• Breaking News

    Friday, January 4, 2019

    125 FREE High quality sound effects & music loops from your friendly sound designer.

    125 FREE High quality sound effects & music loops from your friendly sound designer.

    125 FREE High quality sound effects & music loops from your friendly sound designer.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2019 07:27 AM PST

    Today I quit my job at a large Games Studio to go full-time Indie

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 03:12 PM PST

    A friend and I have been working on a game for about 4 years now during the evenings and weekends. I decided to take the leap and dedicate more of my time to it in the run up to completion so it has the best possible chance of success. So I resigned from my job and I'm self-funding the project for the next 6-8 months with a plan to launch around July.

    It is pretty daunting but incredibly exciting! Even if it fails, I feel really happy knowing I can work on my own game for a prolonged period of time, and that by the end of it I will have given it my absolute best shot.

    I know there are many of you out there who have done the same thing or know people that have. If this is you and you have any advice I'd be glad to hear it.

    I'm historically terrible at blogging or documenting progress of things but I'll do my best for anyone that's interested.

    If you made it this far, thanks for reading, and watch this space!

    Ben miniBeast Game Studios

    submitted by /u/miniBeast_Ben
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    The importance of being mindful of security at all times - nearly everyone is one breach away from total disaster

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 11:04 PM PST

    This is a long one - TL;DR at the end!

    If you haven't heard yet: BlankMediaGames, makers of Town of Salem, have been breached which resulted in almost 8 million accounts being leaked. For most people, the first reaction is "lol so what it's just a game, why should I really care?" and that is the wrong way to look at it. I'd like to explain why everyone should always care whenever they are part of a breach. I'd also like to talk about some ways game developers - whether they work solo or on a team - can take easy steps to help protect themselves and their customers/players.

    First I'd like to state that there is no practical way to achieve 100% solid security to guarantee you'll never be breached or part of a breach. The goal here will be to get as close as possible, or comfortable, so that you can rest easy knowing you can deal with problems when they occur (not if, when).

    Why You Should Care About Breaches

    The sad reality is most people re-use the same password everywhere. Your email account, your bank account, your steam account, your reddit account, random forums and game websites - you get the idea. If you haven't pieced it together yet the implication is that if anyone gets your one password you use everywhere, it's game over for you - they now own all of your accounts (whether or not they know it yet). Keep in mind that your email account is basically the holy grail of passwords to have. Most websites handle password changes/resets through your email; thus anyone who can login to your email account can get access to pretty much any of your accounts anywhere. Game over, you lose.

    But wait, why would anyone want to use my password? I'm nobody!

    It doesn't matter, the bad guys sell this information to other bad guys. Bots are used to make as much use of these passwords as possible. If they can get into your bank they might try money transfers. If they get into your Amazon account they might spin up $80,000 worth of servers to mine Bitcoin (or whatever coin is popular at the time). They don't care who you are; it's all automated.

    By the way, according to this post (which looks believable enough to be real) this is pretty much how they got into the BMG servers initially. They checked for usernames/emails of admins on the BMG website(s) in previous breach dumps (of which there are many) and found at least one that used the same password on other sites - for their admin account!

    If you want to see how many of your accounts are already breached check out Have I Been Pwned - I recommend registering all of your email addresses as well so you get notified of future breaches. This is how I found out about the Town of Salem breach, myself.

    How You Can Protect Yourself

    Before I go into all the steps you can (and should) take to protect yourself I should note that security is in a constant tug of war with convenience. What this means is that the more security measures you apply the more inconvenienced you become for many tasks. It's up to you to decide how much is too much either way.

    First of all I strongly recommend registering your email(s) on https://haveibeenpwned.com/ - this is especially important if your email address is associated to important things like AWS, Steam developer account, bank accounts, social media, etc. You want to know ASAP when an account of yours is compromised so you can take steps to prevent or undo damage. Note that the bad guys have a head start on this!


    You probably need to have better password hygiene. If you don't already, you need to make sure every account you have uses a different, unique, secure password. You should change these passwords at least once a year. Depending on how many accounts you have and how good your memory is, this is your first big security vs convenience trade-off battle. That's easily solved, though, by using a password manager. You can find a list of password managers on Wikipedia here or you can search around for some comparison articles.

