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    Thursday, November 22, 2018

    Which are some good technical book publishers? Also which ones should be avoided? Ask Programming

    Which are some good technical book publishers? Also which ones should be avoided? Ask Programming

    Which are some good technical book publishers? Also which ones should be avoided?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2018 05:39 PM PST

    I have heard about about O'Reilly, Apress, Manning, McGraw Hill and No starch press.

    Which of these publishers do you think publish good quality books and which of the publishers should be avoided?

    submitted by /u/Urruf
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    How do I get some professional experience as a 14 year old.

    Posted: 22 Nov 2018 09:12 AM PST

    Hello! I have been programming for a long time, and understand how to make scalable, and efficent programs/websites. I have worked with MySQL, and have a good idea of how to setup a linux server. I know C#, C++, Node, Java, JS, HTML, CSS, and PHP.

    I was wondering what do I need to do in order to start getting experince to put on resumes, and/or make a little bit of money doing this.

    Thank you very much!!

    submitted by /u/Sloss_Gaming
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    My github uses my real name. Should I make an alternate reddit account to share stuff I made with the community?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2018 08:48 PM PST

    I'm just slightly concerned about employers making judgements about me from what I do on social media. I want to get over that, but it's hard to when you need to bring dinner to the table. I feel like there's a lot of good to be done with some of the stuff I've made and just want to get it out there already, but karma/account age requirements would hold me back.

    submitted by /u/Muhznit
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    How can you track cookies across domains (like ebates.com)?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2018 05:20 PM PST

    I was wondering how services can track cookies across domains. After doing a bit of research I was able to find that a common technique is to use redirects. That way if someone goes to site A and logs in, it'll redirect to site b, which will then set a cookie, then redirect to site A. I was looking at https://www.ebates.ca/ specifically, I was trying to look at the network tab to view redirects, but couldnt seem to see any. Another peculiar thing is that when you go to amazon (from ebates), the url has some referrer information in it, but they explicitly say on their site that they use cookies in order to ensure you get your discount.

    Does anyone have an idea of how ebates really works? I know you can't access cookies from different domains (unless you use the redirect strategy), so I can seem to figure it out. Any insight is much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Meeoh
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    IDEs in industry jobs

    Posted: 22 Nov 2018 05:13 AM PST

    Is it common practice for companies to tell you which IDE to use or do people usually just use whatever they want and are comfortable with? If it's the former, what are the most common IDEs you have encountered while working as a programmer?

    submitted by /u/-CJF-
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    Is there a proper use of terminatethread() in C? (Windows)

    Posted: 22 Nov 2018 03:40 PM PST

    So I have a program that creates exactly one thread and that thread only executes another program with execv(), the program being ran is a server. I cant change anything about the server so I cant set any flags and im ok with the server suddenly closing, but the server runs an infinite loop so I need a way to kill the program/thread from the main program.

    Which is how I came upon terminatethread() but almost universally everyone says not to use it (and I can see why), so I just want to be sure there is nothing obvious I am missing that might screw me over.

    Also I know fork() would ideally be better here but since im on windows using mingw I cant use it. Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/Superninja19
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    Forum for amd64 assembly language programming?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2018 01:41 PM PST

    I'm trying to learn some amd64 assembly.

    Anyone know of a good forum where I can ask questions specifically about this?

    submitted by /u/extremeaxe5
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    Beginner with C++ some questions

    Posted: 22 Nov 2018 01:38 PM PST

    Hi there. C++ Beginner here, want to start picking up programming. Been practicing some beginner exercises lately and tried writing a very basic console application for an interactive vending machine, but running it at http://cpp.sh gives me some errors, but don't know why. Can someone look it over?

