• Breaking News

    Friday, March 1, 2019




    Posted: 28 Feb 2019 11:07 PM PST






    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Daily Chat Thread - March 01, 2019

    Posted: 28 Feb 2019 11:07 PM PST

    Please use this thread to chat, have casual discussions, and ask casual questions. Moderation will be light, but don't be a jerk.

    This thread is posted every day at midnight PST. Previous Daily Chat Threads can be found here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Risk work-life balance for triple salary?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 01:23 PM PST

    Received an offer from a FAANG for ~$240k. That's obviously huge. However, the team that offered it to me at this particular company has a ... less than stellar reputation (from what I can tell just by talking to people at the company) regarding WLB and internal toxicity.

    Their offer is triple my current salary. That's fucking massive. Do I risk it for the biscuit?

    submitted by /u/SuperLuckyCharms
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    What are some underrated specializations in computer science?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 02:02 PM PST

    Everyone knows about data science and web dev. What are the hidden gems out there? I'm still a freshman so I'm trying to see what's out there. I want to try a lot of different things before I specialize in a subset. What the hell is out there? SOS veterans!

    submitted by /u/ucics2022
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    How do you guys work in open office, even when you hate it?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 04:09 AM PST

    I loathe open office from depth of my heart. I really need silence, death silence if possible for 3-4 hours to work just on code and nothing more. I am constantly bothered from almost everything. People walking in front me, touching me when i code, speak to me when i code, slamming on keyboards for whatever the fuck reason, smacking the gum, sneezing, squeaking with their chairs when getting up, moving around.

    It's driving me fucking crazy. Most of the time i just stare on screen do nothing, my productivity is below zero, my focus is on everything around me what is happening. I took bose headphones, but fuck, can hear voices. Music can calm me down, but it has to be to high volume.

    What to do? I really want to work with people, but this what Tech industry companies do with this open office bullshit for collaboration, really just suck balls.

    How to find those companies that don't have open office, ether tech on non tech companies.

    submitted by /u/Bokyja
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    Bay Area Prospects for Autistic Programmers

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 04:12 PM PST

    Hi /r/cscareerquestions. First time anytime.

    My brother, who is a high-functioning autistic person, will likely soon be laid off from his job in the South Bay. He is talented, but can only do quality work in an environment suited to his needs: structured, quiet, with clear task definitions, and requiring only minimal 'soft' skills.

    Obviously most startups are out of the question. But we have found few large companies with roles suited to high-functioning autistic programmers generally, or his unique needs specifically. Have you had success finding good job matches for autistic or otherwise neuro-atypical programmers, whether you yourself are one or you have helped someone else do so, especially in the Bay Area?

    submitted by /u/YungJuiceSpringsteen
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    Declined a Job Offer today. I Feel bad.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 07:12 AM PST

    I understand why I shouldn't feel this way. However, couldn't avoid feeling very bad after declining this Job Offer. I rejected it because if I were to take it, I have to take a significant pay cut from my current Salary (They have fixed Salary ranges based on candidate experience etc). And also, after going through the interview process I realised I don't want to Consult, but I want to work on products. The recruiter was a very kind person and all the Office people I interacted with and all those who interviewed me were all very kind. I feel bad for wasting their time.

    submitted by /u/JonVader
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    How do I resign when the company depends heavily on me?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 08:01 AM PST

    I've been working as a software engineer at my present company for approximately 5 years and have since become an expert on many of the components and projects. There is a lot of esoteric knowledge that I have and others would have to spend hours trying to catch up on. There are projects that I am always assigned to simply because I know the most about them. This isn't an artifact of my being smarter than anyone but that I'm one of only two people who remained on my team for the last 5 years.

    The morale on our team has been low the last couple of years. There are a lot of complaints about stress, deadlines, poor management, under-appreciation of the work we do and hours we spend, old-school politics that require us to be in our seats from 9-5 every day when in reality we could do our jobs from anywhere, etc. I agree with some of those complaints and not with others.

    Nevertheless, I recently have been looking around for other employment with a company that caters a little more to the engineer's level of satisfaction with his/her job. I found one and they are offering me a 12.5% raise, similar PTO, similar health plan, and a similar retirement package. They are in a hurry to have me respond to the offer. I am also in talks with 3 other companies that are also quite appealing.

