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    Wednesday, November 21, 2018

    How does react.js have such a fast website? web developers

    How does react.js have such a fast website? web developers

    How does react.js have such a fast website?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2018 09:39 AM PST

    Genuine question, every page is loaded immediatley on click. Seriously never seen such a quick website before. Any insight as to how they're able to achieve this?



    submitted by /u/trojanvirus_exe
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    Fundamentals of Web Application Security Architecture

    Posted: 21 Nov 2018 02:18 AM PST

    The #1 thing I struggle with as a web developer

    Posted: 21 Nov 2018 01:44 PM PST

    Design. When a PSD/ mock up is provided it makes my job so much easier but when a design isn't provided I struggle so hard. I've been tasked to design and develop an internal QA system for employees and I'm sitting here frustrated as fuck because I don't even know where to start, I'm a perfectionist and it kills me. It's like a dear in the headlights I'm probably going to sit here 2-3 more days and just stare blankly at the page. 90% of the time I find a nice looking site and just take their layout, colorway, etc.. but it just demotivates me to even start + finish shit cause I think my design is dog shit. I know I'm not the only one, where do you guys get inspiration? Doing backend work comes naturally to me but god forbid I have to design it too. FML.


    submitted by /u/dailyhustler
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    [Discussion] Becoming a Developer and Why, if I could do it all over again, I'd start with .Net Core.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2018 10:48 AM PST

    I've mostly lurked here and other places where web development is discussed, despite being in the industry for almost 10 years now. I don't actually know anyone in the industry aside from coworkers, as all of my social groups are centered in music, retail, food service. The few comments I've made on others' posts here and elsewhere are in response to people complaining about C# and dot net in general, and asking them to give it another chance. I'm inspired to do this because I think in some way learning .net core has elevated my understanding of programming to a level I never thought I would achieve.

    I began in this industry as some do, in a stroke of serendipity. In a college work-study program for a national non-profit, I spent months gathering data to put in a huge excel spreadsheet, for administrative purposes. Eventually, all of this information would be used in a Google Map on the website. The non-profit had no idea how to find an individual to work on this map, and I had taken some "lite" programming classes in high school, so I volunteered to learn in my off-time and build the map for them on the clock.

    It was 2010, and my social group was piss-poor delinquents, drinking 40s at 2PM. Spent every last dollar on ramen at the discount supermarket in our off-campus inner-city college-adjacent neighborhood. During this time, however, while the others played video games, watched movies, I sat in the room reading javascript, PHP, MySql tutorials. Hundreds of them. Occasionally laughing because I overheard a line from [insert movie here], then back to it. Weeks went by, and I had a working product. My 10,000 line excel spreadsheet was in a database, loaded from PHP, into markers on a Google Map, and I grouped them into region counts when you were zoomed out too far. I actually couldn't believe it. I didn't even know how it worked. I showed my boss, as proud as could be.

    Unfortunately, funding dried up. "Sorry," they said, "we have to let you go," and that was that. The map was never implemented. I took some food service jobs, worked for the census, and time passed. Money got tighter. Family problems and earlier-than-expected college debt meant that I didn't even have enough money for 40s. Or Ramen. Desperate, I took a screenshot of my Google Map and posted it on Craigslist. Somebody had to need a map. I can make another map.

    An email came in, late at night on a Friday. "Looking for a part time developer to build a Google Map for a client". Cool, I thought. What's the catch? "$20 an hour." WHAT? Who cares what the catch is. I agreed to take a train, an hour out of the city, to get picked up by a stranger at 8:30AM on a Monday. I was pretty sure I was going to be murdered. But $20/hour? I couldn't even imagine it.

    I wasn't murdered. It was real. My now-boss picked me up, took me to the ridiculously bougie office of a healthcare agency, and my second life began. Half my days were spent at TGI Fridays, being treated like the poor degenerate I pretty much was, and half were spent at an ad agency, being treated as the only one who knew JavaScript (and not well, but nobody needed to know that).

