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    Thursday, April 25, 2019

    Where can I go to learn machine learning? learn programming

    Where can I go to learn machine learning? learn programming

    Where can I go to learn machine learning?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 09:15 AM PDT

    I am a 13-year-old middle school student in New York City and I have been programming for quite a while (mainly backend). I have the most skill in JavaScript, Python, and Java (in that order, greatest to least). I want to learn about machine learning because it interests me. Where can I do so? I will eventually find a Udemy course, but right now I'm interested in the basics that are free. Any recommendations about YouTube channels would be nice (I already know about The Coding Train).

    Please do not assume that I don't know much about the programming languages, I do. I am looking for resources to learn more about machine learning/AI/deep learning, not resources on learning programming languages. However, if it is necessary to learn a different programming language because it will be very relevant to machine learning, then let me know.

    Edit: Guys, thanks for all the responses.

    submitted by /u/ThatOneNerdBoy
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    How important is it to understand every single aspect of a code as a beginner?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 01:11 PM PDT


    So I'm completely new and have been learning Java as my first language. So far so good however every single tutorial / course I've found basically always tell you to write down this line near the beginning of your code:

    public static void main(String[] args) { 

    And while I understand this means you are starting your main method, none of them ever explains what each aspect of this line means. Why public, why static, why void, main... Why String with empty brackets, why args, etc.

    Is it fine as a beginner to just ignore all of this for now and just blindly copy-paste this line every single time without understanding exactly how it works?


    EDIT: Thank you so much everyone for all the answers, it definitely helped me out! Can't wait to get further into the language. :)

    submitted by /u/BasuKun
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    A good book that gives an introduction to Computer Security to developers ?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 11:51 AM PDT

    Bonus if the book is tailored to developers

    submitted by /u/yodawg32
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    Conflict for learning between Swift and Python

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 04:21 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    I'm currently studying Swift, and I'm keen for it as it has a job guarantee when I graduate their course, and I'm currently 4 months in.

    I've been working at a tech company as tech support for the past 2 years, and I've been recently hired to a database company for tech support as well. I decided to make the move as compensation was better and company was better too.

    They mentioned that if there's no one that needs tech support, my downtime would be used for projects that will help automate processes, thus python.

    My question is would it be confusing if I were to learn both programming languages at the same time? Should I maybe do python first? Or keep going with Swift?

    A quick background, I got my IT degree from overseas (Asian country, big name in the country but not overseas) and I'm in my early 20s.

    I like doing Swift although it's a lot harder than I expected (a lot of people say Swift is an easy language, I'm honestly having trouble learning it) I also have a bit of background doing C# in college for game development.

    But I wouldn't mind learning Python too, it seems to be very flexible at what it can do, and it can automate processes which I would love to code myself.

    submitted by /u/hyphalos
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    Book recommendations for web development

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 05:57 AM PDT

    I'm in my second semester in computer science. I had basic programming ,math and other theoretical cs . Now I want to learn Web development since I'm very interested in it. I mainly search for books as a resource because I learn the best with them Any recommendations from beginner to advanced books are welcomed

    submitted by /u/Throwyals
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    Taking a Data Structures and Algorithms class, struggling and need advice.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 08:53 PM PDT

    I attend a two year trade school, I'm majoring in Information Technology (programming tract), currently in my fist year.

    The tracts offered: Networking, Software Development/Computer Programming, Web Developer/Graphic Design.

    Semesters are broken down into 3.5 month "Trimesters", in which a summer trimester exists for mandatory second year internships. I am currently halfway through my third trimester of the first year(sooo close to that summer break).

    Some background: Always liked hardware and tech, never programmed before school. Went into first trimester thinking I was too far behind to be a programmer, thought I would like networking.

    I soon realized the flexibility and creative problem solving that programming offered vs networking(networking was just knowing protocols and physically setting up networks), and decided to switch focus.

    I've really liked programming. It's frustrating (but in the same way solving a puzzle in Zelda is, or getting good at Dark Souls) yet rewarding. I feel very accomplished and proud when I can solve a problem without getting help.

    My problem is this:

    I'm currently taking Data Structures and Algorithms(we use Java and Eclipse), and I am struggling hard (I'm also learning Java syntax, as we used c# last two trimesters).

    I read from the book, look up examples on forums and YouTube, scour stack overflow, work on code with classmates, and go to the teacher for extra help when needed.

    Every Friday the teacher has us turn in code that solves a problem in the current week's topic (BigO, Stacks, BubbleSort, Recursion, ect). Without fail, it takes me hours to solve one piece of a problem, and 95% of the I just end up finding similar code on forums or get bits of code from my classmates who help me.

    I feel like I'm not really learning as much as I should , and I've only managed to get decent grades by leaning heavily on resources and other people's help.

