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    Wednesday, March 20, 2019

    30 years old and interested in making a career change. How to use my time efficiently? learn programming

    30 years old and interested in making a career change. How to use my time efficiently? learn programming

    30 years old and interested in making a career change. How to use my time efficiently?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2019 02:11 PM PDT

    Hi all. I'm new to this sub and to coding. 30 years old with a liberal arts degree and I've done a wide variety of jobs over the years, mostly revolving around marketing and admin support. I'm currently a stay at home mom doing occasional freelance work. I've always had an interest in learning to code but just felt like I missed out on the opportunity by not getting a degree in CS. Now that I'm at home with my daughter I've started seriously looking into learning and it seems like a real possibility now.

    In college I learned a little C++ and really enjoyed it. I also taught myself basic HTML/CSS for a personal website. I haven't retained all of this knowledge, but it makes me hopeful that I can at least pick up on other things quickly! I've just started the Harvard CS50 course and I'm liking it a lot so far. A couple of years ago I tried Codeacademy but just felt like I wasn't learning much, but may give it another try.

    I would love to hear any tips you have on basically starting from scratch like I am. I've read so many self-taught success stories but when I search for job opportunities, they ALL require a Bachelor's or Master's in CS! My degree isn't even close. I wouldn't be completely opposed to going back to school (for a degree program) but really don't need to rack up more debt. There is a 2 year program at my local community college but it is, of course, for an Associate's degree. Would something like that be worth it or unnecessary?

    I guess I just feel like if I'm going to do this, I need to do it right. I don't have time or money to waste and I want to be as efficient as possible while learning as much as I can...and of course, ideally ending up with a job!

    Thanks in advance!

    Edit: a word

    submitted by /u/noamountofcoffee
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    What is your "industry" job like?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2019 08:48 AM PDT

    Hey r/learnprogramming ! I'm currently a computer science student at Western Michigan University and I've been programming on and off for several years, but recently I've been digging deeper and trying to pinpoint what my real interests in computer science are. Right now I've been working on learning some Web stuff as well as smaller side projects (like a discord bot and other simple applications). I guess the whole point of this post is to try to gather information about what it's like to work an 'industry' job.

    If you'd like to share some of your work experience and some of the daily tasks you are usually working on I'd love to hear. Please let me know your current position and a little bit about what you do!

    submitted by /u/MDeJunky
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    Machine Learning 101

    Posted: 20 Mar 2019 04:18 AM PDT

    Can someone explain to me Machine Learning like i'm a five years old?

    And the application for it and your opinions?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/cpoliveira
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    Amazing C++/Game Programming Youtube Channel

    Posted: 20 Mar 2019 07:55 PM PDT


    I wanted to share an amazing youtube channel I'd found on youtube recently. His way of teaching is so unique and fun.

    Just give it a try, you won't regret it.

    submitted by /u/jedi18
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    Oreilly books web programming bundle

    Posted: 20 Mar 2019 08:30 AM PDT

    I thought I would share this for the full stack and front end devs out there. This is a great bundle. The YDKJS books alone are worth the full price. This is a great find for web devs. https://www.humblebundle.com/books/web-programming-oreilly-books?hmb_source=humble_home&hmb_medium=product_tile&hmb_campaign=mosaic_section_1_layout_index_3_layout_type_twos_tile_index_1

    submitted by /u/tylerslemke
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    is the term "full stack developer" only used for web dev? or can it be used on other area of programming too?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2019 05:42 PM PDT

    I think I only have seen the term being used in web dev so far but i am wondering if any other area is using the term and how the job look like.

    thanks for your time and help in advance!

    submitted by /u/oetongsu
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    Having trouble understanding the output (python)

    Posted: 20 Mar 2019 06:32 PM PDT

    I was given this function to trace:

    def change (var, lst): var = 1 lst [0] = 44 k = 3 a = [1,2,3] change (k,a) print (k) print(a) 

    I got:

    1 [44, 2,3] 

    as the answer but when i put it through the shell, it gave me:

    3 [44, 2, 3] 

    which greatly confuses me because it is taking the initial defined value of "k" , but taking the changed list when it is put through the function even though both "k" and "a" are being put through the function.

    I would appreciate it very much if someone can help me understand why this is happening.

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/SaltInYaBoiCoffee
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    I was recently a CS lecturer at Univ. Washington teaching backend / cloud programming, and I'm researching the state of Python education in 2019. AMA!

    Posted: 20 Mar 2019 06:39 PM PDT

    Hi folks, recent lecturer of CS at Univ. Washington , teaching backend, cloud, and server programming. I am also a full time dev for day job.

