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    Tuesday, March 19, 2019

    Why is programming difficult? Ask Programming

    Why is programming difficult? Ask Programming

    Why is programming difficult?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 01:00 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    I'm trying to find a research project to do with regards to programming, and I've gotten advice from faculty as part of a research class to gather data from experienced programmers on what makes programming difficult. Would love if people here could help me out by replying with what you think are the top 3 things which you think makes programming difficult, and whether you think novices would agree with your responses, why and why not. Examples from your experience would be great, and some information about your experience programming, or teaching programming, would help a lot too.

    submitted by /u/ask_reddit_4_halp
    [link] [comments]

    I am building a program to add to my school's website. It includes an Input calculator and databases. Do not know where to begin or which languages to use.

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 08:43 PM PDT

    The program would be for my university. It would also students to login and see there grades. The grades are in numeric values and allow users to see their numeric average and GPA based on the grade to GPA scale.

    There would also be a section for people to put in future grade estimates to see what their future average/GPA would be.

    It would allow people to put in their target Average/GPA after X amount of credits and would calculate a target average for them to get in the future.

    In addition, for students who plan to going to Grad School we will have a database of them. Law Schools, MBA programs and Medical Schools. The database would also have average admissions grades and average scores of tests (i.e LSAT, MCAT, GMAT). Also additional information like minimum grades and test scores. If a student looking to apply to a certain school the program could give them a Probability of getting in based on their current school and Test scores and also produce a target GPA/Average for them. The program could also have videos available such as LSAT, GMAT & MCAT review videos.

    I am looking to get people to help build this and was hoping you could tell me skills and languages I should look for when looking for people to help me build this program.

    submitted by /u/ProfessorAwesome67
    [link] [comments]

    Is there library or framework to work with frontend css/canvas/js like with Flash, that captures every aspect (with their own DSL or something) and allows creating compatible (mobile friendly), beatiful and fast websites?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 02:45 PM PDT

    I suspect have css/html/js fatigue.

    I got to frontend from Flash and backend back in times, and I favor backend now, because frontend for me is a mess, where I should write things separately in CSS, HTML, JS.

    I want to work with beatiful things, controlling them with x, y and not with left, right, position, etc (I know I would need to control responsiveness also, but I'm willing to pay that price).

    I know there is canvas, but it's not yet fully mobile friendly, and also canvas somehow eats ram of several pcs I worked with, so I suspect CSS/SVG is the better way. I may be wrong.

    I know there are React, Angular and Vue libraries that encapsulates css right into components, but again, I would like to work with library, that does not have specific frontend-framework dependency with additional "css but kinda not, but actually is, it's just objects now, but css rules are here, and they are kinda the same". Maybe library would have several own components, or DSL for graphics, it's ok. But all-in-one, with ability to write business logic as you want. Functions, objects, etc.

    submitted by /u/IDCh
    [link] [comments]

    Javascript string in passage matching help.

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 07:56 PM PDT

    Hey guys I am working on an application and so far its going well but while working on a recent features i am a little stuck.

    Here is my problem:

    using java script I am getting continuous user speech input and transcribing it. While I am getting this speech input i want to be able to identify and highlight the text on the screen that is being read. I want to highlight mistakes (words spoken that don't match) and I want to highlight all the content that is going correct.

    I am not asking for someone to code this for me, i just want to be pointed in the right direction.

    A similar implementation you have probably seen is in online typing games. where you try to type parts of a passage as fast as possible and it highlights the ones you are getting right and the ones that you are getting wrong.

    Any help is appreciates, libraries, algorithms, methods, or terms I should search. Thank you !

    submitted by /u/Trynagetsomehelp
    [link] [comments]

    [c++]Binary tree issue

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 07:24 PM PDT

    Java / Becker Robots Question

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 07:02 PM PDT

    I am quite stuck/puzzled on how I would autonomously get the "robot" to find the entry point in the wall, retrieve the beeper, and bring it back to the starting point. I have surfed the web endlessly for answers and have came up short and would really appreciate any help I can get.

