How do you deal with this problem when there's so much to learn in game development? |
- How do you deal with this problem when there's so much to learn in game development?
- How do you make isometric maps like these?
- Complete soundtrack for your game!
- "Wash your game's windows" - on making your game's mechanics as transparent as possible, by Lars Doucet
- We interviewed Securas, a prolific Godot game jammer with open source projects
- Resources for Learning Graphics Programming
- "11 Game Launch Mistakes I Made" (by Tim Ruswick)
- The "Tyranny" of Fun?
- Separating graphics and logic best practices?
- How to make a simple matchmaking algorithm?
- How to hire an artist?
- UI frameworks for a game written in Java.
- The differences between Steam Analytics and Google Analytics data on a game store page's external traffic. Which is correct?
- Wisdom about Education in games and virtual reality
- WIP Wednesday - AI dev in a TBS game
- I asked someone to sign a NDA for my game, and they just typed in their signature... Does this still protect me?
- Implemented blinking, hopefully, that adds some more life. what do you guys think?
- Proton 4.2 released
- How do you organise your notes and designs?
- Advice on college major
- Has anyone hired an outsources contractor for gamedev?
- Evolution of a simple "game" that I made in a week.
- Want cheap/free music for your game?
How do you deal with this problem when there's so much to learn in game development? Posted: 26 Mar 2019 01:08 PM PDT |
How do you make isometric maps like these? Posted: 27 Mar 2019 04:56 AM PDT |
Complete soundtrack for your game! Posted: 27 Mar 2019 01:32 AM PDT Hi GameDevs! My name is Alexander and I'm a Norwegian composer.I recently did a complete score for a upcoming video game. Due to agreement terms, this music is now licensed further to other game/project developers. I gave the album the very original (not especially) but very explanatory name "The Grand Score", and it's containing the complete soundtrack for this game. It's a running story from start to end, and I'm sure a lot of developers would find it useful.Song list and licensing options can be found here. I'm running a website holding over 200 pieces of music, all composed and produced by me. There are thousands of visitors and downloads every month, and people seems really fond of the site in general. I license my music under different licenses, all depending on your budget. The system is really simple, and there are two main licenses available:
I'm also doing custom contracts (music and audio design), and I'm more than happy to answer all of your questions (if you have any) in this post. Cheers! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 Mar 2019 12:52 AM PDT |
We interviewed Securas, a prolific Godot game jammer with open source projects Posted: 27 Mar 2019 06:35 AM PDT Securas has been developing video games for two years, during which he participated in (and won) several game jams with his work in the Godot game engine. As a supporter of the engine's open-source nature, he has open-sourced some of his projects to help developers to learn about Godot. In addition to his thoughts on the specific engine, Securas provides insight into the importance of testing, feedback, and iteration in game development, along with other helpful tips. We hope you find this interview useful. Thanks! [link] [comments] |
Resources for Learning Graphics Programming Posted: 27 Mar 2019 02:25 AM PDT |
"11 Game Launch Mistakes I Made" (by Tim Ruswick) Posted: 27 Mar 2019 10:04 AM PDT |
Posted: 27 Mar 2019 03:44 AM PDT There is a concept that was first introduced to me by the YouTube channel WebDM which they called, "The Tyranny of Fun." They focused mostly on how the rules of a tabletop game are freely removed for the sake of the party having fun. Parties and Game Masters are too troubled by the rules of the games, sometimes, and to a certain extreme case people do not want to keep any of the rules intact if it reduces their sense of fun. WebDM highlighted that the benefit of the rules allows for more interesting options for creating different kinds of campaigns and different styles of play. I feel, however, that something was overlooked. For the first time I get to combine my love of Dungeons and Dragons with what I do best: talk about the philosophy of games. Now that might mislead you, because I am not going to be talking about some argument for a philosophy inherent in Dungeons and Dragons. I do not really think that is possible with a game as open as Dungeons and Dragons. We will be talking about the disambiguated philosophy of games. Here is the big question that has become more difficult to keep straight since the dawn of the video game: what is a game? It is a surprisingly hard question. How exactly can we define it? What is necessary to call something a game? It might be simpler to start with what we do with games. We "play" them. So what is play? Playing is one of the first things we learn how to do as children and is seen in baby animals of many species. Play is how children learn how to interact with the world. It is entirely free-form, no boundaries. Think about how two-year-old children always knock things off tables. It is almost like they have fun doing so, until something shatters or a parent yell. Then pure sorrow, lots of tears, and lots of fear. The child is learning about gravity, as well as social reactions. There is something to be said for how our natural process for learning is fun for us when we are young. We even use play to learn social skills and teamwork. Children are naturally good at improvising different things to do with whatever is at hand. In this way, play sounds very similar to Dungeons and Dragons as a