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    Coding on a phone? Ask Programming

    Coding on a phone? Ask Programming

    Coding on a phone?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 09:10 PM PST

    I'm spending many hours pinned under a sleeping baby these days and am running perilously low on internet left to read. I'd like to practice programming koans or something, but the online editors/IDEs are obviously not optimal for left-thumb programming.

    So has anyone seen any interesting interfaces/languages for programming on a phone? It can be mainstream or esoteric (trying Kona in termux and PicoLisp currently), but I'd prefer no childish scratch-like languages.

    submitted by /u/ProfessorImprobable
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    What's your favorite IDE and why?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 06:26 AM PST

    Need help finding a set of characters in a String, in Java

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 09:21 PM PST

    For example, if I have a String = "90 <S> = My homework is <rl> late because <reason>."

    I need to be able to find all the places where a set <> comes up. In the case of the string I gave above, it would be: <S>, <rl>, and <reason> that I would need to find. I have tried using the split() method in java but I am having trouble creating a regex that works in this case. I am also open to any other way of approaching this problem

    submitted by /u/dameatballman07
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    Remove Subtrees Help [Java]

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 08:54 PM PST

    The problem I'm trying to solve is that given a binary tree, remove subtree which has the same value as the parameter value passed. Here's my code but I don't believe it works as the altered tree is the exact same as the original tree.


    Thank you for your help!

    submitted by /u/codereviewpls
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    What is the difference between HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 08:22 PM PST

    Are those different programming languages?

    From what I can tell. all 3 are needed to develop a website, but I can't tell what are their functions. Are HTML5 and CSS3 used for designing the web and JavaScript for "making things work"?

    I'm really new to this and would love to know at least a basic difference, before I give web dev a chance.

    submitted by /u/GrewUpaFKNScrewUp
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    What do the letter variables mean (i,j,k etc, and K )

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 01:18 PM PST

    I think it has to do with arrays, Im pretty sure lower case i j k are for the arrays and to keep track of them... what does capital K mean?

    submitted by /u/Jeezylike2Smoke
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    C++ declaring a function issue

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 03:29 PM PST

    Hello, let's say I have this code.

    Class A{

    void function(A arr[]){

    // some code



    int main(){

    A arr[100];

    function(arr); // This gives error


    Now I know that in c++ we declare functions before we use them, however if I declare the function on top of the file like so

    void function(A arr[]);

    it gives me an error that 'A' was not declared in this scope. This makes sense as the function declaration is at the start of the file, so it has yet to know you have a class A. However I tried declaring the function after the class, but it gives me more errors. Is there a way around this ?

    submitted by /u/HiImLeanz
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    Big O help: recursive fibonacci in for loop

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 05:03 PM PST


    This question is off of cracking the coding interview Big O example 14. I can't follow the author's solution for the problem and I would be grateful if someone here can help me out!

    Q: What is the time complexity of the following code snippet?

    // The following code prints all the fibonacci numbers from 0 to n void allFib(int n) { for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) { System.out.println(i + ": " + fib(i)); } } int fib(int n) { if(n <= 0) return 0; if(n == 1) return 1; return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2); } 

    My gut instinct was to answer O(n * 2n) because its a forloop calling a recursive function each iteration but at a closer look the number being fed to the fib function changes each iteration. I then changed the variables to O(n * 2a) so I could keep track of the difference visually. But from here I have no idea how to proceed. Any help or guidance would be much appreciated! Thank you :)

    submitted by /u/rawr3mmadinosaur
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    Random number generation using Pi?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 01:14 PM PST

    Is this a thing? It's an idea I just had, you seed the RNG with a digit position in Pi, then the random sequence is just the progression from that digit.

    Seems too obvious to not be a thing but I've never heard of it.

    submitted by /u/ChaChaChaChassy
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    Can you run FakeApp on Amazon Web Services?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 08:34 PM PST

    I'm obviously not using it for porn (lol) but I won't be able to afford a GPU for a while. Anyone had experience with GPU-accelerated amazon web services?

    submitted by /u/mattbros
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    Hive question: how to suppress permissions based exceptions?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 10:44 AM PST

    Hi all. Long story short, I have some code that iterates through tables and pulls metadata, but when it hits a table I don't have permissions for, it kills the process. I need it to just ingore the exception and continue... any ideas?