    // Vending Machine #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int Balance; int Choice; char Coke, cokePrice; char Sprite, spritePrice; char Water, waterPrice; char Fanta, fantaPrice; char Brisk, briskPrice; Balance = 5; Coke = 1, cokePrice = 1; Sprite = 2, spritePrice = 2; Water = 3, waterPrice = 3; Fanta = 4, fantaPrice = 4; Brisk = 5, briskPrice = 5; cout << "Welcome to the vending machine. Choose your beverage by entering a number corresponding to the beverage."; cout << "\n\nYour Balance is 5 dollars."; cout << "\n\nCoke = 1 | Sprite = 2 | Water = 3 | Fanta = 4 | Brisk = 5 |"; cin >> Choice; if (Choice == 1) { cout << "You have selected Coke. The price is $1."; Balance - cokePrice; cout << "\n\nYour balance is now: " << Balance; } else if (Choice == 2) { cout << "You have selected Sprite."; Balance - spritePrice; cout << "\n\nYour balance is now: " << Balance; } else if (Choice == 3) { cout << "You have selected Water."; Balance - waterPrice; cout << "\n\nYour balance is now: " << Balance; } else if (Choice == 4) { cout << "You have selected Fanta."; Balance - fantaPrice; cout << "\n\nYour balance is now: " << Balance; } else if (Choice == 5) { cout << "You have selected Brisk."; Balance - briskPrice; cout << "\n\nYour balance is now: " << Balance; } else { cout << "Error. Choice was not valid, here is your money back."; cout << "\n\nYour balance is currently: " << Balance; } system("pause"); return 0; } 
    submitted by /u/BestServerNA
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    Designing REST api to deliver tree/hierarchical data to react/redux app

    Posted: 22 Nov 2018 12:52 PM PST

    C#.....need help

    Posted: 22 Nov 2018 11:55 AM PST

    programming task until tomorrow We will write a program that looks if you are a guy or girl at the last second digit of your person's number

    010101-00 (6) 9 Is it even? Is it a girl. it's a guy ("6") has to be an odd number, i have to use "modulo" %, array, "if for"

    submitted by /u/Praska9912
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    How dangerous Jekyll for Avast ?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2018 05:40 AM PST

    i use avast for my AV, and i use Jekyll for running bootstrap docs offline. Everytime i use 'npm run docs-serve' my avast always capture Jekyll as dangerous file. The question is, how dangerous this file is ?

    submitted by /u/adeguntoro
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    Best Bootcamps for a complete n00b user with ton of energy?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2018 11:21 AM PST

    Hey all, im far from being an expert! My background is in Architecture, I've done some web design -only the look of the page not the code- After finishing my masters started working as an Architect but im not feeling as excited as i thought it'd be. i want to try something that has intrigued me forever, in this case coding, I started taking some courses in Udemy; html, css javascript the basic and im reading some books at the same time but i have this friend telling me that taking a full time/part time course in a really good Bootcamp Academy should boost my skills and at the same time i could land a job afterwards faster....

    What you all think about it? Is it better to enroll in one of those bootcamps -would you recommend one for someone living in Spain- or should i just go for myself and start building as-as i learn- projects and linking to my resume?

    submitted by /u/meadowpoe
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    What is one project you would build to learn a programming language?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2018 11:14 PM PST

    If you had to learn a new programming language (C, C++, Python, etc) what project would you do so that you would learn all the major concepts of the language? I don't know if my question is clear so for example of I was learning web development I would create a CMS so I would understand most of the stuff related to web Dev like user management, front end, back end, DB management, etc.

    submitted by /u/crukx
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    Kotlin or Java??

    Posted: 22 Nov 2018 02:01 AM PST

    Which one programming language should I learn, I want to become android developer, majority are java developers now but seems like kotlin is future, what do you guys think??

    submitted by /u/Traditional_Volume
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    State-of-the-art Java : expectation and reality is a huge let down

    Posted: 22 Nov 2018 03:27 AM PST

    I've read many post about improvements brought to Java and JVM on Reddit and elsewhere. However, it seems that most Java developer in general are not so welcoming towards changes. In Reddit alone I found that Java developer with real work experience still using Java 8 and consciously avoiding Java 9 modules its been a year wtf.

