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    Thursday, January 3, 2019

    C++, C# and Unity

    C++, C# and Unity

    C++, C# and Unity

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 10:32 AM PST

    Working on the spellcasting system for a 2.5D RPG concept

    Posted: 02 Jan 2019 08:23 PM PST

    Games Launched After January 1, 2019 Must Be Accessible for Disabilities Under CVAA Legislation

    Posted: 02 Jan 2019 09:51 PM PST

    How to stop doubting and start game development?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 07:20 AM PST

    My name is Mark and I am JavaScript developer.

    I am sorry for being duplicated, and it's okay to being downvoted. Nvm, I want to find the answer.

    Last year was started with game development mood, I have a lot of ideas and I was full of force to start project that mb will grow up in good game for me and shitty game for others, but guided by common sense I drove those thoughts away.

    Depending on the permanent job with a stable income, I understand that I will not be able to apply for the same salary as a game developer. But whether common sense is the suppression of my desires for the sake of rationalism? I think not.

    I waited a whole year, thinking that this is a temporary whim and nonsense, but these thoughts do not leave me, I do not know whether to decide on a step that I can regret and be stuck in development as a web developer?

    Who turned out to be in a similar situation, what guided you in making the decision, and what is the current result, share?

    Friends, this is my first post here, and maybe with your help is not the last one.

    submitted by /u/daq90
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    Good gamedev audiobooks?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 09:41 AM PST

    What are some good audiobooks that won't need reference to pictures, graphs and code to understand the main points?

    submitted by /u/Esqarrouth
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    I have 10-15 hours a week to apply to gamedev learning. (2-3 hours a day). What would be the best way to apply this time?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2019 12:50 PM PST

    I recently have earned about 10-15 free hours of downtime a week at my job to put towards any type of education of my choosing, and I was curious what would be the best way to spend such time towards gamedev. (I have volunteered for some extra work and this was part of that negotiation).

    Does there exist a set of freeform exercises or specific ways to build up skillsets from a gamedev perspective that can help long-term? Specifically looking for a way to brush up on skills without video, so maybe books and/or written articles, but that is mostly because I would be doing this at my job and watching video has always felt weird to me. However, my job is willing to pay for some educational fees - so if there is a really solid set of videos, courses, maybe I can consider it.

    In addition, I am not sure if I want to start with a framework like Unity, or really practice some core coding skills, but any thoughts here might be welcomed as well. In my mind, I just really want to find a good exercise to get me to creating something with code, so that I can get past some of the lower level hurdles in my head.

    If it helps, I would want to apply these gamedev skills towards prototyping board games and/or simulating outcomes and probability in said board games, but would love to eventually expand a skillset after a year or two so to be able to actually prototype small games completely independent of board games.

    I am also just hoping to do something that can show some level of progress so that I can be motivated to spend another 10-20 hours of my personal time on a project.

    I actually have a lot of notes, drawings, and written drafts of mini-creations I would like to prototype, but the coding side feels more daunting to me and would love to take some steps to get that hurdle out of the way. My only hopes here are to grow some skillsets and maybe create something, even if very ugly, that I can use to test ideas with. I just don't know if 10-15 hours will be enough, but I would like to try if there is anything solid to start with.

    I do have a background in general programming, but most of my career has leaned towards management and problem solving.

    submitted by /u/i-might-be-an-idiot
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    Flash games in today's market

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 05:05 AM PST

    Do you guys know of any attempts to bring small flash games in today's market? (Aside from Rami's Meditaiton thing)

    Flash games were amazing short experiences around a main experimental mechanic, something you can't really do in a standalone game distributed through steam.

    At the same time, flash games are too "small" to be sold for a price and be self sustainable. So I'm curious if there were any attempts to make them commercially viable (without ads) a-la Basement Collection.

    submitted by /u/xelu
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    Making your first card game in 2019? Here, I share my experiences doing just that in 2018!