    I have already tried

    --hiveconf hive.cli.error.ignore=true

    but seeing as the issue is a permissions exception and not an error, it doesn't apply to my situation.

    Thanks for any suggestions you may have!

    submitted by /u/JediWithBenefits
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    How common is it to use the master branch as a development branch?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 09:58 AM PST

    I've only worked at one company so far, and we use master as our dev branch and a separate branch for production. This has seemed weird to me, since linguistically, "master" and "production" are effectively synonyms in this context.

    submitted by /u/dead10ck
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    How to require the class Generic Type to be Comparable

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 03:28 PM PST

    For example:

    public class SignalSender<Key extends Comparable<Key>, Type> 

    I need the Key to be restricted to some kind of Comparable type, because I will be using Collections.sort() on that. However, my current solution doesn't seem to work. Do I need to implement the Comparable interface, and override the compareTo() method?

    EDIT: Language is Java


    submitted by /u/CircleCircleHimself
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    Recommendations for a good work laptop?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 03:20 PM PST

    Just wondering if anyone had any recommendations for a work laptop. I was given a temporary one at work and told to suggest one that I might like.


    HDMI Out,

    Good Battery Life

    No Numpad (Bigger Keyboard)


    Decently Large Screen,

    Powerful enough to run large SQL queries and multiple Remote desktop connections, etc.

    I'm really not too picky but my temporary laptop has a nubbin mouse and it's literally the worst thing in the world. Just wondering if anyone else has used a laptop that they LOVE. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/McCheah
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    XCode - Open Terminal and Run Shell Script By Pressing Button - HELP!

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 02:23 PM PST

    I wouldn't be asking this if I hadn't needed to spend literally 6 hours scouring the vast internet for an answer. Just like the title, I want to create a simple Mac OSx Application that when you click a button in the GUI window, it opens terminal on the computer and runs a shell script that is contained in a .bash file that is part of the application bundle. Is there ANY possible way of doing this?!? XCode is using SWIFT programming language, if you guys don't know. I have tried so many things in XCode to get it to work with no success. I know there are "Build Phases" you can make to call files, but haven't had success with those either. I have deduced that if I can call the file as a target when the button is pressed, it could launch Terminal and run the script. But I don't know. PLEASE HELP! If it's impossible, let me know so I can stop stressing! Thanks!

    UPDATE #1: Just thought of this. I could program the button to open the script file in the application directory and write the script to be executable. Let me know your thoughts and suggestions on how to do it in SWIFT.

    submitted by /u/austinwilcox555
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    Question for Programmers(no actual programming)

    Posted: 28 Nov 2018 11:56 PM PST

    Hi guys

    So basically I have been avoiding learning programming throughout my entire undergrad. I've never spent time working on it and I've decided that I'm going to fix this. I have an average understanding of the theory behind programming, such as how they move data and such, and I don't have any particular difficulty reading programming. I have some theoretical experience with python, java, c++ and some other languages.

    Now the part where you go ugh. So I've always rather spent my times studying for tests and avoiding projects and for this reason I have very little experience with actually programming. I struggle to solve a problem when I'm faced with it. I feel this is due to my lack of experience. How would you guys recommend I fix this? What's the best way to gain experience and insight?

    submitted by /u/benchairpero
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    What language will you use for this kind of problem?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 12:36 PM PST

    Hello everyone, I am very new to this programming thing. But I want to learn, and I started to make a website, to help me learn. But now I want to make this inventory sort of thing. Where people inter som pre-defined information into the website and based on the information the user inters, it gives the right answers.

    But I am at a lost on how one would go about this problem, and google is no help, what language would you use and how would you write it?

    I know I am a giant noob, but I hope someone can help me!

    submitted by /u/djdonkeypik
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    Am I falling behind

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 12:24 PM PST

    I am a sophomore in my electrical and computer engineering major. I took computer science courses in my first two semesters, and I am in two right now. So far in college I have avoided learning to code and get deep into any programming assignments. I have been able to get good grades so far, but I am struggling in my csi333 - programming at the software hardware interface. This is the last csi class required for my degree, so am I going to struggle in the rest of my engineering degree if I am not fluent in coding?

    submitted by /u/Vliet00
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    How to explain the whole code-base to a contract developer?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 11:47 AM PST

    I have a fairly large and complex mobile app written in javascript. It has grown to the point that I need to hire other developers to do work for me.

