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    Monday, May 27, 2019

    Front-end development is enormously frustrating and difficult, I feel like giving up web developers

    Front-end development is enormously frustrating and difficult, I feel like giving up web developers

    Front-end development is enormously frustrating and difficult, I feel like giving up

    Posted: 27 May 2019 02:30 AM PDT

    I'm a back-end programmer throughout and now I want to get into front-end but I don't understand how. Everything seems so difficult here.

    Firstly, Javascript is an impossible language! There are so many usage patterns for things like object creation, modular coding, functional coding, etc. that its very confusing to code, be it on front-end or back-end (node/npm). To solve this problem, they've invented these imperfect frameworks like angular, vue, react, etc. but I don't know which one to choose (each one is perhaps a rocket science in itself!).

    Integrating these frameworks (angular, etc.) with the backend (node/npm or my chosen language such as php) also isn't an exact science. I couldn't find any guides to do this effectively.

    Designing CSS layouts is also a whole new complexity. Is it OK if I pickup an established framework like Bootstrap and just skip understanding of layouts for the moment?

    All this is too much for me to handle!

    submitted by /u/the_php_coder
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    Anybody got a 4 day work week?

    Posted: 27 May 2019 01:35 PM PDT

    Anybody out there have a full time dev job where you have a 4 day work week with about 10 hours each day? I am just curious if that exists.

    Having a 3 day weekend makes it feel so much longer. And by the time you come home from an 8 hour day, you basically don't have much time to do anything at all, plus ( I am at least pretty tired). I would love to just work an extra two hours each day and actually enjoy my weekend.

    submitted by /u/mrich6347
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    Live Map of my online game in the background of my website

    Posted: 27 May 2019 03:15 PM PDT


    I'm working on a website for my business that makes stuff like developer tools and online games, and in the background is a live view of my online multiplayer game I made, SHOOTYDOT, so you see players moving around shooting each other. The canvas uses `position: fixed;` so it looks really nice when you scroll down. I'll add a link to the site once it's done.

    EDIT: The site is now live at https://point0.tech

    submitted by /u/63-bit
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    Whats a good place to learn how to code large projects (php/sql)?

    Posted: 27 May 2019 02:02 PM PDT

    I want to learn and build my portfolio by building a student information system (with a gradebook) and a job portal. Where could i find tutorials/videos to create these systems?

    submitted by /u/mitch1618
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    Using Raspberry Pi or laptop for gym monitor?

    Posted: 27 May 2019 02:50 PM PDT

    Hi all!

    I'm helping a local gym with a web app. This gym is a very local gym and the owner wants the ability to have a screen that shows trainers and clients who enter which trainers are currently on-site at any given time. (That way, if Trainer A enters and the equipment is all being used but he/she notices that Trainer B is there, but is not supposed to be there, they know etc.)

    The web app itself is connecting to the gym's trainer service's API and then refreshes itself. However, I'm trying to determine the best way to display the web app on-site. I've thought of three options, and curious what others think.

    1. Monitor connected to a Raspberry Pi that only has a mobile browser on it.
    2. Monitor connected to an always-on laptop.
    3. Monitor connected to an Amazon Fire Stick, etc., with a browser app

    I figure #1 would work and is cheapest option; #2 is most obvious, but most expensive and may be more than needed. #3 would be too hard to maintain if issues arise, I need to test new features, etc. But, curious if anyone has any thoughts to these options, or if anyone has any other suggestions!

    Thanks so much for your time and thoughts.

    submitted by /u/BeBenevo
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    My resume has previous careers on it should I keep them on it?

    Posted: 26 May 2019 07:57 PM PDT

    I was a restaurant manager before deciding to learn web dev. I was a general manager as my last role, just a pizza chain nothing crazy, fast casual deal. I have had 3 manager jobs and all are on my resume. Should I leave that info on my resume when applying for junior web dev roles? Will it hurt or help?

    Also should I include my portfolio website in my resume, or email that to the company I apply to, or both?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Jayboii478
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    The painless page transitions package Swup has been updated to 2.0!

    Posted: 27 May 2019 04:41 AM PDT

    custom built website vs CMS

    Posted: 27 May 2019 02:34 PM PDT

    Hi gang!

    This may be a novice question, but i am most definitely a novice developer so here we go. Pondering about maybe doing some very small freelance work just as extra income as i'm still a student and only work part time(though as a junior developer).

    My clients would all be very small to medium sized businesses that all have very few demands when it comes to functionality on their website, some are even 100% static. The most pressing is just a simple update, the website was made about 10 years ago and is due for a serious update.