    1) I am researching how beginners are learning Python in 2019. If you could please take a minute to fill this survey, I'd greatly appreciate it :)


    2) If you have any questions about learning backend / system design / cloud, I'm happy to answer questions! I'll get to them today!

    submitted by /u/jhwang5
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    How to measure skill level

    Posted: 20 Mar 2019 05:44 AM PDT

    I'm deep into my plan and covered HTML5, CSS, JavaScript. I'm starting get to the point where I don't really know if I'm progressing.

    Is there a tool to measure my progress, I'm thinking code signal is a great option but I wonder if there is any more options out there.

    For example:

    HTML - I feel very confident and I really have no issue with it. I know the most common tags and their uses to include the primary properties they use. I'm comfortable with layout and nesting elements, marking with correct IDs and Class names.

    CSS - I hated CSS so I forced myself to go deeper than most tutorials asked. I feel very good about it, I picked up flex-box and CSS Grid and use them frequently. I messed around with key frames and really spent the time to get media queries down. I've gazed the surface with SASS, but I've since been focusing on JS. I played around with bootstrap and MDN lite, understand them and can navigate their documentation easily.

    JavaScript - I really feel like I'm getting somewhere. I've completed a few tutorials and have made a few projects so far. Here is what I feel solid about:

    • Basic JavaScript (primitive data types and common things like loops, flow control, functions, ternary operators etc.)
    • Scope of Variables
    • Arrays ( I've spent some time with the built in array methods. I know the common ones like .push() .map() .split() .reduce(). And I've gotten to the point where If I don't know what method I need I know what I need to accomplish and can find it on MDN)
    • Objects (These I have down pretty well, I include getters and setters and can utilize them correctly.)
    • Classes( Familiar with basic classes and classes with inheritance, built in methods and using getters and setters like in objects)
    • Importing and exporting modules( to include as variables )
    • I learned JS ES5 from old tutorials so I've taken the time to learn ES6 and now implement let and const variables into my code, use template literals and use a lot of its syntax updates. This made me use Babel and introduced me to caniuse.com and some basic node workflows
    • Manipulating the DOM, using traditional JS and jQuery

    Git/Git Hub - I've been using it for my own projects and have contributed as needed when required to in the Odin project. I'm comfortable with cloning, pushing updates, pull requests, branching and merging my own projects. I can revert changes when needed but I feel like I won't get the real workflow of git till I work with a team.

    Frameworks- I've dabbled with React, barely scratched the surface. I'm at a Turing point with which framework to really grab on to.

    Backend - The Odin project has Ruby and Ruby on Rails as its next learning module for me, for some reason Python really is calling to me but I will see for now.

    This is one of the downfalls of being self taught, I feel like I'm trying to learn as much as possible, but I do not want to waste time on concepts that are not commonly used. I'm missing the workflow and team concepts that I feel like I will need in the real world.

    submitted by /u/Chriscbrn
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    Back-End Developer Career

    Posted: 20 Mar 2019 09:17 PM PDT

    I am a self taught developer with 5 years of experience using Python and 2 years with Django-REST. I am well versed in SQL also.

    I am interested in landing a career as a Back-end developer and was wondering if I could gain some insight as to what potential employers look for when hiring Back-end developers, what type of projects I should work on too showcase my knowledge and skills, interview questions, etc.

    I taught myself how to code while working retail for the past 6 years. I'm also going back to school this year.

    submitted by /u/Delicious_North
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    I want to contribute to projects on GitHub but there's so much stuff in each one and I feel overwhelmed.

    Posted: 20 Mar 2019 05:28 PM PDT

    So I only really know Python and I'm really not very good, but I was hoping that I could get better by contributing to stuff on GitHub (also it's nice to be able to help people).

    The problem is, when I look for 'beginner' projects to contribute to, I have no idea what to do with them. Like, there's a massive number of files. I don't know what they all do, I don't know where to start, and I have no idea how the whole thing works together.

    When I look in the 'issues' section I don't even understand what the issues are or how to fix them. I'm just really confused.

    I'm sorry this is so noobish and vague, I hope it's not annoying. I would really appreciate some help.

