblocks. Spend some time on figuring out which technologies you will need in order to get started and just start building, chances are you will start replacing code and optimizing your early work as you continue with the project.

    Also, don't worry about using the newest bleeding edge technologies, just build with what you can and learn as you go.


    A lot of people think that networking is something you only need to do when looking for a job, but the truth is you should be doing this every day. By networking with people in the industry you're going to find people that are more experienced, this will allow you to build a circle of people that you can reach out to whenever you need technical advice or help. Networking doesn't have to be in person, meet people online, at local meetups, etc… This will be an invaluable resource as a lot of these people have probably encountered technical challenges that you will encounter along the way as well. Now you have a circle of people you can reach out to when you're stuck.


    I wanted to keep this post non-technical for the most part as there is already tons of solid technical advice on this subreddit already. Programming is a very mental game, and I think applying the advice above should get you in a good position to accelerate your learning process.

    Like I said above, I'm not claiming to be an expert and I'm sure there is a lot more that can be added to this but these are just a couple things that myself and my friend have learned throughout the process of building our first real-world project.

    If you made it this far, thanks for reading, and feel free to add your advice/suggestions below!

    submitted by /u/Hypevertise
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    The need for a physical "duck" when Rubber Duck Debugging

    Posted: 09 Jun 2019 12:10 PM PDT

    I'm curious, out of the people here who practice Rubber Duck Debugging, how many people actually use a physical object/duck for the process?

    I practice the technique, but I have it as a "conversation with myself" in my head instead. I've never been inclined to include an inanimate object in the process.

    What do other people do? Has anyone found any benefits to actually using a physical duck/stand-in? Or is this just a matter of how you focus?

    submitted by /u/carcigenicate
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    Good resources to learn C#

    Posted: 09 Jun 2019 04:51 AM PDT

    I'm looking for good resources to learn C# if your a noob at programming and the C# language.

    I've read through the general FAQ on this subreddit, but unfortunatly there aren't any suggestions like for C++ as an example.

    If I search Google there are plenty of results. Free stuff from Microsoft (which is kinda short) and paid courses like Udemy. It's hard to judge which is a good place to start. I would prefer a resource that uses Visual Studio as IDE because I have some experience with that IDE.

    submitted by /u/a_false_vacuum
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    How do I raise a number to a power that is between 0 and 1 in c++?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2019 04:36 AM PDT

    So for example, if I want 30.76, or 0.240.33, or 4.320.041

    Is this possible to do in C++?

    submitted by /u/smart_af
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    Just began learning Web Development and confused about why the same file is vastly different in different browsers

    Posted: 09 Jun 2019 07:14 AM PDT

    So I finally started learning web development via this tutorial on geeksforgeeks.

    I was using Firefox to test everything, but just randomly checked the file on other browsers and it's totally different. Check the screenshots below:


    This is the source code if anyone is interested:


    submitted by /u/parvinderandroid
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    Interview question: How do you know when testing is sufficient?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2019 08:03 AM PDT

    TL;DR: Experts or interviewers of software development teams, what's an acceptable answer to the above question?

    On an interview a while ago and I was asked this question. Rest of the interview went pretty well (still got the job so hoorah), but I've always felt like an idiot in my attempt to answer this one. I was still an undergrad CS major during the time, and this is my first real software job so I have basically zero background in formally testing my code. I started going on about what I knew about unit testing, importance of identifying edge cases, automated scripts to test large sets of inputs, yada yada. After I finished my spiel, the interviewer simply hits me with "So how do you know when it's sufficient?"

    At this point I realized I didn't actually answer the question at all. After a few moments of silence, I attempted again by saying it depends largely on the nature of the project. I'd feel more comfortable with a prototyped release of non-critical software with relative minimal amounts of testing compared to a system that needs absolute assurance of reliability if it's a production ready release of life-critical software (which this company does work on). Shot myself in the foot on that term "absolute assurance", because then the interviewer asked the obvious question

    How do you know when you have absolute assurance?

    At this point, I'm feeling like I dug myself into a hole. After a longer silence, I tried to save some face by saying there are languages such as Frama C that provide frameworks to essentially "prove" your program correct. I'm personally not too familiar with that however, and I'm sure it has flaws itself. And beyond that, as a software developer, you can never be totally certain your program works the exact way you'd expect.

