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    Sunday, April 14, 2019

    What have you been working on recently? [April 13, 2019] learn programming

    What have you been working on recently? [April 13, 2019] learn programming

    What have you been working on recently? [April 13, 2019]

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 09:10 AM PDT

    What have you been working on recently? Feel free to share updates on projects you're working on, brag about any major milestones you've hit, grouse about a challenge you've ran into recently... Any sort of "progress report" is fair game!

    A few requests:

    1. If possible, include a link to your source code when sharing a project update. That way, others can learn from your work!

    2. If you've shared something, try commenting on at least one other update -- ask a question, give feedback, compliment something cool... We encourage discussion!

    3. If you don't consider yourself to be a beginner, include about how many years of experience you have.

    This thread will remained stickied over the weekend. Link to past threads here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    does anyone else alternate between the mindset of “wow I suck at this ill never find a job” vs “hey im not that bad”?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 10:04 AM PDT

    Hi everyone.

    First let me say I am so proud of where I started at the beginning of my programming journey to where I am now. I've actually managed to create a crud application, a rest application, a game of blackjack app, and a weather tracker.

    So i think of the things Ive made and go "hey. you know what, im pretty good. I can definitely find a job"

    But then I start looking at job offers online and I start to feel intimidated and think "I wont even be called for an interview im not ready yet". Its like this constant battle between self confidence and doubt.

    has anyone else experienced this and how have you dealt with it?

    submitted by /u/Slayriah
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    What is the approach should I take to build a project? [ Beginner ]

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 05:35 AM PDT

    I am beginner to build a project. I built a small project but it was horrible.

    What are the procedures should I take?

    submitted by /u/AhmedNazir333
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    Preventing eye strain - Dark background vs white backgrounds

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 07:12 AM PDT

    Say you are in a well-lit room, not a dark room.

    To prevent eye strain does using a black IDE help and a chrome extension such as 'Dark Reader' (link: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/dark-reader/eimadpbcbfnmbkopoojfekhnkhdbieeh?hl=en ), which turns everything into night mode (Screenshot: https://gyazo.com/7d44fa3b6053bd3f7ed63f539b0e4c4b ) ideally help prevent eye strain? I also use f.lux, which turns the screen orange at night time, which apparently helps with eye strain.

    People say it's easier to read black text on white screens, is that why most websites/logs/articles are black text with a white backgound?

    submitted by /u/badboyzpwns
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    [C] Getting Segfault After Running, Code Looks Perfectly Normal

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 04:27 PM PDT


    So Im quite new with C (need to use it for a class) and we are learning about structures. I typed this code and compiled it in gcc (we use a VM with CentOS 7 & gcc installed)

    This is my code: https://pastebin.com/VnUuYxKX

    The code compiles fine when i run:

    gcc -o Example code.c

    However, when I try testing the program and then enter the age, I get a segfault:

    Result: https://pastebin.com/8C08FKix

    I do not get why which is why im asking for help. I know segfaults means im trying to access an area im not supposed too but I do not know why.

    submitted by /u/Hintuna00
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    Building vs. Compiling code

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 06:18 PM PDT

    Hello, I'm fairly new to programming and I don't quite understand the difference between compiling code and building it. Could someone explain what the differences are?

    submitted by /u/miekolpham
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    What will be the most important focus for the next 3-5 years? The most interesting? Why?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 09:48 PM PDT

    I've been studying hard for a few months and feel I am fairly comfortable at the ground floor of the logic of coding (thanks to coding: simple data and the rest of that freebies micromaster program ya'll lead me to, very methodical, highly recommend). Now I'm starting to think about where to focus my attention, which language, project types, etc. The possible trajectories seem more vast and disorienting to me now more than ever. Curious what some of you more experienced (or not) folks think are worth looking at, for reasons other than money.

    submitted by /u/ccjunkiemonkey
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    Coming from a systems engineering background, how can I get started in web development?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 09:46 PM PDT

    Hello r/learnprogramming! I'm currently a systems engineer at my company and there's a need for someone with web development on my team. My team is looking to me to start learning some web dev since I'm the best at scripting. I agreed to take on this role because I thought it would be a good career opportunity and a way out if I ever want to get out of IT operations.