    Is this a normal feeling for new programmers, or is this a sign I won't be able to cut it in the field? Should I just give up and take the mundane/safe route of networking? Am I not smart enough to make it as a programmer?

    TL;DR: Struggling in Data Structures and Algorithms, feeling stupid despite working my butt off. Deciding if I should change my focus to networking.

    submitted by /u/GhettoGifGuy
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    Coding an app vs. using an app development tool

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 06:35 PM PDT

    I work for a company, and we've built an app using GoCanvas (https://www.gocanvas.com/) for another company to help speed up some of their processes. The problem is, GoCanvas charges something like $50 a month per user, so for this company with upwards of 100 employees using this app, that cost scales up a bit too much. My boss and I would like to develop essentially the same app, but in a way where it's entirely our IP and we can just charge the other company a fee for using it directly to us - whether that's one-off, monthly, whatever, we just don't want to have to say "Hey here's this app we've built, but it'll cost you $5000 a month to this service to use it, plus we want our fee for building it for you now".

    In my research I've come to an understanding which is what I'm here to confirm. If we want to build something that's truly ours, and manage everything involved with the app, we're going to need to learn a programming language and build it from scratch in something like React Native or Android Studio. Otherwise, if we simply find another tool like GoCanvas that doesn't require any programming knowledge, there's still going to be a monthly fee depending on how many users and how long it takes us to build the app.

    Any advice is appreciated as I've found basically nothing covering programming an app vs. using a tool in terms of fees and ownership. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/throwaway19978132
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    Thinkful Engineering Immersion Program

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 06:34 PM PDT

    Hi all! First time posting here, and on Reddit. Just wondering if anyone out there has any experience with the Thinkful Engineering immersion Bootcamp? I'm seriously considering this and would so appreciate some first hand advice.
    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/LizzyTish8
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    Algorithm that finds the minimum number of containers required to cover a list of items

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 05:36 AM PDT

    I have a problem not specific to any language or framework, it's more like an algorithm question:

    I have a list of "containers" that contain various items. Each item contained in a container has a quantity and a type, so maybe one container has 3 apples and 2 peaches, another container has 12 peaches and yet another has 5 pears.

    I have to come up with an algorithm that takes in this information plus a request, and returns the minimum number of containers that can satifsy such request. The request is essentially a list of wanted items together with their wanted quantity, think of it like a shopping list.

    So based on the example I gave above: ``` Container A: 3 x apple 2 x peach

    Container B: 12 x peach

    Container C: 5 x pear and this request I want: 1 x apple 6 x peach ``` the algorithm should tell me that the best way to satifsy this request is using both container A and B and that 1 apple and 2 peaches will be consumed from A and 4 peaches will be consumed from B (Or maybe all 6 peaches are consumed from B and A is used only for the apple, it really doesn't matter).

    Also the algorithm should be able to tell when a request can't be satisfied based on available containers (for instance: a request of 35 watermelons wouldn't be possible to satisfy) and also give different priorities to different containers when possible (for instance: containers that are quicker to deliver should receive a boost compared to other containers with very similar contents but much harder to deliver quickly to the customer).

    So far I've tried using a very trivial and kinda crappy scoring algorithm (pseudocode): ``` itemsLeft = copy(itemsInRequest) containersLeft = copy(containers) choosenContainers = []

    while len(itemsLeft) > 0: if len(containersLeft) == 0: return Error("No more containers, can't satisfy request") bestScore = 0 bestContainer = null foreach container in containersLeft: // Give a score based on the items it contains score = 0 foreach item in itemsLeft: if container.contains(item.type): score += min(container.quantityOf(item.type), item.wantedQty) // Take priority into account score += container.priority if score > bestScore: bestScore = score bestContainer = container choosenContainers.append(bestContainer) containersLeft.remove(bestContainer) foreach item in itemsLeft: if bestContainer.contains(item.type): quantityInContainer = bestContainer.quantityOf(item.type) // This will consume items in itemsLeft, eventually // removing them from the list if the quantity // reaches 0 item.consume(quantityInContainer) return choosenContainers ```

    But I'm not very satisfied with it because I don't think it's well thought out and performant but I can't come up with anything better at the moment.

    Also I don't think it handle edge cases very well. For instance: imagine a request cannot be satisfied with available containers. This algorithm will pick all containers without really achieving anything, just because the priority will give them a little non-zero score.

    I was thinking that maybe something like this can be achieved with some already existing, battle proven algorithm that I'm not aware of?

    Can you recommend any algorithm that solves this class of problems or a similar one so I can take inspiration from it or maybe give some suggestions about how you would tackle this problem?

    submitted by /u/hellix08
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    Reasonably concise Computer Science free/cheap resources or courses for beginners

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 01:39 PM PDT


    I'm learning programming mostly self-taught, and still a beginner. I can only make very basic functions as well as DOM stuff, so more complex pieces of code, or text still feel overwhelming. And while the idea of powering through, and just keep coding, certainly looks appealing, I feel worried about the idea of continuing to code without a stronger grasp on the fundamentals. Unfortunately, I'm not in the US, and can't really afford buying courses for the most part (except for cheap stuff like Udemy).