    Imagine these levels of serendipity, for a few more jobs. No money for the train? OK, we'll do a video interview. No suit? OK, we'll do a phone interview.

    Eventually, I landed a job that I worked for 2 years, doing boring, enterprise XML content management. I paid off my maxed out credit card (maxed for 3 years, mind you). I saved money, kind of. In the second year, I finally achieved that feeling again. I was speaking to someone during a meeting, and they wanted a financial calculator for the website for their financial advisors to use with clients. It was the most math I had done since pre-calc in High School, and it was fun. I invented that little project via a conversation within the company, but it was made clear that I had stepped out of line and stepped on the real developers' toes, you know, "the Java guys". I was just a content manager. Life returned to the monotony, and I decided I needed to get out. I've learned enough, I thought, to strike out on my own.

    And strike out I did, for a while. Small, local projects. Half up-front. Second half? Never. You learn a lot of lessons that way. I worked with some local agencies who had specific needs, and began to specialize in WordPress. Eventually, I found a recruiter who had a long-term opportunity to work with a large enterprise and lead their transition into a huge WordPress multi-site infrastructure, the largest project I could imagine.

    That project lasted about a year and a half, and I worked it entirely from home, built the foundational themes and plugins on which the entire thing would be based, and ultimately all the others had to do was implement the multiple designs. I learned and re-learned WordPress, each time more thoroughly. By the time the project was completed, I could have probably rewritten WordPress from scratch. And I would have, too, except I needed to find another job. A real one. No more working from the coffee shop, no more cats meowing at me all day. It felt like two years of freelancing taught me more than a lifetime of education; however, the thing that stuck with me the most was that I was not capable of managing my own taxes. And self-employment taxes suck.

    I took a break to get some time to myself before pursuing my next venture. A game came out that I really liked. After playing it for a few days, I wanted to fix one thing about it, so I wrote a small mod, in C# (Unity). It took days. I was so confused because here I had learned so much about PHP that I couldn't understand how I couldn't understand what the hell was happening as hundreds of lines became thousands. All of the assumptions that PHP forced me to make about code were gone, and all that was there was verboseness. Everytime I made a change, the editor screamed at me immediately. But that's definitely a string, I thought, what the *** is a "char"?. On top of that, the compiler wasn't working. There were references to system dlls that just weren't compatible, and it was absolute madness.

    I thought on it a few days, and returned. Eventually, I figured out how to fix all these references, and I wrote a few hundred lines of code that worked. During my last enterprise project I had re-learned PHP from an object-oriented perspective, or at least as OOPHP as I could since it was pre-PHP7. But this was something else. This was OOP from the ground up, and I started to recognize all of the ways that PHP and JavaScript can be written to work, but are completely non-sensical. You never know that anything is anything, and you never know what dependencies PHP itself is using. You just assume you're going to call your own functions correctly, pass the right parameters to PHP's functions, and if you don't, you assume it will break your website. These are the assumptions that .Net and Java don't allow you to make.

    Once you know the object type that you are looking for, and how to use it, static type checking will make sure that your code works. All these objects comes from a dependency graph comprised of native functions, .net framework functions, and other compiled DLLs. I get it now. I think. I was ultimately able to trim a lot of my PHP-style type checking code away, and that mod still works today, through update after update, even with all the DLCs that have dropped over the years. That would definitely not be the case with PHP.

