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    Friday, May 24, 2019

    Having to google every problem on Hackerrank. Ask Programming

    Having to google every problem on Hackerrank. Ask Programming

    Having to google every problem on Hackerrank.

    Posted: 24 May 2019 10:30 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    I've found I'm having to google a lot of the issues I'm facing while completing hackerrank EASY challenges, and as a last resort try and learn something from solutions others have submitted. It's frustrating me because I keep forgetting things I've used and researched before and end up taking just as long on repeated challenges after 2 weeks.

    I guess my question is, is this normal and has anyone here started off in a similar fashion and have any tips for me? Right now I'm questioning whether I have the intelligence for software development or not, and at 30 years old I guess I'm worried companies would rather go for younger juniors.

    submitted by /u/TheGooseFliesAtNight
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    HTML form action submit button question.

    Posted: 24 May 2019 09:00 PM PDT

    Hi everyone. I've been learning html and JavaScript but I'm stuck on one part that's bugging me. It's creating a form with a submit button. I create the form and submit button thats easy but I can't figure out how to code in so that when I type something and click the submit button where that information is sent. I've tried to find videos but couldn't find anything

    submitted by /u/arnoldlegend99
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    If I wanted to create a software to help contractors manage their projects, materials, payroll, etc. more efficiently, what should I consider when deciding whether to go web based or desktop?

    Posted: 24 May 2019 07:57 PM PDT

    Please help me to understand the waitforsingleobject function

    Posted: 24 May 2019 01:17 PM PDT

    If I inject a DLL into another process with CreateRemoteThread + LoadLibrary. I want to know when the DLL has finished doing it's task, so I can get close the thread and free the dll from the process's memory.

    I know a lot of people accomplish this by using WaitForSingleObject + GetExitCodeThread. I just want to understand it as well. I understand GetExitCodeThread, but WaitForSingleObject is harder for me to understand.

    WaitForSingleObject just waits for any event to happen in the thread as I understand, there must be so many different events happening, how can we be so certain that the first event that will happen will be the "completion"?

    submitted by /u/Menzoberranyr
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    Fast way to save images on Google Colab?

    Posted: 24 May 2019 11:24 AM PDT

    I have a project where I have to save a lot of (~1000) images on Google Colab. Is anyone aware of how that can be done efficiently?
    Also a little visualization of a couple of images wouldn't hurt.

    I've used pylab earlier, but I'm not sure how will that work out for many images on Google Colab.

    pylab.savefig('spec_pcen.jpg', bbox_inches=None, pad_inches=0) 

    Any help would be appreciated

    submitted by /u/ZER_0_NE
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    Is Kanban or Scrum useful for your personal projects?

    Posted: 24 May 2019 11:45 AM PDT

    Hi, I'm trying to work on a personal project, and trying to see if I should follow some kind of a technique.

    What I'm trying to really accomplish is to finish a project by a certain date, which is approximately a month away.

    submitted by /u/hotpotato70
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    What is the difference between a software designer and a software developer?

    Posted: 24 May 2019 05:47 AM PDT

    Senior developers of Reddit, what do you think what makes you a senior developer?

    Posted: 24 May 2019 04:19 PM PDT

    What is a recommended simple API for a remote controlled website?

    Posted: 24 May 2019 06:26 AM PDT

    New to Web development.

    I would like to change the appearance of a website via url.

    Let's say there is a hidden Icon on my website. The website is open on some users's devices.

    Now I fire a API request via a URL that I call.

    As an effect the icon becomes visible for the users.

    Since I am not familiar with apis yet I would like to know where to start.

    Any help is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/kanaleins
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    Does anyone else not like coding on a mechanical keyboard?

    Posted: 24 May 2019 07:48 AM PDT

    it gives me anxiety when there are people nearby

    submitted by /u/Bulbasaur2015
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    Where can I find guides for web scraping using cookies?

    Posted: 24 May 2019 03:13 PM PDT

    I made a web scraper that uses Python and Beautifulsoup. I tried scraping a different site, but the site requires login. Any way to do this with cookies? Where is a guide I can follow? I've been looking the past few days. I'm kind of losing hope.

    submitted by /u/Best_Striker
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    You can help a lot of people with this

    Posted: 24 May 2019 02:49 PM PDT

    I don't know if this obeys the rules 100% but here it is: If you could turn back time, preserving all your actual knowledge about coding but zero knowledge about sintax and the rest of it, what language would you choose to learn right now?

    submitted by /u/raymond_redditor
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    I have three days over this bank holiday weekend to learn something that will quash my self doubt about being a real developer because I work on the web - where do I start?

    Posted: 24 May 2019 02:08 PM PDT

    Disclaimer: I posted this word for word on /r/developer but I'm hoping to get a wide reaching response.

    I'm a PHP developer and I cannot shake the notion that I'm 'not a proper developer' because that's all I've really known outside a bit of Android development a few years ago. I'm surrounded by people with grounding in C/C++... even Perl, and I feel like they understand the world of development more for it.

    My development history starts with Bash, learning the basic constructs and writing text adventure games.

