• Breaking News

    Wednesday, May 29, 2019

    Cornell's entire Machine Learning class (CS 4780) is now entirely on You Tube. Taught by one of the funniest and best professors I have ever had. learn programming

    Cornell's entire Machine Learning class (CS 4780) is now entirely on You Tube. Taught by one of the funniest and best professors I have ever had. learn programming

    Cornell's entire Machine Learning class (CS 4780) is now entirely on You Tube. Taught by one of the funniest and best professors I have ever had.

    Posted: 28 May 2019 02:58 PM PDT

    I want to learn c++ but I m struggling

    Posted: 28 May 2019 07:12 AM PDT

    Hey guys! My goal for the next 2 and 1/2 years is to learn c++ and how to make games. I ve downloaded unity, did the basic tutorials but I ve felt that I should learn how to code first.

    For one month I ve been trying to study from the principles of programming c++ book, but I really can t seem to do it effectively. The book is very detailed and all, but it feels like I can t put the information to use, because the exercises are vague and only by the end of the chapter. So much stuff going there that I eventually forget everything I ve read ( and taken notes of) by the time I finish the theory part. I had to take a one week break at some point, and when I came back to study, it felt like I did not remember anything and had to go through a very long session of reading again all my notes.

    Should I switch to C++ primer? I want to learn from somewhere that has a lot of exercises spread throughout the lessons.

    submitted by /u/Octa581
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    Learned kotlin and wrote an interpreter for my own language! Would love some feedback

    Posted: 28 May 2019 05:37 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I thought it'd be a cool idea to design and implement my own language, using the visitor pattern for interpreting the AST and recursive descent for parsing. It runs on the jvm and compiles to java bytecode.

    Here it is! https://github.com/NavyaZaveri/dynamik

    It's a still a work in progress - I'll have to write up more docs, clean up the implementation of the parser, add more tests and examples etc. But it's reached a point where you can write simple algorithms, with a builtin list and map.

    I've added an example with fibonacci, using a builtin in annotation, called "@memo": I think it's cool cause you can tell the language to memoize results of the function for you so can dramatically improve time complexity from 2^n to n (at the cost of extra memory).

    As a beginner, it made me understand the importance of choosing the right algorithm for a task - in my case, parsing. My current recursive descent parser is pretty messy, and although it works, I definitely am thinking about using parser combinators instead since the impl would be cleaner, and far easier to test.

    Just thought I'd share and would love some feedback. Thanks for reading (:

    submitted by /u/help_moi
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    How to create EXE executable from Java code that can be run without JRE?

    Posted: 28 May 2019 10:34 PM PDT

    Basically, if I create and compile a Java program, it converts it to bytecode format. This byte code can be executed in any platform as long as the corresponding platform has JRE installed.

    But I want to convert my Java program (which is not huge and requires few libraries) into a fully self sufficient executable. Is it possible to generate an EXE file that includes all the required binaries and that can simply execute in a system without having to install any JRE? Like a native application?

    submitted by /u/shiskeyoffles
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    Can "anyone" learn programming or are there certain "types" that just can't break through?

    Posted: 28 May 2019 12:14 PM PDT

    So, I've made numerous attempts to get through and over the 101 hump now. It's almost cyclical. I start, I get to the point where I'm learning maybe what would be the end of what a 1st year student would cover. Then I have to start problem solving myself and my brain literally turns to fog.

    I'm nearly 40 now so I recognize that I'm not going to pick logical and critical thinking problem solving skills and all of that as fast as I would have if I was 14 doing this, but at the same time I can't help but feel frustrated. You know those word problems at the end of your math textbook in highschool? I ALWAYS struggled with those, despite the fact they literally were worded examples of the previous fifteen pages that came before it.

    I have a craving to build things but I have no interest in a hammer or a paintbrush. I want to build computer things. Games. Apps. Whatever.

    Some questions.

    • a) How can I get passed this hump and learn how to push through and LEARN?
    • b) What are strategies I can use to help with my poor ability to problem solve those logical type problems? (white boarding? pseudo-code? scribble in a notepad?)

    And a couple about the paths I'd like to take:

    • a) My first area of interest is building games, though things like Unity and UE are massive and I only have access to a very old laptop. How far can I get using Python for graphical games?
    • b) How much harder would someone self-teaching be if they chose c# over python? I want to learn some game development but I like how low-fi python is. I can write python in a tiny editor on a linux laptop from 2011.
    • c) If I stuck with python instead full tilt, what else can I do with it besides roguelikes, PyGame stuff and machine learning? (I have no interest in machine learning btw)

    Thanks so much for letting me spill.

    submitted by /u/Crapahedron
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    Starting my 100 days of code

    Posted: 28 May 2019 11:01 PM PDT

    So I've spent the last 5 months in a programming bootcamp learning React, Node, HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. It's a part time cohort so I've been working full time while learning and it's been super exhausting but incredibly interesting. That said I have taken more of my off days to step away from my projects and rest but I'm feeling the need to get back on it.

