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    Thursday, April 4, 2019

    I Finally Earned My Position as a Software Engineer learn programming

    I Finally Earned My Position as a Software Engineer learn programming

    I Finally Earned My Position as a Software Engineer

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 03:31 PM PDT

    As someone who has always been interested in computers it made sense how depressed I became after dropping my computer science major and switching to Information Systems, especially since my school does not even consider IS a stem major. See, I had never done any form of programming before college, I was more interested in computer hardware. After entering college and taking an intro to computer science class I quickly became intimidated and ended up failing it. It was supposed to be an intro class but it seemed like everyone already knew what was going on and I was the stupid one.

    After flunking I switched to IS and after hearing so many people shit on the major saying it was easy and took no work, I decided to take as many elective programming classes as possible. I did some small programming projects on the side, participated in hackathons, and even started developing an app.

    After graduating with my Information Systems degree I started applying to jobs and ended heading back from a lot of them. The two most interesting were a Systems Analyst position and a python developer position. Choosing between the two was harder than I thought because during my decision process I was drowned by imposter syndrome. The SA position requires no programming and I knew it would be easy but in the end not as lucrative as a Software Engineering position would be. Even though I knew this I still leaned towards becoming a SA because I was scared that I would not be able to complete the work required of a SE.

    After much motivation from my girlfriend I decided to take the Python position. It's been two weeks and I LOVE IT! It's challenging but rewarding and it's so great to see how programming works in a company setting.

    I guess the moral of this is please know that many of us face imposter syndrome, don't be afraid to ask for help.... doing so doesn't make you seem dumb... it shows that you want to learn, and to grow! You can do anything you set your mind to. Don't expect to be the best at something you have barely started. If you show determination and grit you will always move ahead in whatever you want to do, no matter how long it takes!

    submitted by /u/mustyrelly
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    I start in programming. Need help, please.

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 05:45 AM PDT


    My name is Angélique, I am a 16 years old (soon 17) French girl who lives in Paris and I want to learn how to program.

    I am actually interested in learning Python, C++, C#, Rust and how to use Java. I am a total newbie, I know literally nothing. I am actually watching some videos in French and English about that. I actually speak French, Russian, English and Portuguese, then you can talk with me in these languages. If I am here today in Reddit (it is the first time in my life that I use this site, I am sorry if I do not understand correctly how it works) it is for asking for help. If someone here can help me in this subject it would be really great, you can add me on Discord Angélique#0001 (of course, if you think that these programming languages are too difficult for me, or that you have better ideas you can tell me everything, I am open to any suggestions). If you want, I can even pay you for programming classes.

    So, I have some questions.

    1. Is Python good to start? And is it difficult?
    2. Does programming require a lot of "intelligence"?
    3. Do you know quality youtubers that make good videos about it?
    4. Do you know any books that can help me?
    5. Do I have to learn a new language for programming (in the sense or maybe there is a country that works very well in there and that could help me on that)?
    6. What are the most useful programming languages for you?
    7. What are the best programming languages to start?

    I thank you in advance for helping me, I would be very grateful if you help me.

    Thank you for your attention!

    submitted by /u/AngeDeFrance
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    Attitudes I’ve Learnt About Learning Programming

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 05:56 PM PDT

    I have been working on this article over the past few weeks. Definitely give it a read if you are new or struggling to get into the groove of learning.

    submitted by /u/ReactivePorpoise
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    Terminology is killing my ability to communicate!

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 08:54 PM PDT

    I have my first dev job, and while I'm doing well applying my new skills on work, I'm finding my ability to communicate is lacking. I can typically get my point across after stumbling though descriptions, but if I was confident in my terminology, things would be way easier and more efficient (especially in pair programming).

    I really need to get proper terminology down if I'm going to succeed as a dev. Are there any resources out there that can help? I have a flash card app that is okay, but I'm curious if anyone else uses/used anything different? Thanks a bunch!

    submitted by /u/Bateson88
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    What are the must know software design patterns?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 11:36 PM PDT

    Recently got exposed to this, wondering which ones that any software developer should know, or at least heard of.

    submitted by /u/logicallyzany
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    Just starting out

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 05:55 PM PDT

    Just starting out on python. Really wondering what a good method of self learning is for programming. Following tutorials im seeing but what do i need to do to make it stick? Been writing notes in the code with #_ to reflect more but want to learn more.

    submitted by /u/NStretton
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    Just wanted to post my Learning Path for the MERN stack.

