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    Monday, March 11, 2019

    Help with complexity true / false Ask Programming

    Help with complexity true / false Ask Programming

    Help with complexity true / false

    Posted: 11 Mar 2019 09:10 PM PDT

    I am studying for a midterm and I came across this complexity comparison: we have to determine whether they are true or fasle:

    O(2n^2) = Ω(3n^3)

    O(n^3) = o(n^2)

    O(n^2) = O(n)

    Θ(n) = O(n^2)

    O(n) + O(n) = ω(n^2)

    O(log2(n)) = O(log10(n)) * I know this one is True

    O(n^5/9) = O(n^2/3)

    O(n) * O(log n) = o(n log(n))

    O(n^x) = Ω(x^n)

    I DO NOT WANT ANSWERS, just some sort of rule. I know how to compare when there is one modifier, but the teacher never gave examples involving modifiers on both sides, so I do not know if the rules are different.

    submitted by /u/Quiet_Ball
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    Need help figuring out how to tackle this problem.

    Posted: 11 Mar 2019 05:34 PM PDT

    So here's the basic rundown:

    I am building a basic time clock web app that is going to allow a user to sign in and clock in and out to manage time spent on a project. The idea behind this is to have multiple tabs which will represent a project that a user can then clock in and out of. Each tab will contain data relevant to that project like how many hours they've logged and how many sessions they've had with that project. Mostly trying to stick to vanilla javascript and so my first thought was to create a new object upon creation of a project to store the data. The problem I'm running into is how to make it so each tab will represent that object and how a user would be able to create said object? I feel like I'm overthinking this but could anyone help maybe break this down with me?

    submitted by /u/Jakek1
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    Is there a program that automatically ports another porgram to anothet language while keeping the overall functionality the same?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2019 07:42 PM PDT

    How do I create an image button - Python Tkinter

    Posted: 11 Mar 2019 10:01 PM PDT

    Instead of having text saying "Draw" I want it to be a picture of a brush


    self.draw_button = Button(self.root, text='Draw', command=self.use_draw)

    self.draw_button.grid(row=0, column=2)

    submitted by /u/dannyhookball
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    Ever feel like you spend less effort remembering stuff after become computer literate?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2019 09:04 PM PDT

    Back when I didn't know anything about computers, (didn't know the difference between downloading / installing, didn't know what a "file" even was, etc.) I feel like I actually spent more effort in the stuff I was doing at the moment, because

    1. If I was reading a webpage or something, I didn't know whether I could find it again (I was really bad back then), so I felt like I had to just finish everything and understand everything right that moment
    2. I didn't really know how to look stuff up (aside from google), so I mainly had to rely on memory

    But now, I feel like I find it difficult to muster up effort. I always seem to have this attitude of "ahh, I can finish this later, when I'm feeling better" or "ahh, what's the point of trying to recall this, I have this logged perfectly somewhere".

    I feel like this is actually getting to be kind of a problem, not in the sense that I'm becoming too reliant on technology, but because I feel like it's actually making my mind slower---I feel like I used to think faster (due to the extra mental exercise or something). I mean, when I first started coding, I made almost no syntax errors, but now, I just naturally make a bunch (I'll mistype variable names, etc.) because it's just so easy to fix.

    I'm not super sure if this goes on this thread, but does anyone else feel this way? If so, what are your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/extremeaxe5
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    information theory - looking for a term

    Posted: 11 Mar 2019 09:04 PM PDT

    looking for a word/term to use as a metaphour within anything computer science

    so https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lossy_compression is basically

    • when take info/data and thru the compression process
      • you end up with some lost info.
        • overall it's less quality due to less info
    • so this is high inputs (info/data)
      • and you end with low output + low info

    so im looking for any word/term within computer science that is closet to this meaning:

    • so you have high output (more info) + low quality

    an example of this would be cultural/natural language. so for example you say:

    • ah wo wfejfekfjejfkejwkfjke tower of babel in fractious sky
      • that is high output (more info) + low quality (low meaning)
        • it has meaning but it could've been said in less output (less words), it could've been concise with exactly the same meaning

    so basically a term to describe high verbiage (many useless words with very low-meaning),