    So I'm really just posting to recommit and spend the next 100 days finishing my projects, graduating the bootcamp, and building my portfolio. Excited to join this community and learn alongside you all!

    submitted by /u/Chumberly2
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    My first project - sync across computers

    Posted: 28 May 2019 11:07 PM PDT

    I'm a beginner, just started tinkering on the side with python. I'm using pycharm community edition. And I'm working from across 2 computers. (Work/personal laptop)

    How would I synchronize my code across them? Cloud service? I don't have drop box but I have one drive/google drive. Or, should I use something else altogether?

    submitted by /u/UrbanaHominis
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    I want to create a Language from scratch. When I say scratch, I mean I don't want to use C or LLVM or Gcc

    Posted: 28 May 2019 06:45 PM PDT

    The first guy that wrote C wrote in PFP7 assembler.

    I want to replicate that today.

    How do I do that?

    Note: the purpose of this project is not to make a programming language that is usable.

    The purpose is to create a language from absolute scratch.

    Don't tell me to use C or Python, because I know python. There are loads of tutorials online that can help me with this .

    I want to start at the absolute lowest possible level.

    Note: I have read parts of the dragon book, have used lex yacc, so I have a general idea of parsers and grammars.

    Let me reiterate, this is not a post asking how to create a C compiler in python or C

    This is a post asking how to make a C compiler from absolute scratch, mimicing the conditions of Ken Thompson when he made C

    My primary objective here, is to learn how it is possible to create a language without a language to help.

    submitted by /u/DarthFarious
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    9 JavaScript Interview Questions

    Posted: 28 May 2019 11:50 PM PDT

    Is C++ Primer really the best book to start with?

    Posted: 28 May 2019 04:26 AM PDT

    I'm sorry if this question has been asked already too many times, I couldn't find much debate on this though.

    I've started learning C++ and C++ Primer (Lippman, Moo) was the most popular so I decided to start with that one. I have some basic knowledge of programming in Delphi/Pascal (haven't done any object oriented programming but i know how variables, functions, basic file io etc are used).

    I'm 100 pages through and I have barely done anything to apply the knowledge, as it's mostly a load of theory without any explanation on why using certain things is useful, just the fact that they exist and how they work. I've looked through the index and functions seem to be 200 pages away which is disheartening.

    Am I just being impatient and C++ is just a really complicated language where i know a lot of basic nitty gritty or should I use a different book?

    submitted by /u/RedditsBanHammer
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    Singleton Class

    Posted: 28 May 2019 07:51 PM PDT

    What are some examples of when I would need a static class or Singleton class?

    submitted by /u/MeowTooMovement4Cats
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    C# - What would you do in this situation? (Newbie question)

    Posted: 28 May 2019 11:30 PM PDT

    I'm learning C# and I coded a blackjack game in console but I feel limited in my knowledge regarding the classes and I can only hope you will understand what I mean by 'instance'. It's the word in french for calling this : public Hand a = new Hand();

    So my limitation is that I want to have more than just the player and a dealer. How can I add x players against the dealer as well if I don't know in advance how many more wants to play?

    I can assure you it is not something for an assignment as it is not asked of us to add more players to a blackjack game.


    submitted by /u/TheLegendaryProg
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    My 4 tutorial series for creating your very own neural network with Keras that learns to play a game is complete!

    Posted: 28 May 2019 12:53 PM PDT

    Anyone here want to study C++ with me?

    Posted: 28 May 2019 11:16 PM PDT

    Any ideas on how to go about it? I can work through a textbook or hack away at a project with someone or whatever. Lice#6906

    submitted by /u/Cute_Intrepid
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    I’m a C++ novice...

    Posted: 28 May 2019 03:30 PM PDT

    What is some advanced concept you know that I don't ?

    submitted by /u/MeowTooMovement4Cats
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    ser2net with telnetlib on a RPi

    Posted: 28 May 2019 10:46 PM PDT

    Hi guys,

    I have a raspberry pi set up with ser2net for communicate from network to the serial port of one of my cisco devices. All fine yet. The problem is in the read object of telnetlib. I want to automatic some configuration of the switches with a python script and telnetlib through the ser2net.

    In ser2net you can create a banner which get shown after connected through ser2net with the devices. I need to get the output of some cisco commands on my cli, so I tried to use objects like read_some(), read_very_eager() and read_until().

    So I need to know if telnetlib can't get any output because the ser2net maybe blocks it? But if this is true, why I get explicit output when I search for something with read.until()?

    When I try to get the output of show version I see with read_very_eager nothing. There is no output just blank. When I try it with read_some() I see a little part of the banner from ser2net, but nothing from my command. At least when I try to read_until('test') I will get the complete line but this is not how I need it at least...

    One of my examples:

    import telnetlib import time ip = raw_input('IP-Adresse: ') port = ('666') telnet = telnetlib.Telnet(host=ip, port=port) telnet.write('ena\n') telnet.write('show version\n') sv = telnet.read_very_eager() time.sleep(5) print (sv) 
    submitted by /u/SplitishU
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    Working through Codecademy's Computer Science course, need some help with git bash.

