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    Saturday, March 23, 2019

    Books that junior developers should read in 2019 web developers

    Books that junior developers should read in 2019 web developers

    Books that junior developers should read in 2019

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 05:23 AM PDT

    A Better Next.js MobX Example

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 09:38 AM PDT

    Website to donate a virtual cat for my girlfriends birthday.

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 05:01 AM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    Each year, I try to make a fun website for my girlfriend her birthday. Here you can https://manon.22.jordypereira.be check it out.

    It uses firestore to store all the donations and display them in real time. For uploading cat pictures and displaying the random ones, I use thecatapi.com. The uploads go through a machine-learned cat detector.

    The framework I used is Vue.js because I wanted to use something I was familiar with for once. (I did want to try Svelte.js)

    The rest is written by myself.

    Edit: I'm also the guy that made the catvent calendar back in December. https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/a49h7o/my_girlfriend_loves_cats_so_i_occasionally_make/

    submitted by /u/viperwooz
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    What are the worst things about being a developer?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 09:14 AM PDT

    I've been putzing around with coding static sites for years now, but after spending a couple years working as a mechanical engineer and hating that work environment, I've thrown my hands up and declared that it's time to commit to my true calling and finally dive head first into learning things for real.

    What I want to know is, like the title says, what are the things that SUCK about being a developer? What are some things I might end up hating if I move into this field of work? In the end, do you feel that the benefits outweigh the detriments?

    submitted by /u/Pawtang
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    [Showoff Saturday] I made a daily bank balance predictor

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 06:29 AM PDT

    Some of us are good budgeters. Not me. I have a really hard time deciding at the beginning of the month what I'm going to spend. So I took a different approach.

    I created a simple website to make sure I could pay my bills given a list of income and expenses, and make sure I don't run out of money before my next paycheck. All it needs is your current balance and a list of expected transactions. It doesn't link to your bank accounts or ask any personal information.

    It makes nice charts like these: https://imgur.com/a/Cifc7Iw

    For me, it really helped me understand that even though today's balance is $4,324, I don't really have that much money. Since a bills are due soon, I'll really only have $2,195 to spare.

    Check it out: https://www.canipaymybills.com

    You'll probably recognize most of my stack. It's just Laravel, Bootstrap, Google Charts API and jQuery, no fancy-shmancy js frameworks.

    I'd really appreciate any feedback, bug reports, criticisms, or suggestions.

    Free to use. No ads.

    submitted by /u/mjarrison
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    How much downtime should you expect to have when transferring a domain between registrars?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 03:59 PM PDT

    I have website that is up and running, and I want to transfer the domain registration to Google Domains to more easily integrate with Google Apps. I already have Google Apps setup, how much down time should I expect to experience during the transfer?

    submitted by /u/GoingToMakeItBrahs
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    Booking system in node.js - simplest possible implementation?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 03:44 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm building a progressive web app in node.js that will feature a simple Tennis Court booking system (no payment, no user profiles).

    I know how I would do this in PHP but every tutorial I can find for a node.js booking system seems very complicated or requires a lot of dependencies.

    Can anyone suggest a simple implementation?

    submitted by /u/gregmax
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    The best news of the year

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 02:59 PM PDT

    Cloning site data into GitHub?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 02:55 PM PDT

    I've been working for years on a site. This site allows users to edit pages, and certain users to approve those edits. Currently (due to a thought process I had years ago) it also commits all edits to Git. My question is, should I just forget the Git aspect entirely? Or do any of you like to see stuff GitHub for any reason? The edits are handled in the backend already, and the Git repo just serves as a fancy way to view the history of edits on the site. I could implement this myself on the site if it's so important.

    submitted by /u/ryanmgarber
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    I created a website for scaling images for the web, please give feedback

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 01:14 AM PDT

    are 3d web games still laggy?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 02:36 PM PDT

    hey. ive been using unity mainly for games but learning also JS to find a job. and was wondering if 3d graphics games are laggy in case of JS. because most 3d games ive saw in browser were indeed laggy.however im still gonna trybecause i like JS

    submitted by /u/IDoOverStand
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    Best CMS + Framework for simple artist website?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 02:10 PM PDT

    I'm a fairly experienced frontend developer (~8 years) and have been doing primarily Shopify work for the last couple years. I'm being asked to build a simple site for a visual artist and I'm wondering what the best stack is to use? The site would be fairly smple, just a few pages and a stream of images and videos. I've been tied up in the Shopify environment for so long that I don't know what the best / most current tools are.

    I'd like something that does the following

    • Customizable CMS (doesn't need to be too advanced)
    • Simple to deploy
    • Integrated with version control (nice to have)
    • Opinionated about a frontend framework or comes with a frontend CLI for build running (nice to have?)

    I'm seeing things like Netlify CMS, Sanity, Next JS, Now.sh but I just don't know how they all fit together.