    • very low-meaning = low output, low quality, ultimately low info

    you could also make up a term based on how other current existing terms in computer science are worded so long as the term/word makes sense as a word

    so a bit elaboration, so if you take something that is high verbiage

    • and you compress that into your brain
      • yes that would be lossy compression

    but i want to describe the wordy, high verbiage, high word count to : low-meaning ratio itself

    using some sort of computer science term

    in common parlance, we just call this a content-less, and info-less book/movie/any media, or simply 'meangingless', or any of the endless amount of other possible wording/phrasings, but i want a computer science one (edit: oh that reminds me, anyone that seen one of the top 10 or 20 ted talks, the one where they gave a 6-7 mins talk on exactly nothing, it was exactly nothing, it was hilarious & great)

    free feel to see Bret Victor - Media for Thinking the Unthinkable for a very tiny mentioning of the lossy compression part of what i said https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUaOucZRlmE

    none of these terms appears to be close to the methapour that im looking for:

    submitted by /u/bestminipc
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    An online vinyl record store. What to use for product management to enable audio previews and ecommerce functionality.

    Posted: 11 Mar 2019 07:32 AM PDT

    I was wondering how people had solved the challenge of managing music products. Particularly I am interested in something that connects a vinyl EP's/albums/singles model to a list of music. How to then manage it easily with an interface so that stock can be managed. Whilst this also should be able to enable the user to preview tracks whilst also using these objects for e-commerce functionality. I was unable to find anything of note through searching the webs.

    I would like to see what libraries could be used in whatever programming language to see what is the best fit for this project.

    submitted by /u/helmrecs
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    How do you connect to your work machine (telework / remote workers)?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2019 06:59 PM PDT

    Good morning all!

    I just started working at a new dev firm and they allow us to work remote once a week. We have Ubuntu workstations and I have an Ubuntu / windows machine at home. A few coworkers have suggested using a remote control view app such as NoMachine, but it is reallly laggy for me.

    I've heard of ssh mounting my work machine disk and using a proxy to get my home machine browser to emulate my browser on my work machine, but I've got no clue on how to accomplish it.

    My question to you all is, how do you work from home and connect to your machine?

    Thanks to all of you!

    submitted by /u/yatho45
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    How to build a private Reddit

    Posted: 11 Mar 2019 05:39 PM PDT

    I have an idea for a private message board to be used by a private group. The functionality Reddit provides is perfect for my idea.

    Does any know of an open source project or even a for purchase package that is very similar to Reddit?

    Thanks for your suggestions.

    submitted by /u/eFrazes
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    Using coding to solve problems

    Posted: 11 Mar 2019 09:37 AM PDT

    I know the general advice is: "get your hands on a project and learn coding through that" and repeat. I'm doing that but I'd really like to learn how to code just through a programming language. Confused? Alright let me explain.

    I'm making an audio plugin right now in c++ and I'm sure I'll learn a lot by making it but I fear that I'll just know how to use c++ in relation to the project. I really want to be able to be given a problem and solve it through c++. Like I know the fundamentals of the language but I don't think I have much of a grasp on it.

    I'm really just trying to do coding problems on my phone when I'm bored but in the attempt to do that I realized how little I can actually use the language. Where would be a good place to get a deeper understanding than a 4 hour video on YouTube, hahaha.

    submitted by /u/heavygenesis
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    Need help with my header files!

    Posted: 11 Mar 2019 05:05 PM PDT

    I am not sure what I am doing wrong in regards to my header files. I turned in my code to my professor that compiled and ran and he gave me a 90/100. This was my professor feedback

    ... Your headers are not correct. main.cpp should only include main.h. main.h should then include functions.h. functions.cpp should not include main.h.

    I am really confused as I cant get my program to compile g++ *.cpp with the way my professor wants the header files so I can get some points back. Has he told me incorrect way and I just have been chasing my tail? Thanks so much ! Michael.

    I am not sure the best way to share my code so I created a dropbox link, here it is ..


    submitted by /u/mdlwoods
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    Do the sections and headers in the windows PE file format always have the same offsets from base addr?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2019 04:40 PM PDT

    Hi, title basically. Say the .text section is 0x400 from the base address. Will this offset always be the same for all windows programs? If so, does anybody have any handy links towards what the actual offsets of each section are?


    submitted by /u/DPFreee
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    C++ homework help needed.

