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    Thursday, May 9, 2019

    Unstable income: indie development woes

    Unstable income: indie development woes

    Unstable income: indie development woes

    Posted: 09 May 2019 01:23 AM PDT

    What is your salary in Nordic countries as a gamedev?

    Posted: 09 May 2019 01:59 AM PDT

    Generally I read all the time about the low pay of game developers and how enterprise salaries are much better. It's all from US. Also all the actual statistics I can find are from US. And as we can all agree, US salaries and work related stuff can't be related with Europe or Nordic countries. I'm in Finland and like to know as a enterprise developer what is the difference to game industry in our strictly work regulated countries in the cold North.

    I'd like to know your anonymous title/field experience and EUR or crowns/month (or year).

    submitted by /u/masterhillo
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    Trying to understand wishlists, how does this game have so many?

    Posted: 09 May 2019 06:12 AM PDT

    As I understand it you need over 10000 wishlists at least to get on the popular upcoming list. I have been researching like crazy how some of the indies do it, then once in a while I stumble upon a game like this in my steam start page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/911510/Paws_and_Soul/

    I am not trying to be mean, but this game is top 20 in total wishlists on steam, and it looks, well, not that great. It looks like a very well made indie game, but that's it. The dev has 100 likes on Fb and no twitter, and can't find anything on reddit. Am I missing something here? How do some of these games do it? I am genuinely curious since I am struggling so much.

    submitted by /u/swekor_6
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    Favorite parts of being dev?

    Posted: 09 May 2019 09:42 AM PDT

    Most of the posts that garner the most discussion in this sub are of course of the rough aspects of being a dev, whether it's the unstable income, burn out, or poor working conditions under huge studios. These are of course very real and valid discussions to have, and it's great that more and more conversations are happening surrounding these problems.

    As a young developer, I should be hearing these warnings and turning the other way while I still can. But, I still feel like I wanna give it my shot in this industry. So I'd like to hear the other side of things. Why do you guys stay? What brings you happiness in what you do? What excites you the most?

    submitted by /u/CaffeinatedJackass
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    What is a quick way to create content

    Posted: 09 May 2019 02:51 AM PDT

    Let's say i have a gameplay in my mind , from what i have calculated gameplay itself it's not time consuming.

    but creating content , my design is 3D third person ( or maybe first) and uses existing game engines , i'm a solo developer who knows how to program,model , and animate but i found that beside core gameplay creating content like levels,world,story etc.... is really time consuming.

    so what is your tip for creating content faster?

    note : it's just me there is no helping hand.


    submitted by /u/Raminlich
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    #loveindies - a campaign to raise up all indie games. Devs, players, streamers and press all welcome. Starts on 3 June!

    Posted: 09 May 2019 03:43 AM PDT

    glide: 2d game engine with Swift

    Posted: 09 May 2019 05:34 AM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    I just released a 2d game engine called glide and wanted to share with all of you.

    glide is a SpriteKit and GameplayKit based engine for building 2d games easily, with a focus on side scrollers. glide is written in Swift and works on iOS, macOS and tvOS.

    Processing gif 7fxj51zqf6x21...

    🎬 Here's a video of glide's features

    🛠 It's open source and here's the GitHub repo

    I'm looking forward to hear your opinions and feedback about glide and start collaborating on it with all of you. I hope glide would be a useful and fun tool for everyone who wants to work on games with Swift targeting Apple devices.

    Some features of glide:

    1. Entity component system and lots of readymade platformer components
    2. Tight collisions and contacts for precise mechanics
    3. Input support including game controllers, keyboard, mouse and touch buttons 🎮⌨️🖱🔲.
    4. UIKit/Appkit based native game menus that can be controlled with game controllers

    👩‍💻 You can download the macOS demo app to have a look at the features of glide. Download here.

    If you have problems with "Unknown/unsigned developer app" error, follow the instructions here.


    submitted by /u/alpsnastya
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    Work For Hire Agreement

    Posted: 09 May 2019 10:18 AM PDT

    I've been getting a lot of requests for the contract I use for my Artists. So here it is.


    The original Author allows for sharing and editing.

    submitted by /u/J_Winn
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    Game frameworks: inheritance vs composition for renderables?

    Posted: 09 May 2019 09:32 AM PDT

    I've used a few different game frameworks now, and have a reoccuring issue when trying to structure my games with 3rd party Scene-graph libraries: Inheritance or composition for my game objects and their associated "renderables"?

    If I use inheritance (which the docs mostly assume you will) then it works, but my game is tied irrevocably to the framework. If I try to use composition then I end up with issues keeping my game model and the renderable object in sync. I'm wondering how you do it, and if there's a nice way to do this that I'm missing.

