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    Monday, November 26, 2018

    What are some developer presentations / talks that you think communicate complex ideas well? web developers

    What are some developer presentations / talks that you think communicate complex ideas well? web developers

    What are some developer presentations / talks that you think communicate complex ideas well?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 10:55 AM PST

    I've been trying to gather examples of good dev talks to try and get better at presenting myself, and I'm curious what kind of talks people find most helpful.

    Here are some that come to mind:

    "React Hooks" - Dan Abramov

    "90% Cleaner React" - Ryan Florence

    "Functional Programming in JavaScript" - Anjana Vakil

    submitted by /u/Thebearshark
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    Build a Project Management Tool with Vue.js, Node.js and Apollo — Part 5

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 01:42 AM PST

    Shower thought: What if your password strength unlocked features for a site?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 11:21 AM PST

    Would this be an effective way to improve security for your users? Or be too much of a deterrent? Just a shower thought, not seriously considering implementing.

    Curious to see some examples you all would make or features you would have as unlockables for existing popular sites.

    submitted by /u/ffifficult
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    Will web developers only ever appreciate how much effort web developers put in

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 02:57 PM PST

    Seems to me that most people have next to no understanding how much time and effort it takes to put into a project to get it production ready, and they're still always asking - "Can you just...". Starting to get very discouraged by the lack of respect some people give us.

    submitted by /u/TheIrishDanishman
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    What makes a good web developer, but is often neglected

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 12:10 PM PST

    As a student of media informatics today I think I finally noticed what makes people see you as a very good web developer.

    Long story short, I used most of my free time during the last six years to teach myself a lot regarding JavaScript, CSS and ultimately Node.js. I have read multiple books and completed the MongoDB developer license last year.

    Today we had a project meeting in college where we discussed some problems setting up an existing Node.js project we have to extend during the next semester. It's basically a fragile combination of four mostly independent JavaScript Frameworks which somehow had to use PostreSQL. All we had was a vague Readme in a Git together with the source code to get started with the existing program. A nightmare if done for the first few times (and also afterwards for the rest of your life but that's another topic).

    I was the only one to set it up by now without further help. The other guys in my group are indeed very good developers who could just start a new project from scratch without a problem, BUT this is very much not the biggest challenge you have to face when starting working in a group of developers. Please don't get me wrong, I am not trying to praise my own ability here, this is about what other people see in you.

    My message for you guys, especially if you only worked alone on your own projects by now, is that you should immediately engage in collaborative projects with friends or some strangers on the internet. That is something you won't learn by yourself or early on in college. Maybe don't start by joining huge projects were you are completely lost in hundreds of source code files. Start slowly and work at the limit of your own knowledge. You will encounter a lot of very frustrating bugs and problems which might take you hours or even days to fix, but you will learn to solve the same problems you have to face your whole professional working life.

    From my point of view this might be the biggest reason to why many companies don't hire freshly graduated college students. They expect us to lack team-working ability and experience to understand existing projects. I don't think that it's impossible to prove them wrong.

    Sorry for the long post! I would love to hear your own opinion on this topic.

    TL;DR Experience in collaborative projects and understanding pre existing code is the most important thing you don't learn in college (or own your own).

    submitted by /u/just_nikolas
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    Taking care of your hands.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 01:44 PM PST

    Anyone have any suggestions for keeping your hands and arms healthy?

    There is an old saying a lb of cure is worth an oz of prevention. What is best practice in preventing carpal tunnel and keeping other common industry injuries at bay?

    Personally I do yoga with a focus on grip strength. I like smoking weed and getting inside my body, then i'll grab a towel or something and really try to just work the little tendons and muscles in my fore arm that i can't otherwise notice when sober. It feels really good but idk if it actually does anything. I've thought about rock climbing as a good way to keep everything healthy but again idk if that has efficacy.

    What do you do?

    submitted by /u/octaw
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    JavaScript API for face detection and face recognition in the browser implemented on top of the tensorflow.js core API

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 11:59 PM PST

    Single page website with multi-page functionality?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 10:51 AM PST

    I've seen some sites that have multi-page functionality, however, being contained within a single page. This means when navigating the website, it feels responsive and appears extremely fast. On regular sites, when clicking a link to a new section, the content will flicker a little as the new page and its DOM are loaded in.