    Posted: 11 Mar 2019 03:21 PM PDT

    I currently have an assignment for my programming class up to now I figured it out but at this point I'm stumped. I been watching videos and using code Academy to give me a bit more knowledge but here I am. I posted my Github assignment (https://github.com/tr4ff1c/The-button-s-label-that-says-click-me.-/blob/master/Button%20lab6)

    -sorry if it's messy on mobile and it'll be greatly appreciated If I can get advice and help. Criticism welcomed!

    submitted by /u/Mr_TR4FF1C
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    [C++] How do you generate pseudorandom numbers at compile time?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2019 03:02 PM PDT

    I have a large array of collisionless hashtables. My hash function is bucket = (key*magic_number) >> (64-map_size). In order to find the magic numbers that allow the hashtable to be collisionless, I need a (sounds stupid) compile-time random number generator.

    std::mt19937_64 cannot be defined in a constexpr function. What are my options?

    submitted by /u/XiPingTing
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    [JS][jQuery] Getting ReferenceErrors when trying to create instance of a class loaded via jQuery.getScript()

    Posted: 11 Mar 2019 10:42 AM PDT

    Is there something about classes that means they can't be used if loaded via $.getScript(), or am I just a moron? (I accept the latter is likely!)

    I have a number of HTML pages that load jQuery via <script> tags, and then also via <script> tags a small .js file that sets up the *actual* JavaScript each page needs to run. This uses jQuery's $.getScript(). The files are loaded sequentially, waiting via callbacks for $.getScript() to finish each time. The files in question mainly comprise a few utility files like text translations and functions common to many pages; the final file to be loaded is the actual one containing code dedicated to running the page. Once this loads, the page comes alive, as it were.

    This final file will contain JavaScript that calls upon variables and functions present in the other files. This system has been running perfectly well right up until I started messing with classes, at which point it endured a sliding faceplant into coarse gravel!

    I've found that while variables and functions can be referenced just fine, classes cannot, and any attempt to use them results in a ReferenceError (not defined). However, if I load the file that contains them via <script> tags; then they work as expected.

    So yeah, is there something about JavaScript classes that means, if you $.getScript() the file, they are not evaluated? This does not appear to be because of namespacing (I can access everything else) and is not a race condition or issue with the async nature of $.getScript() since the code that uses the loaded classes runs last (I can also load in an affected file manually via the console in DevTools, and still be unable to access anything but its functions and variables, no classes).

    If I make a function inside one of these files that references/instantiates a class also within that file, $.getScript() the file, and then run *that* function... that works fine.

    If I use Javascript to create a new <script> element, then set the same file as its src attribute, then append that as a child of the page body, then I can reference the class just fine too (but as far as I can tell I lose the ability to have a callback run when the file has finished loading)

    What's going on here? How come everything but classes is accessible via $.getScript()?

    Help much appreciated, I feel like I'm missing something fundamental here which everyone else knows by default because this is NOT talked about anywhere on the web that I have found so far.

    submitted by /u/r00x
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    c++ - 3D Physics engine for crushing objects in a simulation

    Posted: 11 Mar 2019 12:32 PM PDT

    This engine should be able to simulate 3D objects under pressure as close to real life as possible.

    I need this for a project where you can spawn a 3D object and then a press will descend and it will apply a force until it breaks.

    Similar to this gif:


    It doesn't have to simulate in real life and it would be good if it would have graphic support. It should also be in C++.

    If anyone knows any I would be very grateful, thanks.

    submitted by /u/press12345
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    Library for implementing a client for a protocol.

    Posted: 11 Mar 2019 11:39 AM PDT

    Hi guys, girls,

    I was wondering, and I'm asking you if there was a library that would allow you to write a client for a protocol (regardless of the language). For example, if I wanted to write an FTP client, I would specify the vocabulary to the library and it would handle message exchange as well as event-based programming. I would manage the transport layer (remote,network ,text, ...)

    submitted by /u/Sabageti
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    Java - Using GUI to input info

    Posted: 11 Mar 2019 10:54 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    Im currently studying Object orientated programming, and i have difficulty trying to input commands using the keyboard on a GUI, using JTextField. I can only call one method usimg actionListener atm.

    Does anyone know/maybe have any examples, on how to use the JTextfield to input commands, where if i were to write a simple word, it would display a method on my GUI.