    Many frameworks assume you'll do something like this:

    class Player extends PIXI.Sprite { // additional Player fields` } 

    (or Phaser.GameObject.Sprite, or many other libraries/frameworks I've used)

    It works well, but now there is a lot about the Player that is just an implementation detail of the library it extends. For example, the PIXI player ends up with a field _tempDisplayObjectParent that is used by PIXI for optimization. And there are a lot more fields too: I want to add data about the player into the player class, but now there is danger of name conflicts - and it's just... messy: some fields are about the player, some are about the sprite.

    So, the alternative is to compose them:

    class Player { sprite: new PIXI.Sprite() } 

    Or alternatively, I could create a "render system" that takes care of creating Sprites based on adding/remove entities - and then it would be possible to completely change frameworks without changing the game model classes:

    RenderSystem.addListener("onEntityAdd", (entity) => { this.add(new Pixi.Sprite())) }) 

    However with the composition/system approaches, there is data that is applicable to both the rendering AND the game entity. For example, position:

    class Player { x: 0, y: 0, width: 64, height: 48 } 

    If I change the x position in the player model then the render system (or the Player object) needs to change the Sprite's x value too. Additionally, if the framework does physics calculations - it does it on the entity it created (eg, on Phaser.Sprite). Any updates on the physics side would need to be synced back to the game model.

    I end up with messy code that tries to keep everything in sync, and I usually end up having to iterate over the collection of entities multiple times.

    It's not the end of the world, and I usually end up using the "inheritance" version - as it's cleaner to read and understand... but I'm not super happy with it. I feel like there's a key pattern or trick that would make the composition/systems approaches better. How do you handle this? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/mrspeaker
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    Please help us preserve this unique game.

    Posted: 09 May 2019 10:47 AM PDT

    Hey there~

    I'm posting here today in hopes that i may find people interested in helping us restore functionality to a game called "Wizardry Online"

    The game featured fun puzzles during terrifying dungeon dives, survival elements, Fantasy Horror art style, allot of unique quality mechanics, and combat most comparable to Dark Souls.
    All these things done with true quality, and not serving as a hollow gimmick.

    We have made some good steps forward now actually being able to boot the game, and connect a server, but we are in desperate need of more people who understand debugging, and reverse engineering.

    The game was very special to allot of us offering mechanics none of us have seen implemented so well to a mmorpg before.
    If anyone with these sorts of skills is willing to have a look at our work space please contact me, any input or advice offered would be so valued by all of us.

    Thank you so much for reading.

    submitted by /u/zeldasmokes
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    If I commission character/concept art for a design doc type document, would they be entitled to compensation beyond the initial fees in the case a product was sold?

    Posted: 09 May 2019 05:56 AM PDT

    Right now I'm working up an in depth document for a platform fighter concept, characters included. If I was to say, commission character or concept art from an artist online, and then I built a team with a separate artist and made the product through to actually being sold, how does that work with the original artist?

    Are they only entitled to their initial fee, or royalties, etc? I would of course be disclosing the nature of the initial commission.

    submitted by /u/smittyboytellem
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    .NET 5 -- One Framework, All Platforms and Open Source

    Posted: 09 May 2019 08:07 AM PDT

    Find co-workers

    Posted: 09 May 2019 12:36 PM PDT

    Hi, what are the best resources to find new people for developing games? As an idea I thought about game jams, but big part of people are beginners. I am interested more for share-rev and short circle development.

    submitted by /u/Andrei1292
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    Building a multi pathed skill tree for a 4x game

    Posted: 09 May 2019 12:32 PM PDT

    Guys I need some help. I'm building a 4x style space empire game. It's been coming along great actually, but I've hit a snag.

    Think Master of Orion meets Civ5.

    Like any empire game, the engine of your empire is your economy. This in turn is driven by to which areas you assign citizens to work, producing various yields like food, science, faith, etc. The main hook, the main differentiation I've had in my mind for was for citizens themselves to upgradable.

    Basically, every citizen belongs to a 'clade' (it's class, essentially), and you use Evolution points to upgrade classes of citizens along a skill tree. This skill tree would branch out in all directions- more food in this direction, more evolution in that direction, with special ability skills scattered amongst these increase in yield skills.

    To do this I had originally imagined something akin to the FFX sphere grid. In this grid each character starts out in their own space on the grid and that area of the map is mainly dominated by what their class of character would most benefit from. Mages start in a region populated with lots of +MP, +MagicAttack, etc. Any character could go wherever they wanted on the map though.

    I had envisioned something similar whereby each different species starts on a different place on the evolution map which is largely dominated by whichever yield they are affiliated with. Like most empire games you will have a character who emphases gold, or science, or military power, or what have you.