    My question is therefore, what would be an acceptable approach here?
    Do any of you rely on wordpress or similar CMS, or is this somewhat frowned upon? Ive even heard some buzz about webflow, but never tried it myself.

    Was about to start building from scratch, but i dont quite see any reason to as the website itself has so few explicit needs. Its really just marketing.

    For those of you that do freelancing or work in this space: do you stick to the same tech stack for every project or jump in-between CMS and more custom solutions?

    submitted by /u/hpl002
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    Help creating a website

    Posted: 27 May 2019 04:57 PM PDT


    Im not sure if this is the correct place to post this, and im sure someone will steer me in the right direction if it is not. I am in desperate need of creating a small business company website and I wanted to know how I would get in contact with someone that could assist me in doing so. Any information provided is very much appreciated.


    submitted by /u/Goldythecat
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    Full-Time Job or Freelance for 18-year-old?

    Posted: 27 May 2019 04:34 PM PDT

    I know Vue and Angular with some Python and node in the mix and I have had an internship a year ago for the summer as a web developer, but the thing is is that I have this urge to go out and travel and try new things and I don't think that having a full-time job(If I could even get one) would be the best fit for me. If anybody has tried freelancing could you tell me your experience and what were some things that you stumbled when your first started? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/brayanMuniz
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    Using JS to help make a Form

    Posted: 27 May 2019 04:07 PM PDT

    So, I know I might be really annoying here, but I need help.

    I want to create a form. Say there is a name field, an age field, and a gender field. The user places their answers in each field and, using JavaScript, when the "Submit" button is pressed, it goes to a new page and has "My name is NAME, I am AGE and I am a GENDER.

    How would I do that? I know how to do that with prompts, but I'm not sure how to do it with fields on a form.

    Sorry if I seem annoying

    submitted by /u/Jiangxi123
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    How are you guys sending emails from your web apps?

    Posted: 26 May 2019 08:04 PM PDT

    I'm currently using nodemailer with gmail (Google Suite), which works fine I guess but I imagine the 500 emails per day limit might become an issue down the line. Also it doesn't have any reporting or statistics like some other providers.

    I've tried using Sendgrid but they charge $80/month for a plan with a dedicated IP and their shared IP plans are unusable as they are all blacklisted so all emails get sent to the receiver's spam inbox (support won't remove the blacklisted IPs or move you over to IPs that haven't been blacklisted either).

    Amazon SES is another option but from what I've read you need to be sending around 100,000 emails per month just to qualify for a dedicated IP.

    So what are you guys using to send transaction emails from your web apps?

    submitted by /u/stupid-sexy-jake
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    Opinions on open.appacademy.io

    Posted: 27 May 2019 11:56 AM PDT

    I've been messing about with learning webdev since February. It's now nearly June and I've learnt quite a few things especially with JavaScript, and here's the but, I do some video tutorials, I get what's going on, then I get on another, then I looked at JavaScript 30 by WesBos and thought ok I'm useless at this.

    So I thought find a thorough course that gives you a track so I looked at FreeCodeCamp. Id already done everything up to but not including JavaScript on FreeCodeCamp in 2014. I decided to do Linux/Sysadmin. Anyway I realised at the start of this year webdev was in my heart, so whilst I learnt quite a bit of Linux, I didn't want to sysadmin.

    Anyway I've seen The Odin project but Ruby put me off, then I read people raving about open appacademy and it was a graduate of this academy. So I started doing the course, but I just want some reassurance I guess that it's a good course and I went regret putting in a year of my time following it.

    I was thinking ugh I was learning JS and now I'm learning Ruby first in this course before JS. I've seen all the fast track yourself for free guides to webdev and they say just do JS. But I thought why not just try and do it properly and become the best dev you can from the start instead of fast tracking everything.

    I also went on indeed and looked at Ruby jobs and saw quite a few Ruby webdev jobs, I even saw PHP jobs.

    I'm one of those people that doesn't like limitations and I think this looks like a decent course, so I'm open to suggestions and thoughts on open.appacademy.io.

    submitted by /u/Rogermcfarley
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    How relevant is ruby/ruby on rails for web development today?

    Posted: 27 May 2019 03:34 PM PDT

    Or is it better learning other languages?

    submitted by /u/amenhotep74
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    What are your opinions on job security from AI/No code tools for developers moving into the future?