    Maybe I do not know the correct keywords to search for, but is there a good technique to basically explain how the different modules of code all work together from a top level view? Ideally, I would like to create a documentation file that I just hand to the new dev and he can understand how everything works and where to find code. I don't mind going back through my app and tediously describing it (I still remember how all the code works myself), but I do not know how to even go about starting this process or if it is worth the time.


    submitted by /u/watermelon12
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    Emacs vs Vim

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 09:17 AM PST

    So let's start a discussion, I've always used Vim as text editor. What are reasons you guys would choose Vim over Emacs or Emacs over Vim?

    submitted by /u/PowerQ_05
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    How to calculate average Hue of an Uploaded Image in JavaScript without using Canvas

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 09:06 AM PST

    I really want to know if there is any 3rd party library in JavaScript where I can calculate the average Hue of an uploaded image without using canvas. If not a library, is there any method or algorithm in JS to find out the average Hue of an Image? I have gone through some libraries like Colorify.js but not getting the required solution.

    submitted by /u/uditgogoi
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    Dealing with delays and actually delivering or not

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 08:52 AM PST

    Rewrite everything, oh, and one more detail. Or should we actually deliver?

    Early this year I was hired by a friend and his business partner to develop a prototype for an app idea they had.

    As the initial requirements were still quite vague and undefined, and my speciality is more in the backend server software than the app user interface itself, the initial app prototype development dragged on a bit longer than planned for. Now, about a month or two ago, the core prototype functionality started getting pretty much on point to start polishing it up, and we could prepare to get some early real life feedback.

    So we set out to hire some additions to the team, specifically with a speciality in user interface development. And we find some great people.

    However. There's this one guy, let's call him Sam. Shortly after he joined the team's group chat, he says that clearly it's my first app using this framework, and that he'll rewrite everything from scratch.

    Around that time, I was finishing up the essential functionality, and reorganizing and refactoring the prototype so we could iterate quickly on individual parts of the user interface.

    "So there's no point in doing any more work on the current prototype."

    He essentially insults all the decisions I've made, and then suggests alternative solutions for the server side implementation as well. I respect his experience, do actual proper research on what he's suggesting, and end up completely disagreeing with him.

    Turns out he didn't actually look into some of the things he suggested, and he just read somewhere that "everyone's using it" at his favorite tech company. He continues to insist on using his pet database technology, as "it can be used for everything."

    Also turns out he has just as much experience with the framework as I have, just making smaller apps.

    I disagree on the rewrite.

    "It has already been agreed that we will rewrite the app."

    Realized he's been "informing" our business partners about all of his pet technologies, and "informing" them of my "bad" technology choices, behind my back. It's a prototype, but now I have to waste considerable time writing out decision charts that list the actual requirements and pros and cons of all of the alternative choices.

    Anyway. We need to move forward. I let him do his thing. The team start rewriting the app. Sam gets to decide the "architecture" of the app.

    We're another few months in now. I don't think Sam actually looked at the prototype. There's another programmer working on the app, but somehow I rarely hear from him directly. Always relayed messages. Decisions get made in secret so nobody can criticize anyone.

    Our goal is to deliver an early prototype for user feedback from a small group of about ten people.

    Anytime, we finalize a design that fits the minimal functionality requirements, someone adds another significant feature. And another.

    Right now the app does not even have any core functionality working. The prototype still works fine, but isn't pretty.

    The deadline is Tuesday.

    submitted by /u/IMadeAPrototype
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    Advice on Language/resources to automate overtime booking?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 07:55 AM PST

    hey, i work in an amazon warehouse and overtime has been cut recently and I often miss the postings when they go up as they're gone almost instantly. So i was just wondering if it would be possible to automate this? If so could anyone recomend a language and resources I should be looking at? I understand python can be good at this type of thing.

    Here is what the overtime booking site looks like and page source (if it helps) https://imgur.com/a/YtRIRU3

    Appreciate any advice, thanks.

    submitted by /u/shezzgk
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    Have you heard of the CESIL programming language (primarily used in the UK)?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2018 07:26 AM PST

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