    The only thing keeping me at my current company is sympathy. I feel like my leaving would be a really hard thing for them to recover from and I recognize they have had good intentions along the way but I'm stressed and I want to improve things in my life as well.

    What's the best course of action if I feel like I would like to resign?

    submitted by /u/walter_melman
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    What should I do over the summer if I can't get an internship?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 08:02 PM PST

    I'm a sophomore CS student and I haven't really heard back from the internships I've applied to. I'll keep applying, but my school's spring semester ends pretty early, so I don't have much time. I was planning on just working at the same construction company my dad works at if I don't get anything lined up. I would do side projects of course, but is there anything else I could do for my career? I'm just worried I'm going to be behind the curve after graduation

    submitted by /u/OfficialAdamSnively
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    Stability of Northrop Grumman Engineers

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 07:50 PM PST

    How stable is your job at Northrop, especially if you're cleared? More specifically, how stable is the Palmdale site?

    submitted by /u/dukeorbust
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    Company is asking me to sign an indefinite non-compete. Options?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 11:47 AM PST

    I recently got an offer that I accepted, and have now been presented with the companys IP protection agreement. In it, there is a non-compete clause which is very open ended and has no time limit on it so I am pretty sure it is legally binding for the rest of my career. I think this basically puts me in a position where the company can sue me for going to work for just about anyone. I trust the people at the company, but needless to say I don't think I can agree to it. Do I have any options here? If this is the agreement that they give for all of their employees, is there any chance they will change it just for me, or should I tell them this isn't going to work. It is a small company, maybe ~25 people if that helps. I appreciate any advice.

    submitted by /u/givetonature
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    Developer for 6+ Years finally going West. How to play the best hand and get the best offer?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 10:08 AM PST

    I took an unconventional route. I've been a software engineer and business owner for the past 6 years. I'm currently 24 and I got my hand in a little bit of everything over those 6 years. I also got a CS degree during those 6 years. Now that I want to move out West to expand my opportunities and network, I'm not entirely sure where I stand when it comes to asking for base pay.

    In college, I started three startups, one did 7 figures revenue over the course of 6 years, I was instrumental in reaching those numbers and turning the company profitable. The other one went from 0 to 6 figures in yearly revenue in 6 months, entirely driven by my decisions and efforts, alongside a development team that I have been managing remotely. Earlier in my startup career, I also created an app that on-boarded a few thousand users and got some local news recognition. I've created enough evidence to show that I can move mountains, but I'm not sure how that would play into asking for an offer that I feel matches my skill level. At all of these companies, I was mission critical to the success that we've had so I feel like taking an "entry-level" position as a SWE would be not taking advantage of the work I put in.

    I really put in the time too. I worked 4 programming jobs over the 6 years in enterprise environments. Building countless Spring Boot, Loopback, Serverless and Express APIs or creating React or Angular apps for the front-end side of the service, I've not just had time to briefly use these technologies, but rather have become quite consumed in these frameworks over the years, I'm reaching some level of mastery. Everything said and done, I've spent an enormous amount of time on perfecting my craft, roughly 6,000 hours over the past 6 years not to mention the thousands of hours as a high schooler coding until 4AM. Amongst doing the software development I was also driving business decisions in company meetings or project managing the developers to accomplish our company's goals.

    Now, I am entering the West job market to accelerate my growth. The only concern I have is with my age, experience level and how that relates to asking for base pay. I don't want scare away recruiters by telling them a number bigger than they expect, but I want to ask for what I know I am worth (240k-250k, Sunnyvale, CA based on data from https://www.levels.fyi/SE/Amazon/Google/Facebook). I would love to use leverage of the offer from one company against another and have applied to other tech giants to open this opportunity.

    I'm now wondering what is the best way to approach the offer process. Should I just get my foot in the door at a lower salary and then move up in a corporation quickly? Should I send that big request and possibly get denied? What have other people with a lot of experience done to maximize their offers?

    submitted by /u/Traezurg
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    Struggling to find a Summer Internship

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 01:45 PM PST

    I am currently a Junior at a no-name university in northern US who CANNOT get any response back from any internship i have applied to. I have applied to 40+ internships with only one response from Twitch who wait listed me for future projects. I have been applying to anything on the west coast that has an opening for Software Engineer Interns, or Network Security Engineer Interns but cannot seem to get anything back.

    Do you guys have any advice on how to make myself stand out? Or any advice that was given to you that helped you out?

