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    Wednesday, March 6, 2019

    Learned to code using a Mac, looking to switch to a Windows Machine. Help with getting acclimated? learn programming

    Learned to code using a Mac, looking to switch to a Windows Machine. Help with getting acclimated? learn programming

    Learned to code using a Mac, looking to switch to a Windows Machine. Help with getting acclimated?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 09:15 AM PST


    I've learned most of my coding on a Mac, but my 2014 MBP got stolen and I'm really not liking the options I have available from Apple. I haven't owned a Windows machine in 5 years now (Win7) , and I know essentially ZERO about them now, but it looks like that's what I'm going to buy.

    So the environment on MacOS and bash made everything very simple. Moving to Windows and the Windows Subsystem for Linux, can I expect everything to work just as well (ie. pip, node, npm, etc)? Is there anything I have to keep in mind when switching over? My understanding is that managing paths might be more difficult on Windows. I'm really a novice programmer.

    Thanks for all of your help!!

    submitted by /u/keel_bright
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    Learning to program. Hoping to make this into a career. here is day 03/05/19 on progress.

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 04:50 PM PST

    I'm using freecodecamp as a method to learn programming. Here's a website I have going so far. Just going to be posting weekly on progress as a form of journaling. Every time I look at my website I think of a new idea I can implement but only rely on whatever freecodecamp can give me.

    Anyways here's what I have done so far!


    submitted by /u/BeanNCheeze
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    A bit of a different scenario; finishing my bachelors in English this year (in Poland) and don’t know what to continue. My dad has offered to pay for a full coding boot camp that lasts around 9 months. Is it a better option to continue on to my masters, or attend this boot camp instead?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 09:01 AM PST

    To elaborate on the title;

    As I've mentioned, I'm finishing my bachelors this year in English, and I'm unsure if I want to continue on to my masters. The only major that really interests me is public relations, or, media studies. And honestly both are very similar to each other. These majors are practical focused so that has caught my eye because it may offer better job prospects. However, I'm still terrified of what job prospects may exist after this major.

    After talking to my dad, he knows if my interest in programming, as I've been teaching myself web development over the last couple months, but haven't been able to stick to a routine due to school and work. So he has offered that instead of paying for university, I can take a coding boot camp. But I'm also scared that this could turn out badly.

    Obviously to become a good programmer I have to work on my own projects, that much is clear, no matter if I went for a CS degree of take this boot camp.

    What I'd like to ask about, is which option would seem more beneficial? To go through two years of a masters that I'm semi interested in, or attend a boot camp on top of learning and coding in my time. Which seems more logical and safe? Or does it ultimately fall with me and where I'm most willing to invest my time?

    Does anyone have similar stories or general past experiences?

    Would love to know. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/yesthisisdaniel
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    Stuck in the pit of despair

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 08:17 PM PST

    So, I've been self teaching code for a while. I can do some basic stuff, simple windows form apps and gameplay in Unity engine.

    But I feel like I don't know how to improve from here. I often see people talk about making apps to do this and that (like twitch plays Pokémon) and I have no idea how I'd tackle programming something like that.

    It makes me feel like a fraud as I think I know programming, but as soon as I need to do something specific I fail at knowing how to do it, as I just don't know what I don't know.

    Sorry if that was rambling, it's 4am and I couldn't sleep as it was worrying me!

    submitted by /u/Segol
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    Save data on disk using Python GUI

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 10:38 PM PST

    I have no previous experience with any database or anything related to it but I'm trying to make an app in which the user can make something and the process would involve initialising classes and other stuff. I'd like the user to have an option to save his work and reload it the next time they open the app. How should I go about this? What format can I save the data in? Are there any libraries I can use?

    submitted by /u/zippyzapdap
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    Comfortable with Java, what's next?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 10:16 PM PST

    So I've learned java both in college and at home, I'm comfortable writing code in Java and building small apps. But the way to a junior java dev isn't just knowing Java.

    Things I know so far:

    Java and OOP concepts

    Working with an IDE (Intellij)

    Comfortable with git/svn

    Comfortable with the command line

    Writing tests

    Design Patterns (Still learning here, I can recognise a pattern being used but not sure when should I apply one etc)

    What else is there? I'm thinking about diving into SQL next as it seems to be mandatory to have SQL knowledge. Some other things I've seen online is working REST and being comfortable using APIs.

    I'm looking into a main core of skills and technologies a junior java dev should have/know. Can expand from there.

    submitted by /u/DrixGod
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    What Python book should i buy?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 01:32 PM PST

    I have NO previous programming experience, and want to start learning Python. Any books you would recommend?

    submitted by /u/randomdude501
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    [C++] How can I convert a std::string to unsigned int?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 09:38 PM PST

    I have a function that returns std::string and a function that returns it as an int. The string is written entirely in numbers.

