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    Sunday, November 25, 2018

    This tool makes learning Regex a breeze. web developers

    This tool makes learning Regex a breeze. web developers

    This tool makes learning Regex a breeze.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2018 10:40 PM PST

    Exploiting poorly made vote poll

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 01:59 PM PST

    Hello guys, I hope I am at the right subreddit, if not just please let me know. So there is a vote poll and I noticed that I can keep voting if I vote in incognito mode. So I decided to find a way to automate the process, at first I tried to create an iframe (for some reason I thought that iframe has its' own session) and find the button, click it and reload the iframe, but it did not work, because iframe did not have its' own session, do you guys have any ideas on what I might be doing wrong? Thanks

    My main goal is just to improve myself.

    submitted by /u/drmlol
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    My goDaddy Domains are getting expensive, how easy is it to switch?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 01:31 PM PST

    Hey guys,

    I work freelance and made my own site a few years ago. I have a two different domains for slightly different roles, and at the time I was only paying a couple of pounds for each one. This year I noticed the renew was around £60, even when removing the optional extras.

    How easy will it be to find a competitor who will only charge me a few pounds each again and switch them over? I really don't want to lose the web addresses as they are printed on all my business cards and I have been steadily promoting it for a few years.

    I did look on some rival websites but of course they said the domains we're unavailable (because I owned them elsewhere).

    Would someone mind explaining the process to me?

    Thank you for your time

    submitted by /u/WillGrindForXP
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    Can you run multiple instances of the same serverless function?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 03:15 PM PST

    Let's say I am using AWS Lambda. Can two or more clients use one function concurrently?

    submitted by /u/wholesomedumbass
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    Is there an open-source solution for a web video player that does adaptive streaming?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 02:53 PM PST

    I've been trying to solve this bottle neck issue where I have a collection of videos in a carousel that play after one another. I've done the research and I believe the best solution would be to use a web video player that does adaptive (bitrate) streaming. However, embedding from YouTube is not an option as I need to hide any branding/controls/etc. which YouTube has made it impossible to do so. I know Vimeo PRO allows you to use an external player but I'm not looking to pay the monthly membership for just this one instance (unless it really is the best choice). I've looked into Video.js (https://videojs.com/) but if I'm not mistaken I need a web server that supports HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) to begin with?

    Any comments that can point me in the right direction would be much appreciated 10,000%, thank you.

    One other issue I'm having is that the video resources when played are not being cached. At the start of each slide, a GET request is made to the video resource and is downloaded once more. Is there some way I can force the browser to cache the video resources?

    EDIT: I'm developing on top of WordPress if that helps.

    submitted by /u/koreasuh
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    Wordpress Intentional Sabotage

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 02:35 PM PST

    Hi there

    I have come across an issue with one of my client's websites where I exported the site using All-on-one migration tool and set up a development site working as it should. This was a few weeks back.

    I have gone to the development site today and all of the pages that were previously set up have been withdrawn, except for the ones I created after the import

    All images have been removed. On the server, but not in the Media Library. All images except for the ones that were loaded after the import

    When I created a dev site, I removed all users.

    I don't want to jump to conclusions but I have an inkling that there is possible a bit of code somewhere in the site that checks to see if the site is hosted with the original provider and if not run a query to mess things up. Has anyone ever come across anything like this? Is there anything within the functions that I could look for to try and pinpoint the cause?

    The original providers do not have a good name for themselves and I am suspecting foul play here but I am also an optimist. Any insight would be appreciated

    submitted by /u/bmetcalfenz
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    How to develop and create paid subscription memberships using Stripe/Paypal?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 02:25 PM PST

    I'm a junior developer, and I'm working on a project that's coming along smoothly (in certain areas), but one part is throwing me for a loop. How do I incorporate paid members in with 'free version' members using something like Stripe/Paypal.

    Let me give you a practical example.

    Let's say there's an app advertising bike shops across the country. I want to pre-load every single bike shop into my database so that users in those areas can at least see that shops are close to them. That's the 'free' version. It'd just be, like: the shop's name, the shop's physical address, and the shop's website.

    Mike's Bikes 999 King Street Fakeville, USA 00000 www.mikesbikes.com 

    But some companies want to pay to create more in-depth profiles. They want to add images, product listings, special deals, etc. They want to become paid members.