    If anyone wants more info regarding my experience feel free to DM me and I can send over my resume for further advice. I just dont want to post that and im not sure if thats even allowed.

    Any help is appreciated, thanks reddit!

    EDIT: I have contacted multiple recruiters and a few professionals on LinkedIn to look at my resume and give me advice. Some of it has helped me but most of it is just the typical things you'd find when googling.

    submitted by /u/xKaco
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    About 1 month into my new job I got an offer from an AWESOME company.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 05:47 PM PST

    I broke into a math heavy programming role after about 15 months of self study. I had a hard time finding a job so I took the first good offer I got. The pay is better than I expected, the benefits are ok, and the company is ok. It's in an un-desirable location, super small, and there's not much in the way of a culture, though everyone is REALLY nice. The great things are that they definitely like me, are investing time into me, and have a high growth rate and big plans.

    I received an offer from a company that had a long interview process and could afford to take their time picking a candidate (or I wasn't the first choice haha). The pay difference is negligible (I think), the benefits are much better, location is primo, and the company is no doubt a more competitive and dynamic place to work.

    I know it's a personal choice and I'll be able to weather the negative consequences of either option, but...has anyone else faced this guilt-ridden decision? I've taken a LOT of work off of 1 team mate's plate. Officially the on-boarding procedure has sucked or been non existent but she's put some serious time and effort into getting me up to speed. I'd feel pretty terrible leaving it all on her desk again.

    submitted by /u/DeepAlternative
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    Summer Internships

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 07:22 AM PST

    How do you find internships at small companies? Is there a good website to look on?

    submitted by /u/08np08
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    How long did you work with an employer before asking them to sponsor you for a Green Card?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 09:50 AM PST

    They have to spend a ton of $$$ to sponsor you, so how long did you work to prove you were worth it?

    submitted by /u/briefcase_mickey
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    I want to help people. In a medical way. What are the practical options? what do I research?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 08:04 PM PST

    kind of a rant/vent weird since I dont usually care. Ill list my experience. Background I picked com sci it cause its stable, year 4 of college im set for life as long as I stay a good citizen. But for the past year ive been wanting to lean towards medical stufff, idk what though, I dont know what they do I've only been to clinics, the only hospitals ive been to ive only seen little or wasn't focusing. What are options for me to pursue, what do I need to research, in terms of companies/services/types/machines/ideas of stuff ETC. I can only think of health systems like fitbit/apple watch/wtc but I want something more direct you know.

    2 semesters left in college, my Current internship I've been working on Java projects, server communication, sending scripts to websites, dynamically turning on and off systems, creating graphs, basically, Java, C, PHP, JS, HTML, svg's, Perl, lots of ssh/bash. I am grateful I came from 'I hope I can stay motivated to finish college' to 'I can worry less about my future' but now I have something to chase and even then I dont know exactly what it is

    submitted by /u/mraheem
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    Not sure if I want CS or EE.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 07:49 PM PST

    I love technology, and want to pursue a career in cutting edge fields like AI and robotics , but I've heard that EE is better for robotics and CS is a must for AI. I don't know if I like software or hardware, and wouldn't know until I've tried each of them out. University doesn't allow students to take minors, or to double major. Computer Engineering is not available, we o. Originally I was planning to go for EE first, then do a Masters/Bachelors in CS (because people have said that transitioning from EE to CS is easiber than the reverse),just in case I realise that I prefer the software aspect of things, but I'm still having my doubts. If I decide to go for EE, I will probably choose some electives related to programming/basic level computer science. Will universities accept students from EE to CS? Will taking EE first be more beneficial or is it completely unnecessary and a waste of time?

    submitted by /u/YImperfect
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    TN Visa NAFTA Category for software engineer

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 07:43 PM PST

    New grad from Canada going to Bay area as a Software Engineer.

    My TN Visa recently got hit with an RFE (request for more evidence) and I noticed that the lawyers that I'm working with are applying under the NAFTA Category of "Engineer". However I have a Bachelor of Computer Science and the word "Engineer" doesn't appear anywhere in my degree/transcripts.

