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    Saturday, December 29, 2018

    Resume Advice Thread - December 29, 2018 CS Career Questions

    Resume Advice Thread - December 29, 2018 CS Career Questions

    Resume Advice Thread - December 29, 2018

    Posted: 28 Dec 2018 11:06 PM PST

    Please use this thread to ask for resume advice and critiques. You should read our Resume FAQ and implement any changes from that before you ask for more advice.

    Abide by the rules, don't be a jerk.

    This thread is posted each Tuesday and Saturday at midnight PST. Previous Resume Advice Threads can be found here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Daily Chat Thread - December 29, 2018

    Posted: 28 Dec 2018 11:06 PM PST

    Please use this thread to chat, have casual discussions, and ask casual questions. Moderation will be light, but don't be a jerk.

    This thread is posted every day at midnight PST. Previous Daily Chat Threads can be found here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Nearly three years unemployed since graduation. Am I out of luck?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2018 11:40 AM PST

    Several years ago I pursued a second BS in CS from an unknown state school. I had a near 4.0 GPA and a minor conference paper, but no internships. Bad idea, I know.

    Due to mental health, family problems, and a general lack of jobs in my area, I have remained unemployed since my 2016 graduation. Foolishly, I haven't done much to keep up my skills either aside from a few idle leetcode problems here and there.

    Would even a place like revature or a help desk position take me at this point?

    submitted by /u/digital_desperation
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    Is there a guide on how to move on from your first job?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2018 04:30 PM PST

    I have a lot of questions about how to go about getting my next job:

    • How do you do interviews? Do you just call in "sick" for a whole day or request an interview after typical work hours?

    • How long should you stay at your first job?

    • How do you handle references? Do you tell your current boss you're looking around and to expect calls? Or do you ask companies not to call? What's the timeline here?

    • I think a lot of us were promised things in our current job that were either lies or simply not happening. How do you make sure this doesn't happen again?

    • Once you get an offer, how do you tell your boss?


    submitted by /u/PascLeRasc
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    Internship posting said paid, but when the employer offered me the internship she said its unpaid. Am I being taken advantage of?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2018 08:49 PM PST

    I recently applied and got an internship. The internship posting clearly says paid internship, but when I was offered the internship they said its unpaid. Its a legit company/start-up, just wondering if they are exploiting and taking advantage of me. To add on top of that they asked me to submit a w4 form, even though I am not getting paid. Why do i need to fill it if I am not getting paid. Can any one help

    submitted by /u/tenzin101
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    No Stress Career Trajectory

    Posted: 29 Dec 2018 03:00 PM PST

    I've been hearing some stories lately of people who do very close to nothing and get paid surprisingly well. It sounds like they work at banks and on database systems.

    I'd like to take some time to continue work on my novel and the prospect of having a no stress job where I can do other things is incredibly exciting. I've spent several years working in fast paced, cutting edge teams as a software developer so far and I'm not sure it's for me.

    Is it possible to pivot into one of these no stress jobs?

    submitted by /u/grimerphd
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    How do I practice coding effectively?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2018 01:09 PM PST

    I am currently studying for Amazon's Assessment test (70 min 2 questions) and I am reading CTCI and doing Leetcode. When reading CTCI I understand the topic, to some degree, but when solving questions on my own I feel lost and eventually end up looking at the answers. This happens especially often on Leetcode.

    How do I practice these questions without inevitably looking up the answer? If I can't figure it out should I just look at the answer, understand it, and move on? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Akairobu
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    Security Clearance

    Posted: 29 Dec 2018 12:46 PM PST

    Last year I got clearance for my internship. I am applying for another internship at another company that requires a clearance. The recruiter emailed me asking for my specific clearance level before further review. Can I just tell them it over email or is there another preferable means of doing so?

    submitted by /u/PlanB2019
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    Which London companies would be willing to relocate me from Australia?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2018 06:37 AM PST

    Currently working as a mid-level full stack developer at a startup in Brisbane, QLD. I'm happy with my job but have lived in Australia all my life and am looking for a change, besides the likes of Google what companies have been known to relocate internationally to London?

    submitted by /u/fence-sitter
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    Is the market saturated?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2018 05:10 PM PST

    Hey everyone.... So.... Based on the posts of this subreddit.... I am really frightened at the fact that, there is a surplus of engineers at the entry level. This is bad, because currently, I am in High School (grade 12), and I have a passion for CS. I will still be studying it eitheir way, but this is somewhat shocking to imagine. I currently know Data Structures and a couple of algorithims. I will continue expanding on my knowledge. But, it's unfortunate to hear about the surplus of CS grads at the entry level.