    After searching around online, I ran into https://teachyourselfcs.com/ . But most of the recommended books are around 1000 pages, and look kind of overwhelming to follow on my own at my current skill level. Furthermore, I feel like it would take too much time. It's not that I don't think it's worth it, but I just don't have the time left to commit to all of it. I'm not sure how feasible it is, but my current goal is to become employable by the end of the year, or at the very least, become capable of earning a living with programming/web development, and then working on getting more skills, or improving on them, in order to increase income, make a more decent living, and generally become a better developer.

    I want to learn the fundamentals a bit more deeply, and hopefully find mostly free resources that help me read code better, think more like a programmer, become able to look up programming documentation online without being intimidated, and use those skills to become a better problem solver. And what I also especially would like to ask is if anyone know any good, free resources that more or less teach some of the essentials of Computer Science, especially stuff like Data Structure, and Algorithms, which I hear are extremely important for aspiring programmers. Digital books that aren't too expensive and don't have more than 500 pages are okay too, but ideally, a free Coursera course, or at least something cheap, like a Udemy Course would be great as well. The language doesn't matter too much, though Javascript would be best, since it's the language I've progressed with the most. But hopefully nothing too outdated.

    Looking forward to seeing some good resources.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Xenofan23
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    What is legacy code for you?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 10:50 PM PDT

    How do you understand that code is legacy? How code becomes legacy? Want to hear your opinions.

    submitted by /u/gorbel_alex
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    Does C# have any libraries like Processing for Java?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 06:32 PM PDT

    I am a hobby programmer learning by making small projects and games. So far I have been using processing and Java and following along with the coding train YouTube channel. I want to move into making desktop gui programs, so I'm looking into windows forms. I only use Windows so C# seems like a good fit. I'm also interested in eventually using unity to make games. To ease the transition I was hoping to use Windows forms as a processing replacement. Is there anything similar that I can use? Or are there other drawing libraries in C # that you would recommend. Thanks for the help!

    submitted by /u/Weepleman
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    Are there any html alternative transpilers?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 09:46 PM PDT

    I'm aware that typescript exists for Javascript. Sass for CSS. Is there something for HTML? I'm curious considering how strongly some people loathe the language.

    submitted by /u/Mymar
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    I'm new. I tried making a clock programme in C. It works, but I don't know why.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 10:43 AM PDT

    I've only been at this for about a week, so bear with me.

    I wanted to make a program that runs from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59, then back again, forever and ever. I succeeded, but when I went back I found a mistake, so I'm not sure how it's running. My code is:

    include <stdio.h>

    int main (void){

    int H, M, S;


    for (H=0; H<24; H++){

    for (M=0; M<60; M++){

    for (S=0; S<60; S++){

    printf ("%02d : %02d : %02d\n", H, M, S);




    if (H==12 && M==59 && S==59)

    { H=0, M=0, S=0;}



    The mistake I found is right at the end, H should be equal to 23, not 12. My logic is, once the final "for" loop is done, H is equal to 23 and not 12, so the programme should just end at 23:59:59. Instead what happens is that it loops back to 00:00:00 and starts all over again without a hitch.

    Can anyone guide me as to why?

    submitted by /u/IvoEska
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    Do you guys recommend the book 'HTML & CSS design and build websites' by Jon Duckett?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 08:54 PM PDT

    I just run into it the other day but it's too expensive in Brazil, is it worth the investment?

    submitted by /u/italorodrigues
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    [Ruby] Adding $ to money value?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 04:57 PM PDT

    So my code is:

    puts "\nSo, how much money do you have?" money = gets.chomp.to_f puts "\n#{money}, that's all?" 

    Now I have two problems. If a user types is ~$24.30~ opposed to just ~24.30~ it tells them they typed ~0.00~. How can I fix this problem?

    The other problem I have is, how can I put into the response to the user the $ sign to indicate how much money they have? I would like my response to be "$2.30, that's all?" not "2.30, that's all?"

    Any help would be really appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Lil_Hashtag
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    Is Java Dying?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 09:21 AM PDT

    So I'm working on finishing my associates but I want to try and get my foot in the door as quickly as possible so I've been self teaching until I get back into school. I'm dabbling with Java since it's the language most Uni classes use but as I get a bit more into the advanced stuff I'm starting to wonder if it's worth it or if I'm wasting my time.

    With the 2019 Stackoverflow developer survey coming out, it gave me a good idea of what's trending right now and what's on the way out the door by comparing it with last years survey, and it seems like Java is starting to wane while Python is growing for big data and JavaScript is really surging for basically everything else (from my understanding).