    For example on the ReactJS and AngularJS sites, navigating between sections on the site appears very snappy, and the user is only ever served a single document. Comparing this to a site such as Medium, clicking an article loads an entirely new page.

    I wanted to give this a go on my own, without using a framework.

    In short, I have a folder named 'pages' with HTML files for each page, e.g.: home.html, contact.html. The index.html file is the only file served to the user directly. It contains a div#main where the files from the 'pages' folder are loaded in, via AJAX calls. I should note: the pages do not have a full HTML document structure, only specific elements to show in div#main. Then the URL and document title are updated to match the new page, this enables forward/backward browser navigation like on regular site.

    For example:

    function setPage(pageName) {

    xhttp.onreadystatechange = function () {

    if (this.readyState === 4 && this.status === 200) {

    document.getElementById("main").innerHTML = this.responseText;



    xhttp.open("GET", ./pages/${pageName}\, true);


    const namePart = pageName.match(/^[^\.]*/)[0];

    document.title = barjo.co:: ${namePart};

    location.href = #${namePart};



    Then a button will have an onclick event, for example setPage("about.html");.

    I have this exact setup live on my site https://barjo.co. Please check it out if you're interested in seeing how it feels and behaves. The menu is in the top left, and there are 2 pages available. In particular, switch back and forth between the 2 pages, and compare this with how it feels to switch between pages on another site.

    So I'm curious, is this good or bad? Or the same? I feel as if it only has benefits. Only the div#main content is being loaded in, not a whole new document, so surely it's faster? Why don't many other sites do this? And lastly is it any good using AJAX for this, or should I use a framework?

    A lot of questions here I know, thanks in advance for any responses.

    submitted by /u/_barjo
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    What tools do you use to Stress Test your website? Anything that can crawl CSS/JS for unused code?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 07:42 AM PST

    My website is a bit heavy and collapsed under 200 users at a single time.

    Since I 10x increased the 'swap disk' space on my server, but I'm unsure if this is the solution. I am considering rewriting my website with cleaner code, but given the popularity, I do not want to change anything unless necessary.

    Anyone have suggestions on how to test my website? Quick ways to search for unused code? Or other ways to optimize?

    submitted by /u/canIbeMichael
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    I need an alternative do Paypal

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 07:15 PM PST

    I am sorry if here is not the right place to ask such question, but I think it has some to do with web developing.

    In my platform users are able to deposit and withdraw money (we have a balance system) and the only payment processor that is really capable of doing both things (allowing users to send us money and then allow us to send it back in a simple and manageable way) is Paypal.

    Keep in mind that we use multiple currencies (euro, dollar and brazilian real) in multiple countries.

    Do you know any viable alternative?

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Protego21
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    Is anyone here a web developer by profession and a digital artist as a hobbyist?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 03:59 PM PST

    How much time did you devote to each part before getting a job in web dev? And have you managed to make any money at all on the side for your digital art?

    submitted by /u/SaveComment
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    If you would start all over again...

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 09:33 AM PST

    ...knowing what you know now, what languages and frameworks you would go with for the best full stack future proof cutting edge experience?

    Please discuss. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Darth_Ender_Ro
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    Basic architecture question for developing a web service that needs to perform heavy calculations

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 03:00 PM PST

    I have a website where a user can submit a form of data. And I have a machine learning algorithm that takes 10-15 seconds to process that data and returns a result. Right now the algorithm resides on the same web server that serves the web clients. I want to move it out but am wondering what is the best practice when dealing with situations like this. Do I:

    • Have another RESTful server that takes in a queue of these requests and processes them? Deployed on the cloud using Azure/AWS
    • Have a package/cron job or the like that runs on the same machine of the web server but not on the web server itself?

    It can be language agnostic, I don't care much on what it resides on or what it's written in

    submitted by /u/raretrophysix
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    Is there a way to live stream YouTube video from my channel to my own website automatically?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 11:15 PM PST

    Suppose I have a div on my website dedicated only to an embedded YouTube player that plays only my live streams, how should I go about doing this so that the div disappears (display:none maybe) when there is no live streaming?

    Is there some JavaScript I can write or api I can use to detect live streams from my YouTube channel and automatically update my website to show it on that specific div?

