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    Thursday, November 22, 2018

    Interview Discussion - November 22, 2018 CS Career Questions

    Interview Discussion - November 22, 2018 CS Career Questions

    Interview Discussion - November 22, 2018

    Posted: 21 Nov 2018 11:06 PM PST

    Please use this thread to have discussions about interviews, interviewing, and interview prep. Posts focusing solely on interviews created outside of this thread will probably be removed.

    Abide by the rules, don't be a jerk.

    This thread is posted each Monday and Thursday at midnight PST. Previous Interview Discussion threads can be found here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Daily Chat Thread - November 22, 2018

    Posted: 21 Nov 2018 11:06 PM PST

    Please use this thread to chat, have casual discussions, and ask casual questions. Moderation will be light, but don't be a jerk.

    This thread is posted every day at midnight PST. Previous Daily Chat Threads can be found here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Difference in mindset between the student me and the professional me

    Posted: 22 Nov 2018 07:10 PM PST

    A few month's ago when I was still a student I used to frequent this sub and read through all the front page posts and I obsessed over having a good career, studied leetcode hardcore, put in many hours improving my craft, etc and I was able to secure a good full time offer with a company in NY (not a Big N but the company is often talked about here).

    I've been working for almost a half a year now and I realized that I stopped visiting this sub ever since I started work and now my priorities have changed. Before I wanted to super successful career where I was given the opportunity to work on challenging projects. Nowadays, I just want to put in my 9-5, not code or study after work, pursue my hobbies, and start thinking of starting a family.

    I'm now back at home, just had a nice thanksgiving with my family, and I've been reflecting on my college days. It's crazy how my mindset completely changed once I started working and I just wanted to share that.

    submitted by /u/CommercialRespect13
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    Did anyone else in college have 'that' Computer Science course that was an absolute nightmare?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2018 08:19 AM PST

    I'm a junior in college right now.

    Web Design? Fun!

    Computer Architecture? - Challenging but I got it!

    Database Development? - Not bad at all, and I got my own personal project?

    C Assembly? Not bad!

    Software Design I and II? Learned a lot!

    Software Design III? Absolute nightmare

    Any other computer science course, I work for an hour, I get an hour of work done. But god damn, software design III I am just smacking anything I can think of to try to pass this class. I go to office hours daily and the line to see the professor is insane. Not exaggerating, I can go immediately after the class and it will still be a 1.5-2 hour line because so many people will leave class early to try to get a spot. A good half the class is there everyday.

    Is it normal to have a class like this? I genuinely enjoy computer science and enjoy programming, but this class is a nightmare. I'm just desperately trying to get any points I can to pass and never look back

    submitted by /u/PM_Me_A_Hug_Pleease
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    Manager black mailing me that she will put me in PIP if I switch teams.

    Posted: 22 Nov 2018 11:12 AM PST

    So I'm working in Amzn for 4 months and joined as college hire. The team I got hired is so micro managed with all sorts of dirty works. My manager will peek into everything. So I'm planning to switch team. But my manager is black mailing me that she will put me in PIP if I switch team. Should I start preparing for interview for other companies ?

    submitted by /u/BinaryFile
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    What is considered a 'good' tech stack to work with for a new grad?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2018 05:50 AM PST

    A lot of people mentioned in a thread earlier this week that the most important thing to consider for a job out of college is the tech stack you'll be working with.

    Does anyone have examples (preferably not front-end web dev)?

    submitted by /u/CrystalAssassin
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    How beneficial are certifications from cloud computing services (AWS, Azure, etc)?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2018 03:43 PM PST

    Are there any certifications that are just great for that salary bump, look great on your resume, or are just really nice to have as a software engineer?


    submitted by /u/tome7
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    Which CS class was the most useful for your career?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2018 11:29 AM PST

    I would say the most useful class was Operating System I. We learned about system calls and utilities, fundamentals of processes and interprocess communication.

    submitted by /u/tech55
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    I lost all interest in software engineering and my brain actually shuts off when I start writing code. What next?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2018 03:29 AM PST

    Hey guys, I will try to keep this short but some details will be lost, I'll gladly clear up anything that doesn't make sense due to being very condensed.

    The current problem: I lost all interest in software engineering and my brain actually shuts off when I start writing code

    Why I got into coding:

    At a very young age I started to code for an Arduino. I decided to play around and go into the actual AVR without a bootloader, and also play around with PIC from microchip(C and Assembly). This was fun, but my family was broke as fuck and we could see the sky through the roof. So I needed to make money. I learned to make websites from scratch in PHP/MySQL/etc, and leveraged some frameworks and such to get faster. This was around age 15, and when I started taking in freelance clients. My parents couldn't afford the costs of highschool, so I dropped out. Being young, in my "learning phase", and broke, I decide to be cheap.

