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    Tuesday, November 27, 2018

    How to deal with an entitled colleague who comes up to me for every compilation error? Ask Programming

    How to deal with an entitled colleague who comes up to me for every compilation error? Ask Programming

    How to deal with an entitled colleague who comes up to me for every compilation error?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 10:02 AM PST

    We are working on a very complex project for the last five months. A colleague came to work with us two months after me.

    Entitled to my help

    This guy has almost twenty years of experience as a programmer. I have about 4 years of experience. Yet he is always asking for help for the simplest C++ compilation errors. Everytime he cant solve an error for more than 10 minutes he comes to me. He does not google at all. Yesteday he called me four to five times and I spent a couple of hours fixing his compilation problems.

    And he is the worse if I cannot help him. He shows a lot of disappointment. Like I am some C++ guru who knows all the compilation errors off the top of my head and my eternal duty is to fix his problems. If I start googling things he would be like "Now we are just trying things and we dont know what they are. Shows disappointment".

    Very quick to blame me

    If I make a mistake he is quick to blame me in front of our team leads. Yesterday, he asked me how to test private functions. I told him I dont know, I had one private function and I made it public. That function did not really matter. Private functions are not really tested.

    Later in the day he told our team lead "I have to discuss with our customer how to test the private functions. Acertenay said that we should make all of the functions public". I said "I did not say that. I said private functions are not usually tested. There are other solutions if you really want to test the private function like making me". At that point I wanted to say "You can use your own brain. You dont really have to ask me everything." But I did not say anything because I would look like an asshole.

    Passive aggressiveness

    Today we were asked to create subtasks for our component. For 70 percent of the tasks he was like "Yeah, I dont know what we have to do." I had to show him the tasks and give him an idea for each and every task. Keep in mind I have only slightly more knowledge of the system than he does.

    This is what happened when we were estimating the final task.

    Me: "What do you think about the estimates?"

    Him: "I dont know. I dont know what is to be done"

    Me: "Lets look at the code for a similar component. Here is what they are doing. What do you think ? I would say 3-4 days. "

    Him: Laughs arrogantly like i said something really stupid

    Me: We have to give an estimate. The team leads will ask us for an estimate.

    Him: Put 666 in the estimate.

    Me: What? What are you saying? Lets try to estimate this

    Him: I dont want to put idiotic estimates in there.

    I felt quite bad today after the task estimation. I felt like yelling at him but then I look like an asshole to everyone. He is always smiling always being nice to everyone and I would look like an asshole.

    I do not know how to deal with this guy. He is usually nice and polite but sometimes he does these things that drive me crazy. Since he is always nice to everyone they think he is such a great guy. I am not sure if I want to bring this behaviour to my team leads. I dont know how to bring this up in a polite way especially the thing about task estimations. It is also a sensitive time as my contract is coming up for renewal in two weeks and I am also going on a long vacation in two and a half weeks.

    tl;dr: An experienced colleague came to work on our project two months after me (Actually is working with the company for the last 20 years). Comes to me for the simplest C++ compilation errors. I solve them for him. He is thankless and does not tell it in the meetings. Makes himself look good. Shows disappointment, complains when I cant solve a problem off the top of my head or if I google for a problem. Gives passive aggressive answers sometimes.

    EDIT: Since the post is a bit long most people are skipping over the thing that irritated me the most. Thats his passive aggressive responses during our discussion today. I dont know if I should ignore it or complain to my boss. I am wary of complaining since that usually makes the environemnt most hostile and I have had problems with another person in a different department in the last year.

    Here is the conversation that irritated me the most.

    Me: "What do you think about the estimates?"

    Him: "I dont know. I dont know what is to be done"

    Me: "Lets look at the code for a similar component. Here is what they are doing. What do you think ? I would say 3-4 days. "

    Him: Laughs arrogantly like i said something really stupid

    Me: We have to give an estimate. The team leads will ask us for an estimate.

    Him: Put 666 in the estimate.

