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    Thursday, January 3, 2019

    Which (Australian) banks have good APIs for personal finance tracking? Ask Programming

    Which (Australian) banks have good APIs for personal finance tracking? Ask Programming

    Which (Australian) banks have good APIs for personal finance tracking?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 08:29 PM PST

    I want to create a simple website/app for myself where every time I spend money, I log it and then graph my expenses. Eventually, I want to link it to my bank account, so a lot of the logging can be done automatically. For example, if I go out for drinks and use my card to buy a beer, the transaction record might look like this:

    24 DEC 2018 KINGS CROSS HOTEL KINGS CROSS [Eff Date: 21 DEC 18] $9.50

    I want to be able to get that information (specifically, the date, description, and amount) programmatically.

    My bank (Teacher's Mutual Bank) doesn't have an API (afaik), and even using the Python Requests library, the method by which you need to authenticate is obfuscated enough to be very annoying. Has anyone done a project like this? Which bank did you use? And does anyone know of any APIs that would suit my use case?

    A REST api is preferred, since I'll be writing the backend in Django, but I'll settle for whatever I can get.


    submitted by /u/VegasTamborini
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    Video Call Recording App - What to watch out for

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 07:13 PM PST

    My 1st gig as full-stack developer for a private business app in the area of quality assurance, we're currently contemplating WebRTC. Requested features for mobile are:

    • Ability to record video calls + audio
    • Archive call
    • Establish video call connection with admins

    I'm a bit nervous as although I have time and the ability to hire additional devs, I've never been in charge of a mobile project before. Is there anything I should watch out for that could complicate the project? Any finicky environments or bandwidth inconsistencies that I should read more on?

    submitted by /u/xSickBoyx
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    Careers for odd interests

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 08:47 PM PST

    I find I am very interested in relatively dead areas in computer science and programming. Things like how operating systems and compilers work. I recently took those courses in university and absolutely loved them. But as far as I know, there haven't been any recent developments that make them "hot" areas. Are there any careers that needs or requires that kind of arcane knowledge?

    submitted by /u/nanoman1
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    Are there YouTube Channels or similar resources which explain Source Code of popular open source projects for beginners?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 01:26 AM PST

    I am no programmer by any means, but I was simply wondering: with todays knowledge of optimizing graphics how well could someone make a Playstation 1 game look even with its same hardware? Would there be any improvements on optimizing graphics if someone tried to develop on a PS1 right now?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 09:57 PM PST

    Im sorry if this is a silly question. I realize that it will always be limited by the hardware, and the epitome of PS1 graphics would probably be MGS or Gran Turismo, but with todays knowledge could someone create a game that looked 'better'?

    submitted by /u/Brofey
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    Looking for a visual way to create cooking recipes, with lots of re-useable objects (ingredients, kitchen tools, actions like dicing, etc). Sort of like a flow chart.. Something like Node Red maybe? Doesn't need to "execute".

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 07:28 PM PST

    Any advice? Don't want to get too far down the rabbit hole and find out there was a much better tool to use later on!

    submitted by /u/IPmang
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    Is any version of SQL good for Data science like Python ?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 03:33 PM PST

    i'm actualy learning web scraping and data science using python but i'm just wondering is SQL can help in the future in this i mean the data stuff

    (sorry for my bad english :D )

    submitted by /u/medshi8
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    Injecting a custom element in HTML5 then retrieving its value using XPath comes back blank?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 02:55 PM PST

    I'm injecting an XML string generated from a web service, then trying to use XPath to query the attribute values using the following code.

    <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>tox-js</title> </head> <body> <script> // // ----------------------------------------------- // tox element class Tox extends HTMLElement { constructor(url) { super(); fetch(url) .then((response)=> { console.log("status: "+response.status); return response.text(); }) .then((text)=> { console.log("text: "+text); try { var dp = new DOMParser(); var xmlDOM = dp.parseFromString(text, "text/xml"); this.appendChild(xmlDOM.documentElement); return true; } catch(err) { console.log("err: "+err.message); return false; } }) .then((ok)=> { if (ok) { try { var xpe = new XPathEvaluator(); var txt = xpe.evaluate("//tox-js/example/@timestamp",document,null,XPathResult.STRING_TYPE,null); console.log("//tox-js/example/@timestamp: "+txt.stringValue); txt = xpe.evaluate("//tox-js/example/@feedback",document,null,XPathResult.STRING_TYPE,null); console.log("//tox-js/example/@feedback: "+txt.stringValue); } catch(err) { console.log("err: "+err.message); } } else console.log("not ok"); } ); } } // // ----------------------------------------------- // register our element with the DOM customElements.define('tox-js',Tox); // // ----------------------------------------------- // create an instance and add it to the body document.body.appendChild(new Tox('http://localhost:8080/tox/example.test.formatted?in_mask=YYYYMMDD')); // ----------------------------------------------- // </script> </body> </html> 

    The result has the custom element injected.

    <html lang="en"> <head>...</head> <body> <script>...</script> <tox-js> <example timestamp="20180103142036" feedback="ok">20190103</example> </tox-js> </body> <html> 

    The console log confirms the return status and XML, but the result of the XPath is blank.