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 07:10 PM PDT

    I also am just starting out and just finishing HTML and CSS. I have a general learning plan I put together using a decent number of resources to see what general order i should learn different things in.

    This is by no means a finished plan and things will be added/changed as I learn more. Since I've already found the first several steps I've taken useful but unecessary.

    I just copy pasted this from my notepad so the formatting is pretty garbage.


    • CompTIA A+ Certification concepts (professor Messer videos). [finished]
    • LPI Linux Essentials Certification concepts (theurbanpenguin vids; LPI Essentials PDF; Cisco Net Academy course).
    • John Sonmez-The Complete Software Developer?s Career Guide [Completed Section 1]
    • VIM (VIM Tutor)
    • HTML & CSS (internettingishard tutorial; freecodecamp; Colt Steel Udemy course; Mozilla Documentation)

    ---Build some websites ---

    • learn website layouts ()
    • flexbot/Grid ()
    • Git/Github ()
    • SSH

    ---Learn Responsive Design---

    • javascript (DigitalOcean tutorial; freecodecamp; Colt Steel Udemy course; whatsdev tutorials)
    • ES6 syntax and features Start Simple Coding Challenges after basics

    • DOM/Vanillajs()

    • SASS ()

    • Bootstrap don't make it a crutch ()

    • APIs ()

    • GULP bill system ()

    • Webpack module bundler () rebuild old projects with these

    • Node|Firebase Basics

      ***Solidify Phase*** 

      ---Start trying for some freelance/tutoring/portfolio building---

    ---reexplore and solidify previous technologies, go deeper--- simple animations in flex/Grid; simple js components'tooltip,todolist,slidingsidebarnav,etc;CSS design patters; js design patterns.

    • data structures & algorithms ()
    • React -> reactRouter -> reactRedux ()

    ---Have a couple big projects done by this point---

     ***transition to fullstack*** 
    • probably start with MERN (Mongo,Express,React,Node) ---start a simple server---

    • Node&Express&NPM

    • Pug files

    • MongoDB/mysql

    • object relational mappers-

    • mongoose/sequelize

    • CRUD 'create,read,update,delete'

    ---extremely simple database/backend projects--- ---deploy some projects on heroku---

    • MVC Architecture
    • Authentication 'passport, strategies, json web tokens, etc'
    • Authorization 'Auth 2.0, integrate with 3rd party apps, etc'
    • security 'SSL,Injections,Form validations, Handling uploads, XSS attacks, etc'

    ---solidify fullstack,build fullstack apps, solidify MERN MongoExpressReactNode explore other stacks---

    submitted by /u/john0893
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    [Python] [PHP] Something going on under the hood with Python's urlopen() opening a file in php that's causing a bug, not sure what it is.

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 09:16 PM PDT

    Hi, trying to make a Reddit bot that grabs image URL's and executes a .php file (via URL) to add it to my Wordpress site. There seems to be something going on underneath the hood that's creating an error.

    When I execute the url "https://newfastuff.com/wp-content/apps/php_files/<the php file>?imgurl=https://i.imgur.com/EAUeZ5v.png" in my browser, I get this: https://i.imgur.com/CdJrPOK.png

    (This is working correctly, as intended. There are some ads that are supposed to show up in the white spaces, but those show up later)

    When I use urllib.request.urlopen in my Python file to execute the same URL, I get this: https://i.imgur.com/tg3Z5Xg.png

    There's some HTML code for my ads that shows up as text. No idea why. I originally thought there was some sort of hidden exit character somewhere in the URL that's turning the HTML for the ads into part of the string of the description, but I'm not so sure that's the case now. Not sure how I would remedy it.