    I tried using std::stoi and std::stoul but that breaks my code for some reason. is there an alternative way to convert it?

    submitted by /u/exalino
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    Java is killing me, I have a few questions.

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 11:12 PM PST

    1. Do you guys write handwritten notes

    2. What videos/online course do you recommend that explains the concepts relatively simple?

    I ask those two questions because, I write hand written notes. I have pages of handwritten notes, notebooks actually. The problem is, I have discovered it takes too much time. I think I should just start typing them instead.

    Also, has anyone bought a udemy course they could recommend me? An online tutorial? Something they used. Or do I have to bury my head into a book? (would prefer not too).

    I only know some Python, and we are moving into Java now.

    submitted by /u/prehistoricgz
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    [C++] How can I check if the concatenation of two char is in a string?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 08:48 PM PST

    I have a non pointer char and I'm trying to see if a string contains two of the char besides each other, so if the char was &then any string with && in it will throw an exception. so the string I'm checking is of type std::string whereas the char is just a regular char.

    submitted by /u/dizzyflames
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    C code review?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 04:54 PM PST

    Why not treat 1-many relations as many-many?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 09:27 PM PST

    Last semester I finished my Database class for college. When my professor was teaching us about relational database design he taught that if you have a one to many relationship you should create a column in the many table with the a foreign key referencing the 1 side table. Now I see how this works and I understand it and everything, but I am just curious…

    Why don't you just treat it as a many to many relationship and create a third table with the foreign keys from the original 2 tables. This seems like the smarter way so that if in future if I decide to switch the relationship to a many to many I already have the table in place and I won't need to alter any tables. I am interested to hear what people's thoughts are about this.

    submitted by /u/rrickgauer
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    I am a Middle School Teacher starting a new brand new tech program in a rural area, I have a handful of brilliant 8th graders that have 18 days to learn programming in a way that sticks with them for life. Help if you can.

    Posted: 06 Mar 2019 12:11 AM PST

    I have 6 students total I can work with 'freely' this quarter - students who have already taken my "tech" class.

    For reference, I get about 150-200 new middle school students each quarter, divided between 6-7-8 grade level. I will see the average student for 18 days total. I've worked hard to update the "tech" program there (from internet safety classes of early 2000's) over the past two years, to a relevant combination of troubleshooting, useage, comp science, programming, and computer arts.

    All kids have me for an average of 18 days each year. I've been teaching Scratch for 3 years and all my students know it, (and was one of the first in the State to do so). I believe tech literacy is about creativity and problem solving, using community & being resourceful, and using some combination of self-reliance and confidence. Anyone can use and learn tech to their advantage and I hope my students become creators and innovators rather than just consumers.

    My question: I've been allowed to recruit 6 students for a few pilot programs. 2 of the students have a passion and have demonstrated potential in game design in Scratch. So I am going develop a Unity game development curriculum for them. I have 2 incredible art students learning the basics of Adobe software for art and graphic design. And I have a brilliant overall/math student/writer who wants to learn programming, and I don't want to just throw her in front of Scratch again. She's is ready to go beyond that. I asked her to think of what she might want to create or what problems she may want to solve and her response was basically, math.

    So I figured, options for the future. I think data, machine learning and AI are all going to be future prospects and maybe Python is an excellent way to start. It seems easier to learn, with great library options.

    But even if she likes that what resources do I use for her to get quality, challenging lessons and form some progress tracking, especially with only 18 days? I want to set these kids on the path to continued learning.

    Thanks For reading, and sorry if it's a bit disjoined.

    submitted by /u/edu5482085710
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    How to Sending form data to a template on flask

    Posted: 06 Mar 2019 12:03 AM PST

    Help me find an Python IDE

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 07:48 PM PST

    I'm learning java in AP Comp Sci but I wanna get into Python so will you recommend me to free Python IDE's. I haven't worked in months bc my job apparently refuses to schedule me when I'm not doing something colorguard related so I cant afford to pay anything like PyCharms (which was a really nice IDE except my trial is over now).

    submitted by /u/koderkenny
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    Any reason I should use PyCharm over Visual Studio Code?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 08:28 AM PST

    I am comfortable in a Visual Studio Code and Mac Terminal setup and have been coding like that for quite some time. Is there any long term benefit in switching to PyCharm? I am still in school and haven't worked in any production environment. PyCharm is often recommended to Python developers. I would like to know what I am missing by not using PyCharm. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/stargazer63
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    Struggling to apply a lambda to a list of tuples

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 03:23 PM PST

    so I have a list of Tuple such as : [(1, 3, 4), (1, 3, 6), (1, 3, 8)]

    and each tuple is made up of RGB value. I'd like to apply a lambda function to make a new tupple that is made up of the averages of each RGB value such that my new tupple would be (1,3,6).