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 08:07 AM PST

    Is it a good idea to create a demo?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 11:42 AM PST

    Hey, I read a bit about having a demo for your game but the results are usually hard to say and more to the negative. Are there any proven numbers or any evidence of one or the other (could be from experience)? Would be really helpful thanks.

    Also, considering creating a demo is a good idea. Would having the demo be the beginning part of the original game a good idea? Let's say the tutorial part and few levels in. Working on a 3d Stealth/RPG game if that is relevant.

    submitted by /u/itsnottme
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    Game Architecture (Software) Books

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 11:39 AM PST

    Hi everyone! I'm looking for books about game architecture patterns. I already searched a lot (maybe not too well), but I couldn't find anything really useful. To be specific, I'm not looking for design patterns, what I want is to learn how to approach "the big picture" of a game.

    For example, if you were the leader architect of a big AAA game, what decisions would you have to take? What patterns would you take in consideration? What are the advantages and trade-offs of each one? Which ones are anti-patterns? How would you accomplish modularity between each game system (AI, graphics, sounds, input, etc)? How would you communicate each system? How the specifics of the game influences the consideration of the architecture?, etc.

    Of course, I'm not trying to make an AAA game, I'm just curious about this topic, because my (not very deep) knowledge about software architecture gives me the intuition that they differ a lot and that most common used architecture patterns in enterprise or business software are not really suitable for games.

    So if you have anything related to suggest, I would appreciate it a lot. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/dreaminblack
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    InsideWorld - My 2D horror game project!

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 03:43 AM PST


    (Demo download link at the bottom of the post!)



    Hi everyone!

    My name is Andreas, 21 years old from Norway. I've made fan games for about 8 years now, and I'm now making my first, full game that I'm going all-in on, and I truly hope it will turn out good. I've been working on this for about half a year, and thought about the story for about a year. Currently, only 1 level is complete, but I've spent much of the time fine tuning gameplay elements, balancing, detail work, and much more. I work together with a very talented pixel artist, and we discuss a lot about how the game should play, how all small details should work.


    The gameplay is a exploration, 2D horror game. You play through levels, each being unique with its own unique settings. You have base mechanics (Turn lantern on and off, hide under tables, etc) that are universal, but each level will force you to use these mechanics in different ways. Your mission in each level is to get to the end, but how you do that is something you have to figure out. The music in the game is made by me. You will also be able to unlock costumes and Equipment that will allow you to choose a "boost" to equip (Run faster, longer lasting lantern, etc). Some of these can be bought in the shop with coins you get by beating levels, while others are hidden within the levels themselves.


    I won't go too much into the story, as it can take a while to explain, and I don't want to spoil it all, but in short: It's about a professor named Cornelius Guildeforde, who was raised in a religious home. As he grows up, he starts to question what he has been taught and start to search for the human soul. When he cannot find it, he eventually realizes that out world is all happening in our minds. All we see, hear, feel - it's all inside out head. That's where all the information is decoded. And so, that must mean "we can decide what we want to be real and not, right? We can decide if we are good enough or not, what we want to focus on, what is real in our universe". And while that can be a nice thought, he takes it too far. Cornelius, seing how the world is "brainwashed" by everyone living off what other people say, decides to create his own world; a digital world. He tries for years to code true consciousness. Because, "who descides if a digital life is more real than this life, if out whole universe is inside each and everone's minds?" He tries to create what he believes is the "perfect human", one who isn't affected by the truths and lies other people tell him. And when he eventually succeeds, he programs his own consciousness in this digital world, becoming a God, who wants to rule this "more perfect world". So we play as his experiment, his perfect human, Abraham, who is put to the test to see if he will be affected by the things he Cornelius got affected by or not.