    The following are the methods I need to alter:

    // This method finds the gap in the inner city

    public void FindDoorToInnerCity()



    // This method finds the ball in the inner city once you find a way in

    public void FindAndRetrieveBall()



    // This method takes the robot home to drop the ball

    public void GoHome()



    submitted by /u/baggyassdenimjeans
    [link] [comments]

    [ABSOLUTE BEGINNER] I would like to have a project to work on this summer. I'm teaching myself coding and have almost no understanding of the project I would like to take on. Looking for some (very basic) guidance on where I should start. Any help is seriously appreciated.

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 05:26 PM PDT

    The project I want to work on this summer is an eBay repricer. I have an eBay store and sell quite a few items. I have grown to the point where manual price-checking is a serious hassle. I have never worked with API(s?) before and figured this would be a cool way to go about it and since it benefits my business anyway I figured would help me stay motivated to finish the project. I am a first year business major considering taking a minor in computer science. I did some arduino in high school, python in an absolute bullshit programming class in hs (consider me never having learned anything for python), and have been doing c++ since i got the college. The furthest complexity I've gotten is a program that takes a liquidation lot manifest, uses inputs of lot price(total) and then for each item weight, volume, market price, and quantity. It calculates the unit price of each individual item (by weighing market price to lot price) and then gives me a fuck ton of metrics including profitability, expected turn around, and a priority score based on an equation that weigh in favor or against factors unique to my business. The best part for me was finding average shipping price as I have a relatively complex shipping matrix dependent on weight and distance traveled.

    I was really proud of myself for coding this program myself. I know there are programs I can buy to do the same thing, just as I know that eBay repricers exist. But I want to do it myself. I have (almost literally) no idea where to start. Any help would be appreciated.

    Some general questions I have are:

    What language would be best?

    Any tips/resources to help me understand api and how to use it?

    Since this will have to update my prices on ebay, does this code need to be hosted on a web server?
    Wtf is a webserver and how tf would i get my code to run on one?

    I have almost no knowledge. I'm not looking for someone here to teach me everything (though i would love you for all eternity) i'm just looking for some pointers/resources and y'alls opinions.

    Thanks so much for reading <3.

    submitted by /u/maddog264
    [link] [comments]

    Boostrap from-group style being crossed out

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 01:19 PM PDT

    Is there an O(n) solution for a win-check algorithm for Connect 4?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 05:01 PM PDT

    Assuming we know the row and column count of the connect 4 board and the players last move.

    Has anyone implemented a O(n) solution for checking a win condition on a simple connect 4 board game?

    I feel like it should be possible (and relatively easy) given we know the players last position and are able to check around the piece, but all I seem to find when searching the web is the standard O(n^2) implementation or worse O(n^3)

    I tend to think about things on a scalability, what if someone wanted to play a game of 1000x1000 Connect4. Cause you know, why not?


    submitted by /u/bazgrim_dev
    [link] [comments]

    Soundcloud API

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 11:54 AM PDT

    Hey Internet!

    I had this idea for a soundcloud browser extension but i just saw that soundcloud isnt allowing any App registration. Am i screwed? Are there any workarounds for getting client ID for authentication? Is there anyway i can still make this plugin with the soundcloud API? It seems weird that they still have it up.

    submitted by /u/Captainthiccest
    [link] [comments]

    Self-contained chat bot in NodeJS?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 05:49 AM PDT

    I'm looking for tutorials on making a chat bot that doesn't require one of the cloud services.

    I don't want to use amazon or microsoft or google etc etc and it seems like nobody knows how to do this without them. All the articles I find are like the recipes that say "here's how to make a cake from scratch" and the first ingredient is a box of cake mix :D

    I prefer javascript because that's what I've been using most lately. I know a lot of AI stuff is done in python though.

    Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/OldNewbProg
    [link] [comments]

    Add item to a cart method ?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 09:50 AM PDT


    I'm working on a system where you can add items to a cart using .Net Core and Angular.