    This is the code I'm using:

    urllib.request.urlopen("https://newfastuff.com/wp-content/apps/php_files/<the php file>?imgurl=https://i.imgur.com/EAUeZ5v.png") 

    If you'd like to inspect the HTML of both outputs, you can view it here and here:



    submitted by /u/PeterPorky
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    Why does multithreading usually make things faster even if you only have one core?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 08:24 PM PDT

    Intuitively I would think that switching between threads all the time would take the same amount of time at best but that's apparently not the case.

    submitted by /u/questiondoggo
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    Access denied for ‘username’@localhost

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 11:45 PM PDT

    This problem keeps on occuring even after using the right credentials. This database is operated by our professor so I don't have the privileges.


    submitted by /u/kotoamatsukami_97
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    Type error: cannot read properly “domain@ from undefined (line 9)

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 11:44 PM PDT

    Hi I've been trying to use this clearbit code to get domain names from the names of a company (I.e "google" to "google.com")


    It seems to work for some names but not work for others.

    Is there anything I can do or is it just the way it is ?

    submitted by /u/limache
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    [Python] getting a value from a dictionary

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 07:42 PM PDT

    Hey, I need to get a value from the dictionary where the key is in the dictionary if that makes sense.

    Edit: the problem is it gives 1 instead of Monday or 0 instead of Sunday

    def get_value(dictionary, key): value = {} dictionary = {'Sunday':0, 'Monday':1, 'Tuesday':2, 'Wednesday':3, 'Thursday':4, 'Friday':5, 'Saturday':6} value = dictionary[key] return value 

    submitted by /u/badaboombasquad
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    Python vs Javascript for online jobs?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 10:24 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    I'm just getting into programming - started learning Javascript - which has been fun and rewarding so far. I'm considering a career change as the current market for mine is... taking a downward turn.

    I've also looked very briefly at Python, which seems to be simpler than Javascript, or at least, more efficient? I think they are relatively similar in terms of how important they will be in the future.

    I guess my question is - for someone who needs to work remotely, does one offer more options/opportunities than the other?

    submitted by /u/SpecSwap
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    ELI5 What is (why do you need) docker and kubernetes ?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 10:01 AM PDT

    I am a novice web developer and i recently came across docker and kubernetes but i can not seem to grasp the actual need and application of these technologies.

    submitted by /u/areeb_aaa
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    [JAVA] - declaring 2d arrays.

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 04:31 PM PDT

    My reading material tells me I can declare 2d arrays like this:

    int[][] edges = {{0, 1, 2}, {0, 3, 8}, {1, 0, 2}, {1, 2, 7}, {1, 3, 3} }; int test1 = edges[0][1]; 

    But I get the wrong answer.

    But when I do this, it works fine.

    int[][] edges; edges[0][1] = 2; edges[0][3] = 8; //etc etc 

    Is the first one wrong syntax or something?{0(<-means row), 1(<-means column, 2(<- int value)} ?

    Is this not he same as declaring list[0][1] = 2


    And if not, how could I write it correctly? I need to declare a bigger matrix and it seems cleaner and easier the first method, if it worked though.


    submitted by /u/DrinkTeaAsap
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    [C] Overflow detection fails on uint64_t.

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 06:35 PM PDT

    I was working on the first problem of project Euler and I seem to have found a working solution. My solution checks for overflow errors. My solution works fine when uint32_t sum and uint32_t overflow_check are 32 bits long. However, when I try to upgrade them to uint64_t the overflow-check fails. Does anyone know why this is happening?

    submitted by /u/AltCrow
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    What is runtime in “Nodejs is a runtime, not a language”?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 10:09 PM PDT

    Just curious as to what exactly is a runtime.

    submitted by /u/bored_reddit0r
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    Software engineer vs test engineer

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 10:08 PM PDT

    Not sure if I should post here but I need advice

    I graduate in a month and recently got a job offer as a software engineer as well as a different offer as a test engineer. Does anyone have any advice of which is a better route for advancing my career? I know there are benefits of both but as an entry level programmer I want to pick the best for my future.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/k1mb0000
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    Is there a way to stop cin from automatically skipping a line in the console?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 03:45 PM PDT

