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    Wednesday, April 3, 2019

    Gimli - a Visual Studio Code extension enabling smart visual tools for front-end developers web developers

    Gimli - a Visual Studio Code extension enabling smart visual tools for front-end developers web developers

    Gimli - a Visual Studio Code extension enabling smart visual tools for front-end developers

    Posted: 03 Apr 2019 06:23 AM PDT

    Google AMP lowered our page speed, and there's no choice but to use it

    Posted: 03 Apr 2019 06:25 AM PDT

    Only ~50% of Bootcamp Grads With No Prior Industry Experience Find Work After Graduation

    Posted: 03 Apr 2019 01:48 PM PDT

    If you've ever used Rackspace for anything - keep an eye on your recent bank statements for new charges

    Posted: 03 Apr 2019 02:07 AM PDT

    It seems that Rackspace have quietly introduced a minimum $5/month fee for their Cloudfiles service.

    I only noticed this today looking at my bank statements. I've looked through my emails for some kind of notification, and can't find anything about this change of policy.

    Here's another recent thread of somebody reporting that they didn't even have any remaining services running at all, being charged an "Account Maintenance Fee" of $5/month too.

    If they want to raise prices ... that's fair enough. But it's pretty dodgy doing it without notifying the relevant customers. And especially when the users mostly affected are ones with dormant or mostly-dormant accounts.

    I'll never be using them for anything ever again.

    submitted by /u/r0ck0
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    When do you look into somebody else code, what makes you think it has been written by senior programmer?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2019 10:44 AM PDT

    How do you distinguish junior's from senior's code?

    submitted by /u/jsifalda
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    Curious question: why do some devs have a hang up making sites offline?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2019 10:36 AM PDT

    Is there a real need for it? Or are we just over engineering stuff because we can?

    I get that some applications need to work offline, like notes on iOS. But is there a need for most websites to function offline?

    I am almost never offline, and most people I know are never offline. 4G or WiFi is everywhere, unless you are in a train tunnel or up by a cabin.

    submitted by /u/retrojorgen
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    BS in Web Dev of Software Dev?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2019 07:32 AM PDT

    I am currently a sysadmin that is trying to pivot over to development. Programming has been something I've been interested in for decades (since my early teens) and I'm finally doing it.

    My original thought was regular programming/development. I hadn't really thought too much about web dev until recently. I've been playing with HTML/CSS for a couple months now and currently taking a class in it for my degree. Loving it.

    While I would love to be a hardware programmer, that's not likely to happen. One of the big reasons is that, for health reasons, I'm hoping to get to a point where I'm working from home (I know that likely won't happen with the first dev job but can be done after some experience).

    Because of all the above, I'm looking at web dev harder. Most remote jobs revolve around web dev with only a few here and there for application programming. So, it makes sense to me.

    I think I would really enjoy backend or full stack (prefer the latter because I love variety). One of the things I know I'm going to struggle with in my degree will be the math (discrete and Calc I required). I think data structures will get at me, but I think I can get past it. Also, I've taken C++ in the past and hated it and I have three semesters of it (two of C++ and the data structures class uses it). I can get through it. I just won't enjoy it (strangely, I loved and did great in C, but C++ annoys me).

    I'm on the "wrong" side of 35. I'm not getting any younger. Being able to learn things I can apply quickly would be very useful. I love theory, but I can read that on my own. The standard greeting when asking about web dev these days is "You don't need a CS degree."

    So, I ask the community. Which makes more sense for me? As someone who is looking to get out the gate and start right away when this degree is done with real and practical experience? As someone who has resigned himself to the understanding that he will not be the next rock star programmer...he's just looking to do a damn good job for the next couple decades and build things. As someone who doesn't look forward to the math, but will do it if it's the best option. I appreciate any feedback.

    I have linked an image showing the differences at my school. I am currently in the Software Dev program, but have not taken any classes that only apply to that one (in other words, the classes I've done apply to both).

    Blue: Classes unique to that degree plan

    Red: Classes I've done or transferred in

    Gold: Shared classes to both


    I can provide information about individual classes

    For those who say software dev would be better, I have two technical electives left. I plan on using classes from the web dev side to fill those. In that case, would CSS & XML and Javascript be good or would PHP & Advanced PHP be better? They also have C#, and Java (they have I and II of both).

    I appreciate any input on this. It's a toss up for me and I'm trying to figure which makes the most sense. They'll both take about the same amount of time to complete.

    submitted by /u/BTW_IuseKubuntu
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    If I’m paying a web developer to create the website platform for my business that I plan to sell to a larger company later, do I need to own the source code for the website/app?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2019 02:34 PM PDT

    I apologize because this is probably a very dumb question for the folks here but I know how to run a business but am completely illiterate when it comes to tech. Any help truly is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/romeomikehotel
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    Where to find MERN boilerplate

    Posted: 03 Apr 2019 12:11 PM PDT

    Im looking for easily maintainable MERN boilerplate. Basically Im looking for a project that I can easliy start with which is written in NodeJs, MongodDB, and ReactJS. Is there any site similar to themeforest for full stack web apps?