whole. Social skills, teamwork, improvised storytelling and comedy, these are all things that make the cooperative roleplaying in Dungeons and Dragons great. As children grow up, they learn how to do something else with their play. They learn how to tell other children how to play and what to do. They mimic how adults give them instruction while interacting with their peers, and thus learn how to make rules. By making rules, these boundaries to play, we try to get at a kind of fun. Maybe a kind we have experienced before, but, as we often see with children, once rule giving comes into play and people do not agree with the rules, the play stops. Children fight. The fun is over. Play is not very fun when you put limits on the free form exploration of possibilities. This is where the Tyranny of Fun begins. We have the most fun when we are unbound. Rules that hold us back take away that unlimited enjoyment of just doing whatever and feeling pleasure from it. Yet we can still get children to learn and enjoy sports like kickball and soccer. Children enjoy these activities just as much, and often more than, unstructured play. These activities start at giving rules; they start at that thing that makes play no longer fun. How is this possible? Because these things have a kind of enjoyment, an engagement, that play entirely lacks: an objective. Now we have something to work with. A game is inherently different than simply playing. Play is unbounded, imaginative, and focused on the subjective feeling of fun. But games are different. games have rules and boundaries, all those rules are presented clearly and completely from the start, and they have an objective which can be completed. Whether it be winning a fight, solving a puzzle, or just getting the most points to beat the other team, all games have these basic parts in some way. What is it that the objective and the rules add to the subjective experience? Play innately has an experience of fun. You just do whatever and enjoy as it goes. Rules do not let you do whatever. Rules are obstacles to be overcome. Rules are the climb, and the objective is the shining mountain top. Rules and objectives make logical order, and thus opportunity to achieve something. With that achievement comes satisfaction. Whereas play helps you learn, games confirm that you have learned. Play has no objectives, thus it cannot end in a satisfactory way. Games do. They can end. Thus, they can build anticipation and result in either glorious revelry or crushing failure. In a game, you can still have a little bit of play, some generic fun along the way, but the feeling at the end is incomparable. Games naturally sacrifice fun for the sake of something else, for satisfaction of engagement. Here we return to the Tyranny of Fun. The lose of narrative interest can easily be summed up by the loss of conflict and challenge that the presence of rules offer. Narrative is driven by conflict, and rules offer conflict to people adapted to thinking with the power of free will. The narrative conflict, too, helps to create that satisfaction when you overcome, to create that anticipation for the final objective, the final feeling of satisfaction. The creation of these rules can also point to engagements that are not focused on the feeling of fun. They can be used to evoke sorrow and anger, jealous and revenge, failure and reprisal. Fun is merely one of a set of subjective, emotional experiences. Whereas aspects like engagement, when you give it definitions like, "attention retention over time," can be quantifiable, it is not possible to measure that one subjective feeling is more valuable an experience than another. Games can be extremely valuable precisely for their potential to allow people the space to experience fear, sadness, rage, and awe while simultaneously encouraging full engagement despite such feelings being socially reproachable. Games are not always fun, and they are not meant to be either. They are inherently different than play. You can have fun while in a game, but you cannot let fun deny the other reasons we play games by assuming fun to be the supreme value. Otherwise, you will just have an unsatisfactory experience. Thank you for taking the time to read this. :) If you enjoyed it and want to send me a direct message you can on twitter @Socratetres If you would like to see more of my writing, find me on YouTube by searching SocraTetris [link] [comments] |
Separating graphics and logic best practices? Posted: 27 Mar 2019 07:25 AM PDT The title says it all. I struggling with separating them. Everything I try seems kind of wrong. Stuff I though about: - visitor pattern with each game object inhereting from Is there some great blog hero that has an overview patterns/techniques with pros and cons for each? Basically I can't seem to find material to cover these basics. ECS would solve this problem nicely but is kind of overkill for what I do for now. Also, I'm using SDL, not that that matters too much, I guess. Not 100% certain this fits into this sub but the more specific ones have so many fewer visitors, that I probably get a better response here. [link] [comments] |
How to make a simple matchmaking algorithm? Posted: 27 Mar 2019 09:10 AM PDT I'm making a multiplayer game and the only thing left is matchmaking. What I want to do is just like how does it, player clicks the play button, server finds a game server for the player and returns the ip. I think I might use redis PUB/SUB, here's how i imagine it:
Is there a better way to do it or should I just make this? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 26 Mar 2019 09:28 PM PDT Hey everyone, I wanted to post and get some feedback and potentially find a good starting point for hiring an artist.