    So my question is, where do I start? I know a handful of programming languages (Java, Python, PHP, and the fundamentals of Javascript) and I'm pretty proficient at Powershell. I'd say I'm a low intermediate programmer. It looks like I'll be working a lot with APIs and Node.js.

    How can I take my understanding of the fundamentals and apply it to my career? I've been taking Codecademy lessons but I'm getting a little bored of it since I already know the basics. Any book/course recommendations?

    submitted by /u/dabooton
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    Help! TypeError: Cannot read property 'log' of undefined

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 12:42 AM PDT

    In Visual Studio Code, I typed ! then TAB, then This came up

     <!DOCTYPE html> 

    <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge"> <title>Document</title> </head> <body>

    </body> </html>

    Then checked Chrome, it's okay, but in inspect there are so many stuff, I'll put it below

    index.js:2 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'log' of undefined at index.js:2 (anonymous) @ index.js:2 VM723:52 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token , at <anonymous>:1:4276 at Object.post (<anonymous>:1:4293) at j (<anonymous>:1:14727) at O (<anonymous>:1:14799) at Object.LoadScripts.c.a.load (<anonymous>:1:9341) at LoadScripts (<anonymous>:1:9656) at y (<anonymous>:1:15200) at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (<anonymous>:1:4189) (anonymous) @ VM718:1 (anonymous) @ VM718:1 j @ VM718:1 O @ VM718:1 LoadScripts.c.a.load @ VM718:1 LoadScripts @ VM718:1 y @ VM718:1 (anonymous) @ VM718:1 Promise.then (async) (anonymous) @ injected.js:1 (anonymous) @ injected.js:1 Promise.then (async) w @ injected.js:1 (anonymous) @ injected.js:1 201 @ injected.js:1 e @ injected.js:1 (anonymous) @ injected.js:1 (anonymous) @ injected.js:1 VM730:1063 Running as user.js extension. VM730:1063 VM730:1063 >>nextLink not found => null, X: (//*[not(contains(@class,'_inactive'))]/a[starts-with(@class,'nextpostslink') or contains(@class,'next page-numbers') or (.|..)[normalize-space(@rel)='next' or normalize-space(@class)='next' or contains(@class,'pagination-next')]][not(span/@class='link-text')]|//*[contains(@class,'nav-previous')][not(contains(@class,'pull'))]/a|(//*[contains(@class,'current')][number()>0]/following-sibling::a[1]|(//li|//span|//div)[(.//*|.)[contains(@class,'current')]][number()>0]/following-sibling::*[self::li or self::span or self::div][1]/a))[not(starts-with(@href, '#'))] VM730:1063 Wait for load page elements from js, retry in 1200ms. VM730:1063 >>nextLink not found => null, X: (//link|//a)[contains(concat(' ', translate(normalize-space(@rel),'NEXT','next'), ' '), ' next ')] VM730:1063 >>nextLink not found => null, X: id('Blog1_blog-pager-older-link') VM730:1063 >>nextLink not found => null, X: //a[@rel="next"] | //link[@rel="next"] | //a[@class="next"] | //*[@class="next"]/a | //a[@class="next_page"] VM730:1063 >>nextLink not found => null, X: (//*[not(contains(@class,'_inactive'))]/a[starts-with(@class,'nextpostslink') or contains(@class,'next page-numbers') or (.|..)[normalize-space(@rel)='next' or normalize-space(@class)='next' or contains(@class,'pagination-next')]][not(span/@class='link-text')]|//*[contains(@class,'nav-previous')][not(contains(@class,'pull'))]/a|(//*[contains(@class,'current')][number()>0]/following-sibling::a[1]|(//li|//span|//div)[(.//*|.)[contains(@class,'current')]][number()>0]/following-sibling::*[self::li or self::span or self::div][1]/a))[not(starts-with(@href, '#'))] VM730:1063 >>nextLink not found => null, X: (//link|//a)[contains(concat(' ', translate(normalize-space(@rel),'NEXT','next'), ' '), ' next ')] VM730:1063 >>nextLink not found => null, X: id('Blog1_blog-pager-older-link') 