    I have created a system where you add an item to the database and fetch it out of there and show it through an API and you send requests to the API through angular using the HttpClientModule.

    But I am a bit unsure how so that if i click "Add to Cart" it would add it in a cart.

    Should i create another table in teh database for the Cart system and make a controller that you send requests to the API that adds that specific item to a Cart Database. And then fetch it from the Cart database itself, like when i show products ?

    Or i should do it more client/front-end side where the person clicks on the "Add" button and then it just fetches that product and puts it inside the cart component in my angular application , instead of making another database for the Cart ?

    What would be a good way to implement this ?

    I know some will say, to just use a already made e-commerce system. But this is more for practice and trying out different practices and I'm not even trying to get close to a E-commerce. It's just a personal practice example im working on.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/KingstonWD
    [link] [comments]

    i have a problem in my batch script which causes an error randomly to appear after an input field

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 01:27 PM PDT

    there is an problem when you type 3 then enter (gets you to "miniware" section) then 1 then enter (gets you to "games" section) and then 2 then enter (should start the game "Rock Paper Scissors") but when trying to type 2 in the input field and the enter causes to make an error related with =%2 and then closes the cmd , i "copy pasted" each input and every input works but not this when answering "2", how do i fix this issue because i can't seem to find the issue, i have marked the bug with two "::ERROR SECTION" comments, if it works for you but not me then for compatibility information i have win7 64 bit home premium

    sorry if i can't explain it properly, in simple: i have a bag in the script that causes an =%2 in an input field, i marked it with two "::ERROR SECTION" comments

    code (sorry if it looks bad, in the cmd and notepad++ it looks way better at the ECHO parts):

    @echo off

    title Game Console

    color 0f

    echo @~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@

    echo # Resise the window: #

    echo # #

    echo # 8 characters high #

    echo # #

    echo # 36 characters wide #

    echo # #

    echo @~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@


    goto menu


    color 0f


    echo @~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@

    echo # Welcome to SAMUEL GAMING's media! #

    echo # 0 = exit #

    echo # 1 = media #

    echo # 2 = help #

    echo # 3 = miniware #

    echo @~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@

    set /p num=option:

    if %num%==0 goto exit

    if %num%==1 goto media

    if %num%==2 goto help

    if %num%==3 goto miniware

    goto menu



    echo @~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@

    echo # Which type of media do you want? #

    echo # 0 = none #

    echo # 1 = videos #

    echo # 2 = pictures #

    echo @~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@

    set /p num=media:

    if %num%==0 goto menu

    if %num%==1 goto videos

    if %num%==2 goto pictures

    goto media


    color 0f


    echo @~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@

    echo # Which short video would you watch? #

    echo # 0 = none #

    echo # 1 = wheel #

    echo # 2 = image rendering #

    echo # 3 = wave #

    echo @~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@

    set /p num=video:

    if %num%==0 goto media

    if %num%==1 goto video1

    if %num%==2 goto video2

    if %num%==3 goto video3

    goto videos


    goto videos


    goto videos


    goto videos


    color 0f


    echo @~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@

    echo # Which picture do you want to see? #

    echo # 0 = none #

    echo # 1 = shade #

    echo # 2 = spiral #

    echo # 3 = hand #

    echo @~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@

    set /p num=picture:

    if %num%==0 goto media

    if %num%==1 goto picture1

    if %num%==2 goto picture2

    if %num%==3 goto picture3

    goto pictures


    goto pictures


    goto pictures


    goto pictures


    ::the help section is not fully developed, still beta

    color 0f


    echo @~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@

    echo # For what do you want help? #

    echo # 0 = nothing #

    echo # 1 = games #

    echo # 2 = navigation #

    echo # #

    echo @~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@

    set /p num=help:

    if %num%==0 goto menu

    if %num%==1 goto helpGAME

    if %num%==2 goto helpNAVI

    goto help


    color 0f


    echo @~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@

    echo # For what game do you want help? #

    echo # 0 = nothing #

    echo # 1 = random number guesser #

    echo # 2 = WIP for now, this goes to menu #

    echo # #

    echo @~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@

    set /p num=help:

