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    Monday, April 29, 2019

    Lorem Picsum – lorem ipsum for photos web developers

    Lorem Picsum – lorem ipsum for photos web developers

    Lorem Picsum – lorem ipsum for photos

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 12:20 AM PDT

    If you need pictures for testing or just placeholders in your prototype, this is a nice resource https://picsum.photos/

    EDIT: FYI, I didn't create it, just posting it :-)

    submitted by /u/kugelblitz42
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    What site planning tools do you use before you start a project?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 01:00 PM PDT

    Hey all.

    As I build more sites and webapps, I find that my pen-and-pencil approach is increasingly limiting. I'm really in need of any good softwares or tools to plan out the structure of data flow, authentication systems, routing, 'this-then-that' items, sitemaps, the whole shebang. Does anyone have any good tools that they're willing to share?

    submitted by /u/Packeselt
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    Are there truly any dev jobs where the senior devs will actually “mentor you”

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 08:47 AM PDT

    So I am a 20 year old in my first year of professional web dev. I joined a startup where I was basically told I would learn so much and be mentored by all the senior devs.. which is exactly what I was wanting. However, right when I joined we were acquired by a pretty large company. This caused basically the 2 senior devs who were supposed to be my mentors to be pulled onto different projects. And now I am getting senior devs who are working remote out of state, and have never seen the product.

    Basically all the stuff I have learned here has been on my own. For example, I see we are using a certain technology so I go home and learn it. However, I don't get "mentored" by the devs and really barely have any contact with them at this point besides code reviews. I guess what I was expecting was for them to be more involved and show me stuff and their thought process.. and really help me grow my skills.

    Not to mention I was hired as a Fullstack dev because of my knowledge with Java and front end frameworks. I was told I would get to work on both sides to grow my skills. But now, I feel I am being pushed into frontend only.

    Do jobs like that even really exist? Can you revive actual mentor ship from senior devs who take time to help you personally grow? Maybe I am expecting too much.

    submitted by /u/mrich6347
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    What do you look for in a Jr web developer?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 08:24 AM PDT

    I have applied to over 60 places (sending cover letters to all of them) in the past month and keep getting "We have selected other candidates at this time" or no rely at all? I have been really working hard, making web applications with Python, JavaScript, CSS/HTML, I'm not sure if I am making the correct applications that make me stand out. I sometimes get to point where I just want to give up but i know this is something I have a passion in and what to do! I just need to get my foot in the door.

    If you were /are on a web development hiring team what portfolio projects do you look for, that makes an individual stand out? What are some example applications one should have?

    Portfolio: https://tobiascscott.com/

    GitHub: https://github.com/Tobias2023

    Edit: Thank you to those who commented and will comment!! You all have opened my eyes to some things I didn't think about. Hopefully, in a few months this post can help someone else in my position.

    submitted by /u/Scorpio2023
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    Do you use Linux or Windows to work and Why?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 12:47 PM PDT

    There’s no way there are web dev degrees

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 09:17 AM PDT

    Seriously the tools of the industry change so much and so quick! How would a school ever keep up with all the changes ? It seems like you would have to be self taught to keep up. Am I wrong?

    submitted by /u/rayzon2
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    How we added a public API to our existing SaaS app

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 09:18 AM PDT

    Monitoring One to Many Websockets

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 01:49 PM PDT

    I could use some advice here as I have been struggling with my web app architecture for some time. l am building a SaaS platform where a user creates their account and will provide access to their Twitch API key (for example) on this account. The SAAS platform will need to monitor a websocket 24/7 for specific events and then take action on key events.

    I am struggling on understanding how I monitor many websockets at the same time in the background of my SAAS platform solution. It's clear when you have a simple script you just run it and watch a websocket. When you have hundreds or thousands, what's the best infrastructure to do this? How do you monitor that they are still connected?

    Any suggestions or experience here would be really helpful as I just can't seem to conceptualize how to handle this.

    submitted by /u/fender21
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    The inception bar: a new phishing method

    Posted: 28 Apr 2019 05:24 PM PDT

    I have imported a font with both Latin characters and glyphs to my css stylesheet, how do I make the glyphs show up instead of the Latin Characters?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 01:38 PM PDT

    I have imported a font with both Latin characters and glyphs to my css stylesheet, how do I make the glyphs show up instead of the Latin Characters?

    I'm building a webpage and want to incorporate a "toki pona" font that will display glyphs for the corresponding words. Whenever I attempt this, only the Latin characters also included with the font show up. It does however, work in Microsoft Word.

