• Breaking News

    Wednesday, March 13, 2019

    Reduce the file size of your project down to 50%, by randomly deleting half of the files. web developers

    Reduce the file size of your project down to 50%, by randomly deleting half of the files. web developers

    Reduce the file size of your project down to 50%, by randomly deleting half of the files.

    Posted: 13 Mar 2019 02:16 AM PDT

    Infographic: Gatsby vs Hugo vs Jekyll

    Posted: 13 Mar 2019 12:43 AM PDT

    New code editor from Panic coming soon - Coda discontinued

    Posted: 13 Mar 2019 01:23 PM PDT

    In this day and age is choosing web development as a career a good choice?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2019 11:32 AM PDT

    I would like to start this off by saying that I have less than an year in the professional field and by no means do I think that I'm qualified to give a good opinion based on this subject, that's why I came here to ask this.

    This question came to me when I attended a cyber security lecture at my university, the semester has just started and the lecture was more of a 'getting to know each other' rather than educational. Anyways, the lecturer talked a little bit about cyber security and then started asking students what programming languages they knew and about their experience in general to which most students replied that they had experience with Python (That's what we started with on our first year) and from there talk went about Python and how great it is for data science. From here he went on to web development and said that more and more jobs are demanding from people who won't have to use it to have some knowledge about basic web-development (HTML, CSS) nonetheless, and that the requirements for this will become more and more and in 10-15 years being a web developer won't be as profitable because the supply will be way bigger than demand and everybody will go on to using CMS like Wordpress and Wix anyways, so frameworks like Django/Laravel/ROL won't be used as much. He also mentioned that javascript will never die out in webdev. He also said that developers who know lower-level languages (he mentioned C, C++, C#, Java) will always be valued more than those with expertise in higher level languages like Python, he reinforced this argument by asking the following rhetorical question: "Can you write a washing machine program in Python?". He talked things like this and provided very vague arguments.

    All of the said stuff kind of angered me when I thought about it later because I've put a lot of time and effort into learning Python, more particularly in web development with Python and to hear this kind of information from someone who you consider to be a mentor is kind of disappointing. I wish I argued with him but I simply lack the knowledge to provide enough arguments for others to listen and understand, but my gut tells me that he is very wrong, and even if I was able to argue with him, I doubt his ego would allow him to consider something his student tells him and to re-evaluate his opinions as he seems like a very boasting person.

    I want to hear opinions from you, more experienced people about this subject matter.

    BTW, I'm pretty sure washing machine can be coded with Python too, like using Raspberry Pi or something, am I wrong?

    submitted by /u/Forsaken_Raven
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    These Cookie Warning Shenanigans Have Got to Stop - Troy Hunt

    Posted: 13 Mar 2019 11:45 AM PDT

    How to configure Webpack 4 from scratch for a basic website

    Posted: 13 Mar 2019 01:30 PM PDT

    [Chrome/Firefox] Learn Web Dev with this browser extension: 500+ JavaScript, HTML, CSS & Interview quality cards to learn from

    Posted: 13 Mar 2019 10:35 AM PDT

    webp-in-css: tiny script (128 bytes) and PostCSS plugin to use WebP in CSS and make your website faster

    Posted: 13 Mar 2019 09:53 AM PDT

    Coding is fun

    Posted: 13 Mar 2019 02:27 PM PDT

    Backend programmer, want to purchase a template and can't find anything that pleases me

    Posted: 13 Mar 2019 02:01 PM PDT

    Hello. I made an ecommerce website to sell some stuff, and I need a responsive but dumb simple frontend template for it. I'm searching on websites like envato, themeforest, creativetim etc but apparently the latest trend in e-commerce templates is based on huge images, tons of JS, pointless animations which means it runs low on mobile and it's a pain to use even on PC.

    I want to purchase a simple, responsive ecommerce template that's old school. For example: https://www.foyles.co.uk/ or https://www.barnesandnoble.com/ or https://www.kkelectronics.co.uk/. These load instantly, work perfect and are easy to use.

    I am asking this here because I'm at the point where I don't even know what to search for anymore.. I've spent the whole day on "template marketplaces" and only found these bloated templates that I don't want to use.

    submitted by /u/pacisieu
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    How do you know a WebDev is the real deal without being one yourself?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2019 01:36 PM PDT

    Hey Ya'll,

    To design mobile-centric, responsive, "brochure style" websites for some of my local businesses such as a pizzaria or barber shop.