    I assume this is because of typical corporate environment where the real question thrown at the table more or less "does it make us more money?" which often the answer is no despite the benefit on the devs hand that would make them more productive. Its so frustrating to know all the time I put into learning would have no use in real world.

    Should I learn something else with a more change-welcoming community? Web development is one thing I already consider (aiming for backend because web front end is so catastrophic).

    submitted by /u/henzosabiq
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    Student Registration System

    Posted: 22 Nov 2018 01:03 PM PST

    You are required to develop an automated Student Registration System (SRS). This system will enable students to register online for courses each semester. You will save all the information into text files.

    For this system, you need to include the following components:

    System Components:

     • User Management: Users are entities that can be authenticated. Each user is assigned a unique identity. Users are either students, staff, or system administrator. In order to access the system menu options, the system needs to first authenticate the user. Students' menu options are different than the staff. 

    • Student Management: Every student can belong to a single department. The following information should be captured for any student: o Full Name o Student ID o Address o Date of Birth o Department o Email Address

    • Faculty Management: Every staff has the following information stored in the system: o Full Name o Staff ID o Address o Date of Birth o Email Address

    • Course Management: Courses form the basis of an online course registration system. Every course should have a course title, course number, and capacity. Every course can have multiple sections offered in different semesters (fall, summer, and spring) in any particular year. A course may belong to a single department. Only students who belong to those departments can register for a section of the course.


    Please note that the system must prevent students from changing any course details. • Staff Module: The university staff (faculty members) are provided with the following functionalities in the system: o Add a course o Update courses o The system shall provide course information o Retrieving the list of all the students' information o The system must provide the following reports: § List of the number of students registered for each course. This report will be displayed either as a list or a bar/pie chart

    • Registration Module: This module needs to provide the below functional requirements: o Register for a course. o Drop a course. o Determine the student's course load. Security Requirements:

    Every student and staff must have secure and private access to his/her data. The access requires identification through ID and password. If the user fails to authenticate, the system will provide the user an option to change the password.

    Programming Requirements:

    • Your program needs to have proper code structure (includes comments and code readability) • The program needs to have proper exception handling to validate any input from the user.

    submitted by /u/calibur26
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    Difference between proxy (different types), VPN, VPS?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2018 08:59 AM PST

    Alright so, I've seen some youtube vids and read some pages on google but they don't explain shit in terms of practical use.

    I don't care to hear about nodes and tunneling and protocols and shit. I just want a functional explanation of the differences.

    I use and have used proxies, both public and private so I understand how they work and what distinguishes them. I don't, however, understand the differences between different types of proxies? What are sock proxies? What's the functional difference? What about ipv4 vs ipv6?

    What is a VPN then? As I understand it (and it's completely based on a guess because I can't find a simple explanation), a VPS changes your whole PCs IP rather than just the browser. So you would also have skype and steam games on a different IP? Have I got that right or am I wrong?

    What about VPS then? Also a guess, but I think it's like VPN + VM. So a completely new vitrual machine with its own IP.

    What have I got wrong? What are the differences?

    Massive thanks to anyone who gives me a genuine answer without all the tech babble.

    submitted by /u/nickyjkim
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    Does it make sense to invest time and efforts in in-depth study of vim functionality?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2018 03:30 AM PST

    It is easy to notice, that Vim has different ideology than contemporary editors and IDEs. There are so many contrary-to-intuition nuances here, so studying its functionality in-depth costs serious effort. What do you think: does it worth it or not?

    submitted by /u/_tired_programmer_
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    How can I become a finalist at Google Code-in if I am currently in class 9 and I don't know anything except some basic HTML?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2018 07:11 AM PST

    What computer programs do I have to learn if I am doing a 1-year computer diploma?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2018 10:52 AM PST

    Can I get a job if I learn to code for 1.5 years every day? I would spend 4-8 hours a day learning and I'm talking about PHP, js, CSS, and HTML.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2018 10:18 PM PST

    Who would you rather be, Gates or Stallman?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2018 11:31 PM PST

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