    The css code I have included is what I have already tried.

    CSS: @font-face { font-family: 'linja_pona_otfregular'; src: url('linja_pona-webfont.woff2') format('woff2'), url('linja_pona-webfont.woff') format('woff'); font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; } #philosophy{ font-family: linja_pona_otfregular; font-feature-settings: "philosophy" 3; } HTML: <h1 id="philosophy">tomo</h1 

    This is what appears:

    This is what I want to appear in place of the text \"tomo\"

    submitted by /u/conlangman
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    I created a blazing fast view library that lets you write Javascript Template Literals in HTML: reLift-HTML . 2kb, no dependency, no virtual dom, no build tool. Please provide feedback, criticism, help and contributions, including pull requests. I'd really appreciate it.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 12:36 AM PDT

    How are the page transitions created on this site?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 04:45 PM PDT

    I'm new and really dig this design. How are these developers going about the image/page border designs while scrolling down? It looks like they are a part of the images, but I cannot tell.


    submitted by /u/CutMyLifeIn2Pizzaz
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    Is blogging dead?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 03:53 PM PDT

    Do you still give blogs value?
    In both your reading and your writing?
    Do you actually read blog articles about the thing you just googled?

    The reason I ask is, I use to read and write pretty heavily for the past 7 years.
    For the last 2 years, I out the internet over saturated with self proclaimed experts and never ending opinions.
    I found myself gravitating more towards longer formats, audio books, well produced youtube videos.
    I find I trust that information more now than I do blog posts, which as far as I can tell, only serve to drive me towards their landing pages on SEO.

    I do still read a few authors I actually enjoy. But as I try getting my writing back up again to build an audience, I wonder if it is still something worth getting into.


    submitted by /u/IAmRules
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    API Authentication - Sessions && JWTs

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 03:48 PM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    I was hoping to get some insight into the topic of authentication for a public facing API and what scenario is the most rock solid from a security standpoint as well as scalability.

    The API in question currently utilizes JWTs for authentication but it is a stateful implementation. As far as I can tell, this is undesirable because it loses some of the benefits that JWTs are known for, namely not having to store info on the server and pushing that burden off to the client. A stateful JWT seems quite similar to just using Sessions by themselves.

    1. In your opinion, is it better to use JWTs or Sessions or both and why?
    2. Are there any downsides to using both -- authenticating with the JWT and storing user data with the session?

    The reason I'm asking is that I came across this article , Stop Using JWTs for Sessions , and it has made me think that maybe doing away with JWTs and relying on sessions would be better but I've come across so many conflicting articles I need some clarity before I decide how to proceed.


    submitted by /u/horangiwhakkatchi
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    Svelte 3 and RxFire using Firebase Firestore and Authentication

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 03:46 PM PDT

    Search Console Verification Methods Fail: The connection to your server timed out.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 03:42 PM PDT

    I'm having a really hard time trying to verify my ownership of a new WordPress website on Google Search Console. It also appears that due to this Google has not correctly crawled the website as when I do a search for site:www.mydomain.com on Google, it only shows a couple of pages out of the ~30 or so on the website.

    I have tried the following methods and they all fail:

    • HTML File upload - it is correctly uploaded to www.mydomain.com/verification.html and I can view this page/file on my computer/laptop and any other device on any network
    • HTML Tag - added to the correct sections and viewable in page source
    • Google Analytics - correctly set up with tracking tag viewable using Chrome's tag assistant
    • Google Tag Manager - correctly set up with tracking tag viewable using Chrome's tag assistant

    Despite these being correctly set up at the WordPress website's end, every single method from the above returns the following error:

    Failure reason: The connection to your server timed out. Please fix your implementation and reverify, or use another verification method.

    The website in question has had 100% uptime in the 30 days it has been live. The website can be accessed by anyone, on any device on any network without issue. Other websites hosted on the same dedicated server have been successfully verified during this time.

    Unfortunately DNS record verification is not possible as the only person with domain DNS access is away for another month.

    What on earth is going on? Does anyone have any suggestions?

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/nyu_db
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    How to be successful as a self taught developer?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 12:15 AM PDT


    I am working towards a degree in CIS at the moment, and am eventually planning to get a master's in uxui. Maybe. Not sure what I want to do yet, but I am also interested in web development, mostly frontend. I was wondering if anyone could give me some pointers.

