• Breaking News

    Friday, March 15, 2019

    Upcoming Codecademy team AMA on Friday, March 15th @ 11:00AM EDT! learn programming

    Upcoming Codecademy team AMA on Friday, March 15th @ 11:00AM EDT! learn programming

    Upcoming Codecademy team AMA on Friday, March 15th @ 11:00AM EDT!

    Posted: 14 Mar 2019 06:51 AM PDT

    Good morning /r/LearnProgramming! I'm excited to share the news that the Codecademy team will be doing an AMA right here in our little corner of reddit tomorrow morning.

    Codecademy is an interactive educational platform that has helped 45 million people learn how to code since 2011. We offer courses in everything from Python, C++, and JavaScript (jQuery, AngularJS, React, Vue, D3) to machine learning, Amazon Alexa, and technical interview prep. We have a lot of exciting things in the works, including a hardware course with Adafruit and courses in C#, R, PHP, and Phaser.js.

    Responding to your questions will be:

    • Zach Sims, Co-founder and CEO
    • Daniella Kisza, Product
    • Allyn Faenza, Product
    • Jake Hiller, Engineering
    • Josh Goldberg, Engineering
    • Michael Hoffman, Engineering
    • Alberto Camacho, Design
    • Alexus Strong, Marketing
    • Kyla Brown, Curriculum
    • Khayyam Saleem, Curriculum
    • Sonny Li, Curriculum

    Look for the AMA post tomorrow morning at 11:00AM EDT to join in the fun!

    submitted by /u/trpcicm
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    **RECURSION** I just can't seem to get my way around recursion. What should I do?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2019 02:35 PM PDT

    I am learning algorithms and data structures on my own and I just can't get my head around this recursive calls for these various recursive algorithms.

    submitted by /u/joshitanmay55
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    Current journey from Sales to Dev

    Posted: 14 Mar 2019 10:45 AM PDT

    Full Disclosure (I'm new to reddit and this is my first post)

    I am currently 26 years old and have no college degree (I took some college classes but decided college was not my thing.)

    Last year around June i was venting to my friend about how I am tired of working in sales ( been in sales since 15) currently in the Telecom sales industry. He advised me that i should look into coding; I literally had no idea what coding was at the time. After about 30 days of saying "I'll look into it" i finally did some research and my first attempt to learn how to code was in codeacademy.com (HTML & CSS) I did the free trial ( a couple times) I sort of liked it. It reminded me of ' MySpace days.'

    Ever since code academy i have been on & off on learning how to code. I literally tried just about everything; YouTube videos, treehouse, freecodecamp, all just to learn basic HTML and CSS (I know... but it took me a while to get the basics down) .

    As i stumbled on to reddit i found out about these communities and i joined all of them that had to do with programming. I kept reading posts about people that are just like me learning how to code in under a year and get a nice entry level job in the tech industry. The thing that always disappointed me was that they never really specified on how they actually learned how to code or showed their progress to the point where they actually got a job.

    So i decided that i want to record my progress on becoming a developer (FULL TRANSPARENCY). A normal guy that has no tech background at all except sales (literally). I feel like if I can do a weekly update, it will help someone who is currently in my same position.

    My Progress as of today is, I finally learned the basics of HTML & CSS and i'm literally learning vanilla JavaScript currently (learning functions) I have also played around with loops and the "if, else if, else" statements. I am pretty sure that the way i described what i am learning, you can tell i am a noob at programming. I am currently taking a course at Udemy called "Web development Bootcamp" and it has worked out for me and i'm also using resources such as Google, YouTube, Stack Overflow, MDN Web Docs (to name a few). Sometimes when i am trying to process all this information, my head starts to hurt (not kidding). But what I really try to focus on is to be resourceful and look up how to do certain things. Google is such a powerful tool if you know how to use it.

    Now that I got a little of my background out of the way. I want to ask this community, What would you hope to look for as far as my progress on a weekly basis and where should I upload this progress?