    My family had very low standards of what they considered a job, so, for the first 3 years or so I thought that earning less than minimum wage without a contract for average complexity software was acceptable.

    The following is my work history so far:

    • First 2 jobs: very inexperienced founders that wanted to sell custom sites to customers. I was paid illegally with the promise of eventually getting a contract. Work was mostly boring without any challenge. I resign due to literally getting paid half of minimum wage.
    • 3rd job: Very low budget e-commerce shop that realistically needed 3 people to run but they hired 20. Very low salary(less than minimum wage, but I negotiated some extra that put me roughly 100€ above minimum wage, which, according to my parents, was the epitome of a career). Again, I resigned due to boredom and lack of interesting tasks. I was very praised here, but as the only technical person, the praise was worthless because it came from people who didn't know how to use excel.
    • 4th job: I moved to a big city and got a frontend dev job in a big company. Expectations were high, but it turns out they never heard of version control. My manager advised me to leave the country and pursue better opportunities outside and congratulated me on the quality of my work in relation to my age.
    • 5th job*: I move to Germany for a cool company you have definitely heard of. I'm put doing pretty boring work on a "B-project" no one cares about with the promise of being moved when I get bored. It quickly gets boring because there's no challenge and I just get asked to do/re-do/do again/re-do badly defined tasks due to my product owner being bad at figuring out what stakeholders want. I spend most of my time supporting other developers, setting up CI/CD, infrastructure on AWS, etc. I like this work, but there is 0 visibility into what I'm doing so it's like I'm doing nothing, which means I don't get much of a raise at all. I eventually move to the core product, but, by then, the resentment is such that I just resign. In parallel I play around a lot on personal projects and this is where most of my learning came from.
    • 6th job: I become a project manager because the previous 8 years have been awful and I don't want to sit at a desk writing code ever again. There are some glaring issues with the company that I won't get into, but it simply wasn't a nice place to work. I did my best to make the developers happy. After 6 months here I just have to quit, and the office shit-stirrer gets promoted to my role(they avoided him once when they hired me). After this, many others also quit.
    • Not a job: I decide to take a whole year off of work to read as much as I can about topics very different from where I feel comfortable. Personal development(where I definitely learned that I was to blame in quite a few situations), business, business development, psychology, neuroscience, sales, organizational structuring, marketing, more sales, "mythical man-month", starty-uppy books, technical books, etc. In total I read some 50 books, some went deeper than others. This opens my mind to new things that I'd like to tackle.
    • 7th job*: I'm hired as a "DevOps" engineer and, again, it seems like no one is sure what they're doing. I'm working there for 2 months and not a single task has landed on my desk besides things that seem to be made-up just to keep me busy. My brain shuts off the minute the IDE opens. I had to learn C# for this, and the learning went fine, it's just when someone tells me to do something that I simply don't want to do it.-- Product in this new company also seems to be seriously lacking in quality, and their projections for customers and expected revenue don't even cover half of the development costs. No one seems to question this(they have their reasons, surely, but at the same time they are very open about lack of liquidity and dwindling revenue from legacy products...).

    *note: These jobs include a move to a different country and required learning a whole new language. I speak Portuguese, English, basic German, and now also basic Norwegian. This language learning phase forces me into more technical roles than I'd like.

    How would I go about fixing this? Is it just an attitude issue? Should I just stop thinking about it so much? I feel like my engineering side is completely burned out, and that my interest slowly changed to mostly people and money. I learned to sell well(I've done some "high-ticket" closing on commission), and my engineering background certainly helps in some sort of sales that require some consultation. However, I also found myself to be relatively good managing people(especially moderating disagreements), and speaking with customers, turning requirements into a product, developing a relationship, and managing their complaints, etc.

    I like to:

    • Learn a lot about any topic
    • Generate revenue
    • Document
    • Teach

    What sort of role would flex all these newly found skills? Where could I use ALL of the above skills? Where could I find such a job?

    Thanks for the taking the time to read, feel free to be as brutally honest as you possibly can. I can clarify any questions you may have.

    submitted by /u/Guilgamexe
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    Does anyone have a list of main CS related roles?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2018 09:21 AM PST

    Hey guys, I'm relatively new to the tech world and my plans were originally completely different from CS but now I've figured out that I'm pretty interested in the tech world. I was wondering if I could ask some questions to the professionals in this field about the different roles in the tech industry.

