• Breaking News

    Tuesday, November 20, 2018

    State of JavaScript - Real Analysis of Angular, React, and Vue web developers

    State of JavaScript - Real Analysis of Angular, React, and Vue web developers

    State of JavaScript - Real Analysis of Angular, React, and Vue

    Posted: 20 Nov 2018 12:39 PM PST

    Win 7 Still Relevant, right??

    Posted: 20 Nov 2018 01:17 PM PST

    A cohort is saying they won't support Windows 7, (e.g. layout problems in Win7 Firefox) because Win7 is no longer in "mainstream" support. I sent evidence that, for at least one of the sites we work on together, almost 25% of the October 2018 traffic was from Win7. ...That seems pretty relevant to me.

    My plan - "support" win7 website rendering issues until at least halfway through 2020, regardless of market share.

    What are your thoughts/plans?

    submitted by /u/uncoolcentral
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    REST API for CRUD and Websockets for real-time updates in task processing (Django Channels + Celery)

    Posted: 20 Nov 2018 10:47 AM PST

    I was looking for solution (python based) that will allow me to have REST API to for CRUD and to have real time updates in case computing something in the background. I ended up with Django Channels and Celery solution, the example of processing simple tasks is here https://github.com/pplonski/simple-tasks

    Do you know other (maybe simpler) approaches (that are python based) to have both approaches connected in one web app?

    submitted by /u/pp314159
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    How browsers work - Behind the scenes of modern web browsers. A must read for everyone who wants to dive deep and really understand what is happening in each phase of the render pipeline.

    Posted: 20 Nov 2018 03:02 AM PST

    Evan You Previews Vue.js 3.0 ��

    Posted: 19 Nov 2018 09:42 PM PST

    How do I archive a site that has media stored on it?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2018 12:31 PM PST

    I have a site I want to archive including the couple gigs of podcasts that the site owner neglected to put up an rss feed for. I want some archives of it locally and on hosted archive sites. I do not have server access to the site, if I did I would rsync it.

    submitted by /u/Oflameo
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    Any idea why an image preview is showing pink in Google?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2018 03:07 AM PST

    I've recently encountered a bizarre issue. If you look at the google images results for one of our clients websites, the images come up pink, but clicking to see the original image shows that the actual image is in fact very normal.

    See screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/gj4C6UT

    submitted by /u/Dezlad
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    Is there a way to crawl your whole site for uncompressed images?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2018 08:05 AM PST

    Just wondering if I have to throw each page into GTmetrix one at a time, cause that would suck.

    submitted by /u/burnyay
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    Decentralizing Social Interactions with ActivityPub

    Posted: 20 Nov 2018 03:36 PM PST

    Twitter was cloned without any code. Do we really need to code all software?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2018 03:26 PM PST

    An illustration of the power and speed of building dynamic web applications using Bubble


    submitted by /u/nashwa123
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    Multiple subdomains​ to one SPA with redirecting?​

    Posted: 20 Nov 2018 06:18 AM PST

    Hey everyone,

    I have a pretty basic question which I've never done before but you might have, so I hope you can help me. Basically, we're writing a single page application (more specially a React app) which has a landing page for example at mydomain.com (or at about.mydomain.com) where the users can register and log in. After the successful sign in, I'd like to redirect them to my app which is at app.mydomain.com with the authentication token (JWT). But I'd like to achieve this in the same React project because we built the landing page with our components from the application's UI library. Can I use the same SPA project between multiple subdomains and be able to redirect or navigate between those? We're using React Router for routing, Netlify for continuous deployment and Cloudflare CDN&DNS management.

    I hope there's a​ community standard solution for this kind of scenario!

    Thank you, Mate

    submitted by /u/matepapp
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    Should I do internship in Ruby on Rails instead of Mean Stack for 6 months?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2018 08:58 AM PST

    So I bagged internships in Full Stack Developer role at 2 startups.

    The first startup has an enterprise SaaS product. My work is going to be on Ruby, RoR, ReactJs, Nodejs, Scripting (on Python, Bash), PostgreSQL, Linux (Admin commands, user, process and memory management, shell scripting, sed, awk), AWS and web server. They are paying me $285 (I will save just $140 as it's in a better city, 3 hours away from my home).