    I hope you enjoy! I've worked so hard on this, and I've made games for many years now. I truly want this game to succeed. I truly want this game to be enjoyed by many, to end up on Steam, to be talked about and bring excitment to players. But I'm also afraid to say this, because I've worked on this for so long that I don't have the "fresh eyes" perspective, so I don't honestly know if this has potential, or if it's utter garbage. So please, give the Demo above a try, and tell me what you think. It means a lot to me.

    Thank you for reading! Have a lovely day!

    submitted by /u/WwwWario
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    How big, pixelwise, should character/environment sprites/sheets be for a PC-game vs a mobile-game?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 05:10 AM PST

    I consistently paint my art-assets in enormous sizes (often 10,000x10,000 pixels), and I've always struggled with how much I should shrink them when importing them as assets to Unity. For example, a 10,000x10,000 pixel character sprite that is animated in frames and put together in a sprite-sheet is crisp no matter how far in I zoom, but it is also huge and it takes a while for Unity to load it.

    I'm currently working on a small 2D-mobile game, and as mobiles come in different resolutions I don't know which pixel-size I should use in Unity to be sure it looks good for all possible players. At the same time I am also working on a 2D PC game on the side, and here too I have wondered the same thing. Which pixel-size is optimal for sprites/sprite-sheets (as computer-screens/TV-screens also come in many sizes).

    I'm lost here, and any help would mean a lot! What size should I use for character/environment-assets/sheets on mobile games vs PC games? How do I make sure the 2D games look crisp on all mobiles(like this)/computers(something like this) while at the same time running smoothly/not requiring monster-systems to play? Thank you guys very much in advance.

    EDIT: Forgot to mention that I don't work with pixel-art, I'm using digitally painted assets that resemble traditional art (a little like Rayman's).

    submitted by /u/GloriousPiggies
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    Should the assets the player sees most of the time at the screen have higher detail ?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 02:40 AM PST

    If I remember correct I heard some time several months ago in a video in which some developer was speaking (probably GDC) that the graphic assets that are most frequently seen by the player should have more detail than those that appear less frequently ? Is this a standard, and could someone tell me more about it ?

    I've been 3D modelling the past few days models that the player's character is going to be using, like different sets of armor, and weapons. It's a 3rd person game, so they are most probably the models that the player will be seeing most. And I'm kind of unsure about the amount of detail I should add to them. For most of these models I could add and adjust a few extra loop cuts and make the objects appear less angular, rounder, and thus better. Some extra advice would be nice and handy. :)

    submitted by /u/Alithinos
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    SteamVR 2.0 Bindings

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 04:34 AM PST

    So, I'm using SteamVR 2.0 and OpenVR for cross-platform between Oculus/Vive/WMR, I only own an Oculus but I have vive testers (And will have MWR testers), however, I'm unable to edit bindings for anything other than Oculus Touch in the SteamVR bindings UI opened from Unity.

    I've been looking around the web for solutions but can't find any, my Vive testers have to create custom bindings in order for the input to work on their end, whereas Oculus users can just pick up and play.

    I can confirm it works on Vive and it works great once the bindings are set as said by my tester.

    TL;DR: How can I edit a controller in the bindings window even if I don't have? Is it even possible?

    submitted by /u/_MemeMan_
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    Best way to save Large 2D RPG maps full of custom objects with libGDX?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 08:10 AM PST

    Before I select a method for saving my my large 2d rpgs map maps full of custom objects (Fighters, Books Potions, Wands, Armor, Buffs, Weapons, Scroll, NPCs, Buildings ECT.) that is too slow or won't meet my needs.

    I want to know what would be the best way or least a good way. I want to have maps of at least 500*500 32*32 tiles. I'm using the TiledMap libGDX class for the map but the objects are all my own using many abstract classes and the KPCOFGS(Kingdom Class Phylum Order Family Genus Species) method.

    I have gone with data driven editing as opposed to scripting so my classes have many editable fields to change various things about them. The fighter class has over 100 fields for things like various kinds of armor, the weapon , the packs, strength, strength increase, experience, Iq and many more). I have an editor written for these. They then get placed on the map and in lists stored in game objects class that Game Map has access to.