    Some notable choices to consider:

    • 1Password - recommend by Troy Hunt, creator of Have I Been Pwned
    • LastPass - I use this at work and it's generally good
    • BitWarden - free and open source! I use this at home and in some ways it's better than LastPass
    • KeePass (and forks) - free, open source, and totally offline; if you don't trust "the cloud" you can trade away some more convenience in exchange for taking full responsibility of your password security (and backups)

    Regardless of which one you choose, any of them is 100x better than not using one at all.

    Multi-Factor Authentication / Two-Factor Authentication (aka MFA / 2FA)

    The problem with all these passwords is that someone can still use them if they are found in a breach. Your passwords are only as strong as the website you use them on. In the case of the BMG breach mentioned above - all passwords were stored in an ancient format which has been insecure for years. It's likely that every single password in the breach can be reversed/cracked, or already have been. The next step you need to take is to make it harder for someone else to login with your password. This is done using Multi-Factor Authentication (or Two-Factor Authentication).

    Unfortunately not every website/service supports MFA/2FA, but you should still use it on every single one that does support it. You can check which sites support MFA/2FA here or dig around in account options on any particular site. You should setup MFA/2FA on your email account ASAP! If it's not supported, you need to switch to a provider that does support it. This is more important than your bank account! All of the big email providers support it: GMail, Outlook.com, Yahoo Mail, etc.

    The type of MFA/2FA you use depends on what is supported by each site/service, but there is a common approach that is compatible on many of them. Most of them involve phone apps because a phone is the most common and convenient "thing you have" that bad guys (or anyone, really) can't access easily. Time-based One-time Password or TOTP is probably the most commonly used method because it's easy to implement and can be used with many different apps. Google Authenticator was the first popular one, but it has some limitations which continue the security vs convenience battle - namely that getting a new phone is a super huge chore (no backup/restore option - you have to disable and setup each site all over again). Many alternatives support cloud backup which is really convenient, though obviously less secure by some measure.

    Notable choices to consider:

    • Authy - probably the first big/popular one after Google Authenticator came out (I think) - NOTE: They let you use it on your desktop/browser, too, but this is TOO much convenience! Don't fall for that trap.
    • LastPass Authenticator - conveniently links up with a LastPass account, some sites support extra features (like not needing to type a code, just answer a phone notification)
    • Yubikey - A real physical MFA device! Some models are compatible with phones, too.
    • Duo - this one is more geared towards enterprise, but they have a free option

    Some sites/services use their own app, like Blizzard (battle.net) and Steam, and don't allow you to use other ones. You will probably have a few apps on your phone when all your accounts are setup, but it's worth it. You'll definitely want to enable it on your password manager as well if you chose a cloud-based one.

    Don't forget to save backup codes in an actual secure location! If you lose your backup codes and your auth app/physical key you will be locked out of accounts. It's really not fun recovering in that situation. Most recommendations are to print them and put in a fireproof safe, but using some other secure encrypted storage is fine.

    There is such a thing as bad MFA/2FA! However, anything is at least better than nothing. A lot of places still use SMS (text messaging) or e-mail for their MFA/2FA implementation. The e-mail one has the most obvious flaw: If someone gets into your email account they have defeated that security measure. The SMS flaws are less obvious and much less likely to affect you, but still a risk: SMS is trivial to intercept (capture data over the air (literally), clone your SIM card data, and some other methods). Still, if you're not a person of interest already, it's still better than nothing.

    What Does This Have To Do With GameDev?

    Yeah, I do know which subreddit I'm posting in! Here's the section that gets more into things specific to game development (or software development in general).

    Secure Your Code

    Securing your code actually has multiple meanings here: Securing access to your code, and ensuring your code itself is secure against exploitation. Let's start with access since that's the easier topic to cover!