    [Log] status: 200 (toxElement3.html, line 20) [Log] text: <example timestamp="20190103142036" feedback="ok">20190103</example> (toxElement3.html, line 25) [Log] //tox-js/example/@timestamp: (toxElement3.html, line 47) [Log] //tox-js/example/@feedback: (toxElement3.html, line 49) 

    Where have I gone wrong? This should not be a timing issue since I'm using .then to wait for the previous step.

    submitted by /u/dacracot
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    What's wrong with this "encryption" algorithm?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 02:00 PM PST

    Let's say I have some plain text like "abcxyz" and I want to encode it into cipher text with the following algorithm:

    step 1

    change the order of every pair of characters so that 'abcxyz' becomes 'baxczy'

    step 2

    create a 1:1 mapping of characters and remap them, e.g.

    every occurrence of the character 'a' turns into the character 'T'

    every occurrence of the character 'b' turns into the character 'q'

    every occurrence of the character 'c' turns into the character 'A'


    every occurrence of the character 'x' turns into the character 'X'

    every occurrence of the character 'y' turns into the character 'p'

    every occurrence of the character 'z' turns into the character '1'

    so now 'baxczy' becomes 'qTXA1p'

    Now suppose I store this string in a file and write a C++ program (compiled with the highest level of optimization) to decode it by reversing the steps. Once the string is decoded and saved into a variable, the program exits without writing the decoded text to stdout or anywhere else.

    Question 1

    What do you call this type of encryption algorithm?

    Question 2

    If an attacker were to find this file and the program, would they be able to decipher what the rules of the algorithm are? If so, how?

    Question 3

    If an attacker were to only find multiple files (say thousands of them) all using this same encryption algorithm, but not the C++ program that decodes them, would they still be able to reverse engineer the algorithm? If so, what do you call that practice?

    What I intend to do is to protect the contents of my files (which store sensitive data), but the files are stored in a place that is public. The C++ program is also stored in the same way. I understand I can use a standard encryption algorithm like AES, but I am just curious about why this algorithm wouldn't be sufficient to protect my data.

    submitted by /u/asbnt1
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    Imagine you're the hiring manager for a respected tech firm or software development company or something similar. And you were looking for someone to fill the position of an entry level coder creating applications. What qualifications both professional and personal would you look for?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 01:57 PM PST

    Does rendering an image in HTML versus creating an empty div, then using CSS to set a width/height to it and setting the background of the div to an image have any difference on the speed of a website?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 05:22 PM PST

    Been trying to work on my HTML/CSS, and I was wondering if these two methods of putting images on a site have any effect on speed. Namely, load speed and speed when a user browses through my site.

    To give an analogy, I'm going for a strategy where I can make the "Big O" (for a lack of a better term) of html rendering on a webpage more efficient.


    submitted by /u/k-hiroshi
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    I currently use vbscript and hta files to build gui's that help automate processes at my work. Where should I go from here?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 05:22 PM PST

    I gained a basic level of programming in college and started automating various work processes I've had over the years. I learned along the way that you can use vbscript and html to build GUI's that your script can interact with (.hta files). This has been hugely useful in a variety of applications, but sometimes I feel like I'm limiting myself by using vbscript.

    I guess I'm just lost as to what language I should learn or what I should pursue, because I want to tackle something that will be useful in the context of my work. I am primarily doing various kinds of text comparison, formatting, sorting, and having an output for the user to look at in a visually pleasing way. I'm interested in Javascript because I am struggling to get my programs to interact with websites effectively, I just don't quite know enough.

    Thanks for any advice!

    submitted by /u/mariofireball
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    Is there any service where one can submit my closed code and it will be published in open source community in case of non-active author (in event of death, abandonment of project or similar)?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 09:10 AM PST

    How do you handle experimenting with code reorganization?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 07:47 AM PST

    Let's say you've inherited some legacy code that is essentially unmaintainable with the task of trying to clean it up. If you have multiple ideas for possibly restructuring the code into something more maintainable, how do you experiment these different organizational structures without committing too much to one idea?

    submitted by /u/The_Wanderer2077
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    Recursion return statements

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 04:21 PM PST

    In this code below (for validating BST's), how does the && work in the return statement? Is that the equivalent of having two return statements on separate lines or is it to check for bool operations (ex: TRUE && TRUE)?

    Here is the code snippet (C++):

    boolean isBST(Node root, int min, int max){ if(root == null){ return true; } if(root.data <= min || root.data > max){ return false; } return isBST(root.left, min, root.data) && isBST(root.right, root.data, max); } 

    Full link if anyone is curious:


    submitted by /u/odefying
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    How to disable "error" sound on Full Screen website.

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 07:15 AM PST

    When I enter full screen on Safari (OS X 10.12.6), on a page with no input fields, and press a key the machine makes the audible bell / alert sound. How can I turn this off?