    Me: What? What are you saying? Lets try to estimate this

    Him: I dont want to put idiotic estimates in there.


    I am thinking about setting up a meeting with my leads and this guy and talk about this passive agressiveness mentioned in the previous edit. What do you guys think about this ?

    submitted by /u/acertenay
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    Is there a way to make a keyboard shortcut or program that will input a series of individual keystrokes in a row?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 06:42 PM PST

    I recently started a phone fundraising job for the local symphony, and my day involves me making many calls, most of which are not answered. Between each new call I have to enter some things on my work interface that basically specified what number was called, the outcome of the call, then save, confirm, confirm again, and then hit next call. It's a series of buttons and drop down menus on the interface, but I just realized the other day that I can achieve all of necessary inputs by only using the tab, space, M, and up/down keys, and that it's actually faster than using the mouse. Naturally, I now want to take this a step further, and do this all automatically be pressing a keyboard shortcut or running some program. Is this a do able project? A keyboard shortcut running off of a chrome extension would be the easiest option for me clearly as I have no experience with coding, and I don't have administrative permissions to really install much else (though I think I could reasonably get temporary permission to achieve this goal. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I haven't had much luck googling this question (and I may be using incorrect terms to begin with)

    tl;dr: is there a way I can somehow make a program or set up a keyboard shortcut that will automatically input the following keystrokes in sequence: (tab) (down) (tab) (M) (down) (tab) (tab) (tab) (tab) (tab) (tab) (space) (tab) (space) (tab) (space) (tab) (tab) (space). Trying to automate the dullest part of my job.

    submitted by /u/ChickenCannon
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    Does anyone know of a program (or how best to write one...) that allows the user to click on a date from a browseable and selectable calendar and from the click event can generate a list of chosen dates in a cut and paste friendly format?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 09:42 PM PST

    see image for a clearer idea of what I mean (mocked up): https://ibb.co/qxXCSFf

    submitted by /u/gnamp
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    Best career path for someone with disabilities - two years to teach myself (newbie question)

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 03:36 PM PST

    Please excuse how new I am to all this - I'm looking for some advice and don't know where to start. Last year I became disabled and am now only able to work about 20 hours a week, and must do so from home. I have enough savings to stay off benefits for two years but have had to abandon my previous career.

    I want to use these two years to retrain in something tech orientated, hopefully gaining the skills that will allow me to work largely from home and only 20 hours a week (within my new limits). It seems to me tech is my best bet for making a living wage from these limitations. I have a few questions for the folks here:

    1. Is this really a realistic goal? Does such a job exist? (I'm not driven by big money - I just want enough to sustain myself and stay off benefits.)
    2. What kind of job (and so learning) would most lend itself to my goal (1)? I'm not inclined towards design (I have some graduate level logic) but am open to absolutely anything. My goal is survival, not interest, at this point. (Please assume no background at all here.)
    3. Given 2, what would be the best place to start with learning?

    I hope these naive questions make some sense. Thanks in advance for any advice you can offer!

    submitted by /u/Oliver080
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    How do I make my linear loop use more processor space so it will speed up?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 09:19 PM PST

    I understand there are multiple ways to sort that will help decrease run time but there will be a limit. But if we can make the computer process the loop in multiple processor circuits idk

    submitted by /u/MuskIsAlien
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    How can I split my script into multiple files?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 08:26 PM PST

    I am working with P5.js, and I have a crapload of code that executes fine. My issue is that it runs EXTREMELY slow when putting all together. Is there any way to split the script into multiple files or something so that it can run faster and will only call the pages I need?

    submitted by /u/Toxic_Don
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    Api Help

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 06:35 PM PST

    Hello, I am trying to create a program for my class which has a user enter their zip code and it'll output its population and a location on a google maps of that zip code. Currently I have yahoo maps integrated which gives weather to display. it doesn't give me population, and I have no clue how to get it to point to a map

    submitted by /u/mattfu7777
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    Software engineers/developers of reddit, why don't you want to work for a big company in Silicon Valley where you could be guaranteed a huge salary and live a life of luxury?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 06:28 PM PST

    I would like to build database software!

