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    Wednesday, May 29, 2019

    Do I NEED Linux? Ask Programming

    Do I NEED Linux? Ask Programming

    Do I NEED Linux?

    Posted: 29 May 2019 10:40 AM PDT

    I'm currently doing my bachelor's in Computer Science and Engineering and was wondering whether I really NEED linux or not. I mainly code in C++/Java and abit of python. With my current use I don't seem to need to change/include, but should I? if yes, which is like a good one to start with... I heard Ubuntu's pretty good. I've used Fedora so far.

    As per application i don't really know what I CAN do on linux and CAN'T do on Windows. So insights on that is much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Michaeldagr888
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    Can Windows be made to render its widgets in OpenGL?

    Posted: 29 May 2019 03:40 PM PDT

    I am currently looking at a very old widget framework using MFC. I would like to refresh it. The easiest way I can think of doing it is if Windows is capable of rendering its widgets (the classic old-school grey widgets) in an OpenGL canvas. Then I can slowly upgrade the framework over time into full OpenGL, one piece at a time. Can this be done?

    submitted by /u/symmusic
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    How do you deal with shitty code?

    Posted: 29 May 2019 09:39 AM PDT

    New job in Mexico

    I've recently moved to Mexico. The whole thing was done in a little rush and so was my job search. I ended up in a 4 year old, pretty well doing startup. Now after 4 months I'm feeling it wasn't the best choice for me, but that company helped me a lot in immigration process and I feel it would be nice if I work here at least until the end of the year to "pay them back" for that.

    Poor codebase

    The problem is I'm struggling a lot at work. The main reason for that is: the code base I'm working on is the shittiest one I've ever seen. It violates every good practice I know. It's a hybrid web application written in PHP in the backend. JavaScript and HTML are embedded and totally mixed up with PHP code, without much separation between the template (view) and the logic; SQL queries are embedded into this logic too. Files have +1000 lines of code (the biggest one has more than 5000 lines). No modularization. Hardly any abstraction, rather than that a lot of copy and paste; so that when you want to change one thing, you usually need to change it in 15 different places and hope it doesn't break some other unrelated part of the app. No comments. No conventions - e.g. names of functions, classes, database tables are mix of camel case, kebab case, upper case, sometimes within a single name.

    My co-workers are actually very nice and intelligent people, but that doesn't help much.

    Perfectionist me

    I'm a perfectionist. For anything I'm creating I try my best to write clean code, design good architecture, document it well. That is what drives me. I want to create things which look good, are easy to use for people, solve in the best way possible their problems. And which are designed well: both in it's user interface design, and inside as a system and code design.

    And because I consider this code, system, interface and user experience shit, I'm getting irritated a lot. After four months I've lost any motivation to do any work. I'm struggling a lot, even with simple tasks, not because they are impossible for me to do, but because I feel tired and unmotivated all the time.

    Help needed

    Maybe some of you had similar problems and have some advice on how to tackle this kind of issues. I'd be glad for any advice.

    PS Maybe the question should be how do you deal with lack of motivation, but as in my opinion is caused by the poor quality of programming here, I chose that wording.

    submitted by /u/no-cheating
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    Help with IPC between C# exe and C++ DLL

    Posted: 29 May 2019 07:06 PM PDT

    I'm working on a project that involves modifying and reading from a tree of objects using a Windows Forms Application in a C# executable (there's a TreeView and PropertyGrid), while a DLL injected into a separate process needs to receive that tree of objects and also read from it and make modifications. These objects are made up of different classes but inherit from a single class. The states of these objects need to be synced between the two processes.

    I've chosen file mappings as my method of IPC, which I believe is sound, though correct me if I'm wrong. My main problem at this point is the actual synchronization process and all of the problems and design questions that brings. This needs to run as quickly as possible, with the least amount of overhead possible. I'm wondering if there are any libraries that will simplify this process or if I have to do everything myself. I've heard of COM but am not familiar with it, would that be applicable here and make my life easier, or is that antiquated at this point?

    I actually have this tree serializable to a file via protobuf on the C# end, but I need to be able to write and read from these objects on the fly, and have it be fully synchronized. Serialization and deserialization is too costly. I'm also wary of race issues.

    Some extra details about the project:

    • The executable is initialized first and is the primary maintainer of the tree
    • Though I'm not sure how much memory the tree could end up using when the application is in use by an actual user, I'm predicting a very large tree of objects with a fair amount of memory overhead to be frequent, assuming no optimizations are made later. This is the primary reason I went for a file mapping for the IPC, rather than pipe-messaging, though if you believe a pipe would still be better let me know.

    I'm looking for any design ideas, examples of similar implementations to this problem, or libraries that might assist with this. If there are any more details about the project that would be useful knowing in answering my questions, let me know. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/sj109
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    Need help figuring out a solution to finish my application.

    Posted: 29 May 2019 06:14 PM PDT

    I have an application that checks if a list of executables are up to date using a function that extracts the LinkerTimeStamp (the date the executable was built) from a executable. This code is made with Delphi 7.

    My problem is quite exquisite. I need to get the LinkerTimeStamp of an executable file before I upload it to the website(PHP - Linux). PHP doesn't have a function that does this, and even if it did the function may not work because some issues regarding how the executable image is created with the Delphi version we use at the company.

    I was able to work around with the LinkerTimeStamp function made in Delphi not sure if it's possible with a function made with PHP or even JavaScript.

    If the server OS hosting the website was Windows my solution would be simple, since that's not case I'm stuck.

    I'm able to get the information I need but I'm not able to get to the website when I want it.