    Finally the interviewer relented on that question, and we got to move on to the rest of the interview. I know interviewers often just like to see your thought process and what you consider, but even with more research I've still yet to think of a good answer to this question and it's been driving me up a wall. What's the community's thought on this question? Interviewers, what are you looking for in the answer?

    submitted by /u/TechKnuckle-Support
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    Fastest way to know if you love or hate coding?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2019 06:52 PM PDT

    I have started learning to code several times and never managed to reach intermediate nor advanced levels.

    Java when I was a teenager. C in college as a mandatory module. Crash course in C++ a few years after grad. Lesson 3 of CS50

    Each time I manage to complete and pass the tests but always going through full time school/work in another field. It never appeared that I would have a use for it, unlike say Japanese which is great for holidays and anime.

    I'm now thinking of switching careers into tech or data science, but before I invest too much I'd like to spend a few months intensively studying so I don't make a mistake.

    submitted by /u/delitomatoes
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    Is there a resource for finding programming jobs / languages per city?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2019 09:09 PM PDT

    I live in Columbus, Ohio and I'm trying to figure out what needs companies in the city have so I can focus my efforts on a language that might net me a job here. Is there a good place to look up programming jobs per city?

    submitted by /u/yoloswagrofl
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    I'm in third year of Computer Science and I feel like I know nothing. Looking for good resources to secure what I should know.

    Posted: 09 Jun 2019 06:32 PM PDT

    So according to my university program I already know OOP, Data Structures, Data mining and other things, but the teachers and assignments are really really bad, and it's not just me to think that, also many of my classmates, so now that I'm trying to get into data science with python I find myself knowing nothing about data structures beyond going through an array with a for and nothing much more complicated

    Is there any suggestion you have so that I would feel more comfortable with those topics? I had thought about a 2D game for data structures and then some kind of web project to later move to something more science data related.


    submitted by /u/Konga98
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    Has anyone ever done the odin project?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2019 05:51 AM PDT

    I started the odin project yesterday and it looks interesting! Has anyone ever done it? Can it get you a job?

    submitted by /u/FederalProfit
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    I wanna start programming but i don't know how and where to start off AND what to do when i learn it.

    Posted: 09 Jun 2019 11:50 PM PDT

    Please give me a rundown or something in that sense.

    submitted by /u/CosmaWood08
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    What are various architectures available for web application?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2019 11:04 PM PDT

    I already know about client server and p2p model. Are there any other architectures/models available to use? I am looking to build the service in python

    submitted by /u/directorOverride
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    In Python, how do I re-order a cross tab?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2019 05:01 PM PDT

    It looks like it prints it out in alphabetical order.

    So I've got simply:

    pd.crosstab(data_2019.HOUR, data_2019.DAY_OF_WEEK)

    and it gives me:

    DAY_OF_WEEK Friday Monday Saturday Sunday Thursday Tuesday Wednesday
    0 text text text text text text text

    I would like to make the days be in order i.e. Monday, Tuesday, ... , Sunday

    submitted by /u/Frank_the_Mighty
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    Reverse engineering an old MMO bot

    Posted: 09 Jun 2019 10:54 PM PDT

    This is just for fun. I am not very well versed in programming. I started as a CS major and ended up majoring in something else so I have taken some classes but never anything advanced.

    I have played this old MMO that came out in 1998 for about 18 years now. It has a very small community now and is really not getting updates or anything. Despite, or perhaps because of that, the community has created bots for it. Basically all of the iterations of the current bot came from one player's code a long time ago. I spoke with him before he stopped playing and basically all I know about it is that it was written in C#. (I say he "stopped" playing but I imagine it is pretty hard for him to play in an orange jump suit!)

    I'll explain how the bot works as best as I understand it: The bot creates a client window and by doing that it can monitor the packets (I guess?) that are coming in from the server. Things like creature spells/attacks used, creature profiles, map positions, character/monster status (debuffs, buffs, hp/mp, etc.), and other stuff like that. It then interprets them and responds in kind by removing debuffs from your character, healing, casting offensive spells, etc. My point is, it is not just an autoit script that hits a creature, picks up gold, moves to next creature, rinse and repeat. Instead, it is pretty "advanced" for a bot created for such an old game.