Any thing I am missing? Also - I want to be clear that I dont think this individual is going to back out or do anything shady. We are still bootstrapping all of the project ourselves so any bit of money spent is a big deal. We just want to make sure that we handle this the right way the first time. Thanks in advance! :) [link] [comments] |
UI frameworks for a game written in Java. Posted: 27 Mar 2019 08:01 AM PDT I'm about half-way finished with a manager / simulation game I'm making. Because of the specific nature of the project, I decided to write the entirety of the game logic in pure Java (it's what I'm the most comfortable with) instead of using a game engine like GameMaker or GoDot. However, it's getting to the point now where I want to start making the UI. While I've worked with Java Swing before, I didn't find it to be the most enjoyable or flexible experience. I'd prefer to use web technologies (HTML, CSS, JS) to create a good visually descriptive UI since I've made websites before. How do I do this, though? TLDR: I've made a game using Java. I want this game to be released on Steam (thus, it needs to be an executable, not a web page or web app), but I want to use Web Technologies to do this. How do I do this? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 Mar 2019 01:01 AM PDT Hello there, fellow developers. I've noticed that my google analytics always shows a different number of visits coming from various external sources than the Steam analytics does. Google's one usually shows me a smaller number, although they're always pretty similar. For example Steam tells me there were 29 visits to my game page from youtube while Google states that there were only 19 in the same time frame. Anybody knows why is that and which data is correct? Thanks in advance! [link] [comments] |
Wisdom about Education in games and virtual reality Posted: 27 Mar 2019 11:15 AM PDT Hello, I'm curious about ANY information that I should know when looking at programs that offer game design, art(probably 3D), or virtual reality/spatial computing courses. It's been quite challenging to tell the education from the no so good. I know what I need is EXPERIENCE. And I believe I didn't joy working in an independent studio. I believe it's important that I note, I have an attachment to both art and programming/design. I would absolutely love to find a program that helps me to stick my hands in every field so I can better understand if it's something I'll enjoy. Also, I live in Texas, however, I wouldn't mind going out of state and seeing new places and people :) bring on the opportunity! If you guys have any questions or want me to clear something up please don't hesitate ask. Thank you! [link] [comments] |
WIP Wednesday - AI dev in a TBS game Posted: 27 Mar 2019 11:15 AM PDT Alright, first off let me say I am a team of just me and I am not an artist. The art update is planned for July or so. So, no sh*t the graphics suck I am a game designer/programmer not an artist. Anyways... The bulk of the game internals are in place and I am teaching the AI to play the game. For reference, below is what I can do as a human player. There is a tile and sub tile system with sub tiles (3X3 in each tile) responsible for structures and production activity. So.. drum roll... here is what the AI can do. Ok wait backtrack. The AI already could hunt animal herds (I didn't label those in the pic). Everyone starts out a Solo character with 40 population. You can choose to remain solo or develop into a farming or nomadic society. The nomadic villages can move, while the farming villages effectively become economic powerhouses if they congregate. So far, some AI players decide to be Solo, some nomad, some farming. At the start, you have to grow your population to a point and gather/make stuff to be able to found villages. Getting the AI to do that, and be able to select areas that are optimal for those, took a while. The "unexpected behavior" you get when you mess with other areas of the game usually result in crashes or other things that break the game. The "unexpected behaviors" I get with AI is stuff like, "the AI is founding 20 cities all right next to each other" - which did happen (well like 3 then I stopped it and fixed the issue). AI is a big scary thing for a lot of people (myself included). I have been working on this game daily for about 90-120 minutes since April 2018. I plan on devoting about 3 months to AI. Even then, I think that would be only a "fun enough to play with no obvious stupidity" type thing. I am by no means an AI expert. However, here are some initial things I have learned about doing a video game AI:
2) You could do a really complex AI, but its probably not worth it. All people care about is fun. If you wanted to play against the best FPS player it would be an AI bot. AI in RTS games can simply pay attention to more things simultaneously than any human. People don't want AI that can solve the game. Even more importantly, it does not take much to make a fun AI. Before I taught them how to found villages, the AI was all solo and they were fairly aggressive. They'd attack even when it was suicidal, which it was because I cheat and gave myself 1,000 soldiers (everyone has 40 when they start out...). When I stopped cheating and made it even, the game was actually somewhat fun. It was weird. I knew mentally what the AI was doing was very simple and somewhat stupid. Yet, I was entertained. The whole thing made me realize how easily entertained we are. Look at people line up for lotto tickets, which are literal random number generators. They know the odds yet still hold their breath when they check the ticket. We're dumb. Myself included. We are entertained by a lot less simpler things than top of the line AI. 3) In reality, the best choice for an AI strategy is a mixed approach. If you look up AI coding, you'll see stuff about discrete state machines, or Monte Carlo simulations, or binary trees, or whatever (genetic algorithms?). It will imply that you have to make a choice. Not true.The primary bread and butter of my AI is a scoring system. Want to find a tile to move to in order to protect your city? The AI calls up a function that scores the tiles in a radius and picks the top. Want to find a target to attack? AI scores them, picks first. Production allocations are a little difficult but I have chosen against an optimization approach and instead use a mix of discrete states (if then else type stuff ) to decide how much to labor allocate to what. Anyways... I know no one will care because the graphics are crappy. Everyone equates graphics with internal development, oh well. My plan is an iPad release in October-December this year, followed by a Desktop version in mid 2020. There is lots of time to fix things. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 Mar 2019 10:41 AM PDT Hey everyone! So I have been in contact with a PR company for the past few weeks, and they asked to either play the game, or see some more gameplay footage. I'm fine with this, but I decided to have them sign an NDA just incase they decided to do something with it. So I sent over a pdf of the agreement, and he sent it back a few days later. Thing is, rather than printing it out, signing it, scanning it and sending that or something, they just edited the pdf and typed in their name, address, etc. Is this really still valid? If someone knows, and could possibly link to something that talks about this, that would be great. Thanks! P.S. We are both located in the United States. [link] [comments] |
Implemented blinking, hopefully, that adds some more life. what do you guys think? Posted: 27 Mar 2019 10:08 AM PDT |
Posted: 26 Mar 2019 04:27 PM PDT |
How do you organise your notes and designs? Posted: 27 Mar 2019 05:48 AM PDT When you start toying with fleshing out a game idea, how do you arrange your thoughts, lay out sketches on paper, or store digital records of your ideas? My on-paper sketches for trying to visualise basic mechanics look like child's scribbles a lot of the time and don't give a great frame of reference for later :) [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 Mar 2019 09:23 AM PDT So I'm finally going to college. I'm going to SNHU online and they have a few programs of interest. While I am an artist, I plan to go for CS or IT. Here's a list of the courses for each program: I have little programming experience and need help. They also offer 'game dev' degrees but obviously I'm not gonna box myself in with those. I want to develop games and mobile apps. [link] [comments] |
Has anyone hired an outsources contractor for gamedev? Posted: 27 Mar 2019 08:29 AM PDT I am a hobbiest game dev / programmer. I was wondering if anyone has any experience hiring in cheaper foreign countries? I probably couldn't afford a full-time artist in the us for example, but some countries have small average salaries. has anyone gone through and hired a foreign contractor for game development? any unique issues or good/bad experiences? [link] [comments] |
Evolution of a simple "game" that I made in a week. Posted: 27 Mar 2019 08:06 AM PDT |
Want cheap/free music for your game? Posted: 27 Mar 2019 08:05 AM PDT Hello, game developers of reddit! I am a self taught composer. I enjoy producing music in lots of different genres, I will link some below. I have quite a lot of musical experience, such as playing the violin for about 15 years. I have a good amount of orchestral experience as I've played in different orchestras, including the one i administrate in Oslo, Norway. I have previously done some smaller projects, and now I am looking for a bigger challenge to take on, such as a longer soundtrack with multiple tracks that are connected with the same intergrated theme and atmosphere. If you are looking for a composer, regardless of the size of your project, don't hesitate to contact me so we can talk about it and find out whether or not we will be a good fit! The following is some of the music I've worked on: Music for launching/lobby in an fps game (in progress): Music for 2D app (also in progress): Rearrangement of norwegian hiphop in jazz-orchestral genre: Simple bossa nova tune: Film score for a scene: [link] [comments] |
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