    Also if anyone can give me some tips on working with specific values inside of tuples found in a list, particularly when trying to use a lambda function I would really appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/charlsey2309
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    Boolean statement involving uppercase n digit in c++

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 10:52 PM PST

    Can anyone help pls??

    Write a program, enter a character, if it is an uppercase letter, change it to the corresponding lowercase letter and output it. If it is a digit, change it to the corresponding value and output it.

    submitted by /u/richard9682
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    Pro's of coding in linux?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 01:52 AM PST

    Whats the pro's of coding on a linux OS? I have been trying to make the switch from windows but eventually run into problems.

    I was playing around with vs code (javascript) on manjaro and i couldn't even create a variable without throwing an error in chromium. It would say stuff like "unexpected ','" in my first line of HTML, when really it was just the <!doctype html> statement. Or it would throw an error in a file i never created.

    Booted windows up and ran the same code and it ran fine.

    submitted by /u/Jzxsm
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    Graphql App using Node (Apollo Server) with typescript, KOA framework and Elasticsearch Client

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 10:18 PM PST

    SAP ABAP MIGO- Removal from storage

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 09:43 PM PST

    Hellow, I want to remove goods from storage using BAPI. I can do this in transaction code MIGO. Unfortunately, I am not able to find a bapi through that I would be able to remove goods using material code,quantity and batch number. any tutorial or guidance will be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Humayun_Torab
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    [Kotlin] Unresolved Reference for Tag, Functions can't be called error with .d | Following LBTA Tutorial

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 09:43 PM PST

    I am following the Kotlin Firebase Messenger tutorial and I keep receiving an error for tag:

    Unresolved reference: tag

    and an error for .d:

    None of the following functions can be called with the arguments supplied.

    d(String!, String!) defined in android.util.Log

    d(String!, String!, Throwable!) defined in android.util.Log

    I have tried to look around the web for an issue, but my code is exactly typed like his. Any idea on how to resolve this issue?


    Im running android studio 3.3.2 currently.

    submitted by /u/Paulythress
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    How To Create & Release UI Framework

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 09:13 PM PST

    How does one go about creating their own UI framework, like SemanticUI, MaterialUI, Boostrap, etc? I have a great deal of experience using HTML, CSS, and JS to create my own webpages, but I'm not too sure how people go about releasing their frameworks. For example, how do they put it up on npm? When they DO put it there, what do they put exactly? Is it just their external CSS files? What should I keep in mind when creating one myself? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/DisastrousBrain
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    [Python] How do I remove the brackets from a list in a dict

    Posted: 05 Mar 2019 09:13 PM PST


    This might sound silly, but I tried and I am unable to clean up my dictionary.

    I have a dictionary which returns like this:

    { '' : [['Blade'], 'Unavailable', '0'], '' : [['Rex'], 'Unavailable', '0'], '' : [['Slim'], 'Available', '0'], '' : [['West'], 'Unavailable', '0'], '' : [['Mann'], 'Running', '1'], '': [['Drake'], 'Unavailable', '0'], '': [['Sid'], 'Unavailable', '0'] } 

    I want to remove the square brackets from value[0] of my dictionary (Namely ['Blade'], ['Rex'],..)

    I am able to remove and print it by this way:

    for station, value in self.stationDict.items(): if value[0]: print(station+' : '+str(value[0]).strip('[').strip(']')+', '+value[1]+', '+value[2]) 

    This prints: : 'Blade', Unavailable, 0 : 'Rex', Unavailable, 0 : 'Slim', Available, 0 : 'West', Unavailable, 0 : 'Mann', Running, 1 : 'Drake', Unavailable, 0 : 'Sid', Unavailable, 0 

    But I want to remove the darn brackets in place. Since above print worked, I tried this below, but that results in an error

    for station, value in self.stationDict.items(): if value[0]: # print(station+' : '+str(value[0]).strip('[').strip(']')) self.stationDict[station][0] = str(value[0]).strip('[').strip(']') 

    This worked, however, now my dict became like this: : "'Blade'", Unavailable, 0 : "'Rex'", Unavailable, 0 : "'Slim'", Available, 0 : "'West'", Unavailable, 0 : "'Mann'", Running, 1 : "'Drake'", Unavailable, 0 : "'Sid'", Unavailable, 0 

    There is a double quotes " " instead of the square brackets. I tried to replace them and failed.

    So I don't know how to remove them. Can you please help?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/_forgot_my_pwd_
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