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    Friday, April 26, 2019

    CompSci Weekend SuperThread (April 26, 2019) Computer Science

    CompSci Weekend SuperThread (April 26, 2019) Computer Science

    CompSci Weekend SuperThread (April 26, 2019)

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 06:05 PM PDT

    /r/compsci strives to be the best online community for computer scientists. We moderate posts to keep things on topic.

    This Weekend SuperThread provides a discussion area for posts that might be off-topic normally. Anything Goes: post your questions, ideas, requests for help, musings, or whatever comes to mind as comments in this thread.


    • If you're looking to answer questions, sort by new comments.
    • If you're looking for answers, sort by top comment.
    • Upvote a question you've answered for visibility.
    • Downvoting is discouraged. Save it for discourteous content only.


    • It's not truly "Anything Goes". Please follow Reddiquette and use common sense.
    • Homework help questions are discouraged.
    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Almost done with first semester of Intro to CS. Project suggestions?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 07:38 PM PDT

    I want to start putting my knowledge to the test by making some projects. I'm still fairly new to Programming (C++) so nothing too serious.

    As of now I only worked on one project, in which case, was a Calculator program using OOP.

    What else can I make?

    submitted by /u/SilentXwing
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    Being bored gets results

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 12:10 PM PDT

    A few months ago I was bored and started fooling around with edge detection in some programming language. Looking through a tutorial I saw an example of isolating the notes from a notes bar and that started me thinking. Would it be possible to distinguish a picture taken outside in the countryside from a picture taken in a city? In a city there are lots of vertical and horizontal lines (buildings, windows, streetlights, etc.) whereas in the countryside there are just a few (horizon, tree). So I wrote a small program to read through a directory of random pictures I ripped from the net and calculated the number and the length of all horizontal and vertical lines in those pictures. Then put all the data in excel and with the help of some coffee trying to find a correlation between those numbers and the fact that the picture showed either a city, open landscape, forest or coastline. And indeed, I found a correlation I could qualify a picture with 80% success rate. And that started me thinking again, when I'm 80% sure the picture was taken in a city (or park, coastline, landscape) what else could I presumably detect? The sky is blue, so seeing the color blue in the top of the picture is most likely the sky. Seeing green in the bottom part (landscape, park) is probably grass, seeing brown in the middle part (forest) is probably a tree. Etc.etc.

    Next step was to write a program to divide the picture in sectors and calculate the most dominant color in that sector. And with the aid of that color, determine the probability of what is in that sector. The result was quite accurate in its prediction. Of course not 100% but good enough to give the impression that it actually was detecting objects.


    And then the psychology part stepped in. If, for instance, the program saw the color brown somewhere at the right and predicted it was a tree, whereas it was actually a mountain, but there was a tree somewhere else in the picture, the human observer (me) still thought the program had it right because it said it saw a tree and there was a tree. So in the eyes of the observer, the program was more right than it actually was.

    And that led me to another thought, if I was detecting those colors, what else could I do with them? The psychology of color! Each color represents a kind of emotion. One thing led to another and the result is an android app where the user feeds a picture to the app and it tells the user wat it sees, but also how he/she feels. https://habs.page.link/qbvQ

    submitted by /u/DrPseud
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    What Counts as the "Input" in the Case of the Boolean Satisfiability Problem for Purposes of Calculating Time Complexity?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 10:09 PM PDT

    I've recently found myself intrigued by the subject of time complexity. I know that the Boolean Satisfiability problem is an NP-Complete problem (except for some limited cases such as 2-SAT). But what perplexes me is how the "input" is counted for the purposes of expressing Time Complexity. Are we counting each clause individually? Each literal found within in each clause? Or are we counting only each unique boolean variable? And does it make a difference whether we're talking about the decision problem or the counting problem #SAT? Does how the input is counted change at all between the two?

    For an example say we were evaluating this either as a decision problem (SAT) or a counting problem (#SAT):


    Is the input size 2^3 (since you have 3 unique variables each of which could be true or false), or 3 on account of 3 different boolean variables to account for? Or is it 6 (six literals in a union of two clauses, the last one not counting since it's just a repeat of a previous clause)? Or is it 9 (counting the redundant clause as well)? Or is it 3, since there are 3 clauses, or 2 since there are only 2 unique clauses?

    submitted by /u/plinocmene
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    Will there one day be ancient but functional SSDs? How long could one theoretically last if preserved?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2019 12:03 AM PDT

    Question for the computer scientists on reddit, how long would an SSD last if it was secured or buried in a place where it would not be disturbed? For example, if an SSD had information like news paper articles downloaded into it, and then it was placed in a 'time capsule' and buried, how long would it reliability last? What about the SSD's on satellites or the Mar's rover? Will humans in the distant future look to recovered SSDs from ancient land fills to learn about history?

    submitted by /u/Riktor17
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    Facebook open sources C++ F14 hash table

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 09:36 AM PDT

    Toshiba Develops Simulated Bifurcation: The World’s Fastest Algorithm

    Posted: 26 Apr 2019 12:08 AM PDT

    Best Model for game with infinitely many possible moves

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 04:06 PM PDT

    Hello, I'm currently trying to create an AI for a simple 2D round-based game.

    Normally, when the amount of possible moves is finite, you'd build some kind of "decision" tree and then use monte-carlo tree search to find the best move to make.

    However, the coordinate system in this 2D game is continuous, meaning that you have as many possible moves as there are real (or more precise, 64-bit floating point) numbers.

    How can I build a decision tree (this may be the wrong term; this is what I mean just for tic-tac-toe) for my game? I've read of something called HOO algorithm, but I'm not sure whether that applies to this.

    submitted by /u/orig_ardera
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    Website Is Now Just The Gateway; Intruders Now Want To Own Whole Infrastructure

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 07:52 PM PDT

    Podcast with OpenAI. A deep dive into the technical side of the OpenAI bots, common misconceptions and applications.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 08:15 AM PDT

    Hello all!

    I've released the latest episode (episode 23) of the Position Six Podcast, with Brooke Chan an engineer from OpenAI and project lead from the OG event. I usually just post this on the DOTA subreddit, but thought it might go well here too.

    We spoke in depth about the workings of the OpenAI bots, challenges and learning from the projects, commons misunderstandings from the community and what we can learn from the bots.

    You can listen to the podcast here:

    Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-355447901/position-six-podcast-episode-24-openaibrooke-chan

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/69fYzyk7N2yPAdqFed4BdP

    Itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/position-six-podcast/id1438623576?mt=2#

    Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/416091929

    and all other good podcast platforms if you search for it.

    Follow me on twitter here for updates on the podcast https://twitter.com/danieloffen

    You can also visit the website I set up for the podcast here - https://positionsix.wordpress.com/ if you want to find out more about the podcast, the intention behind it and me.

    Let me know any thoughts or if there's any discussion from the episode below!


    submitted by /u/ULTRA_Lenin
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    On exec

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 08:47 AM PDT

    I don't know where to ask this question on reddit so hopefully don't annoy too many of you.

    In Unix, when a process forks. And then the child execs a new program into its addresss space. What happens to the parent? Since they are sharing address space, does it run the new program?

    submitted by /u/kManRelax
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    Close Your Eyes and I’ll Scan You: Chinese Face Payment System Vulnerabilities

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 12:18 PM PDT

    Issue 8 of Hello World is out today, and you can download the PDF for free!

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 06:03 AM PDT

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