Web scraping for absolute beginners - Learn Selenium Requests and Beautiful Soup all in one practical tutorial learn programming |
- Web scraping for absolute beginners - Learn Selenium Requests and Beautiful Soup all in one practical tutorial
- Staying organized and well-documented
- Are there any areas of programming which is easier to learn and get employed into?
- [VSC++/DirectX] Tried to include the d3dx9 lib and I ended up causing more errors.
- (Java) Representing a car that travels various destinations using methods such as: addgas(), getgasinCar(), roadTrip().
- Programming Newbie.
- Has anyone ever gotten a job doing a boot camp?
- How can I use getline to read two separate variables from a file?
- What is better? Boot camps or udemy to learn full stack?
- Learn phyton in 2 months
- Setting Spawn Points in Javascript!
- [x86_64 Assembly] Getting segfault when trying to grab user input as a string
- Cross-referencing two bodies of text and generating annotations/footnotes based on database of words or phrases
- Any programmers here that did not study CS or SE at undergrad level?
- Help
- How do plugins like intercom work?
- How to Get Better at Coding Interviews - A Complete Guide
- [C++] conditional statements to detect missing characters?
- Web App Audio Processing Libraries
- how to populate a binary search tree from a file
- I can't decide for what programming language do i go
- [JS-NodeJS] NPM Package to take screenshots of locally written HTML/CSS code.
- JavaScript: printing text only once using div.append("bar")
- Hold my hand and help me install GCC.
- (Java)How would I go about creating a "cancel" method that "cancels" the usage of another method?
Posted: 01 May 2019 10:31 AM PDT Made another tutorial on how to do some web scraping. This time I split the focus between using requests with python and using selenium (also with python). Selenium is such a powerful and somewhat complex tool. If someone were to learn it though I think it may be enough single handedly to earn yourself a software development/Automation testing job. As such super relevant for this sub. Also as a bonus I show you guys how to package the data up that you scrape into a csv file afterwards. If you are interested in learning selenium, web scraping or how to package data into a csv file I hope you find this useful: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XyyMjKOqyOk Let me know any feedback that you might have in the comments section! [link] [comments] |
Staying organized and well-documented Posted: 01 May 2019 11:17 AM PDT I'm a beginner expecting to be working in C# to provide the code I will be using on a game built in Unity. I have some limited experience working in SQL, HTML, and VBA, but nothing substantive. I'm looking for tips or resources for staying organized and documented as I build a project so that I can more easily find and fix problems that will inevitably occur as I'm learning and also to make it easier for anyone who may come behind me to decipher what I've done. [link] [comments] |
Are there any areas of programming which is easier to learn and get employed into? Posted: 01 May 2019 09:23 PM PDT I'm trying to get into the IT field with programming as I enjoy the problem solving. However there's just so many areas and I'm not sure which to focus on. So far I've dabbled into SQL and BI stuff with the MS BI Stack. I've also made an Android app. What I've found so far is that there are some areas of programming which are easier than others. For example, I found SQL easier to learn than Java. I think to get a decent job with SQL, you can learn some of the MS BI stack stuff like SSRS, SSAS and SSIS that should be alright. I've learnt some SSRS and so far it's not bad. Whereas for Android development, looking up what companies want is daunting. You got RxJava/Kotlin. You probably need dagger. Then I think to maximise your chances, you should learn about iOS development which probably has it's own challenges too. So even though I would prefer to get into mobile development, SQL stuff just seems easier to get into and start off with. I was wondering though for those who are more knowledgeable, if there are any other areas which are easy to start off with. Right now, I'm more concerned with being able to start with something more quickly. [link] [comments] |
[VSC++/DirectX] Tried to include the d3dx9 lib and I ended up causing more errors. Posted: 01 May 2019 10:26 PM PDT I spent a large part of my day trying to figure out how to include the d3dx9.h library since for whatever reason VS does not find it. I tried many different things that I found online. I thought I did it, but now I ended up making it so every other header I included is now flagged. The errors: Before I only had the following error: I was trying to figure out how to fix this error but now I seem to have broke the whole thing. Btw this is all my code right now. I do have more to type, but I was trying to focus on just getting this working. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 01 May 2019 10:09 PM PDT Having problems with creating addGas and getGasInTank. I have the : Class car { Private double fuelCapacity; private double fueleconomy; How would I go and create the other three method? I'm confused. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 01 May 2019 02:04 AM PDT Hello all! I was recently looking into some programming courses, as I believe it is one of the best ways to keep myself employed. I have read many post that suggest learning web development at first, however, my design skills and "artistic soul" are none existant to say the least. I am really interested in networking and I thought that I could use some help focusing on the route of learning how to programm that could go well together with networking and cyber security. Do you have any suggestions what should I focus on as a newbie in this area? [link] [comments] |