    Thank you so much.

    submitted by /u/Bluekef
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    How could a C/Python/Java program see what other programs are currently running?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2019 08:49 PM PDT

    I've done a lot of googling and can't find anything. I have a project idea that involves reading what processes (chrome, word, spotify, etc.) are currently running at a specific time. I know on Linux there's the ps command and I could parse the output but ideally this would be windows and that seems a bit clunky. Any advice?

    submitted by /u/Craiglow
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    [Javascript] why does this 'if' not stop working after it reaches the comparison of 5 and 3?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2019 08:37 PM PDT

    var nums = [1,5,3,8,16]

    function numHighest(arr){

    var start = arr[0];

    for (var i = 1; i < arr.length; i++){

    if (start < arr[i]){

    start = arr[i];



    return start;


    https://jsfiddle.net/GoodWorkCharlie/3p0ovwbj/#&togetherjs=SOHe8r02O9 - a link that I think people can access?

    in the code above, at first, the function compares 1<5 which is true, so it gives 'start' the new value, however, the second comparison is 5<3 which isn't true. why doesn't this then return 'start' since the 'if' is no longer valid?

    beginner question, thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/thatdudewhowins
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    An NBA scores and fantasy app I created with REACT NATIVE!

    Posted: 20 Mar 2019 06:53 AM PDT

    It's my first project with react native and i love developing with it! I wanted a clean and mordern looking app focused solely on NBA, thus i made this. It started out as a personal side project, but im happy to share it now ! It's called Fastbreak and is on the google play store. Let me know what you guys think.


    submitted by /u/rdchua30
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    Need help! I have this problem for few months already and am now desperate for answers OTN

    Posted: 20 Mar 2019 08:25 PM PDT

    Okay here are my problem.

    Should I focus on starting a business or focus on getting a job?

    I am very greedy as I want to do both. I am debating with my inner self for a very long time about it. Actually I don't really mind being greedy if I have the knowledge to do both which unfortunately I don't have any programming language except a basic on HTML and CSS.

    My interest to learn programming divided into four:

    i. I want to make android apps for personal use and probably share it to other people too.

    ii. I also want to make a web template and sell it (blogspot, wordpress, wix and etc).

    iii. I want to make my own operating system (I know it takes time)

    iv. Above all, I actually want to learn anything related with cybersecurity and get a job.

    If I was in my teens age or probably before I have any interest on android apps and cybersecurity, I would go and focus on learning for number (ii).

    I want to be as efficient as possible as I don't want to waste more time. I am debating between number (ii) and number (iv) as I am very desperate wanting to work from home or my own comfort zone.

    submitted by /u/iamsvnth
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    Need Study Partners for Algorithms by Princeton University available in Coursera.

    Posted: 20 Mar 2019 11:29 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    I am currently planning to take on the Algorithms course from Princeton Univ available in Coursera, to take my first step in prep for Job Interviews.

    The programming language used in the Course is Java but I am planning to implement it in Python (as I have very less knowledge of JAVA).

    Are there anyone currently taking the course, any already available channels? Please hit me up.

    Otherwise, if anyone else is planning to take it up, we can start and help each other out along the way.

    Thank You :)

    submitted by /u/LabaNingombam
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    What can I do at work to learn on breaks?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2019 06:00 AM PDT

    I have 30 minutes total of break time at work, currently I am in a factory setting so I don't have access to a computer, I have my phone at work on breaks, is there anything I can to do continue education myself.

    I have been trying to learn C#, I do use sololearn and similar apps but find iit difficult at times and the information doesn't sink in as much.

    Is there any books to read, or activities related that would help?

    Edit: thanks for all the replies everyone, I didn't expect this many. Cheers!

    submitted by /u/Animalslaver
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    SQL - How to get results based multiple matches on the same field?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2019 03:06 PM PDT


    I'm using mySQL. I have a field in my database where each row of data has multiple words. I want to be able to get results on partial matches, but i also want the matches to get more relevant with additional words. I haven't attempted to combine data in each string - each string is actually compromised of several words.


    Row 1 - This is a string in my database

    Row 2 - I love Reddit, it is my favorite website

    Row 3 - Cats is my favorite animal in the world

    Row 4 - Reddit is the best website to view photos of cats

    So if i use:

    SELECT (*) FROM myDatabase WHERE stringField LIKE 'cats'

    It will return rows 3 and 4.

    SELECT (*) FROM myDatabase WHERE stringField LIKE 'website'

    It will return rows 2 and 4.

    What i'd like to be able to have a query that will do partial searches and combine them to get the most relevant result.

    I've tried:

    SELECT (*) FROM myDatabase WHERE stringField LIKE 'website' AND stringField LIKE 'reddit'

    Which might return row 2. And if i perform.

    SELECT (*) FROM myDatabase WHERE stringField LIKE 'reddit' AND stringField LIKE 'website'

    It might not return row 2 and it might return a different row.

    It feels like it's doing something differently to what i think it is.

    How do i achieve what i'm aiming to achieve?

