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    Monday, April 22, 2019

    A Unique Way of Choosing Your Class. What Are Some Other Unique Ideas For a Multiplayer RPG?

    A Unique Way of Choosing Your Class. What Are Some Other Unique Ideas For a Multiplayer RPG?

    A Unique Way of Choosing Your Class. What Are Some Other Unique Ideas For a Multiplayer RPG?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2019 07:21 PM PDT

    The eternal artist struggle: A player said a monster looked NSFW, and now I'm second guessing my dynamic health UI...

    Posted: 21 Apr 2019 08:17 PM PDT

    Introducing artist to Git and other scary stories to tell in the dark.

    Posted: 22 Apr 2019 09:57 AM PDT

    I'm a programmer. I've been using version control for years. Step0 of every new project is to mkdir ${projectName} && git init. However, for the first time, I'm working with an artist. But he doesn't have experience with working with version control.

    What's the best way to introduce Artists (and other non-technical contributors) to version control?

    I'm tempted to just have him install VSCode and teach him how the Git panel works. It's simple enough to show him exactly what he's doing and I can get him on his own branch to keep him from causing problems for me.

    Or maybe the "right" answer (here, at least) is not to bother? Maybe just take the art that he sends me over discord and commit it myself (or possibly create a puppet account for art contributions). Maybe the answer here isn't to commit the art to version control at all and keep it in a large file store somewhere?

    What is your workflow handling art and artists? I'm guessing some of you don't even bother with Version Control (and shame on you!), but the rest of you, how do you handle it?

    submitted by /u/GreenFox1505
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    In this 2019 GDC talk, Microsoft's Bryce Johnson and Craig Hospital's Erin Muston-Firsch share their experiences developing the Xbox Adaptive Controller and give you tips on how you can design better control schemes or input for people with limited mobility in your hardware or games

    Posted: 22 Apr 2019 09:37 AM PDT

    Hey /r/gamedev, I made a quick open source tool that allows you to create texture atlases with pixel padding. This is useful for mitigating texture bleeding when using mip maps with texture atlases. Enjoy!

    Posted: 22 Apr 2019 12:42 AM PDT

    PAX East 2019 Postmortem

    Posted: 22 Apr 2019 04:18 AM PDT

    Graphics Programming weekly - Issue 81 — April 21, 2019

    Posted: 22 Apr 2019 08:09 AM PDT

    Designing principals and common practices around ECS

    Posted: 22 Apr 2019 09:19 AM PDT


    I've made the base of my game using ECS (EnTT) but I was wondering if my approach is even good or that it should be changed.

    As an example, there's a player actor - should it have separate components for each type or just everything in one component? (position x y, scale etc)

    Can I use components to define *state* for entities? Such as an ActiveAnimationComponent to indicate that the entity is being animated?

    Say, an entity has two animation components, IdleAnimationComponent and RunAnimationComponent; is this valid? (it's only the data).

    I've read https://www.gamasutra.com/blogs/TobiasStein/20171122/310172/The_EntityComponentSystem__An_awesome_gamedesign_pattern_in_C_Part_1.php so I know a bit about what ECS is but I would also like to hear some thoughts of other people here :) How do you use ECS?

    For reference; my project is here: https://github.com/NullBy7e/MyFirstGame

    submitted by /u/NullBy7e
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    Rogue-lites daily mode (for Early Access)

    Posted: 22 Apr 2019 05:20 AM PDT


    we are currently working on a Rogue-lite taking place in the zombie apocalypse (in Early Access since end of 2017). A common feature in Rogue-lites is a "Daily mode". A mode where each day a random seed is chosen for all players and they can take the challenge to get the highest score for that day. The seed provides all the players with the same situation, so probably more skillful players will be better.

    We added the "Daily mode" to our roadmap along time ago (since it is such a common feature) but didn't implement it yet. We have several questions and points we'd love to discuss with you.

    1) What do you think is the main goal of a "Daily mode"?

    We think it is mainly player retention and competition. Depending on the implementation it can also be explorative, if it uses interesting modifiers like Slay The Spire does.