    To start, I don't know much about jobs in the tech world apart from software engineers, data scientists, product managers, system admins and cyber security related roles so I was wondering if I can get a small rundown of the main roles in tech as well as:

    What they entail

    Which roles are generally the most sought after

    Which companies are the most sought after

    Which roles require a higher education above an undergrad

    Which are about to become obsolete in the next few years or so

    General information one should know before pursuing said careers

    Side note: I may be coming at this from a weird angle but that's most likely due to the fact that I was originally pursuing finance and most people in that industry for some reason liked to list and rank different roles and companies based on how much they earned, prestige, etc so this may have rubbed off on me a bit and that is most likely why this question may be odd for veterans in this field. I'm just trying to find out which area I should mainly pursue to fulfill my interests.

    submitted by /u/QuantQuestion
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    LinkedIn team matching for interns

    Posted: 22 Nov 2018 08:34 PM PST

    How long does it take? I have a competing deadline soon and am a little worried.

    submitted by /u/michigan2020
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    Are my professors exaggerating about how easy it is to get a job after graduating?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2018 01:00 PM PST

    Hello! I am majoring in Cybersecurity, getting a minor in App Development, and starting my masters in Software Development. I will graduate in a year with my bachelors completed and about 1/3 of my master's completed. My advisors and professors are extremely nonchalant about job hunting and it's starting to concern me. They all tell me that since I'm a female in the field, I will have no problem getting a good-paying job straight out of college. Is this actually true? I'm located in St. Louis and we have a pretty decent tech scene, but I really don't know how to get started looking for jobs and my advisors aren't being much help.

    submitted by /u/cyberallie
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    What kind of data structures and algorithms do people usually work with in computer vision?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2018 08:12 PM PST

    So I have a technical interview with a company that deals with home autonomous systems (like autonomous home vacuums and things like that) and it's for a junior computer vision & ML position. I have some experience with ML, but none at all with computer vision. I would like to know what kind of data structures and algorithms do people working in computer vision usually deal with (or if you know about similar products mentioned), as I would like to know what I should focus for with regards to the technical interview.

    submitted by /u/PyLord
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    Should I even bother doing leetcode hards ?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2018 01:58 AM PST

    So I am new to this leetcode thing . I heard a few people say that leetcode hards are not worth doing and most interviews ask only leetcode medium at most. So my question is should I do it or completely ignore them.

    Thanks :)

    submitted by /u/thetinygoat
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    I completed graduate school three years ago and have been battling depression ever since

    Posted: 22 Nov 2018 03:47 PM PST

    I haven't given any interviews nor have I had a CS related job during the time. Depression has consumed my relationships and finances. I am slowly getting out of the rut and trying my best to improve my cognitive abilities. Everything seems a bit more difficult at the moment but I don't want to give up. Is it too late to make a career as a software engineer?

    submitted by /u/Working_Reflection
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    Realistic expectations of getting a Web Dev job without a CS degree

    Posted: 22 Nov 2018 02:53 AM PST

    Hi everyone long time lurker here,

    A little bit about myself, I graduated with a B.A. in Communications but realized I wasn't getting where I wanted to be career-wise. I wanted to make a switch in my career and chose web dev since that is a field that really interests me. Currently, I am trying to self-teach myself through affordable sources such as Udemy, FreeCodecamp, etc. But I'm unsure how far any of this will take me career-wise without either a CS degree or some form of certificate such as a bootcamp.

    I constantly see articles or posts of people who were able to make it into a web dev position without a CS degree, but I'm wondering if these cases are more of the exception to the rule. I've been reading that today's market is over-saturated with a bunch of entry-level web dev experience especially through bootcamps and entry-level positions are extremely scarce. My question is, for someone in my position:

    • What are my chances of getting a web dev position through just self-learning and building a strong portfolio? Is it something I should pursue seriously for a career change?
    • Are bootcamps in worth it in 2018-2019? I've recently read that bootcamps in general have had a steep decline in job offers after graduation, also they are expensive.
    • Should I go back to school and get a bachelors degree in CS? (WAY MORE EXPENSIVE)
    • Is it worth it to pursue an AA or certificate through a community college in web dev?
    • Basically, what is the best route for someone in my position to take if I wanted to pursue this seriously.
    • Any other advice is much appreciated!

    Sorry for the long post and thank you for the feedback! I also live in Silicon Valley if that helps.

    submitted by /u/EddieEdit
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    Applying to summer internships as a freshman

    Posted: 22 Nov 2018 07:06 PM PST

    Im a CS freshmen at the University of Maryland (which I would say has a decent reputation). Ive been doing independent projects for 3-4 years and would say my resume is above average for a freshmen. That said, is it even worth applying to big companies in the West for summer internships knowing Im a freshman? Or should I focus my time on applying to more local ones. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/MrTpat
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    does the solution to Hackerrank problems has to be in minimal lines or any solution is fine if it passes all the test cases?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2018 06:58 PM PST

    for example - Print numbers 0-10.