    I would like to reverse engineer it because I think it would be fun and the creator left without leaving any source code. Particularly because when a new spell, skill, item, etc comes out (once in a blue moon), there is no way for the program to know what they are and therefor cannot use them. I imagine that this means that these things are hard coded and must be added to the program and recompiled as a new version for them to work.

    I know that it is damn near impossible to extract source code from a .exe but I just want to tinker anyway. I opened it up into dotPeek foolishly thinking that I could just get the source code that way. Needless to say, I couldn't, but I can see a whole lot of code that makes a lot of sense to me leading me to believe that I am just missing a little bit of code or perhaps a little bit of knowledge (ok maybe a lot).

    I also heard about ghidra recently but that seems too advanced for me. I am kind of just poking around in the dark hoping to find something interesting.

    Ok so my questions. For what it is, this bot is pretty advanced stuff, at least for the likes of me, so I really want to learn from it. Am I going about this the right way? How can I use what dotPeek is showing me to learn what each line of code does? Finally, what am I missing that is keeping me from just taking the code I can see and recompiling it into a working program again (does that make sense)?

    Any and all discussion is welcome. Like I said, just poking around in the dark.

    submitted by /u/Psychedelic_Burrit0
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    Dreaming in code

    Posted: 09 Jun 2019 02:03 PM PDT

    Hello, i just started learning to code and ive heard its very common for programmers to "dream in code". As someone who practices lucid dreaming I'm very curious as to what this means. Do you dream about coding on your computer or is it like that scene in the matrix where code is lining kn the walls? Id like a more specific description of what dreaming in code means

    submitted by /u/spammeatspray
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    How should I go about building this web app?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2019 03:12 PM PDT

    Disclaimer: I don't know jack shit about web development. I have an idea of what I want to do, and I just want to make sure I shoot in the right direction here when I start this project.

    This website is a really good example of basically what i'm trying to build.

    In writing, here's what I'm trying to do: I have a database full of security cameras and their IP addresses. These security cameras belong to a more general location (let's say there's 5 cameras in Chicago and 3 cameras in LA).

    1. I want to build a local web-app (ie. it will only be on a local network), where the first thing the user sees is a page and search bar (just like above).
    2. The user can input either a name of a location and the search will display all the cameras in that location, or the user can input an exact IP address for a camera and the search will display that particular camera.
    3. In the display results, there will be a small button for each camera that allows the user to trigger an event when the button is pressed.
    4. If possible, I would like to have this button change click be reflected across all open instances of this web app. There might be a few people on the app at a time, and I don't want two or more people to be able to click the button at the same time.
    5. The user should have access to an admin page where they can add, delete, and edit cameras in the database.

    Here is what I have in mind:

    Create a web-app using python and Django. This will let me set up a lot of the ground work without doing much. Then I can create a camera table and a location table in the database. Next I would have to drop in a couple HTML, CSS, and JS files to get the front end.

    A couple of questions:

    1. How should I handle the idea that the button click should be reflected across all open instances? I feel like if I have the button on the search page, then I would have to make that whole page collaborative and it would be absolute chaos for the users. Should I make it to where the search results link to a separate page that displays info about the camera and can have buttons that trigger events, and make the new page collaborative?
    2. Any recommendations for how to make a page collaborative? I came across sharedb.
    3. I was told that bootstrap or any CSS framework would be overkill for this. Should I just manually do all the HTML, CSS, and JS? What about a JS framework like React?
    4. Would sqlite be sufficient for this in Django?
    5. Should I use a search framework like Agolia?
    submitted by /u/RugerHD
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    Do trailing empty lines annoy programmers?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2019 10:42 PM PDT

    I add tons of new lines for easy clickability, it's habit now. Node design standards suggest erasing them.