    2) When would you consider adding a "Daily mode"?

    In our opinion it makes most sense when you have a solid player base which strives for new experiences and when most other features and mechanics are quite settled.

    3) What do you expect from a "Daily mode"?

    We expect variety, surprise and competition.

    4. (a thing we are struggling on currently) At which time would you release a "Daily mode" if you were in Early Access? During ea, at release or after release?

    Where we are really struggling is if this feature is better released directly at release or as a cool update after release?

    Option "Daily mode at release". Hypothesis: If we get many active players at release we have a good retention and competition mechanic which binds players and potentially adds viral potential directly from the beginning.

    Option "Daily mode after 2-3 weeks". Hypothesis: If we add the mode later player will have played the base game and are searching for new ways to interact with the game. A new game mode (Daily mode) would be a big thing and could bring players back and maybe trigger positive reviews etc.. After that point benefits of option 2 would also apply, but maybe we missed players who expected it from the beginning.

    We are looking toward your opinions and would love to discuss with you!

    - pixelsplit

    submitted by /u/pixelsplitgames
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    Can Your Demo be Too Long?

    Posted: 22 Apr 2019 06:36 AM PDT

    I'm finishing up a public demo for my game, and so far friends that have tested it who know the mechanics well take about 2 hours. I'm guessing a totally new player would take around 3 hours. The game itself when finished will likely be around 12 hours. I've played a lot of demos that were less than an hour though. Is my demo too long? I'm wondering if people will feel they don't need to buy the full game, or will they be appreciative of a more in depth demo and be more willing to support the project on KickStarter?

    submitted by /u/gojirra
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    3D Animation to Pixel Art with Blender

    Posted: 21 Apr 2019 06:29 PM PDT

    Postmortem for my first commercial game: Skirmish Line

    Posted: 22 Apr 2019 01:12 AM PDT

    A cellular automata based game engine a friend is working on

    Posted: 22 Apr 2019 11:42 AM PDT

    Any resources about Job System?

    Posted: 22 Apr 2019 11:36 AM PDT

    I've come across it in Unity3D but didn't fully understand it from their documentation as it's too vague about the details and I want to learn more about it , not as a part of Unity, but in general. Is there any good resource available which explains about it from the basics? I've tried googling, but end up getting either Unity Videos or Github Projects for Job Systems.

    Thank You!

    submitted by /u/fishinggrapes
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    What's your most exciting break through moment in game dev?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2019 08:47 PM PDT

    I remember it so clearly.

    I was working on a camera system for a tool I had made that was meant to allow users to create 3D models in Unity from drawings. I was comfortable with most of the math behind it. I was no stranger to vector math and had implemented my own matrix library before. But there's one thing that I just couldn't wrap my head around.


    I had no idea what I was looking at. "What does the 'w' component even do!?" I was in over my head. I hadn't taken it from the beginning and as a result wasn't getting anywhere. When I had asked for help I was simply told "it's complicated- you probably don't need to worry about them". But I had to know. Understanding quaternions would allow me to manipulate rotation and translation in the ways needed to finish my system in a way I could accept. I tried looking online, playing with a visualizer and reading books. It was no use. I told myself I would implement my own quaternion library in an effort to understand them. I never did.

    One day I would run across the idea that complex numbers were like 2D quaternions in a way. Not exactly- but similar enough. After reminding myself how to rotate points with complex numbers it finally clicked. I started playing with Quaternions again and slowly began understanding. It was so satisfying.

    It's one of those things that you don't need to know in most circumstances but there are so many ways to use it if you do know. All of my third person cameras, VR interactions and even spinning projectiles could now make use of this new found skill. I've used them anywhere that it fits sense then.

    How about you? Any interesting skills you've learned along the way? Memorable moments that made you go "I get it now!"? I'd be interested to know if anyone has some cool techniques up their sleeves!

    submitted by /u/D00TD00TDigital
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    Looking for a community

    Posted: 22 Apr 2019 11:14 AM PDT

    Hey, sorry if this is the wrong place to put this. I considered r/gamedevclassifieds but I'm not looking for a team to work in or anything like that.