    if %num%==0 goto help

    if %num%==1 goto helpRNG

    if %num%==2 goto menu

    goto helpGAME


    color 0c


    echo @~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@

    echo # This game generates a number #

    echo # between 0 and 32767, you have to #

    echo # guess this number to win, if you #

    echo # say the wrong number it tells you #

    echo # if it is too low or too high #

    echo @~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@


    goto helpGAME


    color 0c


    echo @~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@

    echo # The navigation of this program #

    echo # is simple! If if shows you this{ #

    echo # [number] = [option]} it gives you #

    echo # input and this is an option, else, #

    echo # press a button when done reading #

    echo @~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@


    goto help


    color 0f


    echo @~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@

    echo # Which type of miniware do you #

    echo # want to activate? #

    echo # 0 = none #

    echo # 1 = games #

    echo # 2 = tools #

    echo # #

    echo @~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@

    set /p num=miniware:

    if %num%==0 goto menu

    if %num%==1 goto games

    if %num%==2 goto tools

    goto games


    color 0f


    echo @~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@

    echo # Which game do you want to play? #

    echo # 0 = none #

    echo # 1 = random number guesser #

    echo # 2 = rock paper scissors #

    echo # #

    echo @~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@


    set /p num=game:

    if %num%==0 goto miniware

    if %num%==1 goto gameRNG

    if %num%==2 goto gameRPS


    goto games


    set ranRNG=%random%

    goto redoRNG


    color 0a


    echo @~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@

    echo # #

    echo # G U E S S #

    echo # A #

    echo # N U M B E R #

    echo # #

    echo @~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@

    set /p num=your guess:

    if %num%==%ranRNG% goto yesRNG

    goto noRNG


    if %num% GTR %ran% goto elseRNG


    echo @~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@






    echo @~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@


    goto redoRNG



    echo @~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@

    echo # TOO BIG! TOO BIG! TOO BIG! #

    echo # TOO BIG! TOO BIG! TOO BIG! #

    echo # TOO BIG! TOO BIG! TOO BIG! #

    echo # TOO BIG! TOO BIG! TOO BIG! #

    echo # TOO BIG! TOO BIG! TOO BIG! #

    echo @~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@


    goto redoRNG



    echo @~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@

    echo # # # # # # # # # #

    echo # # # # # # # ## # # #

    echo # # # # # # # # # # # #

    echo # # # # # # # ## #

    echo # ### # # # # # # #

    echo @~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@


    goto games


    set playerpoints=0

    set aipoints=0


    set /a aichoice=%random%%% 4

    if %aichoice%=0 goto redoRPS

    if %playerpoints%==3 goto winRPS

    if %aipoints%==3 goto loseRPS


    echo @~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@

    echo # player points: %playerpoints% #

    echo # ai points: %aipoints% #

    echo # #

    echo # Quess rock, paper or scissors! #

    echo # #

    echo @~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@

    set /p playerchoice=your choice:

    if %playerchoice%==1 goto RPSone

    if %playerchoice%==2 goto RPStwo

    if %playerchoice%==3 goto RPSthree

    goto redoRPS


    if %aichoice%==1 goto RPSonetoone

    if %aichoice%==2 goto RPSonetotwo

    if %aichoice%==3 goto RPSonetothree


    if %aichoice%==1 goto RPStwotoone

    if %aichoice%==2 goto RPStwototwo

    if %aichoice%==3 goto RPStwotothree


    if %aichoice%==1 goto RPSthreetoone

    if %aichoice%==2 goto RPSthreetotwo

    if %aichoice%==3 goto RPSthreetothree



    echo @~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@

    echo # #### TIED #### #

    echo # ###### ###### #

    echo # ###### ###### #

    echo # ###### ###### #

    echo # you: #### ai: #### #

    echo @~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@


    goto redoRPS



    echo @~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@

    echo # #### LOSE /### #

    echo # ###### /#### #

    echo # ###### /##### #

    echo # ###### ###### #

    echo # you: #### ai:###### #

    echo @~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@

    set /a aipoints=%aipoints% + 1


    goto redoRPS



    echo @~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@

    echo # #### WIN \ / #

    echo # ###### \/ #

    echo # ###### #/\# #

    echo # ###### #0##0# #

    echo # you: #### ai: # # #

    echo @~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@

    set /a playerpoints=%playerpoints% + 1


    goto redoRPS



    echo @~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@

    echo # /### WIN #### #

    echo # /#### ###### #

    echo # /##### ###### #

    echo # ###### ###### #

    echo # you:###### ai: #### #

    echo @~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@

    set /a playerpoints=%playerpoints% + 1


    goto redoRPS



    echo @~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@

    echo # /### TIED /### #

    echo # /#### /#### #

    echo # /##### /##### #

    echo # ###### ###### #

    echo # you:###### ai:###### #

    echo @~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@


    goto redoRPS



    echo @~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@

    echo # /### LOSE \ / #

    echo # /#### \/ #

    echo # /##### #/\# #

    echo # ###### #0##0# #

    echo # you:###### ai: # # #

    echo @~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@

    set /a aipoints=%aipoints% + 1


    goto redoRPS



    echo @~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@

    echo # \ / TIED #### #

    echo # \/ ###### #

    echo # #/\# ###### #

    echo # #0##0# ###### #

    echo # you: # # ai: #### #

    echo @~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@


    goto redoRPS



    echo @~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@

    echo # \ / LOSE /### #

    echo # \/ /#### #

    echo # #/\# /##### #

    echo # #0##0# ###### #

    echo # you: # # ai:###### #

    echo @~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@

    set /a aipoints=%aipoints% + 1


    goto redoRPS



    echo @~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@

    echo # \ / TIED \ / #

    echo # \/ \/ #

    echo # #/\# #/\# #

    echo # #0##0# #0##0# #

    echo # you: # # ai: # # #

    echo @~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@


    goto redoRPS



    echo @~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@

    echo # # # # # # # # # #

    echo # # # # # # # ## # # #

    echo # # # # # # # # # # # #

    echo # # # # # # # ## #

    echo # ### # # # # # # #

    echo @~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@


    goto games



    echo @~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@

    echo # # # # ### #### # #

    echo # # # # # # # # #

    echo # # # # # # ### # #

    echo # # # # # # # #

    echo # ### ##### ### #### # #

    echo @~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@


    goto games


    goto miniware

    ::the tools section is not currently developed


    color 00



    submitted by /u/_SAMUEL_GAMING_
    [link] [comments]

    PBM format in C++

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 01:18 PM PDT

    Hey all, I have a problem with PBM format. If it helps, I'm using Ubuntu.

    "Write a program that opens its input file, parses its header, and prints the image's width and height, or complains if the file is not a well-formed P1 image"

    I'm having difficulties grasping the concept of a PBM file. Essentially, I'm instructed to convert a PBM file using P1 (ASCII) to P4 (Binary). I understand that a PBM file is incredibly basic, but how do I convert a P1 to a P4? Furthermore, do I have to compile the P1 format using g++? I have so many questions but I can't find any solutions online other than a basic synapses of what a PBM file is. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/BeogarBalken
    [link] [comments]

    Cross-training to C# .NET MVC / Full-stack

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 12:52 AM PDT


    I'm a Software Engineer from the Opensource arena who is transitioning to the C# .NET MVC world.

    I'm mainly learning "on the job" from maintaining and hacking on existing .NET MVC apps but how can I accelerate my learning and comfort level with this technology?

    I have a special interest for .NET Core as it's cross-platform and cloud-friendly.

    What has helped me in the past are:

    • training courses
    • certifications
    • books

    However when I start Googling for tutorials they all seem out of date and the books are all over the place with regards to reviews (eg. there is no "go-to books" like there is with the Perl Llama and Camel books)

    I would appreciate your experience and wisdom!

    submitted by /u/lost_soundwave
    [link] [comments]

    (Need Help) A Menu Program in java {IntelliJ}

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 11:36 AM PDT


    I need help on making one program in java{IDE} that contains (Arrays,Methods,Recursive,File Handling,Looping).