    If you're not already using some form of Source Control Management (SCM) you really need to get on board! I'm not going to go in depth on that as it's a whole other topic to itself, but I'll assume you are using Git or Mercurial (hg) already and hosting it on one of these sites (or a similar one):

    First, ensure that you have locked down who can access this code already. If you are using private repositories you need to make sure that the only people who have access are the people who need access (i.e. yourself and your team). Second, everyone should have strong passwords and MFA/2FA enabled on their accounts. If 1 person on the team does not follow good security practices it puts your whole project at risk! So make sure everyone on the team is following along. You can also look into tools to do some auditing and even automate it so that if anyone's account becomes less secure over time (say they turned off MFA one day) they would automatically lose their access.

    Additionally you should never commit secrets (passwords, API keys, tokens, social security numbers, etc) to your code repository. Probably 90% of cases where people have their AWS/Google Cloud/Azure accounts compromised and racking up huge bills for bitcoin mining is due to having their passwords/keys stored in their git repo. They either accidentally made it public or someone got access to the private repo through a compromised account. Never store sensitive information in your code repository!

    Next topic: Securing your code from vulnerabilities. This one is harder to talk about for game dev as most engines/frameworks are not as susceptible (for lack of a better word) to these situations as others. In a nutshell, you need to keep track of the following:

    • Is my code doing anything "dangerous"? (system-level stuff, memory access, saving passwords anywhere)
    • Could someone get the keys to the kingdom (API key, server password, etc) by just opening Cheat Engine and looking at memory values? Or doing a strings/hex edit/decompile/etc on my game executable?
    • Am I using outdated libraries/framework/engine? Do they have any known security bugs?

    A lot of these things cannot be solved automatically, unfortunately, but some of it can. If you are using Javascript for your game you likely will be using packages from npm - luckily they (recently) added security auditing for packages. For other languages you can look at tools like Snyk or some other alternatives to audit the libraries you use in your project. Unfortunately none that I know of are aimed at game dev in particular, but it's still important to use these tools when you can. In general, be aware of all of your code dependencies and what impact they can have on your game or your customers if there are security bugs. Impact can range from "can cheat in multiplayer" to "can get IP addresses of all players in the world" or even "can get all information I ever put on my server", etc.

    In general you'll want to look into Secure Software Development Lifecycle (commonly SDLC) practices. Microsoft has some information on how they do it.

    Secure Your Computer

    I'm not going to go in depth on this one because at this point everyone should have a handle on this; if not there are limitless articles, blogs, and videos about the how/what/why. In summary: Keep everything updated, and don't open suspicious links.

    • Lock your computer when idle - use a password (or PIN or face unlock or whatever your OS uses) - no one should ever be able to walk up to your computer and use it if you're not looking, nor should they be able to get in if they grabbed your closed laptop off the table at starbucks (thanks u/3tt07kjt for reminding me of this one)
    • Use full disk encryption (especially on laptops)
    • Update your OS for security updates ASAP
    • Use anti-virus (yes, Windows Defender is fine) and keep it updated
    • Update your web browser ALWAYS (this is your 99% chance attack vector, so don't postpone it!)
    • Don't use software that has known, unfixed security problems - FileZilla is a famous example
    • Don't install browser extensions that you don't need - a LOT of extensions are either malware from the start or become malware later (my favorite emoji extension started mining bitcoins, FFS!) - check reviews regularly after extensions update
    • DO use adblock and privacy extensions - ads are a common attack vector - I recommend uBlock Origin and Privacy Badger at a minimum (note that some legit sites can break and so you'll have to fiddle with settings or whitelist)
    • Don't open suspicious or unknown links on e-mail, social media, discord, etc (be sure to hover over the links in this post before clicking them)
    • Don't open attachments, ever - unless you were expecting it from that person at that time
    • Don't fill out ANY forms (comments, login, registration, etc) on websites that don't have HTTPS (secure) connection - your browser will show this in the address bar, usually
    • In general, be suspicious of everything that comes from people you don't know - and even from people you do know if it was unexpected
    • E-Mail is (probably) the least secure form of communications ever invented - so try not to use it for sensitive things

    Secure Your Website

    I will have to add more to this later probably, but again there are tons of good articles, blogs, and videos on these topics. Hopefully the information in this section is enough to get you on the right track - if not feel free to ask for more info. Lots of guides can be found on Digital Ocean's site and they are relevant even if you don't use DO for your servers.