    Here is one example https://github.com/Xyfir/accownt?ref=producthunt. The problem here is that the client side is not reactjs

    submitted by /u/almosamofas
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    First Client! Need help with stack

    Posted: 03 Apr 2019 12:23 PM PDT

    Backstory: I'm a CS student and I'm quite comfortable with c#, html, CSS, JS and i know a bit of jQuery, but I don't have a clue about the popular frameworks like React, Vue and all that other jazz.

    So I've got an offer from someone to build them a website, nothing fancy, just a homepage, about page, contacts and a gallery.

    But they also want to have the ability to post to the page themselves and promote upcoming events etc. Wordpress and similar CMS solutions are out of the picture unfortunately. So I guess I need to build some kind of backend login system etc.

    So how do I go about building something like that? What do I need to learn? Any feedback, links and tips would be greatly appreciated.

    Also, I realize that this will take quite some time and effort. But I'm not bound to a deadline.

    submitted by /u/Anon_nomis
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    Building my own headless CMS - Need help

    Posted: 03 Apr 2019 03:26 PM PDT

    I want to try to build my own headless CMS. It's more for fun, just to practice my skills and become a better developer.

    If you have any tips for me, where to get started, things to consider etc - I'm all ears.

    submitted by /u/alvarogonzalez123
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    User sessions in Firebase

    Posted: 03 Apr 2019 03:20 PM PDT

    I'm making a social networking site using Firebase and JavaScript only and I got stuck in this problem. I want to have a separate login page and the pages that comes after the user has logged in.

    How can I carry the user info variables to the different pages? Do I need to start a session like in PHP? If yes how do I do so?

    submitted by /u/iloveyousunflower
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    Need help picking a Web Development Course.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2019 02:57 PM PDT

    I am in my 4th semester of college right now. I know nothing about Web Development and I have been looking for a good web development course so that I can start learning it. I found some popular courses on udemy-

    This is the most popular course on Udemy. I searched this sub for previous recommendation threads and most comments said that although it is good but it has become outdated compared to the newer courses available in Udemy.

    Some other courses that were recommended are-

    The last one seems interesting to me because the instructor has also made a follow up course which seems to be an advanced level course. All of these courses are very highly rated which makes it even more difficult to choose between them. I have also heard about FCC and The Odin Project but their curriculum are very lengthy compared to these courses. I don't get much free time due to hectic college schedule so I don't think I can do FCC or TOP. What course do you guys suggest I should start? Also are there any good courses available on other platforms such as Coursera or Edx?

    submitted by /u/TheToiletSeat
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    How do I give my Vue components access to active record objects on my Rails app?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2019 02:05 PM PDT

    I inherited a project built on Rails that uses Vue for its front-end. All the views are rendered through Vue, but the routing and models follow the standard Rails MVC pattern.

    I want to render some objects stored in Active record inside a Vue component.

    I also want to build a form in Vue with CRUD functionality with the Active record database.

    When I pass instance variables from the Rails controller to the Vue view it does not work.

    #controller.rb def index @project = Project.all end #view.html.erb <% @project.each do |e| %> <div><%= e.information %></div> <% end %> 

    I have to directly call active record inside the view itself like so:

    #controller.rb def index end #view.html.erb <% @project = Project.all %> <% @project.each do |e| %> <div><%= e.information %></div> <% end %> 

    So to summarise, the two questions I need to answer are:

    1. How do I pass active record objects into a vue component and render it in the front-end?
    2. How can I write a Vue form to creat,edit & update active record objects in the database?
    submitted by /u/catonmat92
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    Twitter post scheduler using heroku "hacks"

    Posted: 03 Apr 2019 02:03 PM PDT

    For my #myweekinjs challenge I decided to build a Twitter post scheduler to try and reach a different audience by posting when I'd normally be asleep. Now, I had about 6 hours total to work on this so it isn't my best work, but it works.

    I wrote a article talking about the process, there is also a Github link in the post so you'll be able to set it up locally if you want to and use it. I'll try to update the README soon to make that process a little easier.

    This project uses nextjs, Firebase, Twitter API (using the Twit npm package) and Heroku.

    submitted by /u/theQuirkyTurtl3
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    All async

    Posted: 03 Apr 2019 01:31 PM PDT

    What are the disadvantages for going full async on server side? are there any disadvantages other than difficulty of debugging async code?

    submitted by /u/paarulakan
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    If you could design your own hosting service, what would you do better than the rest?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2019 01:07 PM PDT

    What makes a great webhost - more speed? more stability? more power? Redundancy? Scalability?

