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    Where/how to study architecture? Computer Science

    Where/how to study architecture? Computer Science

    Where/how to study architecture?

    Posted: 27 May 2019 02:01 AM PDT

    Hello redditers.

    I'd like to ask for suggestions about where/how to study distributed architecture.

    My goal is to better understand how different problems are architected, how things interact so that in the future I will be fully capable of solving big problems in case I would start my own company or progress in my career. I am already a Senior Software Engineer in a well-known internet company, so I do have some background and daily experience. I read about distributed data storage (such as book Designing data-intensive applications), streaming, security&privacy, reactive programming, microservices, cryptocurrency etc..

    Is there any source that you are aware of that I could potentially use to deepen my knowledge in any of the topics above? The reason I ask is because I have just recently found a youtube channel where the AI is so well explained, that I realized I learned in 40 minutes more than I learned in the whole coursera course. This made me re-think efficiency of the time I spend studying. Maybe there are some youtube channels about software architecture and distributed computing or something more interactive and fun than just reading books?

    (for the ones interested, the channel is 3Blue1Brown. That guy is gold and spends a ton of time animating the video so that everything is super easy to understand and follow)

    submitted by /u/demqoo
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    Ideas of where to start on a program to calculate optimal racing line?

    Posted: 26 May 2019 12:20 PM PDT

    As per title I am working to develop an automated race car. The section I'm focusing on is creating the optimal racing line. Anyone know of any programs or good places to get started?

    We will know the track before hand, and the car isn't full size if that matters (it has cameras and stuff though).

    submitted by /u/King-Days
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    Where to start if I want to create my own parser and lexer?

    Posted: 27 May 2019 03:13 AM PDT

    The project currently I am working on is to calculate Asymptotic Time Complexity of an Algorithm. I was thinking of an approach using an AST but if someone has a better approach please let me know else please just tell me how can I create my own parser for C/C++ and where can I find it's exact grammar. And I was thinking of working in python.

    submitted by /u/ammusani
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    Edge computing

    Posted: 26 May 2019 07:37 PM PDT

    I'm reading an article about edge computing for my article review and I don't know what does "Data is produced at the edge of the network" exactly mean. Also what is the exact meaning of "edge of the network"?

    submitted by /u/Senjukotentaiho
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    I have a question on how to download a video and re-upload it

    Posted: 26 May 2019 10:23 PM PDT

    I'm very new to programming so bare with me please.

    My goal is thus: to make a website that takes in someone's email and a YouTube link. The YouTube video is converted to an MP3 file and then and email is sent to the entered email where the recipient will get a link to my webpage where they listen to the mp3 file. I know it's a very specific purpose so I won't get into why I'm building it.

    This is what I have so far — I currently have a website that takes in a YouTube link (using HTML) and then when the user presses submit the video downloads to a specific place on their computer (ex: desktop). My next step is trying to figure out how to save the downloaded video to a database instead of somewhere on my computer. I'm new to databases but is it possible to save the video to a database in SQL and then pull from that database to upload the video on a different page?

    Any help would be appreciated

    submitted by /u/freebird348
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    Trying to Prove NP-completeness for Alternative Method for Latin Square Completion

    Posted: 26 May 2019 03:30 PM PDT


    DSE- Deciding the shift of elements to yield a valid solution to n^2 x n^2 Latin Squares

    Semi-Solver- An Algorithm that takes a hard-coding of shifts of elements into constraint and solves remaining latin squares in n! Puzzles in poly-time.

    CLPS- Completing Latin Partial Squares. The NP-complete problem that I believe should reduce into my custom variation.

    Prerequisite Read of My Semi-Solver Algorithm



    My motivations is to show that my custom problem of creating poly-time semi-solvers for n! of n^2 x n^2 is NP-hard, because its another variation of CLPS. I take CLPS <p DSE

    Firstly, I show my problem is NP

    ./Non-Deterministic Machine 1x3 Sudoku Example [1][0][0] [0][1][2] [2][0][1] ./Analyzing puzzle for 1 x 3 Sudoku ./Solution found! [1][2][3] [3][1][2] [2][3][1] ./Analyzing DSE of Elements to generate n! completion of Latin Squares [1][0][0] [0][1][2] [2][0][1] [0][2][0] [0][0][2] [2][0][0] print 'Shifting for element for 2 found! ./Finding remaining Shifts of elements 

    Decision Problem

    Given a random instance of any Latin Square out of n^2 x n^2 Sudoku what is the correct DSE that will yield a valid solution for n! Puzzles?

    DSE- Deciding the shift of elements to yield a valid solution to n^2 x n^2 Latin Squares


    ./n! Solutions found for 1 x 3 Sudoku! [1][2][3] [3][1][2] [2][3][1] ./Analyzing DSE of Elements to generate n! completion of Latin Squares [1][0][0] [0][1][2] [2][0][1] [0][2][0] [0][0][2] [2][0][0] print 'Shifting for element for 1 and 2 found! ./Finding remaining Shifts of elements Poly-time Proof-check CLPS <P DSE [1][0][0] [0][1][2]- CLPS [2][0][1] [1][2][3] [3][1][2] -Completed Latin Square [2][3][1] Completed Latin Square Poly-time reduce to DSE [1][2][3] [3][1][2] [2][3][1] [0][2][0] [0][0][2]-DSE problem solved [2][0][0] [1][0][0] [0][1][2]- DSE Latin Square Completion [2][0][1] ./shifts [1][2][3] [3][1][2]-Complete [2][3][1] 

    Therefore, any alternative form of Latin Square completion is NP-complete. Including DSE or any other method of latin square completion that yields validity.

    Deciding Shifting of Elements for poly-time semi-solvers for n! of n^2 x n^2 is just as hard as CLPS.


    Is there anything I'm missing in proving NP-completeness?

    Do I need lengthy proofs if the generalization is correct?

    submitted by /u/Hope1995x
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    Intro for CompSci A?

    Posted: 26 May 2019 09:58 AM PDT

    Hey everyone, I'm planning on taking the AP Computer Science A course that my school offers next year. I don't really have much experience in any type of programming and wanted to get ahead a bit before I'm thrown into the class. Do any of you know of any online courses someone like me could take over the summer to be prepared (and hopefully a bit ahead) for the actual course?


    submitted by /u/NicDT
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