    • Use HTTPS (SSL/TLS) secure connections - it's FREE and EASY thanks to Let's Encrypt
    • Don't think your website needs HTTPS? You're wrong; check here if you don't believe me
    • KEEP EVERYTHING UPDATED - automate as much as you can
    • If you have control over the server, you MUST update the OS, the web server, and any backend application servers/languages/frameworks involved. Equifax breach was due to having out of date server software. BMG breach was worsened by having out of date server software. YOU MUST STAY UPDATED, ALWAYS
    • Don't store sensitive personal information - it's a huge pain to be PCI compliant, it's a huge fine if you mess it up - avoid storing any customer information that you don't actually need (see also: GDPR )
    • Use secure password storage - see OWASP Password Storage Cheat Sheet (thanks u/3tt07kjt) - do NOT reinvent the wheel, this has been solved already by smarter people than all of us combined
    • Follow OWASP Top 10 guidelines - especially if you built the website yourself
    • Do not allow access to SSH/Remote desktop/Database services from the whole world; the general public should only ever be able to reach ports 80 and 443 on your web server (and 80 should permanently redirect to HTTPS)
    • Use SSH keys instead of passwords on Linux servers
    • Don't run your own email server - it's just not worth it; use google apps for business, office 365, zoho, or something else for business email
    • Secure your domain registrar account! Don't lose your domain to a bad password or lack of MFA/2FA or an old email address! If your registrar doesn't support actual security then transfer to one that does. (namecheap, namesilo, google domains, amazon aws route53, even godaddy, the absolutely worst web company, has good security options)

    A lot of this will apply to your game servers as well - really any kind of server you expect to setup.

    That's it, for now

    I ran out of steam while typing this all up after a couple hours, but I may revisit it later to add more info. Feel free to ask any questions about any of these topics and I'll do my best to answer them all.

    TL;DR (y u words so much??)

    • Use a password manager so you can have different, random, secure passwords on every account on every website/service/game
    • Use MFA/2FA on every account, if possible
    • Lock your computer when idle/away
    • Use full disk encryption on laptops
    • Update your operating system (we all hate Windows Update, but it really is for our own good)
    • Use anti-virus (Windows Defender is fine)
    • Update your browser
    • Use good adblocker/privacy blocker browsers extensions
    • Don't use browser extensions that you don't really need (they could be a trojan horse of bitcoin mining later)
    • Don't trust anything sent by anyone, unless you were expecting it and know it's safe
    • E-mail is the least secure form of communications in use these days; don't trust it for sensitive things
    • Use source control for your game code (git, mercurial, etc)
    • Lock down access to your source code
    • Don't put secrets (passwords, API keys/tokens, social security numbers, credit card numbers) in your code repository
    • Don't do dumb things like store your AWS keys in your game for players to just find with simple tools
    • Check your code dependencies for security bugs, update them when needed
    • Use HTTPS on your website
    • Update your web server OS and software
    • Use secure password storage (don't reinvent this wheel, it's been solved by way smarter people)
    • Use SSH keys instead of passwords for Linux servers
    • Use a firewall to block the world from getting in with SSH/Remote desktop/database direct connections
    • Only allow your own IP address (which can change!) into the server for admin tasks
    • Don't run your own email server, let someone who knows what they are doing handle that for you
    • Secure your domain registrar account, keep email address up to date

    ... in general... in general... in general... I sure wrote those 2 words a lot.

    Why Should I Trust This Post?

    Hopefully I have provided enough information and good links in this post that you can trust the contents to be accurate (or mostly accurate). There is certainly enough information to do some searches on your own to find out how right or wrong I might be about these things.

    If you want my appeal to authority answer: I've been working at a major (network/computer) security company for almost 7 years as a software developer, and I've had to put up with pretty much every inconvenience brought on by security. I've also witnessed the aftermath of nearly every type of security failure covered in this post, via customers and the industry at large. None of the links I used are related to my employer or its products.

    Edit: Fixed some typos and added some more links

    More edit: added a few more points and links

    submitted by /u/exoplasm
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    How to get people interested in my game during development?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2019 05:44 AM PST

    Hey, sorry if I've been asking too many questions these past few days, just that I don't have experience with marketing.