    In Node (command prompt) too, I'm getting these stuff whereas in the video where I am learning from I't's like this: click here imagur image

    D:\Js-Codes>node index.js D:\Js-Codes\index.js:2 console.console.log('Hello World'); ^ TypeError: Cannot read property 'log' of undefined at Object.<anonymous> (D:\Js-Codes\index.js:2:17) at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:701:30) at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:712:10) at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:600:32) at tryModuleLoad (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:539:12) at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:531:3) at Function.Module.runMain (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:754:12) at startup (internal/bootstrap/node.js:283:19) at bootstrapNodeJSCore (internal/bootstrap/node.js:622:3) 

    Please help, I don't want this to interfere learning, Thanks!

    submitted by /u/mrstork89
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    Easiest way for a complete novice to learn to make a text adventure game that runs on Android

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 12:33 AM PDT

    I've been mulling over the idea of making some educational (but still fun, don't worry) text adventure games. I want to create games similar in function, but not style, to Karmic Shift's stuff (https://play.google.com/store/apps/developer?id=Karmic+Shift+Studios)

    Really cool games, incidentally.

    I'm a complete novice (the entire extent of my programming knowledge is printing 'Hello World' in Python) and I'm looking for resources that will explain what I need to know in very simple terms.

    I understand I will have to learn JavaScript, unless one of those fancy IF languages can make .apk files. Whatever I have to do, the main thing is being able to learn it at a pace that doesn't frustrate me. I want the most ELI5 instruction possible.

    submitted by /u/taishakukaiten
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    Hope this will help anyone who is studying programming but not started a project yet(long)

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 01:11 PM PDT

    Background: Hoping to make a career change at age 35. 5 weeks learning Python as my first language. Have tried youtube tutorials but they always left me wondering about the why's behind everything. I tried Automate the boring stuff but felt like I was missing the why's too. So did more research and decided upon Python Crash Course(I will refer to it as PCC). This book is great because they give you examples of how you could implement the basics into real life scenarios. I finished the part 1 of the book but did not want to make a game, data visualization, or make a website for part 2. So I spent 3 days between Harvard's CS50 on edx(highly recommend) and anxiously googling/redditing to see what other people have created for a first program. I still did not know what I wanted to make for myself.

    But the things I learned from others here were:

    1. Just start, and start small. It's your first program it doesn't have to solve a need to cure the world.
    2. A lot of the advanced first programs that people created were probably people with a programming background in another language so of course their projects will look way 'cooler' than any of mine. You should not feel down about not having a cool idea at this point.

    Then I started to think about what could help my friends or family. I have 3 friends who like to sports bet and they go through the swings of winning and losing. So I decided that my program would be to display whether they will have Good Luck and bet or Bad Luck and not to bet for the day. Whether they use it or not or laugh at it I don't care. As of this point, I have no idea how it is all going to come together. That's ok. Let's think small. Opened up notepad and made a top down flowchart basically(I'm laughing about my efficiency of this as I type).

    First few lines in my notes/flowchart:

    My first project: A game that displays whether someone is having good luck or bad luck. This will be based upon a heads or tails game to collect data. Heads meaning good luck and Tails bad luck. Let's run this 1000 times. Display the results to my friends somehow(text, email, whatsapp since we have a group chat). Don't know how or which way to go about this but let's just start at making the heads or tails game. 

    So I can create a heads or tails game or just look one up. It's been done in many tutorial books. I don't exactly remember how to do it from scratch but could probably figure it out. Let's google an example to use and read through the code to make sense of it. Great, it works as intended. So now in my notepad file i push up the heads or tails game and now focusing on displaying the results.

    I remember learning about storing information to a list in PCC. Let's open up the book to reference just in case. Awesome, I can print out my list and it works.