    A few days later, and I saw a post on Reddit for a job. It wanted WordPress, JavaScript, SQL, and C#. I wasn't even looking for a job yet, but I thought to myself it had to be a sign. I applied, got the job, and jumped right into working on legacy .net projects and WordPress projects built by .net developers. A year passed, and I learned .net on the surface level, got into the habit of coding to interfaces, learned some core concepts like dependency injection, and started to feel like a real developer. Sure, I didn't know exactly how IIS worked or how .net fit into the server paradigm itself, but I knew how to configure it. At the same time, I created for the company a local development framework built on Docker and a starter WordPress framework to be reused for clients. I started cleaning up the previous devs' WP to make it more WP-like, and less like a legacy .Net. I started cleaning up my own .Net code to make it more .Net-like and less like WP. I learned to respect the boundaries and the use cases for each. Over time, I got to flex my muscles redesigning databases, SQL Server, SQLite and MySQL, and learning many deep concepts. Tons of front-end refactoring and foundation-building, though I won't go into that here. We moved one of our applications to the cloud, dealt with the enormous headaches that it caused, and our codebase became all the better for it. Cloud stuff, that's the derogatory name I've come up with for dealing with the parts of a project that have to do with inter-microservice dependency issues. "What's wrong? Long day at work?" "Ugh, cloud stuff."

    Another year passed, and then it happened. We built a project in .Net Core. Actually, we built multiple .Net Core projects, all in the same solution, sharing the same codebase, from the ground up. Multiple Websites, multiple background tasks, data ingestion pipeline, the works. Part of it had to work with our local filesystems to develop locally, the other part of it had to work in the cloud after deployment. Different entrypoints for different environments. Each with its own Main. And that's when it happened. All those years went by, and I finally reached every computer science student's first day of college programming classes, the equivalent of the Java "Hello World". I didn't build any of the other apps from the ground up, I always added to already created work, but now I understood.

    And that is how I came to realize that if I started today, I would start in .Net Core. Not because I think it is the best language, because I still choose PHP and WordPress (don't shoot me) for projects. .Net Core, by convention, encourages you to use all of the best practices. From the very first lines, you explicitly tell .Net Core how to build the web server or console application itself, nothing is done without your request. You configure it, not by finding objects that already exist in the system and configuring them, but by creating instances of them and passing them to a service container that you create, or that you tell the webserver to create. And (I'm sure there are exceptions) almost every single object comes from a service that you have specifically registered with this container, one of those services have created, or you created yourself in code.

    Moving from .Net Framework to .Net Core, I finally have an understanding of what it is to be a server. By default, a .net core console application being used with a webserver means:

    WebHost.CreateDefaultBuilder(args) .UseStartup<Startup>() .Build() .Run(); // this doesn't complete until the server/application stops

    In Startup, a class created by you, you explicitly build a list of dependencies and incorporate them into the service container. If you don't do it, it's not there -- there is no magic. And because there is no magic, learning Asp.Net Core Deeply means you're armed with that information no matter what language you are coding in. Because you have a more thorough understanding of how a Server itself can be created, you're going to know the questions to ask when faced with common problems. How do I access an object across requests? How to I persist to cache? All of this information applies to tons of other languages, and I feel that it has personally prepared me to jump into any project at any time and be able to react to anything.

    The craziest part of all, it's all open source (except the debug console, which you can only run in VS, VS Code, etc), and the documentation that explains all of these topics is all right on MS's own website. It's something that I really wish I had when I first started programming, because it very clearly goes through really complicated topics that baffled me for years, and shows you how to implement them in one of the most fully-featured languages I've ever seen, using techniques that can be applied to any language you encounter in the future even if MS shuts down tomorrow.

    If you're looking for to learn or refresh your knowledge on programming console applications and websites, from the ground up, I highly recommend reading through the documentation for .Net Core 2.1, and reading along with their eShopOnContainers / eShopOnWeb projects where applicable, then exploring those projects deeply.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    submitted by /u/ministerling
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    How do you guys handle continuous SVG background ?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2018 06:43 AM PST

    Hi guys, im wondering how do you guys handle a continuous background going from section to section such as this or this ? What is the best approach or tutorial on this topic ?

    submitted by /u/yomamen
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    Enhance Your Website with Data-Driven Features – DataDrivenJS

    Posted: 21 Nov 2018 06:41 AM PST

    Are there websites to find collaborators?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2018 12:10 PM PST

    I used to frequent www.collabfinder.com but the site wasn't maintained and it's gone now. Are there other similar websites that connects collaborators?

    submitted by /u/feelosophy13
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    I have a $5000 educational stipend through work that must be used by EOY. What are the best books, courses, resources, etc you’d recommend to improve as a developer?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2018 12:49 PM PST

    What resources helped you the most as a beginner to intermediate developer?