Has anyone ever gotten a job doing a boot camp? Posted: 01 May 2019 11:53 PM PDT I'm interested in full stack but I'm skeptical about the boot camp, is it good to be true? [link] [comments] |
How can I use getline to read two separate variables from a file? Posted: 01 May 2019 11:50 PM PDT I have to read a file using getline, but I need to store two separate variables from the same line? I am storing vehicleMake and vehicleModel. The file would look something like: Ford Taurus Chevy Cruz Nissan Maxima How can I read from the file and store these separately? Code Thus Far: https://pastebin.com/zKgdK269 [link] [comments] |
What is better? Boot camps or udemy to learn full stack? Posted: 01 May 2019 11:09 PM PDT I'm just curious, should I do udemy or a boot camp to learn full stack? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 01 May 2019 07:20 PM PDT Is there a way there I can learn to program (a chatbot) in 2 months? If there is any, can you tell me how? Thanks! [link] [comments] |
Setting Spawn Points in Javascript! Posted: 01 May 2019 06:47 PM PDT I've been making a basic 2-d board game where the user moves around a board to retrieve a coin, whilst being chased by an enemy (kinda like pac-man). but i'm hoping to expand it by making the user select the initial spawn points for each object in the game, for example the user should click on a cell then press 'c' to place a coin, (I understand I should probably have an array to store multiple coins). So ideally the expected outcome should be: A user can click on any cell on the board, then press one of the corresponding keys i.e."C" and the corresponding item will appear on that cell. I have the following code in my program but it has no observable effect, is what i'm trying to achieve possible? as im basically telling the user to insert a div at a user defined location? ... [link] [comments] |
[x86_64 Assembly] Getting segfault when trying to grab user input as a string Posted: 01 May 2019 10:22 PM PDT Just a preface: I don't really expect any help for this because who the hell still writes in assembly anyway? That's fine, I'm just posting here so that I can get additional help. Ok so I'm making a program in assembly (x86_64) which takes in user input from a user (as a string) and does something with it. This can either store it in a variable or a register, or just print it out to the code. When I run my code, I immediately get a segfault and I have no idea what causes it. Code: ```assembly section .data str: db 100 ; Allocate buffer of 100 bytes section .bss section .text global _start _start: mov eax, 3 ; Read user input into str mov ebx, 0 ; | mov ecx, str ; | <- destination mov edx, 100 ; | <- length syscall ; \ ``` Steps to compile:
Output: If anyone could help, that would be great :D Also, this is copy-pasted code from stack overflow which also gives the same error as my original code :/ [link] [comments] |
Posted: 01 May 2019 09:54 PM PDT Programming noob here so I don't really know what beginner friendly language to use to accomplish this. I want to create a site that features separate bodies of text (say, a.html, b.html, etc.). In addition to the body of text, I'd like to prepare a sort of database/dictionary of words and phrases that would aid the user to understand the text (similar to wiki). Is there a way for me to automatically highlight and create links for words and phrases occuring in the text? Also, is there a way for me to index occurences of such words or phrases (ex. if the word elephant occurs in a.html and b.html, the program will generate an html file indexing the word elephant and listing the pages its on. In short, I think I need a auto linking (?) an indexing tool in the website itself. While creating a database of important words and phrases, I'd like to be able to create bodies of text therein that would be indexed and linked based on that database. Thank you for your patience! I don't know how to explain what I want in programming terms but I think I can figure things out if anyone can point me in the right direction. Haha. [link] [comments] |
Any programmers here that did not study CS or SE at undergrad level? Posted: 01 May 2019 09:20 PM PDT I am looking to put together a learning plan for myself. I understand this may take a couple years to get to the level of a developer but if anyone here has experience doing this, what are some good resources to learn programming for someone that did an undergrad other than CS or SE. Doing an undergrad in CS or SE is not an option. I hoping to learn something in my spare time and work on a couple projects using what I learned. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 01 May 2019 09:15 PM PDT I'm not sure if I can do this and I'm sure that I'm about to find out? On my website Toolboxpros.com, on my rev slider under the get started search I can't change my font to white. I've paid 2 people of CL and for some reason they say it doesn't work. Can somebody help? <input type="text"placeholder="e.g.Roofers Cleveland" style="font-size: 26px!important;"> [link] [comments] |
How do plugins like intercom work? Posted: 01 May 2019 09:12 PM PDT is it usually pulled down via a script tag and then everything is self-contained in the js file? Do it create an iframe, add it to the dom, and style it etc all in native JS? [link] [comments] |
How to Get Better at Coding Interviews - A Complete Guide Posted: 01 May 2019 09:12 PM PDT So you want to get better at interviewing? It's all in the approach-- I wrote a step by step walkthrough on exactly how to answer coding interview question from companies like Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, Netflix, or Google. You can find it at How to Get Better at Coding Interviews. It'll walk you through a common technical (whiteboard or non-whiteboard) interview question, and you'll be exposed to things like:
I hope you enjoy the article, and I'm happy to hear any feedback or answer any questions! [link] [comments] |