    So, I've been making games for a few years now, and dipped my toes into some communities, mostly on Discord, but was always a bit overwhelmed by the amount of people. However, as of recently I have been wanting to be able to talk in some sort of community, for several reasons, like being more motivated, being able to ask about design decisions or opinions with people who know my projects, and also just to get to know some hobbyist game developers like myself.

    So, the question is whether or not a community like that exists that I could join, that isn't too large. Or alternatively, if anyone feels the same way or would like the same, feel free to DM me and if I get enough people we could make a little Discord server.

    Here's some random details about me if they're important to you. I'm 18, currently studying game design in the UK, and trying to make small games using the Godot engine in my free time, which I should hopefully get more of after deadlines are over.

    submitted by /u/JoasBremer
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    GameDev - Survival Game - The Mills

    Posted: 22 Apr 2019 11:14 AM PDT

    Voxel path with perlin noise generated at 60fps

    Posted: 22 Apr 2019 11:10 AM PDT

    Software Design Patterns for Games

    Posted: 22 Apr 2019 10:13 AM PDT

    Hi, I'm Aishcharya Kahandawala, currently a final-year software engineering undergraduate in Sri Lanka.

    For my thesis, I'm attempting to create a software design pattern specifically for game development. I'd like to collect opinions on game design and software design patterns as applicable to games, so I can see what kind of features active game developers would like to see in a game-specific software design pattern. I hope this isn't against the rules or anything, but if there are people interested, I'd like to circulate a survey on this subreddit.

    Here's the link to the survey: https://forms.gle/9EXhUvy8MMyWGSoU8.

    Thank you if you do decide to contribute, and I welcome feedback on the structure of the survey as well.

    P.S. - Yes, I have looked at existing game design patterns, like ECS and the like, and in fact, my idea is built on the principles of ECS. This survey is more of a look into what game developers look for in a game design pattern, so I can identify and pioritise requirements.

    submitted by /u/clennam
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    Quick Start Guide to Godot 3.1 on Windows 10 using C# & Jetbrains Rider

    Posted: 22 Apr 2019 10:10 AM PDT

    Replicating the parallax in Thunder Force IV, and other genesis greats

    Posted: 22 Apr 2019 06:08 AM PDT

    I'm making a pretty simple game that is really reliant on parallax for its visual interest. The coolest example of parallaxing I can think of is https://youtu.be/WXbwXJ5qJUs?t=211, but I legitimately can't tell how exactly they pulled some of it off. Is it really just true parallaxing with really large backgrounds? I know a lot of games in this era were pulling off really slick-looking moving cloud and water backgrounds just by using many rows of parallax for depth.

    How would you guys go about replicating this, or just any general tips for getting the most depth out of your parallax backgrounds?

    submitted by /u/theinfamousmrmeow
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    Hi guys, we'd just like to share our story of how we found success with streamers and YouTubers playing our game (Cross-post from r/IndieDev)

    Posted: 22 Apr 2019 09:49 AM PDT

    New Babylon.js Video Series on the 4.0 Inspector Tool: Part 5

    Posted: 22 Apr 2019 09:49 AM PDT

    Code architecture for implementing saving in a City Builder or Tycoon game

    Posted: 22 Apr 2019 09:36 AM PDT


    I'm working on implementing saving and loading for our tycoon game at the moment. Simulations games requires than we save a lot of information from the game, there is no checkpoints to help reduce the complexity, and then be able to restore the state of the game.

    That raises a lot of questions, in particular how to best architecture the code to minimize the amount of redundancy, for example reusing the same code when creating a building in game and when recreating it later from save, or how to implement a uniform save system for very different subsytems.

    There's got the be some tips and good practices out there, but I haven't be able to find them so far. Does anyone have links to articles or videos that tackle the subject? Alternatively, how did you implement your saving system?

    submitted by /u/lbpixels
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