    How do I get people interested in my game before I release it? from what I know, if there is a week or 2 before release, I would contact youtubers and press, post on forums and subreddits; however, since all I have are pictures and some simple videos how do I get people interested?

    Also, let's say I make (or get someone to make) a trailer, how would that change things?

    Edit: I think my post was a bit not clear. I still have few months before release and I will have a trailer, but my question was how to promote now.

    submitted by /u/itsnottme
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    Hey everyone. I'm Synth Kid. Here's some free creative commons synth tunes to use in your games.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2019 07:28 AM PST

    Creating a hand-painted texture for a cartoony wooden box | Part III | UNCUT | PS | Blender 2.79 | Tutorial

    Posted: 04 Jan 2019 08:25 AM PST

    Mouse look controls

    Posted: 04 Jan 2019 07:24 AM PST

    Currently, our FPS game has looking with the mouse. It turns with the turning rate proportional to the square of the distance from the center of the screen. While it works, it just feels wrong, "floaty". I don't play FPSs on PC, but I know I'm doing it in a non-standard way. What am I doing differently?

    submitted by /u/Polar_Opposites_Game
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    Need an idea for a game

    Posted: 04 Jan 2019 06:30 AM PST

    Hi i am making a game and have gotten far enough to finish making it but i cant think of a story or boss to defeat.

    If you have a story or idea please share it! Thank you.

    Video: https://youtu.be/1WIJZXyqzNI

    submitted by /u/CtrlAltDefeat69
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    Demo vs Early Access for visual novel?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2019 05:43 AM PST

    Getting ready to start the year by releasing my visual novel about Axolotls and depression on steam. It's been a long dream of mine to release something on this platform that I grew up on (my middle school life was playing Half Life 2 and CS Source on it. For the record, I'm 27 now!)

    We've gotten kickstarted, and there's been a free demo up on itch for awhile now. The demo is about an hour to an hour twenty depending on reading speed, and covers "enough" that it feels like an okay stopping space for the rest of the game. (The total length is going to be around 5-8 hours.) The demo on the itch page is not the latest version, but that can be updated quickly.

    The full title is not expected to be done until sometime in the second half of 2019 (but who knows how fast or slow it will go after all the assets are done.).

    I think it's about time to finally put an updated version of this bad boy on steam! Just waiting for them to tax identify me.

    Originally I wanted to put the demo on there for free, but would early access be a better idea? Really going back and forth on this one. Considering putting a link to the free itch demo on the steam page, maybe? Is that even allowed?

    What do you guys think would be my best plan of action?

    submitted by /u/Actawesome
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    Can I use a name for my game if it's already taken by something unrelated?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2019 08:13 AM PST

    I feel I finally found the name I want for my game. I've let it sit in my head for a few weeks and mulled it over, and I really like it and think it fits. I've extensively searched google and my country's trademark database and haven't found any trademarks or any results for anything similar to the name. The one and only thing I've found with the exact name is unrelated to gaming. It's the name of a protein powder, and it's in a different country than mine it appears. I assume it's okay to use the name? I've seen other instances where similar or even exact names have been used by games (for example there's Minecraft the game, which was made after Minecraft the consulting company).

    Input? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/OwleyDev
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    Building a game for past 3 months. Just found out a game kike this existed.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2019 09:51 AM PST

    I've been busting my A off for the past 3 months. Made models, gameplay, did a lot of stuff. Just to figure out that a very very similar concept has been done in a mobile title. I intended it to be PC, I guess that's the major difference at this point.

    I really think my game has good value in gameplay. I haven't yet completely played this other game. Should I drop this game or should I continue ?

    Edit: that game was published in 2015. Did decently well I suppose. Android and iOS don't disclose data easily so I can't say much about the demographics or the sales.

    submitted by /u/IronBoundManzer
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    What is your opinion on the Nintendo Switch Online Companion App, from a gamedev point of view?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2019 05:57 AM PST

    When the Nintendo Switch Online Companion App (we'll just call it the Switch Online app from now on) was released in September 2018, it was met with mixed to negative reactions. Users would criticize the way how the Switch Online app is to be used, and wonder why Nintendo has to do it this way.