    I also learned in PCC how to write to a file. Do not remember syntax so let's reference PCC again. I do need to save my data before I can do anything with it. Let's add it to my notepad list. Made sure that a file is written with my data of heads/tails. OK I can print how many heads and tails are generated.

    Let's try plotting this data so my friends can visualize the swings of the data going up and down. Ah crap, time to learn something brand new and feel uncomfortable all over again. Let's add it to my notepad list. I googled how to 'plot data in python.' Results talked about matplotlib and it looked like just what I needed. I googled 'how to install matplotlib in pycharm.' I find an appropriate graph that I like and struggle to plot my data. My data is only showing data of 1's or 2's. Why isn't this working??? It does not go up and down like a stock market as I wanted. Hmm. Let's check the file that is being read. Yes it only shows 1's and 2's denoting heads or tails, so of course that is what will be plotted. Duh dummy. What I needed all along was a running_sum counter that either adds 1 if its heads, or subtracts 1 if its tails! I make some edits, it takes a couple tries but I check my file that is being written to and it works now. Phew, this is tiring all these roadblocks.

    Let's run the program again. Why does it not show my running_sum plots if the data is negative on the y-axis? It only shows positive plots, wtf. Took me awhile to figure out but there is actually a min and max for y-axis as well for the x-axis. You have to set these up. I feel like I am doing the grunt work for excel at this point haha. Ok so now my graph works correctly up and down positive or negative on the y-axis, sweet.

    Let's run the program again. Weird, my data is not zoomed in and focused like other programs. It's not like excel where it centers the graphs for you automatically. So I was a little flustered and decided to take a break. I took plenty of breaks throughout to clear my mind. Came back and knew that I needed to find out the max point and min point of my running_sum list. Then use that as guidelines to 'center' my data. Take the max and min and give it a +10 or -10 buffer room so my data points will not be at the edge. Good lord, it works! Hallelujah.

    Now I need to save this as an image file to my folder. Haven't saved an image yet. Let's google. I see an example of it and try to make it work by simply pasting fig.savefig('plot.png') at the bottom of my code. It should work right? It doesn't and I left the room again. It should work. So I analyze the full example code and see that the word 'fig' is used earlier in the example code. So i place it above in my code. Voila! It took 2 days to finish. Victory it felt like.

    I must say it was a great learning experience. More than any tutorial or book at my current position in learning. All I did was steal a heads or tails game, edit it, and plot the data, and auto-save the image. But along the way I learned about how I logically used the wrong data and how to get from this step to that step. My final notepad workflow turned out pretty long and that's ok for now. It helped me to focus on the task at hand. [Here]( https://pastebin.com/YkVUegP2) is my final notepad file on pastebin. I considered everything above the alpha stage of my project. My final part of this project is to 1 - add auto texting, email, or whatsapp someone the results. 2 - Clean up the code a little, and 3 - Post to github so I can learn how that works.

    There's always more to learn, don't be afraid. If you are feeling uncomfortable, that's how you are supposed to feel as a beginner. I went through the up's and down's as well of feeling not smart enough. The best person you can learn at this stage is from your own mistakes. Make plenty of them. I hope this can help some of you bridge the gap from attempting to retain knowledge and starting your first project.

    submitted by /u/becomingpython
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    [Concurrency] I need help with this Dining Philosopher exercise

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 07:41 PM PDT

    I'm working my way through a free online course and I just don't understand this problem. Its called the Dining Philosophers problem but this one is linear instead of a round table...

    Assume that the table used by the philosophers is now linear instead of round (i.e., there is no wrap-around). Also assume that each philosopher has a fork to her left and right, with forks shared between neighbors. Given the following algorithm:










    The possibility exists for deadlock.

    Would someone mind walking me through this? My initial thought is since a philosopher requires two forks to eat, the left most would get hung up on "wait(fork_left)".

    submitted by /u/Lnnux
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    Help with finishing a program that creates a square out of stars*

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 11:18 PM PDT

    Hey I've been stuck on a problem for a while now and can't figure out an answer. I'm supposed to print out a square made of stars * that uses the parameter I put in the method to determine the length and width.

    package starsquare; public class Starsquare { public static void main(String[] args) { starsquare(4); } public static void starsquare(int square){ while(square>0){ stars(square); System.out.println(); square--; } } public static void stars(int amount){ while(amount>0){ System.out.print("*"); amount--; } } } 

    The way I have it now it takes a star off every line and I can't think of a way around it.