    What do you guys think about this situation?

    submitted by /u/faraz_n
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    How/where can I practice debugging codebases in my spare time?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2018 09:23 AM PST

    I have an interview coming up where one round involves me looking at a codebase and fixing the bugs in order to pass some unit tests. For those, who have done Triplebyte, it is essentially the same as the debugging round. When I did Triplebyte, I failed that round completely and didn't get any of the unit tests to pass (looking back, I felt I was pretty dumb and sort of choked under pressure because I fixed the bugs on my own eventually, but it took quite some time).

    Anyway, I was wondering if there is some sort of online practice that I can do in order to prepare for codebase debugging rounds (involving 1000+ lines of code)? This is my dream job that I'm interviewing for and I don't want to completely bomb it like I did Triplebyte.

    Edit: I'd be debugging an unfamiliar codebase that was already written, not projects that I made myself

    submitted by /u/AndroidGuru7
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    How do you handle having too many interests and little time?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2018 04:53 PM PST

    Hello everyone! I will give you some context in order to understand my question. I'm in the last year of my Mechatronics Engineering degree (which in my country is a Bs + Ms).

    When I started college I was really into Robotics and embedded systems, but as I was advancing in my degree (which is strongly focused in applied Informatics, like IA or Computer Vision) I started to develop more interest in those mentioned areas. So I began to read a lot about IA and the whole ecosystem, what led me to Data Science, and I love it.

    Luckily, I was able to get an internship at a company that was making Machine Learning to detect some types of malware. So I discovered the cybersecurity world. And it sounds so interesting. Simultaneously, I had a coworker who was developing some stuff in Distributed Systems to process big data. He told me about it and soon (as you may guess) I was fascinated about this topic as well.

    So here comes the problem, I discovered a lot of topics that really interest me, but in which I'm a complete newbie and I would need 5 lives to be good at those.

    So, for people in a similar situation, What have you done about it?

    submitted by /u/QuitoMeister
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    No Internship and Angry Dad

    Posted: 29 Dec 2018 04:51 PM PST

    First Reddit post in two years...I'm more of a lurker, but this has been stressing me so much I may as well get this off of me.

    TL;DR: I haven't had an internship offer yet, I'm anxious, and my parents are anxious.

    I'm a CS junior at a fairly good university (ranked among the Top 10 in the US, though its CS department isn't the likes of Stanford or MIT or even some high-end state schools) with a fairly good GPA (3.90 so far, which is pretty good considering that our university is notorious for grade deflation). On the purely academic front, I've been doing well, and I'm planning on doing our department's combined BS/MS program (if all goes well, it should only be an extra semester in college).

    What I've been an abysmal failure at, however, is getting an internship. I've applied to a little over 30 so far between September and now, which from what I see is very much on the low side. And from them, I have gotten failure after failure. Most companies have ghosted me or rejected me at the resume level; among the ones that haven't:

    - Facebook: Totally bombed the interview; to be fair it was my first and I just started getting into Leetcode.

    - Epic: Passed the online screening part and did the onsite at their (very fancy) HQ; unfortunately got a call a week later saying that they moved on with other candidates.

    - Twitter: Sent me a coding challenge and later an email saying that they were processing my app, but nothing since.

    - Google: Did a coding challenge for them and later two back-to-back phone interviews earlier this month, but they haven't updated me afterwards. I felt I did okay but not exceptional, and since Google looks for the exceptional I'm not holding much hope for this.

    - Amazon: Did the first part of their online assessment and passed (I don't know how considering I bombed their debugging section), and did the second part of it and failed.

    (It's kind of funny how the larger companies were more likely to give me an interview; you would think it'll be the other way around.)

    So now I feel like an abject failure, having to keep stressing about internship applications when my friends are already sitting comfy with offers from (for example) Amazon and Two Sigma. I also feel kind of dumb that I went to an extremely pricey private college in a field where name recognition means jack squat (though I do enjoy the experience and friends from said college; at least my parents are paying for my undergrad so I won't have much, if any, student debt).

    But the worst part about it is having to hear from my parents about how I'm a failure. My dad, in particular, is a firm believer that I should've gone into premed; both of my parents even have the gall of suggesting that I start preparing for medical school if I don't get an internship. (I haven't taken most of the premed classes, but they suggest that I should start doing so this summer.)

    My dad thinks he's doing a favor because he thinks that if you become a doctor you're set for life. He also thinks that my strengths and premed/med school fit in nicely. I'm good at academics and can ace tests easily, both good qualities for med school; in comparison I'm clearly a failure with interviews and coding challenges and networking and other non-academic skills. In short, I have book smarts but no street smarts. But I don't want to be premed; I don't want to stay in school for another decade and I also don't want to deal with the high stress environment of the medical sector or the high stakes application process for medical school.