    I am open to doing a blog, vlog or even a podcast. I am looking forward to hearing from everyone and I hope that the documentation of my progress can help anyone who feels like coding is such an impossible task. Trust me, you will get it, but only if you really put the effort and time.

    submitted by /u/AlwaysbeClosing__
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    How Do I Get My Page An Actual Link?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2019 03:36 PM PDT

    This may seem like a really dumb question for most of you here but i have recently picked up programming and i realised i do not know how to get a page (HTML for example) online, since the link that appears on the browser when the page is under development will work only for my computer.

    submitted by /u/jkarat6510
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    What actually *is* a server?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2019 11:02 PM PDT

    I honestly have been studying CS for years and still don't have a clear picture/understanding of what constitutes a server. It seems as broad of a term as cloud, unless something in my cs education went really wrong. I've mainly understood a server as a dedicated machine used for some service (serving web pages), or something like a custom built database server that optimizes queries, but all of this in the context of one physical "machine" - some people seem to talk of servers as software, or clusters, etc. and it's never clear from the context what they're referring to. In general, what are people referring to when talking about a server? What are all possible things people could be using it (within reason) for?

    submitted by /u/mw130
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    Learn C before Assembly or Assembly before C?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2019 12:19 PM PDT

    Hello friends! I have some experience with programming as my field is statistics and my undergraduate education was in maths. At uni I studied MATLAB, Fortran and Python, I didn't take well to object oriented programming so I didn't pursue Python for long, and after studying Fortran I found it much better than MATLAB and as such it is the only one of those languages that I have kept up with and studied, though when I say Fortran I mean Fortran 95 I haven't really bothered with 2003 or 2008 standards. Other than that, I have some familiarity with ksh scripting, BASIC for the BBC Micro and programming my HP-41CV calculator. I also do a lot with analogue computers but that is neither here nor there for this topic.

    Anyhow, I have become interested in learning more about programming for my own enrichment, I've decided that I want to learn C and assembly language. What I would like to know is if you think that I should learn assembly before C or vice versa, will knowing C make assembly more accessible, will knowing assembly make C more accessible? Please discuss.

    submitted by /u/jonuk95
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    Python Tutorial for Absolute Beginners - Learn Python in 2019

    Posted: 15 Mar 2019 12:17 AM PDT

    [Question] Having issues regaining motivation after a "break" from programming

    Posted: 14 Mar 2019 09:24 PM PDT

    Kind of a long question, but I'll summarize my issue the best I can.

    So, a couple weeks back, I started to learn how to program, with aspirations of creating video games. I had purchased a book (Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++) and started learning. I got through a fair amount of the book, and started a sort of mini-project before schoolwork started to kick in, and I had to fully focus on school to finish some projects for a week. I didn't think it would affect my programming studies too much, as it was only a week. Fast forward two weeks, with all the schoolwork done, and now on break, thinking that week has kind of screwed me over. I think I've lost motivation, and every time I've tried to get back into programming, I couldn't. I just feel like I've lost so much information and can't really return without completely starting over, which has contributed to the lack of motivation. It's a feeling that is quite hard to describe, but the main point is that I'm at a crossroads at what to do, cause I really enjoyed programming, and learning, and the book in general.

    Thoughts or suggestions on what I should do to get back into it?

    submitted by /u/wagens
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    I’m a literally complete beginner

    Posted: 14 Mar 2019 09:23 PM PDT

    I've kinda started learning, but to do what I'm wanting to do without getting discouraged or bored with it. I gotta do what I want. Does anyone know a super easy tutorial on how to make enemy AI that comes in wave after wave. Or just an enemy Ai that can walk around

    submitted by /u/TheTacoRuler
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    Want to generate 3d models off of a given set of parameters

    Posted: 14 Mar 2019 09:19 PM PDT

    Say I have a circle, and that I want to put spikes on it of different lengths and widths and quantities of faces, based on some parameter. Maybe I also want to cover it in dots that would also be subject to some parameter.

    I am reminded of procedurally generated worlds and creatures when I think of what I want to do.