    The guide I'm using specifically says that I have to call the stars method in the starsquare method.


    submitted by /u/spikelived321
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    Problem with Codepen Javascript

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 10:43 PM PDT

    So I'm learning Javascript, and this problem has arose.

    const companies = [ {name: "Company One", category: "Finance", start: 1981, end: 2003}, {name: "Company Two", category: "Retail", start: 1992, end: 2008}, {name: "Company Three", category: "Auto", start: 1999, end: 2007}, {name: "Company Four", category: "Retail", start: 1989, end: 2010}, {name: "Company Five", category: "Technology", start: 2009, end: 2014}, {name: "Company Six", category: "Finance", start: 1987, end: 2010}, {name: "Company Seven", category: "Auto", start: 1986, end: 1996}, {name: "Company Eight", category: "Technology", start: 2011, end: 2016}, {name: "Company Nine", category: "Retail", start: 1981, end: 1989} ]; const ages = [33, 12, 20, 16, 5, 54, 21, 44, 61, 13, 15, 45, 25, 64, 32]; const retailCompanies = companies.filter(function(company) { if(company.category === 'Retail') { document.write(company); } }); document.write(retailCompanies); 

    and it prints: [object Object][object Object][object Object]

    When I expected it to print the name of each company that falls under the category of Retail. Does anyone know what's wrong here?

    I'm learning arrow functions and it's doing the same thing when I try to write it that way also.

    submitted by /u/awokepsl
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    Bad operand types for binary operator '>' [Java]

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 06:36 PM PDT

    After hundreds of forums and hours playing around with the code, I keep getting this same error. I've read online that it could be caused due to me comparing an integer to a string but I am not too sure as to how to change that.

     public static void main() { int index = 0, people = 0, i = 1; Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.print("How many people? "); people = in.nextInt(); while (people < 1) { System.out.println("How many people? "); people = in.nextInt(); } in.nextLine(); String Name[] = new String[people]; String Number[] = new String[people]; while ( i <= people) { System.out.print("Enter Person's Name: "); Name[index] = in.nextLine(); System.out.print("Enter Person's Time: "); Number[index] = in.nextLine(); index = index + 1; i = i + 1; } index = 0; i = 1; int highest = 0; while (index < people) { if (Number[index] > highest) { } } } 

    The error is occurring at if (Number[index] > highest)

    My question is how can I fix this error?

    As said I've tried a lot of things and this is my final option, I am very new to Java so I appreciate the help :)

    submitted by /u/Kami0312
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    [News] Humans Call GG! OpenAI Five Bots Beat Top Pros OG in Dota 2

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 10:14 PM PDT

    Do anyone knows why vs2019 has Java as language option?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 09:55 PM PDT

    https://s.put.re/cymgLDGq.png in what tools its included?

    submitted by /u/Multifyre
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    Learning resources for polyglot application development

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 09:50 PM PDT

    I have heard about people writing an application in different languages. For example, some performance intensive parts are written in a compiled language like C, C++, Go, etc and other parts in an expressive interpreted languages like Ruby, Python, etc

    But I can't really find a resource or a book or a tutorial or an example application or a point of reference to get a better idea of this kind of polyglot development (all I know is the term FFI)

    I wanted recommendations for some resource that explain polyglot development and how languages are glued together

    P.S. I am not talking about different microservices written in several languages communicating with each other, I am looking for a single application written in multiple languages.

    submitted by /u/fenster25
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    Windows Environment Variables in a Python venv?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 09:46 PM PDT

    Hello! I'm relatively new to programming and have been learning a lot! I'm learning Python right now, and in the book i'm reading it says to set windows environment variables and call them with os.environ.get() to protect sensitive information in my code like API credentials.