    Alas, my parent's constant criticism, more than the rejections themselves, have pushed a lot of mental stress onto me this week. (I'm on break right now and will be for the next week.) On one hand, I need to get an internship or something this summer, not just to prove my parents, but also to secure a future for myself. After all, if you don't get a summer internship, it seems it'll be impossible to get a full time job after graduation. On the other hand, the constant stress has worn me and, in some respects, discouraged me from continuing applying or improving myself. Instead I waste my time on the Internet and browse places like this subreddit, depressing myself and creating a self-fulfilling prophecy.

    So what now, now that I've vented in front of you good people?

    1. Where should I apply for more internships? It seems that most opportunities have closed on me this late in the cycle (my dad said that all of the Wall Street internships have totally filled up, and ditto for Big 4), and now I'm kicking myself for not being more proactive. (If anyone has particular companies to suggest, please PM me!)
    2. How do I apply faster? For some reason it takes a ridiculously long time to complete one application (around 15 to 30 minutes), so I'm not sure how most people are able to complete hundreds of apps in the time it took me to complete thirty. Keep in mind that coursework and Leetcode grinding takes time away from job hunting.
    3. How can I improve my resume? I've shown it to a bunch of people and have iteratively improved it, but I'm sure there's still more to be done, and I can only make it so good before my lack of formal SWE experience becomes a wall. Link. (Yes, I know that there's the resume review thread, but may as well post it here.)
    4. As an aside to this, any additional tips on Leetcode grinding, interview prep, etc.? (My dad and his friends have given me some, so there's that.)
    5. Most of all, how do I deal with all the stress and feelings of failure during this difficult time? How do I deal with my parents? I know that self-love and self-care are both important, but you can only do so much before you get reality checked. (And before anyone mentions therapy, I already see a therapist at my school and will see her again once the spring semester starts.)

    Hope everyone has a wonderful New Year's weekend!

    submitted by /u/ice_cold_fahrenheit
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    Tech careers using ML?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2018 06:56 PM PST

    So my background is in statistics and I'm currently working as a data scientist in the Bay Area. Aside from data science and pure research positions (at Google and the like), what other roles in the tech industry use ML/stats?

    In addition to those, are there any other roles in the "orbit" of ML that may not use it specifically? For example, I'm aware of data engineers, who are presumably relatively close to the actual ML, but is there anything else out there?

    submitted by /u/bageldevourer
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    Considering working for a young startup for my first job, anything I should look out for/be aware of?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2018 06:47 PM PST

    I've only ever done internships with large companies and I don't have any friends or contacts who've worked in small startups. The one I'm speaking with has a technical staff of around 20 people and is growing pretty fast and seems all-around interesting and well-run.

    I don't really know what to keep an eye out for or what to ask as I consider working for them though, could someone give me a rundown as to what to keep an eye out for when considering them as opposed to a standard company? I've heard a lot of horror stories about startups being ridiculous amounts of work with variable pay and I'm just not sure what I should be checking on.

    submitted by /u/BetaHarpyiae
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    Applying for internships as a senior with plans to go to graduate school

    Posted: 29 Dec 2018 10:01 AM PST

    I'm a senior in my bachelors program in CS. I applied to graduate schools (phd, if that matters). If I get in, I will go to grad school.

    I was looking at the websites of some researchers in the area I intend to do my phd in. They are looking for interns for the summer. Do you think I can apply to this internship even though I don't yet know if I'm going to graduate school? I'm worried that if I wait for grad admission results to come back, their search for interns will be over. But I'm also worried they will dismiss my application since currently I'm not enrolled in any program for Fall 2019.


    submitted by /u/awoh2
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    US web developer in CA. Job offer in Sweden. Should I take it?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2018 01:12 PM PST

    Hi, /r/cscareerquestions, I'm hoping you can offer some cs career advice or share your experiences/thinking if you've been in a similar position.

    I've been working as a web developer for a few years. I'm bored of front-end and really disenchanted with web development in general, and I'm faced with two choices:

    1. Take a job in Stockholm. The job is in front-end web development. It's a decent position, though it doesn't pay as well as my last job (pay outside CA/PNW is expected to be lower). I'm mildly attached to my current place of residence (not too attached). I'm also mildly interested in living in Sweden/Scandinavia. But I'm also getting older and kind of want to settle down, maybe marry, and, like, have kids, you know? Uprooting and relocating seems like it would make that more difficult or delayed. (Additionally, I'm short. Why would Sweden's giantesses want to be with a midget like me when there are so many tall, statuesque Vikings they could be with instead?)