    They click a button, they sign up, and they become paid members. Now, they log in, and they have access to a form which enables them to submit more information to the database.

    Mike's Bikes 999 King Street Fakeville, USA 00000 www.mikesbikes.com Products: Schwinn, Huffy, Diamondback Images: <image1>, <image2>, <image3> (Would be handled through AWS, or something.) Special Deals: Take 30% off all new Diamondbacks through Christmas! 

    How do I handle this on the back-end? My stack is React/Redux, Node/Express, and MySQL. Right now, my main companies table in MySQL is just:

    id, name, subscribed, email, streetaddress, city, state, zip, phonenumber 

    So, my questions are:

    1. How can I 'transfer' the free account to the business? If I'm creating and populating it with that original data, how can they then take control of it? How can Mike's Bike's take control of the Mike's Bikes account? Do I have to create a username and password ahead of time? Google does it with businesses. How do they handle it?
    2. After they pay through Stripe (or Paypal, or whatever), how do I then tell MySQL to update their account's 'subscribed' column from a '0' (not subscribed) to a '1' (subscribed)?
    3. Should I put those extra info fields (images, products, and special deals) as their own separate tables?

    Thanks in advance! Like I said, I'm very much a junior dev, so I appreciate any help I can get.

    submitted by /u/PalmettoSpur
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    Why are Google Cloud Engine and AWS Elastic Beanstalk so much more expensive than DigitalOcean?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2018 09:29 PM PST

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but it appears that for a dedicated server with 4 vCPUs and 8gb RAM, DO has a monthly cost of $40 (Standard droplets), Google $86 (custom-4-8), and AWS $124 (c5.xlarge). I understand support and brand play a part in the inflated costs, but they surely can't induce such a magnitude. What am I missing?

    submitted by /u/dScal69
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    Any way to force a third party control to render an html string as a literal?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 01:00 PM PST

    I'm displaying some text in a third party web control that I don't have access to the code. I'm trying to display a hyperlink in it but it's rendering it as code, not the rendered link. Is there anything I can wrap around the string to force it to render as an actual hyperlink?

    submitted by /u/softwareguy74
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    How can I make my Windows fonts smoother?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 08:20 AM PST

    Running my website on an iPhone or an iPad with Retna Displays, the fonts look very smooth. But on my Windows systems, they are blocky as crap and look terrible!

    What can I do to anti-alias my fonts in Windows?

    submitted by /u/angels_fan
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    Beginner question about forms

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 08:03 AM PST

    I'm trying to make something that I have no idea what it is called. I'm new when it comes to web development, I'm better at designing.

    What I am trying to do is have a form, for example:





    And after the user fills the form, there's going to be a button that will generate a code it should be something like this:

    <b>Name:</b> John Doe <b>Age:</b> 35 <b>Address:</b> 123 Main St. Anytown, USA <b>Email:</b> johndoe@email.com 

    I can't really find the correct words to describe it, I just need this form to generate this code so the user can copy it and paste it on a forum.

    Thank you and sorry for being too dumb about this, I even googled for about an hour, couldn't find anything.

    submitted by /u/DuarteNGS
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    First time website builder - Are there any free control panels I can use on a VPS?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 11:46 AM PST

    Pretty simple site design - background video playing with contact info. Don't expect more than 5 visits a month. I don't know ubuntu/linux. I'm designing and publishing through Adobe Muse. I have my domain already through namecheap.

    I'm looking at digital ocean for hosting. Do they offer any control panels on their virtual machines for managing security and publishing my site etc.. or do I need to learn linux?

    submitted by /u/learningunreal
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    About to publish my first application to the web, any legal issues I need to worry about?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 11:21 AM PST

    My website will use Google Ads to make money and will be displaying other companies name/logos (although I will not be passing off their names/logos as my own and I do plan to make a note in the about page that explains that). Does simply writing down 'the company names/logos represented on this website are not affiliated with this website and do not belong to this website' cover me from any legal issues? Is there anything else I need to worry about?

    submitted by /u/skyleguy
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    Any videos where they recreate actually interesting sites from the start?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2018 07:53 PM PST