    Posted: 28 May 2019 04:45 PM PDT

    I'm at the part in the lesson where it has me download git and get set up with github. I'm supposed to be creating a practice directory and I am getting permission denied. Here is my input/output.

    username@My-PC MINGW64 / $ mkdir git_practice mkdir: cannot create directory 'git_practice': Permission denied

    Any help here would be fantastic. I'm enjoying this a lot, and it's endlessly frustrating that I can't continue.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/baritoneninja
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    As a non-programming professional, if you had to learn only one or two technologies, frameworks, languages, etc. which two would you choose?

    Posted: 28 May 2019 03:41 PM PDT

    Please elaborate as to why? I minored in computer science in college and although I don't want to be a professional programmer I want to work closely with technology. I'm curious as to what this sub thinks the most important technologies are for non-programmers.

    submitted by /u/mattyice1221
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    [C++] Help with a little heritage question

    Posted: 28 May 2019 09:24 PM PDT

    I'm looking at this code here

    The question is what is the output of the code.

    When I run the code on my Visual Studio, I get the following result:


    I understand all of it, but the two last ones. How come when I equalize a and b, it doesn't output B::f() when I'm calling f() and same for pa->f(); ?

    submitted by /u/strixi
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    Is Ruby on Rails worth learning in 2019?

    Posted: 28 May 2019 09:03 PM PDT

    Ruby on Rails is the web framework taught at most Coding Bootcamps, and there seems to be more Ruby on Rails jobs overall than any other web framework with the exception of Java Spring / ASP.NET.

    The frameworks Django, Laravel, ASP.NET all share similar MVC structures to Rails, and it seems like Rails is the "OG web framework."

    Will learning Rails give a new Web Developer more of a foundational knowledge of web development better than any other web framework?

    Python seems to be more popular as a language overall compared to Ruby, but there are less combined Django/Flask jobs than Rails jobs.

    submitted by /u/OverMatch4
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    How do all the languages work together in a program?

    Posted: 28 May 2019 07:51 PM PDT

    I know a bit of c++ and am going to learn another language but I'm wondering how to use the two languages together to create a program. From what I know, you'd probably never make a program using only 1 language. There's usually one doing heavy lifting, logic, etc and one that's doing the aesthetics or something else. How do the languages communicate with one another?

    submitted by /u/FactoryBuilder
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    Grafana won't load on localhost:3000

    Posted: 28 May 2019 07:50 PM PDT

    I'm having trouble getting Grafana to load after installing it. I have installed it on macos 14.14.4 from the documentation and I have the following config file, boot process, and process searches to validate that it's not running.

    ➜ dev git:(master) ✗ brew services restart grafana

    ==> Successfully started \grafana\ (label: homebrew.mxcl.grafana)``

    navigating to `localhost:3000` I get the following output on Chrome and Safari:


    server config (i've tried running with and without ; in front):

    #################################### Server ####################################


    # Protocol (http, https, socket)

    protocol = https

    # The ip address to bind to, empty will bind to all interfaces

    ;http_addr =

    # The http port to use

    http_port = 3000

    # The public facing domain name used to access grafana from a browser

    domain = localhost

    # Redirect to correct domain if host header does not match domain

    # Prevents DNS rebinding attacks

    ;enforce_domain = false

    # The full public facing url you use in browser, used for redirects and emails

    # If you use reverse proxy and sub path specify full url (with sub path)

    root_url = http://localhost:3000

    # Log web requests

    ;router_logging = false

    # the path relative working path

    ;static_root_path = public

    # enable gzip

    ;enable_gzip = false

    # https certs & key file

    ;cert_file =

    ;cert_key =

    # Unix socket path

    ;socket =

    also the log files do not exist meaning there are no log files in the following directory as specified in the documentation:


    can i get a hand figuring out what's going on. thanks a ton!

    submitted by /u/samoascode1
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    What are the prerequisites for compiler design?

    Posted: 28 May 2019 07:49 PM PDT

    I am finishing my second year of Software Engineering and I just took computer architecture and data structures & algorithms and I thought I might read the dragon book (since it's literally the one book people recommend) this summer and attempt to make a basic compiler for a forgiving language this summer. All I know I was missing was finite state machines because I looked into string algorithms and found that I'll probably need those so I was going to dig into them first before going into the dragon book. What do you guys think? What would you recommend?

    submitted by /u/hackermaw
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    Starting to look for programming jobs soon, what are some good things to know?

    Posted: 28 May 2019 08:18 AM PDT

    Just finished High school and I have my finals pretty soon, and based on the scores that I get on my finals, I will see if I get into the college that I want or not. Since this is a big if, I need a plan B, in case I don't get into the wanted college. I've been learning Java for the past couple of months and I feel like I've learned a lot. I've got until September before we get the results, so I've got until then to really learn the language. I am wondering what I should be doing in these couple of months. What is something that I should definitely learn before looking for a programming job? Are there any good books to pick up?

    submitted by /u/randomseller
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