    2. Stay in CA, study, keep applying for jobs. I just left my last job, and I've been studying and working on getting myself up to speed on CS fundamentals (I took only one CS course in college). I'm really enjoying that -- like, really, really enjoying it. I've saved enough that I could just sit around and study for basically as long as I want. Is there any reason why I shouldn't, beyond the obvious problem of using my savings, not contributing to retirement and creating a gap in my resume? If I want to get out of web development, does this sound like a good start/idea?

    A considerable part of my concern and reason for applying for work abroad is the US's work culture. I'm sick to death of being worked to death. None of the jobs I've had have left me enough time for a decent life outside of work or enough energy in the evenings/on the weekend for CS study/projects. (I realize that that's partly me, partly the jobs I've hard, and partly whatever. I realize there are development jobs that aren't like this and developers in the US who either don't have this problem or find a way around it.) I'm losing faith in my ability to find and/or get a job in the US that will give me a the quality of life I want. Scandinavian programmers don't seem to have this problem. That's really appealing.

    I assume trying to reenter the US job market after a year or two (or ten) abroad wouldn't be too difficult. If I'm wrong about that, please let me know.

    Thoughts? What would you do? If you've been in this situation, what choice did you make?

    submitted by /u/DiscreteToots
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    Student Developer Report 2018 by HackerRank

    Posted: 29 Dec 2018 01:21 AM PST

    Survey included 10,000 developers from all over the world.

    Student Developer Report 2018

    submitted by /u/stalwart_kael
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    How do you find internships that are more specialized than just “software development” or “software engineering”?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2018 07:42 PM PST

    I think I want to work in IoT development or machine learning. The problem is, online searches turn up very few, if any, results. How do you get around this?

    submitted by /u/RK_229542
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    Is there any way I can do a remote software testing job? (Part-time - Netherlands)

    Posted: 29 Dec 2018 07:36 PM PST

    I'm currently still an IT student in the Netherlands, however I'm looking to get ahead and get some experience in the IT field.

    I've been searching high and low for decent part-time IT jobs as a student but I've come up empty handed.

    Right now I'm searching for software testing jobs, because they seem easy to do from home. Are there any good companies/websites for this, or does what I'm looking for not exist?

    Also, what are some other good IT part-time jobs I could look into? (I'm 24 y/o and live in the Netherlands, Rotterdam)

    submitted by /u/exploringgoldfish
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    I'm a comp sys DeVry dropout with >18 years in software development, currently an architect w/direct reports for a public info services company. I feel like an imposter compared to comp sci grads in the industry. How do ya'll feel about academic gatekeeping in IT?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2018 07:26 PM PST

    My career is incredibly successful relative to my upbringing. Barely squeaked out of highschool in 4 yrs due to family dysfunction. I was homeless on a friends couch by sr yr. A trade school was a seamingly great option for me in early .com boom days and without a stable base and parental guidance, it got me on my way. The loans suck, but there weren't great options for me. I got enough coding skill to earn $40k salary in 02, so I bailed on the DeVry shit-show before they stole any more from me.

    I've been making six figures since 07 and have been an application architect with direct reports for the last 5 years for a public multi-billion $ company. I feel like an imposter and have attempted to get a comp sci degree but now at 40 w/a 7 & 5 yr old at home, I struggled with exams and petered out with Calc 1 this last semester. I think I could make it through data structures & algorithms, but alas, my engineering school window seems closed.

    I've had minor flirts w/MS & AMZ, but otherwise most elite shops won't call me back. My guess is the academic gaps are too large.

    Anyone empathize or sympathize? Where would you go from here?

    submitted by /u/imposterCS
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    Graduating fall 19, No Internships so far

    Posted: 29 Dec 2018 07:24 PM PST

    I go to a relatively good state school with an worldwide recognized CS program but have had 0 luck in getting summer internships. Part of it was maybe due to my complicated visa (wife is a us citizen but I'm currently on student visa ) and part of it perhaps due to my own laziness. I've had two final round interviews (Wallmart Labs and Oath ) which went great but both turned out to be shitty since they didn't respond to a single candidate in our batch and just flaked out. I'm applying every where, my gpa is 3.1 and I'm not a total idiot when it comes to white board questions but I'm honestly getting no where. So many of my friends in the same league have good offers and I'm just stuck in a stupid state. I know I haven't applied to as many companies but my visa status is also a limiting factor in the amount of companies I can apply to (can't get married until summer so don't say get married ASAP) am I literally fucked for summer if I don't have anything lined up ? I feel so fucking bad.

    submitted by /u/414eDude
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    Making a program that will make my (and coworkers') work easier/less annoying

    Posted: 29 Dec 2018 11:34 AM PST

    I just finished with version 1.0 of the program and I can't wait to get it into action.