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 05:20 PM PST

    Hello, everyone!

    I am interested in developing software that is geared towards to the management and querying of large databases. I am not looking for much anything machine learning related for now, but I know that I will need to be able to track records of transactions, for eg., if a customer was to purchase many items from different stores, I could compile a list of the items bought, when, and where, for that particular customer.

    Would SQL and MySQL, etc. be adequate for this sort of task?

    Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/JJ876
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    What are your thoughts on the idea that if you aren't working for a big name Silicon Valley or Fortune 500 company, you aren't living up to your full potential as a programmer?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 08:39 PM PST

    Regular Languages

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 04:23 PM PST

    What is the language defined by this regular expression (abc*)*

    is it 0 or more strings of alphabet {a,b,c} ?

    submitted by /u/lankee99
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    Ice Cream C++ Problem Need Help

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 12:23 PM PST

    I'm having problems solving this problem. Please help me solve it:


    Queue Applications: Scheduling/Resource allocation

    Check if Xavier can give change to every person in the queue

    Customers are standing in a queue waiting to buy an ice-cream from Xavier which costs 2 dollars. The possible currencies are 1, 5, 10, and 20 dollars. Initially, Xavier has no money. Check if Xavier will be able to provide change to every person waiting to buy an ice-cream.

    • a queue of customers, each buying one $2 ice cream
    • queue stores how much the customer pays
    • print out:
      • the index of the customer Xavier can't give change to and Xavier's revenue
      • "Every customer got to change" + Xavier's revenue
    • Modification: also let customers buy more than one ice cream, Xavier has 100 in stock
      • the index of the customer Xavier is sold out at
      • how many Xavier has left after there are no more customers
    • Modification two: average
      • ice creams sold
      • revenue


    Professor gave us this structure to use if we want to. Idk how i would even use this:

    struct money{int value;string name;};

    submitted by /u/MRK-01
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    Book Recommendations

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 11:54 AM PST

    Christmas is nearly upon us and an easy suggestion for a gift from family/partner/relatives is a book that you want.

    Anyone read any good books this year about programming they would recommend?

    submitted by /u/Blaypeg
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    Got any tips for a beginner to build a portfolio site?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 03:37 PM PST

    I would like to code my own basic portfolio site to showcase my graphic design work. I learned basic css/html and a teeny tiny bit of JavaScript a while ago, but I seem to have forgotten everything! I don't know where to start. Just looking for tips. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/fr0gb0g
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    c# ObjectQuery<T> in Visual Studio 2017 equivalent?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 03:26 PM PST

    I'm a small business owner with no programming experience attempting to make a simple POS system because I can't afford to pay 160 dollars a month anymore for the POS that I currently have. I'm following a youtube tutorial which unfortunately is using Visual Studio 2010 whereas I'm using 2017. Some of the code 2010 uses doesn't seem to work in the 2017 version or the syntax is different?

    ObjectQuery<TblProduct> filteredProduct = new ObjectQuery<TblProduct>("SELECT VALUE P FROM TblProduct AS P WHERE P.ProductType = ", npe);

    "TblProduct" is the table in my database and "npe" is the database entity I'm trying to pass it through.

    When I put this code in and run I'm given this error " Error CS1503 Argument 2: cannot convert from 'natspos2.NatsPosDatabaseEntities' to 'System.Data.Objects.ObjectContext' ". I have no clue what this means or how to remedy it.

    I know this is probably a really simple fix, but I've hit a wall trying to fix it as I know nothing about programming and am just following tutorials online. I really appreciate any help in understanding how to fix this little problem.

    submitted by /u/asoriah
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    Need help converting list of strings into ints

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 03:12 PM PST

    Right now I'm using:

    intListUptime = [list(map(int, each)) for each in listUptime] 

    The problem is this splits up the numbers into their digits, so '992' would become [9, 9, 2].