    Is anybody able to figure out a elegant solution to my situation? I would really appreciate it! I spent the whole day trying to figure out some way to do it but I was just unable to =/

    submitted by /u/EvilGambit
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    Looking for a program which can make the mouse pointer "free" during FPS games

    Posted: 29 May 2019 02:11 AM PDT

    I'm not a programmer, but a disabled gamer with severe muscular atrophy (SMA Type 1) and I can't use any kind of keyboards or gamepads, the only thing I can use is the mouse and I can even press only one button (right-click) on it.

    I recently found a way to be able to play Forza Horizon 4 with nothing but a mouse (video), and I've been thinking ever since then, how could I play other types of games with a method like this.

    I'd like to play FPS games and Assassin's Creed like games, but both types of these games use the mouse for camera rotating, so I can't use it for on-screen controls.

    I figured out that if I could rotate the camera only when I click and hold the mouse button in the game area, I could do any other things on the on-screen buttons.

    Is there anything which allows me to do this?

    submitted by /u/Next_Musician
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    Audio processing the sounds of different machines

    Posted: 29 May 2019 04:39 PM PDT

    In my garage wood shop I have the following power tools: table saw, band saw, disc sander, belt sander, and shop vac. Is there a sound or audio processing library that could differentiate between the running sounds of these tools?

    If it is possible how hard is it? Would I need a special microphone or some other custom hardware?

    submitted by /u/BoatPlz
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    C or C++

    Posted: 29 May 2019 04:29 PM PDT

    Hey, I've been programming in Java for a while now, some Javascript and a little bit of python (mostly Java though). But I wanted to move a little closer to the hardware so I took an interest in C and C++.

    However even after watching a couple of videos, I still don't know which one I should learn. There are some people who prefer C a lot and even after programming in C++ for years, they switched to C, others say C++ is just C in better. Some people say that nobody uses C today so it's not really worth it, some say that a lot of people still do and that especially as a beginner, C would be a better language to start.

    So people had a lot of different opinions and I didn't really know what to make of them and didn't feel any wiser or any closer to my decision than I was before.

    So I'm still wondering, what should I pick, C or C++ (don't have any specific projects in mind but I'm probably never going to start programming games. Gonna play with rpis and arduinos though from time to time when I have a new idea)

    tldr: don't know if I should learn C or C++, having a background in Java, mainly.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/tosch901
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    Mocking service and client program

    Posted: 29 May 2019 08:57 AM PDT

    I am looking for a program that cam mock a service and also act as a client when receiving a request.

    I was thinking wiremock but from the docs I did not find the client option, only the response mapping.

    It would be good if it is open source or at least have a trial to check it out.

    Do you have some suggestions? Thanks

    submitted by /u/geo_n1ght
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    What's the best programming language/framework for desktop apps in 2019?

    Posted: 29 May 2019 12:36 PM PDT

    We do know that web apps are the thing nowadays but what would be the best programming language to make a desktop application in 2019?

    submitted by /u/sandnog
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    How to create a media file with an empty MP4 file inside?

    Posted: 29 May 2019 11:48 AM PDT

    I know nothing about video formatting or video files. I need to insert a media file with an empty mp4 file inside into my existing lambda function but have no idea where to start... Any pointers?

    submitted by /u/sendNudesNotNukes132
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    Good talks for computing related topics

    Posted: 29 May 2019 11:42 AM PDT

    I'm a software engineering student revising for exams and have found videos of talks to be quite helpful. I'm currently revising for a Data Management exam so any database related talks would be super helpful, but I also enjoy them generally so any computing related talks are also appreciated

    submitted by /u/FxckYouAll
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    [Swift] - How does one write a simple if statement to check if a user has child entries in a Firebase database or even how long ago the user registered?

    Posted: 29 May 2019 04:51 AM PDT

    The purpose of that would be to perform a segue to another page in the event that the user is new and doesn't have child database entries (only email and password) in firebase.

    submitted by /u/bee4534
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    Best way to manage lots of monitoring screens?

    Posted: 29 May 2019 04:13 AM PDT

    So I started a new job and there's a bunch of things to keep track of

    • Monitoring, x2 for staging and production
    • Logs, same as above
    • Issue tracking
    • Pull requests
    • My code
    • Slack

    Problem comes in when people ask me "have you seen..." And I'm like no cause I can't keep up with these screens

    I use a MacBook and I'm making use of multiple desktops but it still feels very overwhelming. Is there a better way of keeping track of everything?

    submitted by /u/tower-rounder
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    Now I have an inernship in cobol and they want to recrute me, but honestly I hate it but finding a job in Java or JavaScript is bit hard and I will be unemployed, what sould I do?

    Posted: 29 May 2019 06:45 AM PDT


    Posted: 29 May 2019 01:08 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I am pretty new to Oracle so please don't mind my stupidity.

    As of now, I have created an sqlplus table and have loaded data into it with SQL*Loader (sqlldr). I have also created a basic index.html.fole which has a table in it with column names same as that in the database table.

    I now want to retrieve the information stored in the datatable and display it in the HTML table [ the one I have created].

    Can anyone please tell me how to do that, ir atleast guide what to search.??

    Please, I am still learning, and have tried a lot to search but no luck. Please help, it's kind of urgent...

    submitted by /u/beentherelurkedthat
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    c++ requires my #include to specify the directory ie: #include <"SomeDirectory"/"SomePackage">

    Posted: 28 May 2019 11:41 PM PDT

    I am working on creating a nodejs addon in c++ on MacOS. After installing a node library ie: in windows if I install the node package I would normally put:

    #include <node.h>

    but the compiler throws errors in macOS unless I put:


    I have to also do this for any dependancies in that header file.

    submitted by /u/TobiObito
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