    My question is what would be the best way to save the map and all associated objects to load at a later date? I would like to able to save the maps on windows, mac and linux and load them on windows, mac, linux, and android.

    submitted by /u/fingerpickinggreat
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    What's your workflow when using Blender as a level editor?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 03:24 AM PST

    I would like to start using Blender to create my levels. In theory, it seems like it would be perfect for a 2.5d game. I could use it to create modular assets and put them together.

    I do have some questions about it. Is it possible to use these modular assets as you would use tiles in a 2d editor? You'd have them in a palette and be able to just place them then modify them. Do these objects have properties that I could use when exporting the map, so that the game knows what to do with them?

    I've seen some examples of people having their 'palette' beside their level in the same level, then they just duplicate them and drag them to where they need to use them. How would you go about splitting this off into different files? It doesn't seem like a very nice workflow to have a tree and a door there on the side to duplicate from.

    Edit: I forgot to mention adding 2d colliders to 3d models. Any theory about how to go about this?

    submitted by /u/GutterLab
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    Writing a video games script

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 09:16 AM PST

    I was wondering if anyone has experience or advice on getting important dialogue and plot points down and what are the best approaches in starting out. Edit: RPG FF7 style Story

    For the sake of clarity, I have experience writing stage & film scripts, so I don't have a problem on making a synopsis, script overview, rough/final drafts, but I was more curious on the format. Should you arrange actions, setting, and dialogue the same way you would for a television/movie script? Or is it more important to use something visual like illustrations and storyboards? Or, because development is in its infancy, use slightly vague plot outlines to fill in the specifics later on?

    Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/theLollipopking
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    Recommended way to beta test mobile games?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 05:22 AM PST

    I'm relativity new to mobile game development so I was hoping that someone could point me in the right direction.

    I have a mobile game which I'm planning on releasing to Android and iOS. What is the best way to get the game tested?

    • I have a set of players who have signed up to beta test
    • Ideally the platform would have a system where I can deliver the mobile games to the players (linked with android/ios app store?) and revoke access when testing is completed
    • A feedback mechanism for players to send bug reports etc

    I'm not sure if there is a platform that would allow me to do all these things, or if I would need to use separate services?

    I would be grateful for any insights into this question.

    submitted by /u/kus83
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    The Emotional Puppeteer: Uncovering the Musical Strings that Tie Our Hearts to Games

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 12:19 PM PST

    How I support Windows, Mac and Linux (as a solo coder, custom engine)

    Posted: 02 Jan 2019 02:02 PM PST

    Comedy scriptwriting for a point-and-click adventure game

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 11:53 AM PST

    Hello there, is there someone who has experience with writing a good and funny script? We are currently developing a new point-and-click adventure game. The narrative style is similar to LucasArts classics, like Monkey Island. We are having difficulties trying to reach the standard of LucasArts games (they, however, had at least 10 people working on the script alone). We are two, NOT professional writers. Anybody here who has successfully written a super awesome and funny script in the past? Any tips? Anyone who would be willing to join our team? We are based in Europe.

    submitted by /u/pavkac
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    What is your favorite podcast that is related to game development?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 11:37 AM PST

    I always listen to Joe Rogan while I work. His podcast is entertaining but I think I am missing an opportunity to improve as a developer. Which game development related podcast would you recommend to me? Thanks in advance for taking the time to share.

    submitted by /u/nosleepjf
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    Is there an online certificate course for Wwise or FMod?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 11:30 AM PST

    Just wondering if there is a way to get it to get industry certified, similar to their being courses for Photoshop, or After Effects, etc.

    submitted by /u/MoiistCake
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    Old Weekend Project - Delver Clone

    Posted: 02 Jan 2019 04:00 PM PST

    Unity Tips and Tricks - Looping & Sorting Lists

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 11:26 AM PST

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