    How can I convert them so this doesn't happen.

    The end goal is to sort the list but first I have to convert them into its because they range from one digit to four digits and sorting them as strings does stuff like put 2000 behind 900.

    submitted by /u/eMeSsBee
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    How to unit test this type of functions with jest`

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 02:51 PM PST

    Source :

    import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; @Injectable() export class GradesService{ private grade= [ { value: '1', display: 'First' }, { value: '2', display: 'Second' }, { value: '3', display: 'Third' }, { value: '4', display: 'Final' } ]; constructor() {} public get(): any { return this.grades; } } 

    Error: TypeError: this.gradesService.get is not a function

    How to fix this type of error with jest ?

    submitted by /u/kevinmitnic
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    Monitor hint for coding considering proneness to eye fatigue

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 11:12 AM PST

    Hi fellow programmers,

    after obtaining my master degree in Computer Science and Software/Services Engineering I recently got my first job as Java developer.

    Since me and my new collegues were given a 14"(ish) notebook to work with with good hardware inside but not a very good monitor (small and with very very poor brightness/contrast capabilities), I'm considering to take my monitor from home to the office.

    It's a Dell U2312HM 23" IPS panel FULL HD.

    Do you think it's a good idea or should I maybe consider even buying a brand new one (maybe better) with specific features given its use?

    I'm asking because this one was bought with gaming in mind (yes, I'm a gamer too) but I don't know if, having these specs, it would be suitable for coding too.

    What I know for sure is that during my time in university, when I had to code many hours a day (with my even smaller 13" notebook but which at least had a matte panel) I ended up getting home wanting to play some games on my desktop and experiencing one of the scariest things in my life.

    Hope I can convey it well with words, but what happened was that I was looking at the screen but my eyes werent' able to normally focus on it. What was on the screen felt out of focus and blurry even I was looking and concentrating 100% to it.... so wierd I gave up playing the days this shit happened.

    I got so scared when that happened multiple times in a relatively small period of time that I went and see my oculist.

    Eye fatigue, made even worse considering that, when spring comes, I suffer also from allergy and extremely dry eyes.

    Exceptional assets for a programmer and a gamer.

    Any other hints are also appreciated. Have a nice day!

    submitted by /u/arkantos91
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    Hobbyist ML/Data Ag Programmers, How did you pick your language and what did you start off learning first?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 10:34 AM PST

    Hey all,

    SO I've taught myself python, written a tool that catalogs reddit users (things like Age, sex, inferred location, subscribed subs, etc) and have let it run I have data now but I want to DO something with the data.

    I've been looking into courses on machine learning and AI for a while now but with so much material I'm not really sure where to start. My only coherent idea so has been to try and do sentiment analysis on comments but that's not really machine learning is it?

    Anyone got any advice for a hobbyist programmer who is super over-whelmed?

    PS, if anyone is interested in using this data please let me know! I'd be happy to share.

    submitted by /u/ishouldjustreddit
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    Is there a future for me writing Rust

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 11:16 PM PST

    I like the rust compiler error messages so much that I am unwilling to write anything longer than 1000 lines in other languages. But rust jobs are few and far between. How valuable is rust experience? Should I learn something else for the future specifically c++?

    All my side projects are in rust and I am very familiar with python. Dabbled in c++(openframeworks) and wrote a few compilers in ocaml. None of them allow me to iterate as fast as rust. C++ template errors always kill me and is generally verbose to read and write.

    I'm honestly not sure what area I want to specialize in. I like systems but also apps. So far I've interned at a e-commerce shop(Ruby, JavaScript), HFT(kernel, c++, Python) and will intern at microsoft next summer writing c++ for an analytics engine.

    One thing I have not done is platform specific apps like windows/android/ios. I'm planning on learning Kotlin to port my pixel art editor(now in rust) to tablets.

    Thanks for reading my rant. Please give advice on future proof technologies and the path I should take to become a deep generalist.

    submitted by /u/0b01
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