    My solution -

    for i in range(11):


    Most of the Hackerrank Solutions - [ print(i) for i in range(11) ]

    Just wanted to know what should be the aim to hackerrank questions? is it writting code in minimal lines?

    submitted by /u/wild_howl
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    No ideas on side projects

    Posted: 22 Nov 2018 06:21 PM PST

    Hey guys

    This past year I haven't gotten any ideas for side projects that I can work on. Might sound stupid but I literally can't think of an idea that I can work on that is interesting and motivating. I feel burnt out, and with that gives me no motivation to work on anything, which hurts me bad. Can you guys lend me some advice and give me a totally new way how you guys think of projects/ideas?


    submitted by /u/sabrd2
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    How much will filing bankruptcy affect my career prospects as either a developer or a non-developer analyst role, either for an IT department or an IT focused company?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2018 05:18 PM PST

    I am in a situation where I can tough it out or file. Financially, there is overwhelming incentive to file, though I can tough it out if doing so would cost me a chance at a CS job.

    Anyone have experience with this?

    If it matters, the reason for the bankruptcy is abrupt job loss.

    submitted by /u/Red2340
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    What's a normal salary range for a new grad in Chicago?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2018 04:56 PM PST

    As of 2018 at least. I wanted to negotiate my current offer.

    submitted by /u/itsybitsycode
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    Low workload, how to not appear like I'm slacking without asking for more work

    Posted: 22 Nov 2018 09:18 AM PST

    So basically, I'm 8 months into my first grad job as a developer. There's only me and my boss that are devs, and he's a director so he's pretty much always busy.

    My problem is that the workload massively fluctuates from having a load of things to do, to literally nothing. Like right now, I'm working from home and have made 2 commits today, one of which was a tiny edit to an error message on one of our platform.

    I don't want to ask for more work as I'm into the ethos of "under promise, over deliver" and I don't want a shit ton of work dumped on me, but in the same regard I'm concerned it looks like I'm doing fuck all, which to be fair, I am. When I have work to do, I whack my headphones in and get into the zone, but most days I've finished my work by 2PM, sometimes earlier. When I have no work I look for things I can do, but I can rarely find much other than minor UI polishing etc.

    My biggest concern is that my boss will turn to me at some point and ask me what I've been doing, to which I would have no real answer...

    submitted by /u/cscareers_throw_away
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    Am I a developer?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2018 03:51 PM PST

    When can someone call themselves a "developer"? For example, I know java pretty good I think. I wrote an application for a company on how to check their GitHub repo members daily. And I know some basic things to make websites with AWS and Rails. My question is when can someone call themselves a developer, when do you cross that line and be one? Does that line even exist?

    submitted by /u/Prankcrank
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    Jr Pen tester - when should I apply?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2018 11:46 AM PST

    Hey everyone, I'm a senior in college graduating in June. I've began my job search already and have done a few interviews. The main issue is many jobs are looking for someone to be able to work by January.

    On top of this many recruiters have sent me emails saying my resume is strong but they need someone who can work now and I will be placed on a list for call backs later. Will they call me back or should I just reapply?

    Should I continue applying to jobs or take a break until I'm closer to graduating?

    submitted by /u/silent-boob
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    Is it common for a tech team to be that disorganised ?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2018 05:34 AM PST

    I started working 6 months ago as a front end developper in a Belgian tech company.

    This was my first job so I wasn't really demanding, I pretty much took the first job that presented itself. The wage is decent (2k5 euros / month) and my colleagues are cools.

    Now, the organisation of the company is absolutely CHAOTIC. I can't really compare with other companies since this is my first job so maybe this is common but, god, I've never seen a team that disorganised.

    Very few specs, no documentation, no proper testing, no naming convention. Hell it's even hard to find decent comments in the codebase.

    Whenever they ask me to modify something I feel like Indiana fucking Jones trying to decipher some ancient relic of the past while making sure the ceiling doesn't collapse on me.

    So obviously deadlines are never respected. Projects extend themselves for way too long. We lose so much time because of bad communication / lack of doc / specs.

    To top it off projects are not really challenging and from what I've gathered, it's not going to be better anytime soon.

    Is it common for a tech team to be that disorganised ? I think I'm going to wait a couple more months and look for something better (i.e. by asking more questions during the interview I guess)

    Edit: Sorry in advance if i made mistakes, english is my second language

    submitted by /u/__kitty__got__claws
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    Goldman Sachs Hirevue Results

    Posted: 22 Nov 2018 03:11 PM PST

    Hi, I've seen this thread before but I don't have access to a recruiter and it's been longer than 4 weeks(advice from the other threads).

    I did the hackerrank and hirevue already, just wondering if this is a normal thing for Gsachs, or if I'm probably screwed.

    submitted by /u/ilift
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