    I'm looking for stuff in the realm of web dev, front End, JavaScript, JS Libraries, design, fundamental coding principles, etc.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/ShadowFox116
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    What's the best way to plan a database structure for larger projects?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2018 04:40 AM PST

    I'm comfortable using SQL databases, but I've never really been involved in creating one for a project that requires more than just a few tables and simple relationships.

    For my next hobby project, I want to build a text-based RPG. The interface and for functionality should be fairly straightforward, but I'm anticipating having to handle a lot more data than I'm use to.

    What's the best way to learn how to plan my database in advance, rather than just incrementally add more tables until it's a clusterfuck. Are there any videos they explain best practices that I can watch?

    I'm planning on using PostgreSQL, but the same principles should be applicable from MySQL or other SQL tutorials.

    submitted by /u/DJ_Beardsquirt
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    Mostly a Java and C++ dev, now I am trying to use React

    Posted: 21 Nov 2018 09:24 AM PST

    Basically, I've been coding with Java, C#, C++ for about 3 years now. I've used Node.js only a few times. Right now, I am trying to make a project off of Ethereum (with DAPPs and Solidity). The frontend portion is uses React, where I am trying to connect to IPFS which is the main reason I'm using it.

    I'm starting to think, I should dial back and try and make a few webpages with React before really diving deep into my project. I sometimes get errors and don't know why they are occurring though they look identical to other examples.

    A couple questions and feel free to add comments:

    1) How long do you think someone like me can pick up React to a competent level where I can at least attempt to debug my programs adequately?

    2) Is it probably a good idea to just study React first before I continue with my project?

    P.S. I have at least a few months booked on this project entirely, so I can spend at least a few weeks to learn React full time to get up and going

    submitted by /u/sterling729
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    My plugin got re-branded without my consent and sold on JVZoo

    Posted: 21 Nov 2018 12:45 AM PST

    I sell plugins on CodeCanyon. One of my plugins (Newsomatic) was rebranded and sold on JVZoo without my consent, under the name NewsBuilder. It generated lots of sales, because the guy that made it had a large affiliate network.

    Rebranded plugin: https://newsbuilder.io/

    My plugin: https://codecanyon.net/item/newsomatic-automatic-news-post-generator-plugin-for-wordpress/20039739

    What do you think of this? Is this nice from his part? :\

    submitted by /u/coderevolution
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    When did you switch to backend development after realizing front end was not for you?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2018 10:30 PM PST

    Share your stories!

    submitted by /u/lovesocialmedia
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    Why cPanel never evolved as a platform?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2018 01:55 AM PST

    Many web hosting companies are using cPanel as their core server/application management platform. When I first used it almost 5 to 6 years ago, it hasn't much evolved interms of convenience, flexibility, features, automation of different processes, interface etc.

    What is the reason behind it?

    Second, what are some alternatives to cPanel (companies) which has tried to do incremental innovation to cash-on to this opportunity? I see Plesk, Cloudways, Flywheel?

    submitted by /u/technerdd
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    Kind of a debugger

    Posted: 21 Nov 2018 04:06 PM PST

    So I was thinking today, every programming language has a debugger, html isn't a debugger I know but, when I was learning it used to happen that I had tags that were not closed, or lines that I deleted and forgot to delete one or more closing tags, or it would just miss my sight, and it still happens, and I've seen it on other websites as well. Why not create a "debugger" to that and more obviously. It would tell us if there were missing tags etc and the line. What are your thoughts about this?

    submitted by /u/BernardoPiedade
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    Cloud storage on own server?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2018 03:53 PM PST

    It's so hard to find what I'm looking for because of the obvious results on Google take me to Drive, Dropbox and a host of others.