    The issue i have is that i'm also using venv and i'm not sure how to manage these OS level variables. If i set them through the Windows GUI, it doesn't seem to be available in my app (I'm assuming because it's already isolated with the virtual environment). If i set it in my venv terminal, it seems to go away when i close and reopen the terminal! I'm using PyCharm if that could be effecting it.

    I feel silly for hitting this wall, but i don't know what to do and i can't seem to find anything to help. Thank you in advance for your help!

    submitted by /u/detourxp
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    Any programming job/internship options for a teenager?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 05:58 PM PDT

    With the growing pressure of my parents asking when/where am I going to get a job, I would really like to have my first job to have something to do with programming. I know that people say that you should work at a shitty job for a couple of years but I figure that I should really start to immerse myself and see if programming/game design is really what I want to do as a career. I do have prior experience with programming like publishing an app on the AppStore and html/css junk. Thanks! (By the way I'm 14)

    submitted by /u/multicolor_socks
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    Css animation

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 09:42 PM PDT

    is it possible with text?

    submitted by /u/SleepyGhostss
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    [Concurrency/Deadlock] Strategies for dealing with deadlock

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 09:34 PM PDT

    What strategy (avoidance, detection, prevention) involves the OS requiring a process to get all of the resource locks that it will ever need in a single atomic operation?

    I think it would be Avoidance because in my notes I have: "Do not grant a resource request if this allocation might lead to deadlock" and " Requires knowledge of future process requests " under Avoidance. Is this right?

    submitted by /u/Lnnux
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    Finishing up 2nd year of college, what are some things I should try to learn about out of class?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 03:34 PM PDT

    Javascript is the only language I have any experience in so far, and have finished learning about the basics of stack, recursion, searching/sorting, lists, and I think I have a decent grasp of the 'basics' of Java.

    I thought I might be able to start doing some beginner stuff on Github, using this list, I thought I could find some stuff I could actually comprehend but I am clearly still not there yet as I had no clue what 80% of anything meant.

    So a couple of questions:

    1. Is it normal that I still can't comprehend most of the stuff on Github, and am I going into that stuff too early?

    2. What are some things I could try to learn about that I would get? I feel like I probably haven't dedicated enough time out of class to learn more about programming.

    submitted by /u/ChrisAZ480
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    Is programming microcontrollers/microprocessors/embedded systems a lot different than building software ?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 09:14 PM PDT

    I am a computer engineering student that graduates in Fall 2019. Although I had worked with microprocessors and such before, my last semester contains of three classes:

    Advanced Microprocessors, Embedded Systems, and Senior Design (which we're building a drone using a Texas Instruments microcontroller Tiva C). From what I've heard, Advanced Microprocessors and Embedded Systems is practically an identical class with very subtle differences.

    Anyway, is working with embedded systems harder than just building software with no hardware involved ? Can we program these microcontrollers using C++ or does it have to be strictly in C ?

    From your experience, what is harder ? Programming embedded systems and microcontrollers ? Or software ?

    submitted by /u/thesquarerootof1
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    I'm I learning programming for the wrong reason?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 09:07 PM PDT

    I'm going to a Database Applications/Programming program at my local technical college later this year so I can try and get educated on what I need to get into a career in programming.

    Why do I want to learn programming? It's pretty fun to do, and I've heard there's good money in it. (I really don't want to be making $10.50 an hour in a call center the rest of my life, you know?)

    Thing is, I'm not PASSIONATE about it. There's people who RELISH in code. They go to meetups, have side projects with people, just code for fun for random shit. I just don't get that. I'm not overly interested with how computers work, I like using them, but how they function is just boring to me. I'm not a naturally creative person so wanting to create something doesn't really draw any magic for me either.

    Maybe it hasn't hit me yet, but as of right now coding just seems like that one thing I am learning to do to get a paycheck for it someday, and that's it. I don't see it as something that I could actually enjoy doing in my spare time ON TOP OF a job.

    Am I not thinking of it right? Is this a bad attitude? I'm so confused

    submitted by /u/2_Z_Zach
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