    Domain purchasing, hosting options, email setup, preparing all written and visual content for site to be built, clear direction using existing websites as examples.

    It's really one big question but what are some best practices when hiring someone to make a website?

    - How does one seek talent and hire the right WebDev for the job?

    - What would someone who isn't a coder (me) look for?
    - How can I tell if the WebDev is actually competent?
    - What if their own website and portfolio sites great BUT there's 3000 lines of code for a homepage? (I've seen this)
    - How do I know they're not showing me someone else's work?
    - What if they have great looking sites that aren't live?
    - How can I make sure we're dealing with clean code and can be handed off to another Dev if need be in the future?
    - Do I even need a WebDev? Or UX designer? Or Web Designer? The labels overlap.

    - How important is a GTmetrix score? Is this a good tool to use to check a Dev's work?
    I'm currently trying to make a website for a local coffee shop. I'm currently working with a friend who is putting together a wordpress website and it's been HELL. I'm already in 2 months of hosting and 2 expensive themes. The designer does not know code, so some of the simplest things are limited to the theme options. Everything needs a plugin. Never again.

    Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/TrillQuill
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    Anyone use Microsoft's AZURE API? Demo is working but the API isn't.

    Posted: 13 Mar 2019 04:37 PM PDT

    When I use the API here I get successful requests but no output https://westcentralus.dev.cognitive.microsoft.com/docs/services/5adf991815e1060e6355ad44/operations/56f91f2e778daf14a499e1fa/console

    I get a 202 and a 200 for Analyze Image and Recognize Text. They should both be correct requests, but the output returns nothing. For Recognize Text I get the URL where you can check it later to see the result, but it never updates, I get an error about my authentication not being right. The other one returns successfully but with no valid result besides the image's file type. I have a .php code to access it and I get the same results.

    When I use the demos here, it works perfectly:


    How do I get it to work? I don't understand what's going wrong, the requests are accepted it only seems to process them with the Demo and not the actual API.

    submitted by /u/PeterPorky
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    Mobile app backend

    Posted: 13 Mar 2019 04:02 PM PDT

    I'm currently developing a mobile application but I need some advice regarding the backend implementation.

    The app involves a lot of read/write requests so using a MBaaS like Firebase would be a disaster in terms of pricing. I've also considered options like Google App Engine or AWS but I'm worried about pricing for the same reason. (Just for info: the app has a feed that loads as the user scrolls, but even if I load it in big chunks, I would still need many independent requests to load the images from their corresponding urls).

    I ended up thinking about implementing my own backend, either with Django or Laravel (I have worked before with both frameworks). But the problem is that I have no experience with hosting. Shared hosting won't work for me so I need a good and affordable VPS.

    What would you recommend in this scenario? And what are the most important criteria I should take into consideration when choosing a hosting provider?

    submitted by /u/basselcheaib
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    Bazar: One-to-One and One-to-Many communication between React Components.

    Posted: 13 Mar 2019 04:01 PM PDT

    CDN advice for a newbie.

    Posted: 13 Mar 2019 03:40 PM PDT

    Hi, I have been speaking with an SEO guy about making some improvements to my site and he's adamant I should opt for a CDN. I wasn't aware of what this is until yesterday, so I have done a little reading and am conflicted about whether it's necessary.

    My site serves users only in the UK and is not huge in traffic numbers. Can anyone offer some better insight into whether I need this or not? I am completely clueless on this subject and can't make an educated decision on it as I don't really understand the benefits/drawbacks.

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/modfather84
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    Why does the Favicon not appear in search results? Is it an issues with my site, or how google loads the result?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2019 06:03 AM PDT

    Shove me in the right direction, please.

    Posted: 13 Mar 2019 02:44 PM PDT


    Sorry this might not be the right place for this question. I would like to build a very simplistic website. The easiest way of describing what it would do goes like this: For the example Im gonna use a ball. You have the ball set to green in your database. The whole websites point is to search for stuff and get a yes or no answer to your question. You have a search bar on the website, where people can put in words, search for things. They search for example if the ball is green/blue or something, and after the search a YES or NO message pops up, or showes up on the screen somehow. That's it.

    How hard would it be to code this? How would one start? Can you shove me in the right direction?

    submitted by /u/heythatsprettygut
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    Am I undervalued in my job?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2019 02:38 PM PDT

    Hi webdev, I'm after some advice about my current work situation.

