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    Wednesday, November 21, 2018

    If software development is so difficult to learn in the first place, how can there be so many poor programmers? Don't you have to be intelligent and dedicated just to learn the trade? Ask Programming


    If software development is so difficult to learn in the first place, how can there be so many poor programmers? Don't you have to be intelligent and dedicated just to learn the trade? Ask Programming

    If software development is so difficult to learn in the first place, how can there be so many poor programmers? Don't you have to be intelligent and dedicated just to learn the trade?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2018 08:57 PM PST

    Suffering so much from imposter syndrome right now... could somebody help bring my hopes up? Or... maybe you could just relay the harsh reality to me :(

    Posted: 21 Nov 2018 08:06 AM PST

    I have coding bootcamp in a couple of weeks, and, truth be told, I don't feel prepared for it. I mean, I know my algos a fair bit, and I know my methods, how to create classes, etc. But there are just so many things on my mind that are becoming more and more like demons that won't stop keeping me up at night...

    1. There are probably going to be people who are much better than me and have had much more exposure to coding than me
    2. I might not be a pleasure to do paired programming with because I'm so stupid and don't know anything
    3. I'm scared I won't even be able to keep up with the classes and be kicked out as a result
    4. My test anxiety is so bad that I actually start to produce cold sweat just from hearing the word "test"
    5. There are a lot of people who must be ahead of me right now in terms of what I should know

    I mean, the list goes on... I'm so scared and have been having panic attacks. It's just too much for me to handle mentally right now, but I can't get it out of my mind - that is, that I'm going to amount to nothing more than just a failure who won't be able to keep up. Btw, I took a test recently from them, and I received a score lower than what was recommended, so there's that, too. I just feel like such a failure and so stupid.

    EDIT: My god, the slew of amazing comments after coming back to this post... I don't know where you guys have been this whole time, but I should've made this post a whole lot earlier. So many of you guys provided such good advice and really, I mean really, great words to live by both as a student and as a professional working in the real world. I'm definitely going to remember your words for a long time to come (hopefully forever and then I can pass them onto someone who will really need them, like me when I made this post). I've never really felt so much support growing up, and maybe that's why I may have, as some of you have suggested, a terrible sense of generalized anxiety disorder. But man... so many of you guys have provided such amazing advice. I know I'm repeating myself, but I don't really know how to put my thanks into words other than by saying thank you so, so much. I can't say that my anxiety is completely gone, but it's gotten much better. Baby steps! Man, this community... it's somethin' else. I can't thank y'all enough.

    submitted by /u/k-hiroshi
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    Showing related, clickable models in Django admin?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2018 08:01 PM PST

    I have a Django project. There are three models: account, business, and policy.

    They are related through many-to-one relationships. Each account can have several businesses, and each business can have several policies.

    When I click on a "policy" I see a dropdown containing which "business" it is related to. But that dropdown also contains every other business and it can be easily changed (which shouldn't be possible in this case). No problem. I add the "not editable" flag. Now it is just text containing the str value of it's business.

    For the life of me I can't figure out how to make it a link to the business' page!

    I want to be able to freely move from children to parents in foreign key relationships by clicking links between the two. That seems like a simple and intuitive thing to me, but as far as I can tell the documentation does not mention anything like this.

    Does anyone know how I would go about doing this simply? Or if Django supports features like this natively?

    submitted by /u/Siiimo
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    Where can I find web development boot camp in India, and what visa should I apply to if I want to study at a boot camp outside India?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2018 09:06 PM PST

    Input from a splitted String

    Posted: 21 Nov 2018 04:16 PM PST

    I have a line like this:

    Certificate sc1 = Certificate.fromString("HMAC_MD5;'i': '42','string': 'string';9b55eef8e51651bb7f265204d281354c");

    in the class Hasher (which has nothing to do with the question as far as I know).

    The string contains an Algorithm; key: value ..(as many as the user wants); signature.

    I managed to split up the string to have all the key value pairs in an array like this [i, 42, string, string].

    I have the class Pair too which generates a new Pair object which can again be used to generate a new Certificate.