    The second startup has a small e-commerce website and they also work on building websites acc to clients needs. So acc to the client requirements, they will make me work on any javascript framework, any css framework, any php framework, any database and linux. They are paying me $150 (and it's in my home city itself).

    I am very confused. Please help. The stipend is not really an issue for me. I just want to choose what will be better for my future and career.

    submitted by /u/Rkpandey123
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    API authentication procedure using tokens and session token

    Posted: 20 Nov 2018 02:40 PM PST

    I am using a web service that uses the following authentication process for the API calls.

    1. POST to fqdn/login_users with Basic Auth "user name, password" (https of course) returns a (rather long) token.
    2. POST to fqdn/users/login with the header Authorization Token token=<token from step1> returns a different user name, (short) session token with bunch of other informational stuff like last login time, validity period etc.
    3. API calls using the returned user name and session token in Basic Auth header.

    I am trying to understand the rationale behind this approach.

    1. First of all this is a common pattern used in API authentication ?
    2. Instead of the two step process why not return the session token as a response for the first "login_users" API ?
    3. Instead of using the original user id why return a different user id in the 2nd step and use that in the subsequent API calls ?
    submitted by /u/vmsanaaa6
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    Javascript search method only for whole words

    Posted: 20 Nov 2018 02:36 PM PST

    Hey guys. I'm not that great with regex, so hopefully someone can help me out. Say I have the string, "Hello everyone, thanks for the help" and I want to search to see if user input matches, but only from the beginning of words, not the middle. For example, "Hel" should be included, "everyo" should be included, but "eryone" should not be. This should also be case insensitive. Any ideas?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Dnlgrwd
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    Pricing copy/content on a website?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2018 01:43 PM PST

    Hi guys, I have a small "agency" I just created with my best friend, we are trying to legitimize our business a bit more and transition from two freelancers to a small company. The same story we all hear 10 times a day, you get the idea.

    We've both worked for agencies in the past, but have little to no experience in the copy/content side of things.

    Both our agencies we worked for had content writers, and I think almost all the client's websites we made at those agencies actually had websites before. In other words, I really think most of the time the content writer/copy writers would basically copy and paste their old website's content and improve it or make it target more keywords, at least I am sure that was the goal.

    Personally on freelance projects, I have done two things in the past, either handed off a website to the client "blank" in hopes they would fill in the copy, or second, I would actually do the copy and pasting myself from their old website and make small tweaks and edits.

    However, I have two proposals going out that are expected to be in potential client's emails tomorrow. Both of these client's have no prior websites at all and these are new ventures/new companies.

    How do I price copy writing? I do not want to offer it myself for a number of reasons, I want to hire someone else to do it. I truly don't even care if I make money on top of it, I would likely be fine just charging the client almost identical to what the writer charges me, I just need to make sure I don't get burned on it.

    I see a lot of people float prices around based on the word count, generally I see .10/.15 / word, which sounds fine. But how do I quantify that in the early stages? How do I estimate how many words will be on a website? Is it the obvious answer to my question? Just fill in filler text where I know there will be copy and then get the word count?

    How do I find talented people to do the writing? Does anyone have experience finding content writers?

    The more pressing of the two projects is a brochure type of website for a doctor's new clinic he is opening. I want to hire someone to write all the content on the website EXCEPT for the individual physicians bios, I will need to have that provided to me for obvious reasons.

    Anyone have experience in this? I really need help on this subject.

    Thank you very much for any help you can offer.

    submitted by /u/1337harpooner
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    Is my new domain registrar the cause of long 'waiting for...' time in browser?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2018 12:49 PM PST

    I'm just about to test by moving one of the sites back to the old registrar, but I have an issue where domains moved to my new registrar (crazydomains are not good it seems) sit on 'waiting for...' for quite some time. I have had the hosting support (inmotion) check the sites and they say they are loading fine.