    I have heard that the "Engineer" NAFTA category is reserved for people with an Engineering degree and some of my peers have told me I should be under "Computer systems analyst". Does anyone know if this is why my TN didn't go through originally.

    submitted by /u/CompetitiveElk
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    A chrome extension improve your practice on Leetcode / Lintcode

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 07:28 PM PST


    I create an extension to improve my practice on Leetcode / Lintcode. Hope it can help you too.


    submitted by /u/devapp915
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    How do software companies view non-traditional CS applicants?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 07:24 PM PST

    I'm an aerospace major that is interested in making the switch to CS. However, it's my junior year and it's a bit late to switch programs. I'm working on some cool projects C/C++ (particularly robotics) and I'm learning python as well as Data structures and algorithms. I'm wondering if I'd be an automatic reject due to not having a CS background or if it will be beneficial in some way.

    submitted by /u/Aerothermodynamicst1
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    Good ways for experienced SWE to improve while working in small companies?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 08:07 AM PST

    What are good ways people improve oneself overall as an experienced SWE? Not actively interviewing but maybe in next year. I've got many years experience, not with Big-N, most recently with smaller startups without much name recognition. I realize years of experience can just be a number, years quantity isn't always quality. Am definitely starting to understand the meaning of gluing CRUD together, pushing code around, and maintaining code for long term. Basically I feel myself creeping back to quantity experience right now instead of quality.

    Working for a small company, I find growth can be limited. No more senior mentors in direct platform i work with. Self taught growth, for better or worse. Maybe I'm doing it all wrong? But at the same time, I'm the one to solve the difficult problems, all of them, and retain that experience. Growing to higher levels can be challenging. No defined progression of job roles for very small companies. And changing jobs tend to get more lateral from small->small comp.

    Obvious things:

    - side projects. I've done quite a bit of these over the years. It's how I've learned a lot of my skills I use.

    - leetcode. I see it mentioned all over the place, and have done many in interview preps. Where I can't solve things easily I learn from others solutions. However, much of it doesn't feel applicable in daily work, and thus not practical. Great for interviewing prep and practicing more leetcode. I also get bored of these after a couple weeks of repeated use unfortunately.

    - conferences: working for companies, eventually you get to go to these quite a bit. been browsing some for my current job. A couple 2-3 day conferences a year is an option, but not a lot.

    - interviewing for knowledge: sounds odd, but i actually learn a lot from interviews. Speaking with other engineers about challenging questions can do that. Hearing about how other companies solve their platform issues, via the context of an interview. Comparing methodologies. And being challenged on my ideas, as a near solo engineer in my niche within my company. Those are the positive parts at least.

    submitted by /u/ralphy112
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    Will taking a job with a small company hurt or help my growth as a developer?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 10:15 AM PST

    I am a developer with about 2 years of experience. I am considering leaving my job (at a large company with 10k+ employees) for a small one (~15 employees, ~4 developers total, not a startup, 15 years old). This small company will provide more opportunities to do the type of programming I want to do (web development) than my current employer, and they provide more flexible hours and work life balance. The pay/benefits would be slightly better too.

    My one concern is that I feel like I may not grow as quickly. I have learned a lot from interacting with many peers and senior developers at my current company, whereas the smaller company would have a much smaller group. I also sense that the lead programmer is somewhat averse to pair programming and code reviews.

    My question is: am I right to be concerned? Or are there aspects to working at a small company that help developers grow that I am not considering?

    submitted by /u/TheSkepticalWhale
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    I am confused

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 06:46 PM PST

    Hello there!

    I recently received an email from Twilio inviting me to attend their interview event at Estonia. I was wondering is it really worth it? They have told in the email that they would pay for all the charges of airfare and living costs. But I have never seen or have experienced something like this. I am a bit confused of whether I should go or not by spending so much money. Forgive me if this was a stupid question, I am a bit new to such experiences. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/NoviceGuyHere
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    Toronto CS Salary

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 02:45 PM PST

    How is the Tech Scene in Toronto and How much do you guys make? Also if you could tell me what University or College you went to that would help as well. Also I know some people will say Search it up, but couldn't get a great answer and looking for more personal stories. Thanks

    submitted by /u/ZekXBolt
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    Already signed contract, in final rounds for another offer.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2019 02:36 PM PST

    I'm stuck. After being unemployed for what seems like forever, I finally got a company to email me a contract for a high paying position. A buddy reached out and said we should hire me, so kudos to him. However, was also in the talks with another company, who have made me go through code interviews and have planned for my final interview with them a week after the starting date of the other job. It's a senior title and pays 30k more. What do?

    submitted by /u/devopsknight33
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