    Here is my code currently you can take a look at. You can't amend it, as you need a JAR file for it (which includes all the methods). Appreciate any help!

    import uk.ac.leedsbeckett.oop.GraphicsPanel; import javax.swing.; import javax.swing.border.LineBorder; import java.awt.; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener;

    public class GUIinterface extends JFrame {

    JPanel jp = new JPanel(); JLabel jl = new JLabel(); JTextField jt = new JTextField(10); GraphicsPanel gp = new GraphicsPanel(); JFrame mainFrame = new JFrame(); String about = "about"; String clear = "clear";

    public GUIinterface() {

    mainFrame.setSize(640, 480); mainFrame.setLayout(new BoxLayout(mainFrame.getContentPane(), BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); mainFrame.add(gp); mainFrame.add(jt);

    jt.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String s = e.getActionCommand(); if (s.equals("about")) { gp.about(); }} });

    mainFrame.setVisible(true); setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE); jt.setBorder(new LineBorder(Color.RED, 2));

    } }

    submitted by /u/anony313
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    Perl is dead

    Posted: 11 Mar 2019 03:21 PM PDT


    submitted by /u/arzen221
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    Will a web developer job teach me skills I can use to build a startup to a degree that justifies a lower salary?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2019 05:59 AM PDT


    I want to build a web app and hopefully make it into a startup. It will be similar to https://www.completefoods.co/diy/recipes/keto-chow-150-master-rich-chocolate. My current career path is in chemical engineering in Germany. Should I switch careers to software development? I would earn less money (averages: 45.000 Euros / year as Frontend Javascript developer vs. 63.000 Euros / year as a chemical engineer), but I would earn knowledge that would help me in the development of the web app. Is less money worth the programming experience?


    I want to build a web app, and, if I can prove demand, make it into a startup. It will be similar to this https://www.completefoods.co/diy/recipes/keto-chow-150-master-rich-chocolate . Basically, the app should help users scale recipes to fit their personal nutritional needs. Let's call it "taylored food". I need a frontend so users can create new recipes, add ingredients and add amounts. It should have a database (MongoDB) with the nutritional information for a lot of ingredients. When the user has added the recipe and his nutritional profile, some python calculations are done, and the final recipe is shown back to the user.

    I will be working a full time job while developing "taylored food" on the side (plan: 15 hours per week). After 4 – 5 years, I plan to quit the full time job and pursue the startup full time. I should have built up enough savings and work experience by then.

    The question is: should I get a full time job as a web developer, or as chemical engineer?

    Pro chemical engineering:

    I am currently finishing my Master's in chemical engineering in Germany. A job as a chemical engineer would be higher salary and easier to get, and the overall better option if I can't make "taylored food" into a successful startup.

    Pro software development:

    But, it is possible to become a software developer with a different academic background. My reasoning is, that when working as a software developer, I would learn things in my 9 to 5 job that would help me with the startup.

    Here are my questions:

    How specific would my 9 to 5 job have to be, for it to be useful for the development of "taylored food"?

    Do the languages need to be the same?

    Does the 9 to 5 job have to be in web development, or can it be in the development of desktop applications or smartphone applications?

    I want to build taylored food with Javascript (frontend and backend) and a smidge of python.

    How valuable do you think the learning experience of working as a web developer would be for the development of "taylored food"?

    Can I build a minimum viable product of this app just by myself, while working full time as a chemical engineer? I am afraid that building this app in isolation will lead to unconscious incompetence: me writing bad code without knowing I have written bad code. How can I prevent that?

    Thank you in advance,


    submitted by /u/Scientist_1
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    How to learn Objective-C after Swift

    Posted: 11 Mar 2019 02:55 AM PDT

    So recently I entered an internship in which I am supposed to learn iOS development. The thing is, it's a cryptocurrency financial company and I had a mentor here that was very experienced in Objective-C and Swift. The problem is, he is leaving for a better job, and I am the only one in the companies team who knows something about iOS development . He taught me great things, in Swift, but the whole companies project is built on Objective-C and upon leaving, he told the manager that I am not capable of maintaining the project (and I was like why the fuck you teached me Swift all the fckin time). So basically I have 1 month and 20 days left to prove to the manager that I can grasp something in Objective-C and fix some bugs that QA can find in the iOS project. Anything that I try learning in Objective-C seems to me gibberish, I know it is powerful and based on C, but how the hell could I learn it in the mentioned period of time... I really would like to secure a job here...

    submitted by /u/OldTimes4
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