    What seems to be throwing me for a loop is that your species is not one single character. It's divided into sub-species. For this to work, each species needs to have nearly immediate access to the other areas of the map. Just because your species emphasizes science doesn't mean your worker class can't be upgraded and so that worker class needs to get to the region of the map where production is emphasized quite easily.

    This seems to result in a clumpy, oversimplified layout where, basically, there is a huge cluster of production nodes here, a huge cluster of science nodes there. One of many problems with this is that the species who starts in this areas has essentially accessed all of the nodes of that type, and gets a 10x bonus towards that instead of the usually 1.5x or 2x bonus your would expect an individual race/empire/character to get. Another is that a good tree has prioritizing in mind. You should have to look ahead and decide wether you want this ability or that ability first. Less centralized, more tree like.

    I can easily understand this whole endeavour being too much. Too much to code and too much to play, but I would have to rework the rest of the game if I were to forgo this. And it's worth a shot I suppose.

    Apologies for the poor explanation. It's a complex problem. More than anything I just need to bounce some ideas and hear critique. Feel free to DM me!

    FFX Skill tree included for reference.


    submitted by /u/Whittyusername69
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    Gathering some important information: What struck you the most in a horror game ?

    Posted: 09 May 2019 06:31 AM PDT

    What are some games that are easy to add fonts and translation?

    Posted: 09 May 2019 12:19 PM PDT

    I'm gathering a team for translating games into Persian and we are currently working on Celeste. unfortunately we don't have anyone who is familiar with game development so we cant add go for translating the games that are hardly encrypted and such, so I wanted to ask: what are the games that are easy to add font and translation? like having text and font files unpacked or there is a tool for decompiling and unpacking its files and etc.

    also any advice, guide, related softwares, etc about translating games will be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/someemosoneeno
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    VR Dev - Ditching Diffuse map in the game

    Posted: 08 May 2019 11:14 PM PDT

    Hi guys!

    I'm part of a little VR development team base in Japan, i thought that little article we wrote could interest you, it speaks about one trick we used to save some performances in our upcoming game "Detective HackJack".

    I would be really curious to have your feedback about it :) Thanks guys!


    submitted by /u/TimotheV
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    Do you think the name "Hammer Dongers" is bannable in the nintendo e-shop?

    Posted: 09 May 2019 11:51 AM PDT

    We've been working on this project for a while and plan to release it on switch eventually but the name worries us since its got donger in it. We're even planning on calling the characters dongers. To us it seems hilarious but it'd suck to be banned in the end. What do you think?


    submitted by /u/CraveCraw
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    How is developing for VR different than a standard 3D dev cycle?

    Posted: 09 May 2019 11:50 AM PDT

    From what I can tell it is mostly a 3-D game where the user has a free floating camera and movement is limited or clunky. Testing is much different definitely and learning the hardware devkits/api. What am i missing?

    submitted by /u/j____b____
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    how do i flip image horizontally?

    Posted: 09 May 2019 11:47 AM PDT

    ok so I was making an experimental mirror in unreal engine 4 by using a 2d camera capture. a camera will capture what it sees from mirror's pov and then it will be rendered as a texture on mesh. but in reality reflection doesn't work like that. what you see in mirror is the exact horizontally flipped image of what you see from mirror's perspective. english is not my primary language so i probably butchered previous sentense. what I'm trying to say is that reflections are always horizontally flipped because physics but if i am capturing image from a camera at mirror's pov then it will be flipped. So i basically tried everything in ue4 from using texcood node to even flipping UVs of mesh but some how unreal never allows me to flip the image. So i planned to do some maths to flip the 2D image data manually through some maths. so how do i do it? i need formula and method. I'm not good with maths or else i wouldn't have posted. thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/sanketvaria29
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    Can't we make different versions of the same game to reduce file sizes?

    Posted: 09 May 2019 07:49 AM PDT

    I was wondering if making the same game with different files would reduce the load on memory for some users. Like imagine a version of a game with the lowest of the texture settings or something like no RTX enabled Ray tracing files in the files for a non RTX system. Or maybe even no crytek TI files for an RTX system if it's not much of a performance gain. I understand we do it for the sake of total inclusion of all combination of settings, but this way, will it lead to more stable game builds for the gamers?

    submitted by /u/AquAJ3T
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    Blender 2.8 New Features & Changes

    Posted: 09 May 2019 11:11 AM PDT

    What It's Like To Work On Ultra-Violent Games Like Mortal Kombat 11

    Posted: 09 May 2019 11:11 AM PDT

    Our SS13 inspired hybrid MKB+VR game, SpessVR, and its level editor in action.

    Posted: 08 May 2019 11:38 PM PDT

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