    Basically, I want to have a solution on my own web servers that allows me to upload and store my files. With folders and web view previews of the files. Sorting, deleting and management of said files too.

    Is there anything open source out there that I can install on my web server that has prebuilt functionality and an interface?

    submitted by /u/ProinsiasM
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    Bug: Safari’s default <audio>/<video> controls blocked when applying a Content-Security-Policy

    Posted: 21 Nov 2018 06:58 AM PST

    Please tell me if this project is doable?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2018 03:15 PM PST

    My company has given requirements for their website which I am not sure are possible.
    Our product line requires the customers to contact us with dimensions of a space, company information and a place to upload their logo, then go through a multi-staged ordering and support process.
    The site should redirect users to a different layout, based on what stage they are in the product process, in a way that they can log in and track the stages of their "journey".
    The stages they should track would be:
    1. fill out an order form
    2. wait for us to send proposal
    3. upload logo and wait for feedback
    4. submit order (with tracking)
    5. fill out form to plan schedule on-site product training
    Essentially, we want the user to log in and be greeted with a "here's what you have to do next" and "here is where you are now in the journey" and "this is what you can expect next".
    We want to use Jira to log project details, and Hubspot to tie-in user information from there and call tracking information from Kixie.
    Lastly, we need to assign account numbers automatically that have different levels of assignment; By that I mean, we have a DEALER number (XXX), COMPANY number (XXXXX) and AGENT number (XXXXXX) in a format that is XXX-XXXXX-XXXXXX. If we want to add a new AGENT, we just need to generate the last 6 digits, because we already have an assigned DEALER and COMPANY.
    How would our database even know that?
    What if an agent quits and we want to reassign that number?
    What if a COMPANY wants to log in and add a new AGENT?
    How do we avoid duplicates?
    Perhaps this is not the right subreddit for seeking this advice, but I'd be happy to be pointed in the right direction.

    submitted by /u/Stanleeallen
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    How to design a page like that of google's open source projects page?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2018 03:09 PM PST

    Web Architecture Explained

    Posted: 21 Nov 2018 03:05 PM PST

    Okay, I'm trying to sort out all these buzzwords in web programming, but it gets more confusing the more I read about it.
    The buzzwords that I'm trying to understand and how they are connected (the architecture) are:

    • web server machine
    • web server (software)
    • application server
    • web application
    • servlet container

    I'm starting out in Spring (and Spring Boot), so it would be wonderful if any of you'd like to explain the differences between these buzzwords in that context.

    Which runs in which (example: does the web app run on the web server or in the servlet container?)

    Why is Tomcat called a server in one place, but container in other?

    submitted by /u/starzmustdie
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    Can't open my website, but others can

    Posted: 21 Nov 2018 02:44 PM PST

    Guys i cant open my website drensylejmani.com asked my friends to try and they open website and it works fine

    submitted by /u/Drencsgo
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    Do I need to work for a company before I can go freelance?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2018 03:53 AM PST

    The issue is employers may not take seriously some of the free courses and even some of the paid courses.

    submitted by /u/BoredRebel
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    robots_ssl.txt is blocking Google from indexing the website (BigCommerce)

    Posted: 21 Nov 2018 02:12 PM PST

    I keep getting errors that Google can't crawl and index the website due to the robots_ssl.txt having the following code:

    User-agent: *

    Disallow: /

    I have gone into the backend and that code is not there. Is there a way to fix this?

    submitted by /u/hanbrolo3234
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    Why Browsers Download Stylesheets With Non-Matching Media Queries

    Posted: 21 Nov 2018 02:03 PM PST

    Security recommendations for hosting on AWS

    Posted: 21 Nov 2018 01:47 PM PST

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