[C++] conditional statements to detect missing characters? Posted: 01 May 2019 08:53 PM PDT So I am not sure if it is the right place to be posting this sort of question, but I figure I'd give it a shot anyway. So basically I am supposed to be determining if an expression is valid based on whether or not they are missing parenthesis or brackets. For example: I am reading these from a file and incrementing through an array that I put them into character by character. I am supposed to determine which of these characters are missing (brackets or parenthesis) and keep track of the amount of characters that are missing. My problem is that I cant wrap my head around this problem. I know I need to make use of conditional statements, that much I know is obvious. But I guess I don't know what those conditions should be. You can say I am just a little lost when it comes to the logic of knowing when a character is missing. Again, not sure if this is the right place to come to, but I appreciate any help. [link] [comments] |
Web App Audio Processing Libraries Posted: 01 May 2019 08:48 PM PDT I'm looking to implement some real-time audio processing for a web app, and require a library that would allow a data stream of unfiltered audio input. What options exist? At the moment, I would prefer something pertaining to JS(the web app would require little back end if it could be accomplished in this manner), but am open to creation of an "input page input -> backend processing received via AJAX -> input page" display loop where processing would occur within the backend. As such, I request that examples given pertain to either PHP or JS. [link] [comments] |
how to populate a binary search tree from a file Posted: 01 May 2019 02:48 PM PDT I am building a dictionary program using a binary search tree but I'm having trouble on my last requirements. I need to be able to read and write from a .dat file and populate my binary search tree dictionary from that file. I have written the code for my program to write to the file but am having trouble populating my tree. My issue is that when I run my program, it should automatically read from my data file from the constructor (i have previously added data in the file) but instead, I am getting the error
i need help with this insertItem is this works [link] [comments] |
I can't decide for what programming language do i go Posted: 01 May 2019 02:44 PM PDT Im doing programming since my birthday June.18.I have worked Java,c#,Python basic and i feel like learning JavaScrips becouse they say its begginer friendly but what are your oppinions .I would like to build websites and make apps , but still I am a beginner.Does anyone have suggestion in what programming language do i focus if i wanna learn to make apps and websites and its beginner friendly.And what approach do you recommend? [link] [comments] |
[JS-NodeJS] NPM Package to take screenshots of locally written HTML/CSS code. Posted: 01 May 2019 04:34 PM PDT I have been using node-webshot which is a simple wrapper for PhantomJS (a headless browser) which is now archived, webshot did the job up until I decided to use flexbox. Apparently even with PhantomJS 2.x centering nor wrap works. The reason as to why I chose webshot is because, (put in best possible words) you can write your code and fill in parameters with template literals example: I've tried looking into other headless browsers like Nightmare and have found no wrappers that does what webshot does. Yes, I could just ditch all this and go with canvas because my needs still align but canvas has effectively been a huge pain to deal with given the number of circular images I use, plus positioning must be hard-coded (as far as I know) which makes using existing HTML/CSS features like flexbox the best for the job. What I'm looking for is something like node-webshot that is capable of rendering flexbox and is compatible with justify-content: space-around and align-items: center properties. Thank you very much for your time. [link] [comments] |
JavaScript: printing text only once using div.append("bar") Posted: 01 May 2019 04:12 PM PDT I have an event listener for a button that uses the append method to print text. The problem is that if I click the button three times, then "barbarbar" is printed, and I only want "bar" printed once. I'm really annoyed by this - not only because my script doesn't work the way I expected it to, but also because I once fixed this problem in a script that I deleted, and I've completely forgotten how I did, but I DO know that I didn't use JQuery and I didn't use any functions to help solve the problem. [link] [comments] |
Hold my hand and help me install GCC. Posted: 01 May 2019 04:00 PM PDT I do not know what a path variable is. I do not know how to get anything on my laptop running if the file downloaded isn't a .exe file. I do not know the relative merits of the various GCC downloads. These are problems of ignorance I would like to fix later; right now I just want to run C. My computer is a Windows 10 system. Please show me the steps that I must take from 1) not having anything on my laptop except VSCode to 2) being able to run a program both from the command line and from VSCode. I already know some C; I can implement simple algorithms in C, which I have compiled and run on a university machine that I have SSH access to. I would like to practice more on my own machine. [link] [comments] |
(Java)How would I go about creating a "cancel" method that "cancels" the usage of another method? Posted: 01 May 2019 07:40 PM PDT Say I have a class that can count to ten. The boolean count method every time it is called it increments the actualCount by 1. However, if I call cancel I should not be able to call count or rather I should not be able to increment the actualCount. boolean count() and void cancel() return methods can't be changed. public class countToTen{ private int actualCount; boolean count(); void cancel; } [link] [comments] |
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