    So basically I want to make a program that displays the bio,documents,records of certain people.

    (sorta like Mobile Data Terminal on police cars)

    for example...


    "Enter ID number"


    Name: John Wick



    something like that.

    I don't know how to construct codes properly so I need your help guys. thanks!

    you can leave suggestions on how can I improve in programming.

    submitted by /u/Karaage4
    [link] [comments]

    Efficient alternative to double 'for' loops?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 11:13 AM PDT

    I have two List of Lists and I need to compare between them.

    The first idea which comes to mind is a double 'for' loop (assuming that it is not sorted.)

    But if the two List of Lists are long this can take a long time.

    submitted by /u/nebling
    [link] [comments]

    How hard would a fitness app be to make on android.

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 10:53 AM PDT

    Hi there,

    I want to make a fit easily app that will track daily steps, cycling, and running as well as let the user enter calories weight height etc and have calculations done using that for a school project. However I'm not sure how much knowledge for this I'll need. I have around 4-5 months to create it. I have little experience with android dev and have not used Google fit. Is Google fit API free? Is it easy to access the daily steps. I have researched that I can start a session for when the user is cycling or running. Is there anything else I should know.

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/FruityFaiz
    [link] [comments]

    Creating a fantasy console?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 10:26 AM PDT

    I'm a CS student who recently became a bit obsessed with these fantasy consoles and how they work. For anyone that doesn't know, they're virtual machines that are a completely self-contained development environment and "console" for little retro games. E.g., TIC-80, PICO-8, etc. I haven't actually done anything with them to be honest, I'm mostly just interested in how they work and how to make one.

    I've started looking a bit into how to create a basic virtual machine because I feel like that'd be a good start, and then maybe look into creating a simple emulator for an old console, and then going from there.

    I am curious to know if there's anyone here who's done anything similar might now how to go about making one of these. Like what sort of language would be best (I'm guessing something lower-level like C), what resources I should use, and anything else that could be of interest to me. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/DRUGSDRUGSMOREDRUGS
    [link] [comments]

    What happened to NetBeans?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 10:12 AM PDT

    Ok so I decided to reinstall NetBeans and I saw there was version 10 out.

    I downloaded it only there was no executable files and apparently you now need Apache Ant? Why?

    What was wrong with just having a .exe file you click and install? It doesn't even look the same from the photos.

    What happened?

    submitted by /u/thebobbrom
    [link] [comments]

    Resources/tutorials for making my own Wikipedia website (Similar to A Wiki of Ice and Fire)

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 09:21 AM PDT

    I've found a tutorial on youtube but it's still confusing to me as an amateur coder

    submitted by /u/historicalinaccuracy
    [link] [comments]

    (Noob) Java - I want to initalise 64 booleans, titled d1 to d64. Is there any possible way to avoid writing every single boolean manually?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 05:14 AM PDT

    (Need Help)Beginner in java

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 07:38 AM PDT


    I'm a computer science student. I'm just really confused at the moment on what program can I create with...(Arrays,Methods,Recursive,File Handling,Looping) in Java.

    feel free to leave any suggestions. thanks!

    submitted by /u/Karaage4
    [link] [comments]

    How would you check arrays for a condition, when the array changes size?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 06:40 AM PDT

    I would like to have a 2D array check to see if the value in location [array_index,1] is the same.

    The problem is, the array size is constantly changing. Theoretically could have 50 different conditionals checking [50,1]==[0,1].

    How would you write this conditional?

    submitted by /u/canIbeMichael
    [link] [comments]

    Resources/tutorials for making my own Wikipedia website (Similar to A Wiki of Ice and Fire)

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 05:48 AM PDT

    This is the best tutorial I've found but it's still confusing to me as an amateur coder


    Thanks guys!

    submitted by /u/historicalinaccuracy
    [link] [comments]

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