    EDIT: My bad. The search strings to match against should have been encapsulated with a percent sign and the myDatabase should have been myTable. I wrote the submission from memory; obviously i made these mistakes.

    submitted by /u/reddit_user33
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    Beginner having difficulty picking a language to create a program to do stuff

    Posted: 20 Mar 2019 10:35 PM PDT

    I'm having some difficulty picking a language to learn to create a program that does stuff for me. I've read the FAQ several times and the recommended advice is to see what kind of problem you're facing and decide from there what language can best help you solve that problem, but I keep getting different answers when searching for a language I should pick online.

    What I want to do is to create a program that can refresh several webpages (like online shops) at regular intervals and pull information from them (such as the availability of a product, price etc.). And if a product meets certain conditions, it will send me a notification via email or sms with a certain set of information about the product I specify to be sent. This is purely for personal use and not for business/commercial purposes.

    I did some searching online and a lot of people were recommending either Python or Javascript, and some people simply said to use an already existing bot service. But I would like to learn how to create a program for this from scratch so I don't want to rely on bots. Any advice on what language to pick up and how to move forward from there?

    submitted by /u/Suroclast
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    In need of tips and criticisms

    Posted: 20 Mar 2019 10:31 PM PDT

    Hey guys! I'm new to frontend web development and i have been learning and teaching myself independently online. Now that im actually making up lame little websites, i was wondering if there is anywhere i can post my code to get tips and criticisms? I understand the basics of html and css, i just have no way of knowing if how i write things is how a professional would write them. Any advice is appropriated 😊

    submitted by /u/pocketsoybean
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    honestly, I really wanna learn scrapy but I just get extremely stuck sometimes, I would like some help

    Posted: 20 Mar 2019 10:30 PM PDT

    So far i've been using scrapy to extract data from facebook (educational reasons for university), I sometimes get stuck and cant get any kind of help, for example recently my items are all getting grouped under just one single field, I feel like am making dumb mistakes but I could really use some guidance to help me out a bit at first

    here's an example of my code :

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args,**kwargs) def parse_page(self, response): reactions = response.xpath("//div[contains(@id,'sentence')]/a[contains(@href,'reaction/profile')]/@href") reactions = response.urljoin(reactions[0].extract()) yield scrapy.Request(reactions, callback=self.parse_reactions) def parse_reactions(self,response): for i,reply in enumerate(response.xpath('.//li' )): self.logger.info('{} regular reaction @ page {}'.format(i,response.url)) new = ItemLoader(item=ReactionsItem(),selector=reply) new.context['lang'] = self.lang new.add_xpath('profile',".//td/div/h3/a/@href") new.add_xpath('profile',".//div[i]/h3/@href") yield new.load_item() 

    I have made a method (is that the proper term in english ?) to log into facebook for me and to redirect me to a link of a post, then I would access the link that contains the reactions list, then I would call a parsing method to extract the fields i need, in this case type and profile

    while am getting everything i need (profiles and reaction type), its all getting squeezed in the same field (just one type case), I still dont know the exact reason for this, I need to add a for loop but I dont know how to manipulate it.

    I learned python not very long ago and started using scrapy very recently, any help would be tremendous, I know I probably made a lot of rookie mistakes in my code but ill take any roasting as long as I get some education.

    edit1: I made modifications to my code ever since I posted this, I've been trying with some stuff and I now reduced the problem to simply having the type AND profile fields both landing in the TYPE field instead of each going to their respecting field. edit2: it seems xpath isnt as easy as i thought it would be, I have fixed the problems I had and learned a lot of stuff along the way, if you have any questions or you are very savvy is scrapy please let me know in the comments

    submitted by /u/zeus_is_op
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    Help With Code I can't get to work!

    Posted: 20 Mar 2019 10:00 PM PDT

    I'm brand new and suck at programming, lol. I've worked the past 5 hours on this and can't figure out what is wrong. Can someone with more knowledge to me explain why this won't run right? I think it has something to do with my placement of curly brackets.

    #include <stdio.h>

    #include <stdlib.h>

    int main()


    int x [14] = {5,8,13,23,8,7,20,15,2,3,10,19,22,17}, swap, temp, i;

    float sum,mean,j,k;






































    printf("highest value is %d\n",x[13]);

    printf("lowest value is %d\n",x[8]);





    printf("the mean is %d\n",mean);



    printf("the median is %d\n",j+k/2);

    return 0;


    submitted by /u/ejethan123
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    How to run or execute python code on sublime?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2019 09:35 PM PDT

    How to run or execute python code on sublime?

    submitted by /u/iqrarehman76
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