    I'm looking for the most general of direction of where I can read about something related to this.

    submitted by /u/Xenobyte_
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    PyCharm Tutorial - Writing Python Code In PyCharm (IDE)

    Posted: 14 Mar 2019 07:00 PM PDT

    How essential is calculus in programming?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2019 05:45 PM PDT

    I'm currently in a calculus class and I just can't seem to wrap my head around it. A CS major told me if I can't handle calculus I probably shouldn't try for any type of engineering job. How true is this?

    submitted by /u/aPokemon
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    What is your most commonly used hotkey while writing code? What's your favorite?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2019 01:00 AM PDT

    Ctrl + / so far I am in love with for commenting.

    submitted by /u/HandpansLIVE
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    Infinite precision math engine for python?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2019 12:57 AM PDT

    My son is deep into math geekery. He always wants to push the boundaries of large numbers, finding large primes or higher precision values for e, etc.

    He's been using python INT type, but it seems like it loses precision in division operations at around 1x10100

    Are there type or libraries in python that will give higher precision? Or does he need to switch to a tool like R?

    submitted by /u/keylimesoda
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    I have just started learning Angular, is there any good resources or example Apps I could work (or steal) from?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2019 12:55 AM PDT

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/NoFreeWill1243
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    Learning low level graphics

    Posted: 15 Mar 2019 12:48 AM PDT

    Where is a good place to start learning vga programming in x86 assembly language?

    submitted by /u/masterdebator300
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    How could I overcome choice paralysis in design?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2019 12:44 AM PDT

    Hello to you, fellow redditor. First let me explain my struggle a little bit.

    I'm a jun/mid C++ software developer with 1,5 years of experience in this field. A couple of months ago I've switched to my current company, where I'm surrounded by a great team of smart developers (not like any place I've worked before). And I feel that I'm the weakest part of team. I figured out that I have sufficient knowledge but I lack experience. I could read, understand and reason about our codebase but sometimes I'm struggling to add new parts to the system. To deal with that problem I've decided to start my side project so that I would get more practice with it. But here comes my problem.

    I just couldn't write it. I couldn't decide where to start first, I couldn't decide how to structure my code and how overall architecture should look like. I'm just stuck rewriting the same thing again and again or maybe constantly moving parts of code around without any progress at all until I get utterly frustrated. After that I would abandon my project for a couple of days just to repeat this cycle again later on.

    And after another such "frustration cycle" I've decided to break it by trying to ask for your help. I feel that I just need to sit and write down at least some architecture than break it down to lesser parts and start implementing it. But I don't know where and how to start either, so maybe I just need a good advice about that.

    Anyway thanks that you've read it all.

    submitted by /u/fsjfbstaveicbdgsbah
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    Help me understand await?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2019 08:37 PM PDT

    I don't ever use await in C# or in JS. I don't know how it'd look behind the scenes. I know I use it for promises/threads but I just don't get it. Is await any different from writing PromiseObj.Wait(); PromiseObj.Result()?

    -Edit- I wrote this code https://jsfiddle.net/w9egf4L7/ I can understand in JS that there is no .Wait() on promises and it's to avoid callback hell. But there's a wait in C# so I'm not seeing the point.

    Also how the heck would I write my JS code so I do a console.log on all 4 items of the array so it can do the await-ing concurrently?

    submitted by /u/PrestigiousInterest9
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    New to programming, stumped on how to solve a String method problem.

    Posted: 15 Mar 2019 12:16 AM PDT

    Hey all,

    I'm new to the sub and to programming. I am taking intro to programming this semester, and was doing well until I missed a class due to illness, now I am heavily confused. I was doing fine up until this point, now I have a lab due about String methods and I have no idea how to solve the last part. I usually don't ask for help on assignments, but I'm at wits end, and the book isn't helping at all.

    The requirements for the final part of my assignment are:

    "Have the program input the user's full name. Then output: the length of the user's full name his/her first and last character the first name uppercased the last name lowercased the letter number (not position) of the first i in the name. If there is no i, output an error message rather than the value -1. (See my example input/output.) Be sure to test that your program works with names of different lengths. You may assume that all input names are "well-formed", meaning that they do have one and only one space."

    I've gotten all this down pat, but the last part, where it says display and error message for no "i" is driving me crazy. I've tried everything I can think of, plus whats in the notes and the text, and nothing seems to work. It seems like it should be simple, but I've spent hours trying to figure this out. I'm guessing it has to do with if statements or Switch statements, but neither work when I try to implement them. Please help me.... I'll put the code in below, the bottom is the part I need help finishing.