    What would you charge for your dream service?

    submitted by /u/brandscaping
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    Advice on Creating Websites/Web Apps for Volunteer Organizations

    Posted: 03 Apr 2019 12:42 PM PDT

    Hi /r/webdev! I am a professional web developer with full-stack experience, looking to start using my skills to try and do some good; I want to start building websites/web apps for non-profit organizations and volunteer groups in my spare time. I already find web development to be very satisfying and rewarding work, and am even more excited at the thought of programming for charitable causes.

    Does anyone else have insights and/or experience with web development for good causes that they would be willing to share? What kind of projects have you worked on? For what types of groups or organizations? How did you approach them and work with them? What features did they ask for/did you suggest? What technologies did you use? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

    One important note: I am particularly interested in using "real" web development skills (e.g. JavaScript, React, Node.js) to create more engaging and interactive websites/features for the groups I work with. From my experience, most volunteer organizations seem to settle for brochure or blog-type (Wordpress) sites. It would be extremely interesting to hear about volunteer opportunities for those looking to do some heavy-duty web programming. Some of my own ideas are creating volunteer event management systems, building custom, responsive landing pages with more dynamic content, and even writing tools that directly assist with the volunteer work a group or organization is doing.

    Thanks, and looking forward to feedback that may help me as I start on this exciting new personal project!

    submitted by /u/mikalaranda
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    Is it possible to automate this development cycle?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2019 06:44 AM PDT

    So I am building an in house management system for the company I am working for. Aside from development, I am also in charge of deployment to production. This is the entire process for me to deploy production:

    1. NG Build Angular 7 to get the dist folder
    2. Copy the dist folder to /var/www/html/(website name)
    3. For our backend which is Django, copy the specific app folders we made changes to, to the server as well but this one is located on the home directory.
    4. Either systemctl restart nginx and gunicorn or system reboot

    I am the sole developer for the frontend so it is not attached to any Github Repo but our backend is. We have 4 developers who all push to my computer locally since my boss doesnt want to have any of our code online.

    Is there any way I can speed up or automate steps or the entire process?

    submitted by /u/aanthonyz
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    WordPress: Gravity Forms Messaging/Contact

    Posted: 03 Apr 2019 12:29 PM PDT

    Hi. I have Buddypress and Gravity forms on a directory website. I'm trying to allow users to contact listing owners through gravity forms.

    This works but via email but I'm trying for a solution where messages sent can be easily viewed by both sender and receiver from the WordPress frontend. Directly from the website. Basically like a gravity forms messaging system.

    Are there any possible solutions to tackle this? Or alternative plugins besides gravity forms that are capable of such?

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/neganbauer
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    Declarative lightweight replacement of React + MobX + Router. Modern open source framework for create fast interfaces. Tell me what you think

    Posted: 03 Apr 2019 12:29 PM PDT

    Need help to decide on technologies for Web Dev project! HELP!

    Posted: 03 Apr 2019 03:37 AM PDT

    Hi there, I am about to start a project in Web Development for my semester project. We have no requirements what must use so I need help choosing the right library/framework/technologies for it.

    Project group:
    Three web developers with little bit more than basic knowledge in HTML, CSS, JS. We are familiar with Vue, React and a bit of Angular (familiar as we had to make to-do-list apps for assignments).

    Description of the project:

    1) Web Application which has three different user roles - Doctor, Therapist and Patient.
    Doctor can access patient's data and assign a therapist.
    Therapist can access patient's data and assign exercises to the patient.
    Patient can and should be able to access his exercises, create log of exercises he performed, create overall diary on his experience during while he/she is sick.

    2) Easy to extend with new features.
    3) Cheap to develop (to a certain degree) – it is expected that there will be many changes to the app, so development and maintenance should be easy and "cheap"
    4) There should be some kind of visualization of dizziness over time, e.g. a chart.
    5) It should be possible to send push notifications to the individual citizen through this app.
    6) As a citizen, I receive a code or a link to sign up for the app.

    What I am asking is to help decide what could be "fine" to use for developers with not THAT much experience. Project length is 2 months. Any ideas, names, suggestions why SHOULD and SHOULDN'T use something are welcome! If you have any questions please ask!

    submitted by /u/WiseElin
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    Why did/do websites have so much trouble with double submitted forms?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2019 12:02 PM PDT

    I remember a few years back it was common knowledge to not click submit multiple times on a form otherwise your credit card would end up being charged multiple times.

    I might be naive here but why the fuck didn't websites just prevent the user from being able to submit twice? Like it seems like such a stupid problem to have.

    Could you not just disable the button on click using JS? Or if you have no JS, just embed a hidden token in the HTML to prevent double transactions?

    It just seems really stupid to pass this problem on to the user like "Well that's just the way websites work"


    submitted by /u/arduinomancer
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