    It's been nearly half a year since the launch, and not much has changed for the app. It is still considered as a dedicated "SplatNet app" for some players, despite that it has expanded to support Mario Kart 8, ARMS, Mario Tennis Aces, and the NES service.

    And then, the new CVAA legislation was mandated in the beginning of 2019. The initial response to this was met with some doubts and concern over the the waning demands for multiplayer communication.

    I now have a different opinion, and I see that there may be a solution.

    The solution might be to use the Nintendo Switch app to work with multiplayer communication and chat-related features.

    Because all of the chat features were relegated over to the smart devices, I'm starting to think that the purpose of this app is to act like a communications app that also is a dedicated service to the Switch Online. By delegating communications away from the Switch console, all games published on the Switch don't have to worry about the multiplayer chat features under the CVAA, and the CVAA would not apply to the Switch Online app, because the app itself is not a video gaming app.

    In other words, I have this opinion that what Nintendo is trying to solve, is to add multiplayer communication features to Switch games, but without the CVAA mandating features on the games. Nintendo can then dedicate themselves to package CVAA requirements onto the Switch Online app, keeping the other 3rd party developers focused on their games.

    What are your opinions on the Switch Online Companion app?

    submitted by /u/asperatology
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    An Ultimate Tool for a game designers and game developers

    Posted: 04 Jan 2019 11:40 AM PST

    Unity's Licences

    Posted: 04 Jan 2019 11:35 AM PST

    I would like to use Unity to develop a game, should I buy the Pro/Plus Licence from the start or can I wait to buy them until I really need them (to meet the revenue limits, or to remove the splash screen)? Are there any other remarkable benefits from subscribing to their licences besides that?

    submitted by /u/iagomaia
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    Sound Library - Yellowstone National Park (Public Domain)

    Posted: 04 Jan 2019 11:06 AM PST

    I have so much to learn in c# and unity3D yet so little time. Please help.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2019 11:05 AM PST

    I have no basic knowledge in programming and i need to learn asap (only have few 3-4 months for some reason).

    What are the basics of programming I need to learn first in order to help myself?

    what is the most efficient way to learn c# while learning how to use unity3D?

    What else do I need to know?

    submitted by /u/SubAtomicRaccoon
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    Armory 3D / Blender 2.8 Tutorial : FPS Shooting

    Posted: 04 Jan 2019 07:16 AM PST

    Public? Protected? Private? Abstract? - Unity C# Summary

    Posted: 04 Jan 2019 11:00 AM PST

    Explicit data flow for online RPG

    Posted: 04 Jan 2019 07:03 AM PST

    Today I want to share some networking tricks I made during developing of r/Willbreaker/

    The problem was, some day I want to share information with the whole team, and another day requirements may change so only the player will know his stats. You don't want to send extra info to client and this is both because of security reasons and performance. It might be useful since you never know what mechanics will stay in the game and you prototype them fast and easy

    I'm using golang and protobuf but the idea can be implemented in most of the languages

    So I made an Insertable interface which knows exactly how it should be inserted into protobuf message and any server changes always returns a list of Insertables. The Insertables insert themself into protobuf message by pointers so it's a zero copy approach

    For example I want to use a skill Hurt on target

    unit.Hurt(1, float64(amount), nil, nil)

    this will return several server deltas like Hp change and visual effects and maybe in case unit will die it will return experience change and some drop etc. Skill might even return a new monster object but it doesn't matter as long it's an Insertable

    This specific line will do the thing but you won't see any changes on the client

    In case I want to tell the client I made a method NeedToKnow for specific objects like server, team and session

    So in case I want to tell every player in a team of consequences of skill use I do:

    run.team.NeedToKnow(unit.Hurt(1, float64(amount), nil, nil))


    session.NeedToKnow(unit.Hurt(1, float64(amount), nil, nil)))

    or I might even do something like this

    server.NeedToKnow(CreateNotification("Server restart in % seconds"))

    It's also useful when you do reconnect, you do something like this


    So this is shortly speaking how I made explicit control over data flow, and I'm happy with it. It's zero-copy, it's pretty stable and concurrent (except server.NeedToKnow)