    *My code so far: *

    import java.util.Scanner;

    public class StringMethods1


    public static void main(String []args) 


     Scanner kb = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.print("Enter full name: "); String fullName = kb.nextLine(); System.out.println("Length: " + fullName.length()); char letter; letter = fullName.charAt(0); System.out.println("First character: " + letter); char lastLetter; lastLetter = fullName.charAt(fullName.length()-1); System.out.println("Last character: " + lastLetter); int spacePos=fullName.indexOf(" "); String firstName = fullName.substring(0,spacePos); System.out.println("First name capitalized: " + firstName.toUpperCase()); String lastName = fullName.substring(spacePos+1, fullName.length()); System.out.println("Last name lowercased: " + lastName.toLowerCase()); /////////////////////////////////////////////////// int first; first= fullName.indexOf('i'); { System.out.println("First i: letter number " + (first+1)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 

    } // ends the main

    } // ends the class

    submitted by /u/Oppai-no-uta
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    How to see all network requests made by web page?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2019 08:30 PM PDT

    How can I see all the requests made by a web page in a terminal?

    I mean all the stuff you see when you open the Chrome Dev Tools and go into the network tab, but how can get that information in a terminal (macOS)? I don't mean crawling the page though and parsing the code. I was thinking something like Wireshark, but isolated on that specific web page. Any suggestions?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/crappy_name
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    Need help with a CSS selector

    Posted: 15 Mar 2019 12:10 AM PDT

    Hi everyone! I posted here a while back asking for some advice on a python webscraper. There was a lot of great advice that helped, but i still have one problem.

    I am trying to select the 'number of rooms' value at the very bottom of this page.

    The selector i tried first was ".hotels-hotel-review-about-addendum-AddendumItem__content--iVts5", which doesn't work sometimes as the last part of the string might be randomly generated, or changes every time tripadvisor gets an update. This also caused some problems where several pages would show up as 0 rooms.

    Next, I tried "#taplc_about_addendum_react_0 div div div div div", which takes very long to select in BeautifulSoup.

    I'm kind of lost on the correct way to do this. Would really appreciate any advice. Thank you for reading!

    submitted by /u/killersoda288
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    Should there be a community for developer documentations? Where people can do Q&A regarding documentation of any services? If anyone knows about any such community, please do comment!

    Posted: 14 Mar 2019 11:56 PM PDT

    Whenever I go through documentation of different services, I wish there should be one community where anyone can do Q&A regarding the developers' documentation of any service. Any thoughts on this idea?

    submitted by /u/bhumilsarvaiya
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    A few advices on good programming practices I noted while I am doing mooc.fi course.

    Posted: 14 Mar 2019 11:46 PM PDT

    • The most important thing is that we clean our code as soon as we notice the need.

    • DRY(do not repeat your code)

    • Different content objects should be assigned the same hashCode as rarely as possible, if we want our HashMap to be efficient.

    • Split your method into short clear chunks.
      Divide the user interface logic from the application logic.
      At first, always code only a small program which solves only a part of the problem.
      Practice makes perfect. Make up your own fun project.

    • Type casting is not usually a best practice; one of the only cases where that is legitimate is in connection with the equals method.

    • Single Responsibility Principle

    submitted by /u/multiribzv3
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    What's better Codecademy or Udemy

    Posted: 14 Mar 2019 11:46 PM PDT

    Okay so I'm learning how to code but I want the best resource to learn to the best of my ability so the question lies... Udemy courses or Codecademy

    submitted by /u/FewFly7
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    is functional programming employable

    Posted: 14 Mar 2019 07:50 PM PDT

    I have a very strong itch to learn functional programming, scala in particular. I can't help but think it would be wiser to spend the time enhancing my knowledge and skills on a popular language like Java or C#. E.g. the # of Scala jobs on indeed in my area is 1.2k but the # of .NET jobs if 4.6k.

    Should I learn what I'm passionate about or should I learn what is employable?

    submitted by /u/rickross234
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