    My program is supposed to tell the user how many syllables are in a word. The program works fine but I'd like to put the word and the number of syllables on the same line. However, I know that cin automatically skips a line when the user presses enter. Here is my code for the output:

    int main()


    string word; char response; cout << "Syllable Counter Program" << endl; //Title cout << "Enter a word or type \\"exit\\" to exit the program" << endl; cout << "Word" << setw(30) << "Syllables\\n"; cout << "\`\`\`\`" << setw(29) << "\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`" << endl; do { getline(cin, word); if (word == "exit" || word == "Exit") { break; } cout << setw(30) << syllableCounter(word) << "\\n"; } while (word != "exit" || word != "Exit"); return 0; 


    submitted by /u/Haka_Bubu
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    How do you set variables to "infinity"?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 09:12 AM PDT

    I see in a lot of pseudocode the initialization of variables to "infinity". Do most programming languages have a special constant for an arbitrarily large number? If not, how are these algorithms implemented?

    submitted by /u/pretysmitty
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    How can you determine if a process is CPU bound?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 08:55 PM PDT

    I'm reading about performance engineering and I see terms like CPU-bound and network-bound, but am unsure what they mean. I have a process that does some work on the CPU and then makes some network calls and then does some work on the CPU with the results of the network calls. Is this CPU or network bound? (making the network OR the CPU faster would make the process faster so I am unsure). I've read Brendan Gregg's posts on this but am unable to get an IPC count.

    submitted by /u/bonoboboy
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    Quick question!

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 08:18 PM PDT

    Hey, I'm writing a code for fun, I recently just started to get into Coding, using C++. A program that would take in the Date (Monday, 2nd), and give a customized message to the user depending on the Date selected, and have a specific message for each combination possible, which means 217 possible combinations. For example;

    - User inputs = Tuesday

    - User inputs = 15

    - Command outputs = " It's Taco Tuesday! "


    -User inputs = Wednesday

    -User inputs = 20

    -Command outputs = "Is it hump-day? "

    Not sure how to ask the question, so I'll give you guys run down of what I want the program to do.


    - Ask the user for the Day (Tuesday)

    - Ask the user for the Day# (15)


    -Be able to recognize the Day (Tuesday) selected, and compare that with a range of days (Mon-Wed, Thurs-Fri, Sat-Sun)

    -Be able to recognize the Day# (15) selected

    - Be able to take the Date (Tuesday, 15)

    -Retrieve a designated message for that Combination of Date (Tuesday, 15)


    - A Pre-determined messaged, based upon the combination of the Date.


    I know that I would have to have already selected the pre-determined messages, and declared them in a variable. And that I could use an IF statement, or perhaps a while statement for all possibilities. I also know that I could also just separate the possible inputs by || , !=, && when doing an IF Statement.

    My Question is, is there a command or a way in C++ to set a range, so that if the User selects any combination between Monday - Wednesday with the numbers 1-15, a certain message would appear? To where if the User selects Monday, 16, it would not output the same message had it been Monday, 15.... I don't know if I'm explaining myself correctly.

    Thanks in advanced.

    p.s. First time posting here, I don't know if I formatted it correctly, or if I should be posting here.

    submitted by /u/lopsan96
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    Courses in Boostrap with Certification?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 08:16 PM PDT

    Im not exactly a newb in web design and development, but I'm not certified in anything. I have no college degree but i have an extremely well-paying job (to be fair, its been rough, but my experience over the years privately and with other jobs got me where i am today in a senior level position).

    I am however not feeling challenged anymore. Id like to learn more, specifically on the front-end web programming and design aspect. Something like react, boostrap 4, and similar things.

    Im not too good at a college degree experience, but I'm keen on learning via online courses and videos (lynda, for example) - but is there anything i can take where the end result is a certification? Like, a class where i can learn when i can (time allowing) and after im done i can take a test and get certified?

    I hear stuff like that is great on a resume! I guess my last question would be - is that true? Thanks ahead of time for helping! 😁

    submitted by /u/Oryyn
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    Having trouble with superclass while reviewing for final

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 04:28 PM PDT

    So the question gives an example of the impact of a superclass without a no argument constructor.

    Here is the example:

    public class Fruit{ String name; public Fruit(String name){ this.name=name; } }

    public class Apple extends Fruit{ }

    Now in this example Apple is underlined due to an error. I still don't understand why. I get the feeling that the word super should be placed somewhere.

    I just figured out that there should be a method in Apple (String name) with super(name).

    However I still get an error in Apple stating that public type apple should be defined in its own file.

    What going on?

    submitted by /u/aceofwarru99
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