    (public Pair(String key, String value) {

     this.key = key; this.value = value; 


    this is the constructor of a Pair object)

    to create a new Certificate you need an algorithm and as many key value pairs as you want so the constructor looks like this: public Certificate(Algorithm alg, Pair...pairs) {}

    My question is how do I take the array [i, 42, string, string] for example and make a new Certificate out of it? (i already got the algorithm out of the string and can put it into the certificate constructor already)

    Thank you very much for your help. I hope you can understand my question(s)

    submitted by /u/MrCubie
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    Android: Add listener to a switch button/widget inside a navigation drawer

    Posted: 21 Nov 2018 03:44 PM PST

    I've been searching for this but couldn't find answers or tutorials

    submitted by /u/HeroOfWind
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    Looking for a way to make a search on a website return every single result on one page rather than 20 per page

    Posted: 21 Nov 2018 11:26 AM PST

    As said in the title, I am looking for a way to make a website with a simple search system to return every single search result on one page (e.g. if the total results are 82,000 but only displays 20 per page) I was hoping someone might be able to tell me how I could do this or point me in the right direction, thanks.

    submitted by /u/indigo121147
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    How can i improve myself as a programmer?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2018 02:18 PM PST

    I am a software engineer with 4-6 years of experience (depending on if you count my 2 years of academic experience). All of my professional experience was in c styled languages. I started with objective c and now working in c++.

    How do I spend my free time to improve myself as a software engineer? Today I was learning the types of cast in c++ and it seemed like a waste of time. I don't know if two years from now I will be still working a c++ job. Then why should I spend so much time learning c++ specific things?

    So when improving yourself as a programmer do you focus on the programming language? Or the design and architecture stuff?

    My main goal is to become very good as a software engineer so that I can do my job easily and I can do very well in intervews.

    submitted by /u/acertenay
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    XAT Password ID?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2018 02:17 PM PST

    My friend wanted to show me something on XAT and he wanted me to get my password id. (I understand if this doesn't completely fit in this subreddit) but I'm not sure where else to ask, and I genuinely just don't know how to find a password id on XAT. I am also sure he has no malicious intent.

    submitted by /u/Z0N3D0UT1472
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    Creating C++ library

    Posted: 21 Nov 2018 01:49 PM PST

    Hello. I've faced an interesting task - to create a library for graphical visualization of the console window. I mean that the commands should change the color of the background/text, the place of the text in the window and the font size. Also the ability to create a text box whose color and size can be selected is needed. I already have something. But the problem is that it doesn't even compile.


    #include "win.h"

    namespace lng{

    HANDLE console=GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);

    class colorClass

    short color;


    bool setcolor(short);

    short getcolor();


    color = 0b00001111;





    short colorClass::getcolor(){ return color; };

    bool colorClass::setcolor(short color) {

    this->spalva = spalva;

    return true;



    CORD cordinate;


    bool setcord(CORD);

    alternative: bool setcord(short, short);

    CORD getcord();

    alternative: void getcord(short&, short&);


    cordinate.X = 5; cordinate.Y = 5;


    void cordinatesClass::getcord(short& X, short& Y){




    bool cordinatesClass::setcord(short X, short Y){

    this->cordinate.X = X;

    this->cordinate.Y = Y;

    return true;


    winClass :public colorClass

    cordinatesClass cord, size;

    bool doubleline, frame;

    bool setcolor(short);

    short getcolor();



    void draw();

    bool setcord(short, short);

    bool setsize(short, short);

    void setframe(bool);

    void setline(bool);





    void winClass::draw(){

    short tempX, tempY;

    this->cord.getcord(tempX, tempY);

    CORD tempK={tempX, tempY};

    SetConsoleTextAttribute(console, this->getcolor());

    this->size.getcord(tempX, tempY);

    for(int y=0; y<tempY; y++)


    tempK.Y = tempY + y;

    SetConsoleCursorPosition(console, tempK);

    std::cout << std::setw(tempX)<< ' ';



    bool winClass::setcord(short cordinateX, short cordinateY){

    this->cord.setcord(cordinateX, cordinateY);


    bool winClass::setsize(short sizeX, short sizeY){


    void winClass::setframe(bool showframe){


    void winClass::setline(bool doubleline){




    #ifndef WIN_H

    #define WIN_H

    #include <windows.h>

    #include <iostream>

    #include <iomanip>

    namespace lng{

    class colorClass{


    short color;




    bool setcolor(short);

    short getcolor();


    class cordinatesClass{

    CORD cordinate;



    bool setcord(short, short);

    void getcord(short&, short&);


    class winClass:public colorClass {


    cordinatesClass cord, size;

    bool doubleline, frame;


    bool setcolor(short);

    short getcolor();


    void draw();

    bool setcord(short, short);

    bool setsize(short, short);

    void setframe(bool);

    void setline(bool);


    class textClass : public winClass {


    std::string text;


    bool settext(std::string);

    void draw();



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