    I then started with raw PHP and connecting to databases, and build a laughable but functional e-commerce website from scratch in two weeks without a single line of JavaScript.

    I did some C# and Java programming for game development which I absolutely loved but went nowhere. I had a blast though, but it was only ever squares moving on other squares. I can't draw to save my life.

    I moved on to Android development where I built an app that my former workplace then stole to redevelop with a third party for a six figure sum.

    I finally took the plunge and went for an entry level service job in IT working with WordPress, rose through the ranks over five years and became the senior developer there.

    I am now designing and building APIs and engines in Laravel in a rising company in the telephony sector.

    But I still feel like an amateur - I couldn't contribute to Linux, or write a system application. I know only what malloc stands for.

    The answer is learn C or something, but the industry seems to be all over the place! Where do I start to try and learn something not based around a website? What should I do? What's a reasonable aspiration in three days for a PHP programmer who wants to beat this notion out of herself?

    submitted by /u/fuckmywetsocks
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    Ideas for optimizing time spent doing IO on background tasks?

    Posted: 24 May 2019 09:52 AM PDT


    I'm working with a legacy job processing system, in which each task has a concept of smaller steps. This is a multi process system, where steps of a particular task might or might not be executed on the same worker ( all communication is done through Redis ). Imagine the following task , CreateUser, with the following steps:

    - verify_registration_data

    - import_existing_data

    - normalize_imported_data

    - send_onboarding_email

    Those tasks will be executed sequentially, starting with the verify_registration_data one, however, in some of the existing tasks, based on some condition, you could jump a few steps. The pattern employed throughout the system is that usually

    the current step of the job will queue execution of the next step, with some arguments, so you could think of it like the output of a specific step in the job plan, becomes the input of the next step.

    Imagine that for example step2 might download some data ( let's say a JSON file ) , and add some "metadata" fields, and it would need to pass it to the next step in the task. Because job steps might not be executed on the same worker, we usually upload the files to S3, and then the next step in the list will receive a URL which it would need to download. This pattern repeats in many jobs, and it adds up to quite a lot of time spent upload/downloading files.

    I was toying with the idea of perhaps adding some kind of intermediate service and have all uploads/downloads pass through it, and have it running on each of the worker machine, and whenever I upload/download something through this 3rd service, broadcast a message so that all "cache services" would grab a copy, which they would keep in RAM, in order to be able to serve it faster. This, however will open up the door to possible race conditions and possibly difficult cache invalidations. I thought also about saving those files in redis, but it would fill up redis really quick.

    Have you guys been in a similar situation? If yes, how did you handle it?


    submitted by /u/D4rkBlue
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    Web design page layouts

    Posted: 24 May 2019 08:48 AM PDT

    What are some of the more commonly used technologies for page layout design? Which is used most? Is it flexbox or cssgrid etc.

    submitted by /u/mod_god
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    What is the best scripting language to as an user-made extension of program functions?

    Posted: 24 May 2019 02:37 AM PDT

    EDIT: ..to USE as an..

    To put it as simple as possible, I'm building something that makes a specific type of game out of user-made text description files (kinda like inform, if you know that, just much simpler). Think of it as an interpreter. Most of what he, the user, would likely want his game to do can be expressed in those description files, but in case something can't, I'd like to have support for a script language where he'd been given access to a range of functions.

    I'm currently building the prototype in Java (interpreter, not script), but it should be a scripting language that has good interpretation support in general (I plan to make an interpreter in PHP/HTML5/JS as well, for example)

    So, is there a scripting language, the easier to understand the better (target users are not programmers, just computer literate), that would be suited for something like this?

    Pseudocode of what I'd like to have in such a script:

    if (actors.status("angrydude") == "scared") { playfield.move("angrydude", 300, 450); audio.play("zoidberg_wubwubwub"); } 

    where actors, playfield and audio would be provided by me and should call functions inside my real program.

    submitted by /u/kadivs
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    Best language to build a cryptogram generator

    Posted: 24 May 2019 08:13 AM PDT

    I'm new to programming, only know a little C and Java. I want to know which of these would be better to use for this. Basically, the user would input a string of words and the program would isolate each letter and replace it with a randomly generated different letter and display the now-encoded sentence. It sounds really simple, but like I said I'm new to this.

    I'm thinking I'd have to convert each letter to a number corresponding to the range of letters on the ASCII chart and then convert them back to letters. Is this the best way to do this or am I an idiot?

    submitted by /u/draculacletus
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    Is C still being developed/updated?

    Posted: 24 May 2019 12:18 AM PDT

    Who maintains it?

    submitted by /u/-ftw
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    Is programming all about copy/pasting ?

    Posted: 24 May 2019 02:33 AM PDT

    I've spent a whole year learning android ,have successfully built several projects. But I still need to look up Google for most of the coding part and have to constantly look at documentations. I know logics behind it but I just couldn't write a code without googling up first. Can I consider myself as job ready ?

    submitted by /u/yaksha00
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    What are signs programming is not for "me"?

    Posted: 24 May 2019 12:45 AM PDT

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