    Standards are one thing, I'm curious if others actually find them bothersome

    submitted by /u/php_developr
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    What resources do you use to code?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2019 12:04 PM PDT

    I am coding on a MacBook, trying to create some kind of window that will show a 3d render, something like minecraft. How do I get things like that started? I have made an android app before, but is this similar? What resources are recommended? how would I create a window to open up a game? What are different libraries and frameworks I could use? I am using Xcode to do my coding using c++.

    submitted by /u/devlmen
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    its there a way, using a batch file, to make the mouse moving from x to y and back

    Posted: 09 Jun 2019 10:17 PM PDT

    its there a way, using a batch file, to make the mouse moving from x to y and back

    submitted by /u/ChickenNoodleTacos
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    Are there any good tutorials (YouTube, Udemy, etc) on how to design UWP desktop apps?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2019 10:10 PM PDT

    Let's say I want to recreate the UI of Windows 10 Calculator in WPF C#. Is this possible? What would be the best way to do it?

    Calculator UI

    submitted by /u/GoodProgrammer2018
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    How important is it for a developer to fully master SQL syntax?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2019 09:57 PM PDT

    I am atrocious at remembering SQL syntax. Whenever I do even simple Leetcode questions on SQL I blank out cuz I keep forgetting the syntax without looking it up. How critical is it for a developer to know SQL syntax without using reference?

    submitted by /u/PiercingLight333
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    Hackerank Problem

    Posted: 09 Jun 2019 09:37 PM PDT

    I'm trying to complete day 8 of Hackerank using python:


    I created the following solution:

    N = int(input()) contact = {} for i in range(N): key, value = input().split() contact[key] = value for i in range(N): check = input() try: print(check+'='+ contact[check]) except KeyError: print('Not Found') 

    I got a Runtime Error

    It only happens in 1 of the 5 cases. Just for kicks, i tried the solutions in the discussion thread and got the same message. Any ideas of what i'm doing wrong?

    submitted by /u/da_chosen1
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    Unity, C#, need help understanding and adding angular constraints to CCD, (simple) inverse kinematics

    Posted: 09 Jun 2019 08:55 PM PDT

    I'm terrible at maths. I've been working on an IK solution to try and get more comfortable with using maths/angles in Unity.

    I've been able to made a CCD solution which works like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZvdZGUxbbc

    But when I try to put angle constraints on the joints, I get some weird behaviour - shown here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1YY9KqqaYY

    I'm unsure why my constraints do not behave as intended and cause the rapid snapping seen.

    They also cause the solution to be innacurate (the heel no longer perfectly positions at the target).

    Here is my angle constraint code, scraped together from bits of advice etc:

    //clamp current joint rotation within set limits

    Vector3 currentJointEulerAngles = joints[i].joint.transform.localRotation.eulerAngles;

    if (currentJointEulerAngles.x > 180f)

    currentJointEulerAngles.x -= 360f;

    currentJointEulerAngles.x = Mathf.Clamp(currentJointEulerAngles.x, joints[i].XaxisMin, joints[i].XaxisMax);

    if (currentJointEulerAngles.x > 180f)

    currentJointEulerAngles.x -= 360f;

    currentJointEulerAngles.y = Mathf.Clamp(currentJointEulerAngles.y, joints[i].YaxisMin, joints[i].YaxisMax);

    if (currentJointEulerAngles.x > 180f)

    currentJointEulerAngles.x -= 360f;

    currentJointEulerAngles.z = Mathf.Clamp(currentJointEulerAngles.z, joints[i].ZaxisMin, joints[i].ZaxisMax);

    joints[i].joint.transform.localEulerAngles = currentJointEulerAngles;

    If anyone can explain/help me out here I would really appreciate it. Have been pulling my hair out for a full day now.

    If you need any more information I'll add it asap.

    Thanks everyone.

    submitted by /u/ADevOneDay
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    About to start my first internship and I could use some help finding resources to help me learn how to alter MS excel via visual basic

    Posted: 09 Jun 2019 01:20 PM PDT

    I have to make advising sheets editable in Excel(requiring the creation of drop-down menus, limiting errors and removing duplicate responses).

    Any tips or resources anyone could share would be greatly appreciated, as I am inexperienced in vb and programming professionally in general.

    submitted by /u/scumscumscumscums
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