    PS this approach really fits my project: some sort of roguelike / rpg with social mechanics. In case of homogeneous worlds you better stick to one data flow approach for the world. But again, all the additional mechanics like looting or trading or communicating may require from your code a some flexibility.

    submitted by /u/yuriydorogoy
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    How is it to intern at Kolibri Games (in Berlin)?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2019 10:31 AM PST

    Not sure if this is the right place to ask this but, I might have the opportunity to intern there and I was wondering if anyone has worked for them before. How was the internship experience? Are they nice to their interns or are interns just cheap labor to them (met someone who said that this was the case for their friend). Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/ugly-woman
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    Feedback Friday #322 - A Fresh Start

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 08:01 PM PST


    Well it's Friday here so lets play each others games, be nice and constructive and have fun! keep up with devs on twitter and get involved!

    Post your games/demos/builds and give each other feedback!

    Feedback Friday Rules:

    Suggestion: As a generally courtesy, you should try to check out a person's game if they have left feedback on your game. If you are leaving feedback on another person's game, it may be helpful to leave a link to your post (if you have posted your game for feedback) at the end of your comment so they can easily find your game.

    -Post a link to a playable version of your game or demo

    -Do NOT link to screenshots or videos! The emphasis of FF is on testing and feedback, not on graphics! Screenshot Saturday is the better choice for your awesome screenshots and videos!

    -Promote good feedback! Try to avoid posting one line responses like "I liked it!" because that is NOT feedback!

    -Upvote those who provide good feedback!

    -Comments using URL shorteners may get auto-removed by reddit, so we recommend not using them.

    Previous Weeks: All

    Testing services: Roast My Game (Web and Computer Games, feedback from developers and players)

    iBetaTest (iOS)

    and Indie Insights (livestream feedback)

    Promotional services: Alpha Beta Gamer (All platforms)

    submitted by /u/Sexual_Lettuce
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    Good RPG battles?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2019 06:30 AM PST

    So, I am creating an RPG game. But it's hard to know what battles could be like. I am striking for a rythm like battle, but I am not sure if it will be a good idea.

    Any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/MiuXD
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    Dedicated Servers or Listen Server for a Mobile Game with up-to 10 Players?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2019 10:02 AM PST

    We've started a Project which is a Multiplayer PVP game for Android and iOS Phones, supporting up-to 10 players in a single game, and one of the first roadblock we've hit is which type of Setup we must choose. The things I've learnt about are the following :

    • Fully Authoritative Dedicated Servers must have Client side prediction and Lag compensation for smooth Operation, which is quite some work and are quite Expensive. But they have the advantage of Hosts not dropping, eventually ending the game.
    • Listen Servers, in which a Player itself hosts the game is cheaper and easier to Code, provided we don't implement any Authoritative logic. However, My biggest Gripe is that the Lag is affected by the Host (And this being a mobile game doesn't help that at all) and once the Host Leaves the Game the game is Over. Now, I've looked into host Migration, But Nobody wants to pause their game every now and then because some one else decide to leave the game.

    Obviously, the Dedicated Servers would cost us much more. But a bad experience with the Listen Server model, might lead to Poor Ratings for our game. And so far, from what I've seen most PvP games on the Play Store have Dedicated Servers(Guns of Boom). This is obviously not a competitive game, so Authoritativeness is completely optional.

    Is it worth the Cost and Work to move to dedicated Solution or should I stay with Listen Server Model,But maybe reduce the Number of players in a game to something like 4, so if disconnection happens it doesn't affect a lot of people at once.

    Sorry for my Bad English. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/fishinggrapes
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    Good 2D game engine?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2019 09:54 AM PST


    I've been trying to make games on and off for about 4 years now. The problem is that I never got very far (and that may be an understatement). I've been toying around with Unity, but it usually can get pretty frustrating.

    So, as I said in the title, I'm mainly interested in making 2D games (top down shooters, beat em' ups, 2D brawlers/fighting games, strategy stuff and mainly rogue-likes/lites). My problem with Unity is, that any decent project takes aaaaaages to set up (mainly if I do this on and off), so I'm looking to try something new!

    So, any suggestions?

    Any help is gladly appreciated! \o/

    submitted by /u/Marulo78
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