    Does anyone have any examples of this?

    submitted by /u/01123581321AhFuckIt
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    How good is Google domains?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 12:17 AM PST

    My GoDaddy domain is expiring in January and I want to move away from them. I wanted to know how your experience has been with Google domains and what are it's advantages or if you have some other alternatives I would love to know.

    submitted by /u/thetinygoat
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    Coding Resources - Vol. 4

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 02:25 PM PST

    First web dev interview on Thursday, looking for advice

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 02:22 PM PST

    Hi, and thanks for reading. I have an interview with a web development agency this week to potentially do some contract work for them. I have been doing freelance web dev work for the past year, and up to this point, I've just done smaller scale jobs for random clients I've met. This will be first interview I've had for anything related to web dev, and I'm pretty nervous and am looking for some pointers. Below I've listed potential weaknesses the interviewer might ask about, as well as the skills I feel comfortable talking about.


    • Liquid template language
    • SCSS
    • BEM (naming convention, dunno if it counts as a skill)
    • jQuery
    • Wordpress, Shopify, and Squarespace platforms and theme customization
    • GreenSock Animation Platform
    • Firebase
    • Adobe Illustrator and XD

    Potential weaknesses:

    • I've never worked on a development team before
    • Self taught, no CS degree
    • Limited experience (~1 year of freelancing)
    submitted by /u/EdselHans
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    Question about database server CPU usage

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 10:30 AM PST

    Running a smallish web tool for teachers on AWS -- a site where teachers can build questions and tests, as well as score those and interpret results. Fairly dynamic content, so maybe not a lot of useful caching going on. The site has about 2000 active users, with maybe 7000 pageviews a day on an average day. I've been programming for decades, but this site (~5 years old now) is my first real foray into web development -- I'm a teacher by trade.

    I'm running a database server separate from my web server (not RDS yet) on an M5.large instance. Normally that gives us a lot of headroom, but today seems to be a PD day for several schools, and they're using the day to build questions. As a result, we're sitting around a consistent 40-50% CPU usage on the SQL server. I'm hoping some folks here can offer some insight / perspective on that...

    Specifically, can anybody offer a reality check on that load? Does it make sense that a site of the type described above might hit 50% CPU usage on an M5.large database server, or should this be a huge red flag for me? If the former, is "go to a server with more CPUs" the usual response? Are there other factors I should consider? And if the latter ("How the hell are you using that much"), can anybody offer thoughts on how to figure out what's going on?

    Thank you so much for your time.

    submitted by /u/base736
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    Could someone give me a quick primer on online stores?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 01:52 PM PST

    I work as a web dev professionally mostly doing front end stuff, I was recently contacted by a family member who wants to setup an online store. I've never done this before, a couple of questions:

    • Which is the most popular platform for setting up an online store?
    • Is there any security risk involved if I already use a widely known platform?
    • Can these platforms just be integrated onto a web page?

    These probably sound like very noob questions but I've never worked with an online store or processing payments, security, etc. Any help appreciated!!

    submitted by /u/throw-away-ac-slater
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    Aany cdn hosting services?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 01:45 PM PST

    Similar like cloudflare, I'd like a cdn that I can use to host files that will be accessed by multiple users from multiple locations

    submitted by /u/freecodeio
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    Remote Control Chrome Tab by another

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 01:34 PM PST

    Is there an extension for Chrome that behaves like tmux thus allowing to remote control sessions / tabs on the same machine? I want to do a presentation without having to turn around my head for samples in Chrome and I can't duplicate the main display.

    submitted by /u/alexzeitler
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    Please tell me some easy to use Server Log Analyzer

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 01:12 PM PST

    is there any simple to install and use log analyzer for a noob webmaster?

    submitted by /u/BestPornFinder
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    Any noteworthyCyber Monday deals?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 09:21 AM PST

    Just wondering if anybody has seen anything. Does anybody know if Jetbrains is doing anything?

    submitted by /u/btbam06
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    Digital Ocean for hosting and backend?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 11:08 PM PST

    Okay, so I want to use Digital Ocean for freelancing. I would run a Ruby on Rails app on a droplet and instead of using ActiveStorage with something like AWS, I would just use my droplets disk space to hold things like images and what not. Does that sound like a good idea? I've never actually used Digital ocean, but someone here on Reddit recommended it to me. Thanks!

    Edit: I figured I would make my clients set up a digital ocean account and then have them add me as a team member and I would just their droplet to run the rails app. Does this sound like a good idea as well?

    submitted by /u/angelg__
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    A story behind the very first webpage in the world.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 12:16 PM PST

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