    I don't necessarily regret doing Java right now since I'll need it for classes anyway, but assuming I'm trying to get into the industry as soon as possible with no real credentials/experience (like I said I'm getting the degree, I just need experience now), would it be wise to switch over to something more present in the industry like Python or JS? I was also thinking of SQL since my friend has a low level data entry job and a weak connection is better than no connection.

    Idk I was fine with Java before because people said it was a guaranteed job along with me needing it for school but I just don't want to waste time on something I won't use at all in a career. I had a friend who was self-taught no degree and got a developer job using Ruby on Rails which is also supposedly dying so I guess it's not all concrete, but any advice is appreciated.

    tl;dr Should I switch to JS and/or Python instead of Java if I need experience ASAP?

    submitted by /u/cs_throwaway_42069
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    I want to learn and find a career in programming. In your opinion is this a degree that I want to pursue? It’s called “Associate In Applied Science; Computer Software Technology”

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 08:10 PM PDT

    What would your practical approach be to solve these 2 problems using Python?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 11:41 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I'm relatively new to Python and I recently had an assignment on how to describe an algorithm for these 2 problems using python 3. Please provide an explanation for your code too. Thanks!

    1. Describe an algorithm that takes as input a list of n integers and finds the location of the last even integer in the list or returns 0 if there are no even integers in the list
    2. Describe an algorithm that takes as input a list of n distinct integers and finds the location of the largest even integer in the list or returns 0 if there are no even integers in the list.
    submitted by /u/waxiri
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    Spotify API and API in general

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 11:19 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm pretty new to using APIs and I have a few questions about the spotify api. I'm following all of their tutorials and looking up how to make requests, so I was using this example code here: https://github.com/spotify/web-api-auth-examples/blob/master/authorization_code/app.js

    In the example in the app.get(callback) function what I'm understanding is that if it gets a valid authorization code it will make a app.post to get the access token. What I'm trying to understand if I want to use other spotify endpoints to get user info, do I need to make a new post request every time to get a new access token? Or should i store the access token globally and just use it in my get request. If anybody could help me understand how this works it would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/CtKairos
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    Software Engineering for Self-Directed Learners (CS2103 from NUS)

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 11:15 PM PDT

    I found a really awesome module, CS2103. This is a course from National University of Singapore, one of the top CS unis in the world.

    submitted by /u/OG_L0c
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    Is it possible to attach a musical note to an element?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 10:49 PM PDT

    Not sure if what I am thinking of is legal. A vector or array that contains 6 or more elements. Each element is assigned a musical note. A guitar has 6 keys: E b g d a e and a piano has 7: E b g d a e f. I want to give each element one of these keys, and then shuffle the vector or array. Then display each one with the musical key that is attached to each one sounding off. Since I shuffle the order, it will be like creating random musical notes. Then I can do it in reverse.

    Is any of this possible using C++? Adding musical notes for each element. I know that you can create a vector/array and shuffle the order at random.

    submitted by /u/icecubepal
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    Can someone please help? This should not be taking me this long.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 10:48 PM PDT

    I have a program written out that will sort a reunion text file. The program is done, the text file I have no idea how to link it using intellij idea. I have tried things, and they have not worked. Can someone give me a step by step way on how to do it?

    This is for java intellij idea. I have the .java program of the program finished, and the text file I have full of the names of the individuals. And I do not know how to put two and two together.

    submitted by /u/wtfftodo98
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    Should I quit programming? (I'm a student)

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 06:55 PM PDT

    I'm an 18 year old Software Development student, I've been studying software development for around 4 years and gotta say, I really, really loved it at first, I used to be extremely passionate about it, but somewhere around the half-way point I started to get tired of it. I'm now at the point where when I sit down to try to code I feel short of breath and anxious.

    I used to be the kind of kid that was extremely tech savyy, loved video games and all that sort of stuff. Which made the people around me say "Hey, that kid's good with computers". Since that's all I've been for my whole life I figured I should study Software Development, but now I'm not so sure this is what I want to do my whole life. But at the same time I have absolutely no idea what I would do if I didn't develop software, It's not like I'm bad at it, I'm at the top of my class, I believe I'm pretty good at it, but when I think about doing this for a living, it just sounds kind of boring.

    I've read some articles online that talk about sotware development not being for you if you don't love it, and others saying that that's not true. At this point I just need to talk to people that know about the topic.

    submitted by /u/Momosabonim
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    What do I need to know to create a Chrome extension?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 10:39 PM PDT

    I want to download mp4 files from the links ends with "some_web_site_name_here.mp4" automatically, but literally no extension does that.

    So I decided to do it myself. What do I have to learn?

    submitted by /u/Blackwater_7
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