    I joined my current company 3 years ago which was initially an in-house digital marketing role. The role was predominantly looking after the brand's different websites. During that time I've progressed, learnt Vue & React (In my own time) , built a very large enterprise website from scratch along with various smaller projects that would have previously been outsourced to a big webdev agency we've worked with in London. I've clawed that work back and saved our company £100-150K easily in the last year alone. I also effectively manage two members of staff and all of our supplier/hosting relationships.

    Since working there I've asserted myself and have naturally become the go-to website / digital marketing person, theres about 200 people in the whole company with about 3 of us working on the web. During annual reviews I've been tipped to have a big future and become head of our web operations which sounds great, although I'm still technically a Marketing Executive in low £30K range. I'm feeling a little under valued with the work I'm actually providing… {{ sad face }}

    With the achievements and skills I've mentioned above, am I justified in feeling like this? If so, what kind of salary range would you feel is appropriate? Feel like I'm at a major cross roads in my career and want to get as many opinions as possible.


    submitted by /u/MattFilm
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    domain DNS change won't show in chrome, but will show through VPN browser only

    Posted: 13 Mar 2019 10:51 AM PDT

    hello, I refreshed cache, I deleted cache, nothing is reflecting the change in DNS from domain registrar to the cloudflare.

    Not sure what is going on....

    also chrome incognito won't reflect the change. (still showing domain registrar parking site already 2 days)

    only opera browser through vpn is showing it....(shows hosting webpage)

    anyone knows what's going on?

    submitted by /u/martin80k
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    The Console Log: Our Most Styleish Episode

    Posted: 13 Mar 2019 08:39 AM PDT

    Motivation for coding as a whole seems to be gone

    Posted: 13 Mar 2019 02:35 PM PDT

    So, for the last 4 years I am working in a small full-service-agency and I´m mainly building small to medium sized websites with WordPress. The only "code" really being used is CSS for the styling.

    Now me and my gf are planning to move to another city at the end of the year and of course I´ll need a new job. I always wanted to work as a real frontend dev and so I am planning to dive deep into learning stuff (already know the important html and "standard" css stuff, now it´s about to learn advanced CSS, like flexbox, cssgrid, SASS, etc. and of course vanilla JS and also React and Redux). So because that learning would mean 4-5 hours a day after my 9-to-5 job, I was looking for motivation to get myself fired up for it.

    The last hours I was researching for awesome stuff you´d need JS and libraries for. Stuff that would end up as my kind of "end goals" to work towards with, to get myself some motivation fuel. But right now, it seems like I can´t find anything that will totally blow me away, appeal to me on a higher level and will have me super motivated about anything.

    I just wanted to find that big thing I´d like to acchieve, only to end up with not knowing why I should even consider doing this. I am a very digital and artistic person and I love to create stuff on the computer, more in a technical way, not traditional graphic stuff (I´m a trained designer).

    So right now, I´m sitting on my chair and know nothing, quite demotivated. Do you guys have any suggestions how to get out of this?

    submitted by /u/set_a_monument
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    Advice on hosting websites for clients

    Posted: 13 Mar 2019 02:42 AM PDT

    I've been considering offering to host websites for my clients, it seems like a good way to have a steady income (or passive depending on how you want to look at ti).

    However, people have warned me of the difficulties and I personally think my time would be better spent making sites than monitoring them.

    Does it make sense for me to 'host' their site using another company who I have an account with? (for my own website)

    So I would still be 'in charge' of their site etc, but a professional company who just does this is actually hosting it. I would charge the client slightly more than the hosting site would charge me, and the client benefits by not needing to be involved in a process they don't understand nor have the time for. I become the middle man in this situation.

    submitted by /u/frozonesupersuit
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    How to achieve animated feature?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2019 01:55 PM PDT

    How can I achieve adding an animated loader like this to a site?

    See: here

    Thanks so much

    submitted by /u/lilliancats123
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    Text Editors

    Posted: 13 Mar 2019 10:05 AM PDT

    Hello Fellow Devs,

    I was wondering what text editors are you using?

    Do you use a Mac or a PC?

    What is your favorite feature of your text editor?

    Do you use more than 1 text editor?

    Currently I am using VS Code, and sometimes will use Brackets if I just need to edit a different file that doesn't fit with my project (I am looking at you Homestead.yaml) . Curious what others use.


    submitted by /u/karlm89
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