    I'm based in NZ, and the previous registrar (1stdomains) was based in NZ as well, so maybe the site loads faster for overseas residents closer to their servers.

    submitted by /u/pubgvideocardguy
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    PeeWee webdev here. Is content hidden by css still downloaded? (Display:none)

    Posted: 20 Nov 2018 12:43 PM PST


    I'd like to add a button to a page that shows a small gallery when clicked (about 1.6mb of already compressed/optimized images). This would be on the front page, so I'm concerned about the user being forced to download this content by default. I want to have my front page to serve as fast as possible.

    If the gallery's starting CSS state is hidden (display:none), will the content only download and display when the the display:block button is clicked?

    If not, how could I go about only allowing the download of hidden content most efficiently? I've basic javascript / PHP skills too.

    FYI, I currently am on a mobile junk phone. I can't tell what content is being served to me behind the scenes. I feel like I could answer this question a day from now when I have access to browser web developer tools.

    submitted by /u/the_upland_hunt
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    Freelance contract with a small business?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2018 12:26 PM PST

    I need some help figuring out how to write a contract? I have about 4 months of learning experience with HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, and jQuery. This includes some udemy bootcamps and some of my own practice into building some static websites for fun.

    I got out of a meeting with a local business owner. We discussed his needs and end goal for the website, and I think I am ready for my first website.

    I have almost everything figured out since he is asking for something very simple and do-able by most beginning developers. Static page, mobile friendly, one page that has links at the top like "About us", "Contact us", " Our work", and " What we can do", and when you click on them it just takes you to the location on the page. Fairly simple so far. He knows that he will be hosting the page and I will help him set all of that stuff up. Payments have been thoroughly negotiated, but we both got stuck on this part. We both knew we needed a contract, but what do we include and how exactly do I write it?

    Price and payment, dates for those payments, date for website completion, hosting liability. Is there anyone else that has had trouble with this part of the deal?

    Thanks in advanced!

    submitted by /u/JizzBgone
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    Black Friday Web Dev Deals

    Posted: 20 Nov 2018 12:14 PM PST

    I figure it would be good to get a Black Friday / Cyber Monday thread for dev-related courses going.

    So far I've come across:

    No ref links :)

    submitted by /u/jacobedawson
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    Use Gatsby.js And TakeShape To Make Your JAMstack Site Sweeter

    Posted: 20 Nov 2018 11:01 AM PST

    What's so important that I have cookies turned on for?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2018 10:39 AM PST

    I travel the web with cookies off, and occasionally I'll find a website that won't let me do anything on it until I turn on my cookies, which just makes me not visit those websites. What's so important that I have to have cookies turned on? I didn't notice a difference when I switched them off. So it's obviously not something to do with the functioning of the website.

    submitted by /u/Mymar
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    Auto-tag PDF based on Style to convert to HTML?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2018 10:27 AM PST

    I'm an urban planner and I work with zoning by-laws on the daily. Zoning by-laws are standardized policy documents that are notoriously difficult to navigate, particularly for the public.

    My plan is to turn the entire document into a responsive webpage where figures, definitions, and tables automatically tooltip on hover. I can do this manually by copying and pasting, tagging, then building the page as one would normally. I'm wondering if there's a quick, automated way to extract the text and add tags to the PDF document based on the style of text and other elements (figures, diagrams, etc.).

    To give you an idea of my skill level, I "built" a Wordpress website a few years ago that required I learn php and do some custom html and css. Used Notepad++ and FileZilla. Not so much knowledge of javascript, but I am willing to learn for this application if it's useful. I'm a newbie, but I'm eager!

    Thanks for your thoughts!

    submitted by /u/mccrea_cms
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    Is there a reason to go with traditional server side rendering at all these days? What should I use staring a new project going into 2019?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2018 01:01 AM PST


    I'm starting something new and I kinda have free reign so I was wondering what would be the best approach.

    I feel like these days, you need some JS. Nobody wants to edit an entry in a table and load the page 3 times. That's just weird.

    But considering that SEO is now not too bad with SPAs, what even are the reasons for server side rendering? I have a hard time thinking about why I'd want to deal with a backend framework that sends out html instead of the js + API approach. It always feels like I'd have to deal with JavaScript at some point anyway.

    Or is the environment completely changing and will we all be writing wasm based stuff in a few months anyway?

    submitted by /u/Asyx
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