    First off, could I become one with my degree or do I absolutely have to change to computer science? Which languages should I learn first? And if you could, please share your education and exerience becoming a web developer

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/monmonmonmonmonmonmo
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    How to prevent direct access to video file but allow the 'video' tag access to the video? [PHP, HTML5, JS]

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 03:37 PM PDT

    I want to be able to stream the video in a 'video' tag in html5 but I don't want the user to be able to open the video file directly and watch it in a seperate tab...

    Also I need to be able to stream the video to my mobile app (android+ios)

    I'd love to know how to do that...

    I'm using clean PHP (no framework)..

    Thanks in advance :)

    submitted by /u/s_trader
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    Major additions to my 'Better HTML' project which nobody asked for

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 11:45 AM PDT


    Ive now added macros/templates and includes, along with some other improvements.

    So you can now include text/html/marksmol files in other marksmol files, and write macros (which can call other macros) and import them too.

    No more will you need to copy paste same pieces of code on multiple pages, you can just include them!


    $hi $person $action: `\`Hello $person, nice to $action you!\`` test $hi `Luka` `meet`: $hi `Bob` `see`: 

    compiles to:

    <test> Hello Luka, nice to meet you! Hello Bob, nice to see you! </test> 


    a $includeText `someText.txt`: 

    compiles to:

    <a> This is some text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet! </a> 
    submitted by /u/pacukluka
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    Issues with debugging Edge

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 02:50 PM PDT

    Issues with debugging Edge

    Sorry, newbie question. Below I pasted an image of Chrome's Devtools where it would display your sessions. I am not seeing a similar tab for Microsoft Edge as shown below. How would I then access the equivalent for Edge?



    submitted by /u/dotobird
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    How would you rebuild WordPress as a CMS for the modern web?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 02:33 PM PDT

    How would you rebuild WordPress as a CMS for the modern web?

    WordPress still powers 30% of the web despite its many shortcomings. I don't need to go into too much detail here, about its security issues, often sluggish performance, or convoluted interface.

    WordPress does have good qualities. It's very enabling, allowing anyone to create a decent looking web page relatively quickly. A healthy plugin ecosystem expands things much further.

    My question is:

    "What if we took all that's good with WordPress, and rewrote it for the modern web - what would that look like?"

    This is what we have so far:

    Open source

    This is something that's really good about WordPress. It's free, so you can install and manage it yourself, or go with one of the hosted solutions. There's also a large community that supports it.


    Anyone can quickly and easily create a web page.


    It should feature a clean and easy to use interface.

    A modern CMS

    Based on a modern stack

    Things like Node.js and React are built for the modern web, so this new CMS should support those and more.

    We created a landing page with information on this concept, where you can also sign up for updates.

    We wanted to start a conversation here. What are your thoughts on this, and what else should we be considering.

    submitted by /u/leandrobthomas
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    Noob question about hosting - What's the best solution to one-off Wordpress hosting?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 02:20 PM PDT

    Hey guys, so, while primarily I'm a marketer/graphic designer, I build landing pages for Google Adwords 3-5 times a month. These are 1 page sites used to generate leads, that's it. Currently, I use GoDaddy (I know) Deluxe Hosting, and create add-on domains for every new site I need. Installation works like a charm, DNS is all set up properly, etc. I love that because I don't have the time to be an actual developer, I need to be funnelled into working on the Wordpress site ASAP.

    The problem is: they're slow, and I mean slow. I've done some experimenting with different image files, various compressions methods, etc. While that may have an effect, it doesn't seem noticeable. No matter the device, browser, or anything, if the site isn't cached, it loads from blank after 8-10 seconds. This is a huge problem because I use Adwords, and am losing a ton of potential leads due to the load time (not to mention the CPC).

    I've looked at HostGator, but they don't sell domains, which again, I need, because I don't have time to mess around in DNS and nameservers and all that. GoDaddy does a great job of catering to clueless people or the ones that need this convenience, but the end product appears to be garbage.

    All that being said, what are some opinions for a solution to get 1-off Wordpress sites easily, but with the hosting actually being fast?

    submitted by /u/BolshoiSasha
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    1MB – Free and easy static website hosting and database

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 08:20 AM PDT

    Having some issues creating a simple modal.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 02:09 PM PDT

    I'm tasked with creating something that looks like this:


    ... but here's the catch ... I can only achieve this by editing ONLY the CSS ... and nothing within the actual HTML file itself. I'm used to editing HTML inline instead of a separate CSS file that points to the HTML.

    Here's my github with the html and css file in question (not including my edit attempts):


    submitted by /u/blackbelt21
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