    Minimal reproducing example:

    <HTML> <BODY ID="content"> <DIV ONCLICK="document.getElementById('content').webkitRequestFullscreen();"> Please Click Me! </DIV> </BODY> </HTML> 

    My google-fu is failing me on this, so any help would be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/ummaycoc
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    Why are web and native mobile apps so full of obvious bugs while complex fully 3D applications seem to have fewer?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 09:17 AM PST

    This is an extremely broad and naive question. It certainly has been posed before but my Google-fu has failed me and I must ask humans.

    As a web developer, the relative simplicity of the code of every application I've ever worked on *combined* is dwarfed by almost any one of the games one plays on a modern console. This has given me pause on numerous occasions to say the least. As a teenager I would play fully 3D AAA titles at the time for several hours on consecutive days with no noticeable bugs or slowdowns. Looking at the credits and the development time, we're talking at least tens of thousands of man-hours of work programming going into one of these games, and if you include the libraries, even in the millions... now that's a lot of complexity. And yet they hardly break.

    Whereas if you've used any mobile application, even extremely successful ones, they often behave strangely and even crash. With JavaScript applications it seems even worse, with unhandled exceptions and unexplained slowdowns seeming to be much more frequent.

    I can list off a number of excuses as to why this is, but I want to know what the community thinks. Worst case is that JavaScript and Java development platforms are inherently inferior to lower level languages.

    N.B. I am referring to Android applications here when I say Java, I don't know what it's like on the iPhone side of things.

    submitted by /u/progenito
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    Question about OOP

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 10:52 AM PST

    Lets say I have create a bank

    I have a class called Customer and the main class called bank

    Basically I want to (in the main reference) the constructed parameter so I can check if what the user enters as username is equal to the username value of that object

     Customer joe = new Customer("Joe", 1451,20000,"joe","thedog"); joe.rightaccount(); } 

    This is the constructor and the method I want to make below

     public Customer(String name, int actnum, int balance, String username, String password){ this.name = name; this.actnum = actnum; this.balance = balance; this.username = username; this.password = password; } public boolean rightaccount() { System.out.println("Please enter your username"); String usernamecheck = in.nextLine(); System.out.println("Please enter your password"); String passworcheck = in.nextLine(); if (usernamecheck==username&&passworcheck==password) { System.out.println("Login Succesful"); return true; } System.out.println("Your login was unsuccesful"); return false; } } 

    submitted by /u/davchi1
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    Is there a file extension for J# source code?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 07:54 AM PST

    I found out about visual J# recently and I guess J# code has a file extension, like C# has .cs . Does it? If yes, what is it? Because it's not in use anymore and I can't find information about visual J# etc. so I'm asking out of curiosity.

    EDIT: I read somewhere that it's .jsl, but according to this: https://fileinfo.com/extension/jsl, .jsl is for something else.

    submitted by /u/HiTek_142857
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    Python API to be consumed by another system via client.

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 12:05 PM PST

    Does anyone know about learning resource either books, articles or videos on how to build an API to be consumed by a another system via script or custom client? For the most part I find examples of APIs consumed by web browser and not by a script or custom client. I am looking to see how to handle authentication and data transfers. From system to system in the backend.

    submitted by /u/legal_crow
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    Getting started with JWT: what are the best practices?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 08:09 AM PST

    I've been doing API authentication like this for a while: send credentials (email/pass), and if valid, return an access token. Store that token in a "session" table in pgsql and, on every request, check the "X-Token" header and see if the session exists. The row in the table also has an expiry timestamp, which then I use to force the user to login again.

    However, I've been seing JWT a lot lately and it seems like the new industry standard for authentication in mobile apps and SPAs. Which best practices do you guys recommend? Any good security book on it?

    submitted by /u/vinnyvicious
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    Which is a good OOP language to learn for first OOP language?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2019 10:44 PM PST

    I'm functionally familiar with Python and have written some bots and network tools with it, to be honest I only see myself needing python in a functional capacity so I'm okay with leaving that there.

    I would like to learn the OOP paradigm and am hoping to get suggestions from the seasons folks here on r/AskProgramming on which language might be the best for me to start with if:

    1. I'm primarily Linux based, my servers and desktop are Linux unless I'm gaming or doing video editing on Windows.
    2. I'd like to learn Docker and how to deploy my apps that way to step up my dev / sys admin game.
    3. Future interests include: Mobile dev (personal use), bots and scapers, and things like MI / AI / NLP

    Brownie points if you can recommend a book or video series that teaches in the context of one of my future interests.

    Thanks for reading guys.

    submitted by /u/ishouldjustreddit
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    [help] CRA 2.0 service worker implementation

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 05:52 AM PST

    I'm currently using CRA 2.0 and I was told that service worker was opt in, however, I am unsure of how to set it up or add my own custom service worker. I found out that service worker is suppose to work in localhost but it isn't showing up for me. Is someone able to help me out? I already register my service worker in my index.js

    submitted by /u/PewPaw-Grams
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    Do you have a development machine where all server and work load running on it?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 02:05 AM PST

    I feel like a need to build this kind of system just to run everything from heavy server to docker to cloud to VM... It's easier to learn with system like this as it's not mix up with my main machine where I use for general purpose.

    submitted by /u/GTHell
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