    Most tutorials I find just create boring landing pages. This video I found recreates the Tesla website, which is pretty cool to me. But I'm not looking to learn that specific tool (bootstrap studio). Do you guys know any similar resources for plain html&css or with bootstrap? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/420rawrXD69
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    What would you say is the worst part of being a Web Dev?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 10:54 AM PST

    I've been working from home today(yeah on a Sunday, I know), with a few beers and I'm curious. We always talk about the positive change and new stuff in the world of Web. But what are your bugbears?

    submitted by /u/chris552393
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    [MySQL/PHP] Would this scheme work?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 10:34 AM PST


    Db_img { Img - id 1 Img - id 2 Img - id 3 Insert new img(to Db_img){ Pass img with id 1 to id 2, img with id 2 to id 3 and img with id 3 to id 4; New img gets id 1; } } 


    For(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){ echo '(html code to display img)'; } button → click to see more If( button.clicked){ //some jQuery code that I already have working For(int i = 3; i < 6;i++){ echo '(html code to display img)'; } } 

    Also how would I go and do that thing in MySQL? Every time a new img is inserted in the db it changes the id of every photo by +1

    submitted by /u/BernardoPiedade
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    How to find out when it stopped last working?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 08:45 AM PST

    Hey there, is it possible to find out when a website was last accessible or stopped working? I'm looking at this domain: https://www.glambulli.com

    submitted by /u/soramac
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    Good and cheap storage providers to use for my own cloud storage service?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 08:43 AM PST

    I'm thinking of setting up a consumer cloud storage service (like dropbox) and I'm looking into storage provider options that I can store my users' files with. There are several important factors to consider in order of decreasing importance:

    • Never losing any files (critical)
    • Cost (primary decision factor)
    • Speed (users will be playing media files from storage)
    • Security (I'd like to avoid a company with abnormally bad security flaws)

    Right now I'm considering using BunnyCDN as my main storage provider at $0.01/GB as they are cheap and pretty fast in my experience. Then AWS Glacier at $0.004/GB for further backups. AWS Glacier is very unlikely to ever lose a file I believe and having two storage providers protects the files in case something drastic happens at one of the companies.

    $0.014/GB seems pretty good to me but are there better/cheaper options you're aware of?

    submitted by /u/giveusyourlighter
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    The purpose between and relationships between communication protocols, server hardware, operating systems and web server software?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 08:40 AM PST

    The purpose between the the above 4 factors to explain how they work together to design, publish and access a website?

    submitted by /u/ElectronicCattle
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    Headless CMSs that support OpenId Connect for content editors to access CMS backend?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 03:50 AM PST

    Hi there, My company wants to rebuild their public site.

    We have a React and Node Employee portal and some other legacy web services on a Java/Tomcat platform as well as a couple others. All of them are tied together with SSO with OpenId Connect.

    We're looking at headless CMS options for the website rebuild.

    Are there any you are familiar with that support OpenId Connect for login into their content editors so that our employees don't have to have another login to access the CMS backend?

    Or alternatively could you recommend CMS that we can host on our Node server and serve through the react employee portal?

    We're really hoping for a solution that will allow the content editors to be able to use their existing OpenId Connect login details to access the CMS backend.

    submitted by /u/xCavemanNinjax
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    My dev team just launched a podcast for other engineers in the web dev community.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 07:07 AM PST

    On Friday afternoons we have a beer and unwind by talking shop about the stuff that came up in our office during the week. Some of the language is NSFW (depending on where you work).
    We wanted to do something fun and lighthearted rather than something deeply technical, though we tend to go deep on tangents.

    Thought this community might appreciate it. It's called Friday Afternoon Deploy.

    submitted by /u/ckinsey
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    Any way to find underused/abandoned sites efficiently?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 10:45 AM PST

    Is there any way, which is not completely tedious, to find websites which post infrequently or not at all in higher quantities?

    Let's say that I want to buy them and develop and the assumption is that those who don't post on them at all would also like to get rid of them at the right price.

    However, I would need to find higher quantities of them, not one by one. Anyone know of some tip or trick to achieve this?

    submitted by /u/nickyjkim
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    Helpful tip to copy objects from the browser console

    Posted: 24 Nov 2018 05:21 PM PST

    What Books do you read?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 01:34 AM PST

    What book do you read for learning? what do you read fro Fron-End element and what do you read for Back-end?

    submitted by /u/_Razeft_
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