    Posted: 27 May 2019 03:29 PM PDT

    I've noticed a huge boom in startups flaunting no code apps, websites, etc and was just curious what the communities thoughts are on the matter of technology replacing developers jobs. Of course developers will need to work on these platforms themselves, but will there be a lot less jobs once AI is able to develop full-blown applications with a few parameters?

    submitted by /u/dmeow
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    Managing Front-end JavaScript Environment Variables

    Posted: 26 May 2019 09:51 PM PDT

    making my own project questions

    Posted: 27 May 2019 02:10 PM PDT

    hi i have being for a while thinking on doing a proyect i am thinking on doing it with meteor.js what do you guys think? i am not sure of what js framework to use for the moment but i have read that meteor is good plus they have apollo with is something that i really want to learn... What do you guys think? is a good idea? for the moment the stack that i have think is node.js, graphql, react, apollo and mongo i have never deploy somthing on my life so i really want a framework that helps with that.

    this will be my first big project if you guys have any recommendations on anything that you can think of they all are welcome :)

    submitted by /u/JonasMillan
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    Self taught vs bootcamper?

    Posted: 27 May 2019 01:19 PM PDT

    i hear some jobs are most likely to hire a self taught developer than a bootcamper why is that?

    submitted by /u/Mugen1220
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    Is MDN the best resource out there?

    Posted: 27 May 2019 01:10 PM PDT

    I want to learn the basics needed for front-end web development within 1.5 years (Im currently a MIS undergrad).

    I've watched many videos on youtube and they all seem to reference to Mozilla Development Network (MDN). So I was wondering if I should stick to learning from there?

    Or are Udemy courses like "The Web Developer Bootcamp" by Steve Colt a better alternative?

    submitted by /u/9039039
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    Am I on the wrong way?

    Posted: 27 May 2019 12:45 PM PDT

    I am a junior front-end developer and I want to tell you my thoughts about my career and the problems I face at this stage.
    I really enjoy programming, but I enjoy it only if I do something meaningful - e.g. the company needs to build some product, or I have some idea that I believe would be useful for me or for someone in the future. I enjoy coding and researching only when I realize that the product I am working on is/would potentially be important for someone out there and it is going to make some impact. BUT, if I have no work to do, I really have no motivation to do some side-projects or watch some tutorials or read the documentation just because to enrich my CV or 'develop my skills'. Before I landed my first job, I had to do some sample projects, but it was a real hell for me, because I realized that literally no one would ever use those projects and I was doing it just because I needed to demonstrate some skills.
    Thus, when I have no task at work, I just sit and do completely different things (planning my finances, watching non-programming videos, reading non-programming articles etc.). On the other hand, when I have a specific task from my employer that I don't know much about, I really enjoy researching (even at home after work) and working really hard to complete it. it should also be mentioned that in that case I do it in a much more effective way and in a short time, than I would have needed if I was just learning for the sake of 'learning', and most importantly, I am also enjoying the whole process.
    So my question- Is this kind of attitude normal? Or should I change it? Has anyone ever felt this way?
    P.S. Sorry for my English

    submitted by /u/mavinter
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    Why does my gf's website look different when we enter with www. and without?

    Posted: 27 May 2019 11:46 AM PDT

    Can't show the website but the problem is, the nav bar is not aligned with the body on the website without www. and on the www. site, it is, why is that?

    submitted by /u/InSchoolPlsHelp
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    My first JS slider from scratch.

    Posted: 27 May 2019 04:12 AM PDT

    Hello all!

    I made a slider: https://codepen.io/matteocarpi/pen/mYKMGP

    I'm quite a newbie with JavaScript and only today I managed to do the first little thing from scratch. It's very banal but a big achievement for me!

    I was quite surprised that in the end it's so simple! But the way I did it seems different from how it's usually done or from the ones that I used in the past. Am I missing something? Could it be better?

    submitted by /u/mcarpi
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    How to count product codes automatically from textarea and how to fix issue with static product codes?

    Posted: 27 May 2019 07:53 AM PDT

    How to count product codes automatically from textarea and how to fix issue with static product codes?

    I want count in my textarea product codes.

    I have whitelist for product codes so I cant type or write anything else into textarea.

    Found bad issue, I can write only static product codes like (first 16 is product code other 6 is how many products it is in list...):

    0FAR12345H00123C + 00001P

    0FAR54321H00321C + 00001P

    0FAR54321H00321C + 00002P

    So now I have two problems..

    First problem, whitelist universal product codes like this:

    0FAR12345H00123C + 00001P

    0FAR543H00321C + 00001P

    0F321H321C + 00001P

    0R31H1C + 001P

    Second problem is how to count these product codes under textarea + overall count.

    Example under textarea counts:

    0FAR12345H00123C: 5

    0FAR543H00321C: 2

    0F321H321C: 6

    0R31H1C: 4

    Overall: 17


    Codepen.io link

    This is how I want count product codes and overall:


    This shows what you can only insert in textarea (Whitelist for product codes):


    submitted by /u/VeltixOfficial
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