    Does any one have experience with any of these tools? Or any others that they could point me towards? Sorry if this question is a little vague, anything will help!

    submitted by /u/misternaf
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    Possible to stop iframe from loading on page load?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 01:29 PM PDT

    I have the following HTML:

    <body> <div> <iframe id="frame" src="test.html"></iframe> </div> </body> 

    I would like to change the iframe's src attribute BEFORE it loads. That is, before the request is even made to test.html (and shows in the DevTools' Network tab).

    Is this possible? It seems that the iframe will load before the page even completes loading, so I can't just set up a page ready handler and change the iframe's source URL:

    <body onload="document.getElementById('frame').src = 'somethingelse.html'"> 
    submitted by /u/coolio777
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    Made style changes to portfolio, looking for feedback

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 01:24 PM PDT

    Link to site: https://www.devangpatel.me/

    Link to old version for comparison: https://5c4dc84b78cb3c0009bd32fa--stoic-almeida-6eb0c4.netlify.com/

    Link to Github: https://github.com/dev637/Portfolio

    Recently updated my portfolio with a new color scheme, transition effects, and proper urls for my projects. Looking for feedback on the landing page, overall aesthetic, and content from the Projects section.

    submitted by /u/dev541
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    How can I re-position a drawing on my html canvas when changing from portrait to landscape mode

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 01:20 PM PDT

    I am making a mobile app using Cordova and it has a dialog in which there is a canvas that can be drawn on using touch. When I tried switching from portrait to landscape the image drawn did not position correctly and disappeared from the view. I want to know how I can reposition it correctly when it changes orientation. Is there any standard mathematical code that can be applied to translate the drawing whenever the orientation is changed?

    submitted by /u/Historical_Plantain
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    [Showoff Saturday] I'm making a web app that lets teams collect feedback and collaborate on front-end WIPs

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 01:07 PM PDT

    Recommended: Books that Junior Developers should read in 2019

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 12:54 PM PDT

    [Showoff Saturday] A Playlist creator for Spotify, with context based inputs like mood, genre and amount of novelty

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 12:36 PM PDT

    For the past few months, I have been working on a web app to help Spotify users create customized playlists, based on preferences like mood, genre and amount of novelty (i.e., "newness"). Once you log in through your Spotify account, it loads your library (either your saved songs or your playlists) and provides you an interface where you can select your mood, genre and novelty preference to create playlists on top of your library (and it then creates the corresponding playlist for you to listen on Spotify).

    The URL for the app is https://moodisc.pythonanywhere.com

    A couple of details:

    Novelty is the degree of "newness" you are looking for in your playlist - a low value would give you a playlist with familiar songs (songs already present in your library), a high value would give you a playlist with predominantly new songs.

    There are 9 moods defined right now - Peaceful, Sentimental, Upbeat, Sensual, Serious, Somber, Exciting, Energizing and Aggressive. The mood of each song is classified into one of these categories, using the data provided by Spotify's APIs.

    Feel free to give your feedback/criticisms. Other features you'd like on an app like this?

    submitted by /u/slack101
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    Do you charge extra for requests on the weekend? Or vacations?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 12:03 PM PDT

    For those solo web devs out there-- if you get an urgent request from a client on the weekend, late night, or vacation do you charge an "overtime" rate?

    submitted by /u/polargreen
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    How did Yahoo end up being listed on the Netscape Navigator toolbar?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 11:21 AM PDT

    I've been re-watching Halt and Catch Fire and there's a storyline that mentions Yahoo achieving dominance by being one of the default bookmarks for the Netscape Navigator browser. And what kind of relationship Yahoo had with Netscape Communications.

    submitted by /u/the_bookmaster
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    Help Requested - NGINX interfering with CSRF?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 10:52 AM PDT

    Hi /r/webdev,

    I'm working on a web app with architecture as follows:

    • Flask backend, in a Docker service
    • React frontend in a separate Docker service
    • Nginx reverse proxy translating requests to the back/frontend as appropriate.

    In development, I am not using the Docker images or nginx, and everything seems to work as intended. However, when I build my images and deploy to a staging area, my frontend's API requests are blocked due to CSRF token failures. It looks like the cookie is being sent from the backend (or at least the Set-Cookie header is being set in the responses for the CORS preflight). I've tested in both Firefox and Chrome, so I'm fairly certain that there's not some browser weirdness going on here. Given that the issue only seems to be happening with nginx between my frontend and backend, I'm inclined to believe that the issue lies there; however, I really am not sure what is going on here.

    My flask app config can be found here, the relevant nginx config is here and the code that I'm working with can be found here

    Can anyone shed some light onto what's going on?

    submitted by /u/zamru713
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    �� Cryptographically secure random generator for real English words written in TypeScript

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 10:27 AM PDT

    I recently overhauled my portfolio, could I get a critique?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 09:39 AM PDT

    Hello everyone, I'm a self-taught developer looking to transition careers into web development. I recently overhauled my portfolio. Could I get some constructive criticism?

    The 2 full-stack projects that I have showing I'm going to re-purpose soon into something more sleek, modern and a little more complex. But if there are any projects that you think I should just out-right take completely out of there please let me know.

    I appreciate the time and effort! Thanks!


    submitted by /u/guns_of_summer
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