    So here's the deal:

    The work has nothing to do with cs (besides staring at a computer screen all day), I have minimum wage, we already have a program that does what this does, except it's so barebones that it's practically useless and saves at most 5 minutes (mine, at best, 20-30 minutes, not a whole lot but still way ahead of what we have now).

    One of my biggest flaws is that I agree to things without bargaining (probably wouldn't have minimum wage otherwise). I was about to just let my bosses know, go through the code to make sure there's nothing malicious, and start using it, but one of my coworkers stopped me and told me that I have to be compensated for this.

    I have never made a program for "professional" use before, just home or internship projects. Obviously I should be compensated for something that makes work easier.

    The question is, how the hell do I bring that up if I even agree to minimum wage?

    At V1.0, the program is already 5x better than what we have now, and I have 3-4 planned features to add to it, maybe even replace three more programs we use. It would kill everything else we have. We do contract work for a bunch of companies, some pulled off because we were slow and inefficient (mostly because we rely on 4 systems working flawlessly, which they rarely do, at least 2 server crashes a day). One of the features I am considering to put in literally cuts a third of a day off (hence why I'm just considering adding it, it's really easy to add it, don't want anyone losing a job here).

    Anyway, back to track.

    I am also looking for a new job, really want to land a software dev job, so obviously a beast like this would look great on my resume so I need to make it happen.

    What should I ask for? Like, not a number, just what should I ask for? A raise? Free time compensation? Cash? New job position (with raise)? Nothing at all but recommendation?

    I may have done it on my free time, but I made it for work.

    submitted by /u/Never-asked-for-this
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    B.S. at Rutgers (w/ honors) or B.A. at Cornell?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2018 06:55 PM PST

    I am currently a freshman at Rutgers University pursuing a BS in computer science. I am in the honors program (not to be confused with the honors college, which is considered to be more prestigious). Note that the honors program is not department-specific, but there is a separate computer science honors track that I am considering applying for.

    Last May, I received a guaranteed transfer offer from Cornell. If I go through with it, I'll likely pursue a BA at Cornell CAS.

    Might be worth mentioning that in either case, I'll minor in linguistics (or something else within the humanities).

    Not going to base my final decision off of this alone but I still would like to know: from either an "I'm looking for a job" perspective or an "I want to apply to grad school" perspective (still not sure what I want to do after I graduate), what would look better? Personally leaning towards the Cornell option, but I'd like to hear your thoughts.

    submitted by /u/butimsosleepy
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    I am lost and depressed.

    Posted: 29 Dec 2018 06:46 PM PST

    I have a bachelors in CS from a no name university. I graduated 2 years ago with a 2.1 GPA. It took me 6 years to graduate. I was working full time at a fast food place and was severely depressed while in college.I have no internships, no job experience, nothing. I have been taking graduate courses as a non matriculated student (my parents paid for the courses) at a university in new York for past two years in hopes that it will help me land a job in the future. I am completely lost and depressed. I know i made a lot of bad decisions so far in my life. I don't know what to do? Am i screwed? As far as my programming knowledge goes, i know how to write basic programs in java, python, c++, i know what a queue, stack and other data structures are and how to implement them but i am not sure if any of this will help me considering how bad my GPA is. Any advice is appreciated .Thanks.

    submitted by /u/HonestEbb
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    2019 Coding Help Needed!

    Posted: 29 Dec 2018 06:43 PM PST

    Hi I'm planning to learn to code. My goal for 2019 is to code everyday for at least 30 minutes!

    I need your guys help to decide which language to learn, I have tried searching for the past week but there are a lot of confusing articles that go into deep explanations.

    Anyway, my goal with learning this language is to create an AI software. When I googled this the top languages that came up are Python and Javascript. But I wanted actual advice from people that code everyday.

    So guys, 2019 I'll be looking to create an AI software, what's the best language for reaching my goal?

    submitted by /u/rocco20
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    Interning at Prop Trading Firms and Return Offers?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2018 05:38 PM PST

    Hey everyone, I'm going to be interning at a prop trading firm soon and I'm really nervous about return offers. I have heard these firms are super competitive, and a lot of people don't get offers. I've asked my future mentor what technologies I should focus on and I've been teaching myself the things that he mentioned as well as technologies previous interns recommended I learn, but I'm still really nervous. Can anyone that has interned at a prop trading firm and received a full time offer please speak to how the experience was as well as any advice you could give to someone hoping to be in the same shoes?

    submitted by /u/csquestions5583292
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